Alright man cool games. You're a pretty good zoner, but sadly that's all you have. You need to learn to get close and personal when you need to to rack up damage and learn how to escape from strings when I'm on to you.
Duck hunt was my biggest problem by far, both those custom moves are great and I couldn't get in, I guess I needed som short hop air dodges to get closer but between the gunmen, the barrel and the clay pigeon it was pretty hard for me. I think with a few more games I might've gotten around it, but you kept cycling the characters it was hard for me to adapt to duck hunt after I figured out Megaman. You got some very nice reflected bats with ness, I died like at 40% on one lol was nuts.
Still as I said, you got something really good there with your zoning through projectiles, but you need to work on the other fundamentals of the game, I'd recommend picking some non projectile characters for a bit so you could get a hang off some strategies, and not little Mac because he also teaches bad habits and doesn't let you learn recovery.
Still had fun, I even got a little pissed off at times lol but I'd laugh it off whenever a silly thing happened.