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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U |OT2| Only Game Where You Can Beat Up The Duck Hunt Dog

Great games Cyberman! Shame we couldn't do more!

Your Sonic's tough as nails, as I remember, and that fire custom only makes it worse haha. But still, lots of close games! Thanks for playing!

If I'm still on, I'd gladly do more!


Alright man, good games. I hate fucking Yoshi and I had fun playing yours. Can't believe I got hit by so many eggs, was having a hard time getting through them. But good use of poking attacks and hard hitting up smashes. Didn't see you use much of fsmash and dtilt which are pretty good attacks in my opinion.

Cool stuff, I'm getting really bad with pit because I've been neglecting him and that sucks. Oh well

Hahaha I've tried to add a few new tools to my Yoshi arsenal, like more use of Egg Lay and some setups to land Yoshi Bombs. I actually intend to use Fsmash more but for some reason I keep getting tilts ;_;

Your Samus is very good, even better than before. The customs are a pain in the ass. With Yoshi it was almost impossible to approach because of those stupid slow missiles. The R.O.B./Samus matches were surprisingly even. I guess the very long range projectiles helped me a lot.

Your Pit is fine, although I really hate Pit. That recovery is just insane and he has so much range. I could beat him with Yoshi but my other characters had no chance.

EDIT: And yeah, connection was smooth most of the time. It was cool! That match were I killed myself when I was about to win was hilarious. I couldn't help but suicide for some reason haha.


Stop abusing my grab is so horrible I don't wanna commit to being spot dodged lol

And who thought giving Megaman a reflector was a good idea *salty*
Stop abusing my grab is so horrible I don't wanna commit to being spot dodged lol

And who thought giving Megaman a reflector was a good idea *salty*

It makes this matchup at least 100% less stressful :)

Well, the startup on it makes you have to predict somewhat, especially the charge shot.

Edit: and I didn't mean it makes it easy!


It makes this matchup at least 100% less stressful :)
I'm frustrated because I can't deal with your air dodges and to a lesser degree your rolls, there's gotta be something I'm not seeing and I'm getting read because I'm on the defensive the whole match

Oh don't worry I'm having a blast!

There's like a baby fly flying around making me crazy though lol

At the very least shots can get through the reflector if you're lucky because allowing one to move like that with it is insane

I swear to god that if I lost that match I would've cried myself to sleep tonight


Yeah, that was down to the wire ;;

Yeah not sure about that one.
Hehe shhh stop announcing the world your kicking my ass!

And to be fair to that reflector that scammed you, earlier I pressed b and instead hit a and a neutral air whiffed you when it was a shot

Yes I'm a total pussy and ran away for 20 seconds lol


Junior Member
Looks like The Legendary Star-Lord is headed to Aftershock with Sonic, Shulk, Robin, & the newest member of my core guard, Mega Man.


Well this ended up being a big post. There's a lot of complaining in it. Know that you invited this on yourself Karst :p

You know, we both play the heaviest character in the game. A character of the grappler archetype. Patience and reads are the name of our game. Customs might force us to be a little more patient, but that is all that changes.

I suppose I'm just not finding myself all that patient lately. I'm sick of getting hit, really. Sick of many characters seemingly getting a free 0-60+ on me, then having every attack send me so far out that the rest of my stock becomes the "how am I getting off the ledge this time?" game. Nintendo should be sending me a ledge plushie given how much time I spend holding it virtually... To use the example of Iron Tager from Blazblue again, while he is definitely a character that has to be patient, he is always proactively working his way towards his opponent, using the space between their attacks and the guaranteed invincibility of certain moves to move towards that goal all the time. And when you get there, the reward is oh so sweet. With Bowser, my patience is rewarded with chip damage from any number of projectiles and fast attacks, I get one punish in (jabs, fortress, klaw, even Bowser bomb occasionally) and I'm generally back to neutral where I started. If my opponent underestimates me, maybe I get a fair, or punish their roll recovery. It's as if Tager got to his opponent, hit them a single time for maybe 1/6 of their life bar and then went all the way back to his side. Tager needs 2-3 good opportunities to win a match. Bowser needs 6+ per stock. I think I'll be less frustrated if I take a small break.

I don't think we have any 3-7 matchups. I have never felt entirely shafted as Bowser. Any character, and I feel entirely able to take him or her out with good reads. The good reads part can be frustrating, but that is how Bowser is designed. If you hate having to make good reads, this game has a solid selection of characters with safe and aggressive neutral games.

Palutena with customs just means you need to be more mindful of your spacing and options. Super Speed is probably the best move in the game, and you need to go in hard whenever it is on cool down. It does need space to be effective, so if you stay on top of Palutena, it isn't much of a factor.

I was having a lot of trouble even being close to Palutena. Unblockable explosive flame at midrange, jab that clanks or outprioritizes everything Bowser has outside of flame breath, and smashes that when whiffed have a windbox to give her time to recover. The short hop dodge cancel crossup game works in her favor, as her speed makes it hard to judge which side I'll be landing on and down smash covers all options, making the only safe option a fortress. Which I should have been doing more.

One character archetype that Smash has a lot of is characters that benefit from time to themselves. Activated specials on timers, specials that charge for later use, and cyclable moves are all factors here. If you give these characters space, you are hurting yourself. These matchups are Bowser's hardest, because he is not good at applying safe pressure. It just isn't his game. Against these characters, Bowser has to take more risks than he otherwise would, because he needs to pressure these characters, but doesn't have great tools to stay on them consistently.

See my frustrations earlier in this post. Regarding approaches, this is a case where playing for glory matches is a detriment, approach options like short hopped fairs work way too often there and their success in that arena leads to punishes when I fight better players. I'll see about cutting out the SH fairs, but in the end there are no safe approaches.

It is healthy to recognize the limitations of your character, and what he struggles with. Customs can make your more frustrating matchups worse, but that is to be expected. Everyone gets better with customs. Some get better than others. Palutena is honestly not even in my top 5 most frustrating matchups for Bowser. If you want, save a replay next time and we can analyze your match together. Also, Super Speed has a startup time that is not insignificant. You should be able to consistently react to it.

Give me this top 5 list, you tease... I'd be more interested in analyzing good Bowser matches than my shitty ones. Wish there were more good Bowsers getting on streams... If the vids from the tournament you went to get posted please let me know.

My reaction time is shit, unfortunately. Went here and did some testing. Depending on how well my best of 5 tries goes with that site, I fall between 33-41 percentile in reaction speed. Usually somewhere a little under 300 ms. Add internet and tv lag to that and yes, I legitimately don't raise my shield in time to block certain fast moves sometimes. direct_quote hit me with super speed from half way across the stage a number of times. Each time I think I hit the button in time, obviously the game doesn't think so. Same thing happens to me when recovering, I see the person going to gimp/hit me, time my airdodge... and get hit before it happens. I'm thinking about taking my Wii U over to a CRT tv I have to see if it's really me or my tv... I appreciate your trying to reason with me here. It's just the cumulative effect of getting hit before I react, or getting hit when I think I reacted appropriately, and the ledge game I mentioned earlier taking its toll on me at the moment. It's that feeling of helplessness that really takes the fight out of me. I've never felt so out of control in a Smash game, or any competitive game. Every game I flub inputs:

-dash instead of walk
-a dsmash instead of dtilt
-a buffered dair SD instead of dtilt because an opponent's body or attack pushed/hit me off the stage.
-a spotdodge or roll instead of an OOS attack
-dash attack instead of up smash
-hit slightly off the ground before fortress comes out, go helplessly straight up
-jump off to edgeguard, SD because I realize too late I accidentally used the second jump when I jumped off stage. Because our second jump animation is nearly the exact same as the first. Most other characters do fancy flips on their second jumps, Bowser's jumps both look the same. I play without music on and I don't even notice the different sound effect or the little thing under his feet most of the time, let alone in a tournament where I can't hear anything.

Butterfingers?! Only in this game.

Is this your first time playing a fighting game seriously?

I went to a college Smash Bros. Brawl tournament once... Won the doubles tournament with my roommate, got beaten in singles. Think I was using Lucas at the time. I've always been of a competitive nature, but this is the first time that I've gone to multiple tournaments, played it seriously online, watched streams etc. I think I was just starving for a fighting game I could play online. The glory days of Melee/Brawl, Soul Calibur 2, DOA 4 and Blazblue are all behind me... I was probably only ever really good at Soul Calibur 2, of that list. Probably an average player in everything else. My friends circle is generally not very good at games, and they don't own them themselves. I've had friends try to be competitive against me and eventually give up in various games. With most of them living an hour away and barely playing games anymore, the competitive community is all I have, and it's obviously at a much higher level than I ever dealt with in my prime years.

I've been playing nothing but Smash since November. When I'm not playing, I'm watching streams or reading things about it. I'm halfway through Bayonetta 2 and I'd love to finish it, but I've been consumed with smash 4 in a way that's unusual for me. But at some point, I've have to accept that I'm not winning anything, I'm not even the best Bowser player I know. I don't play this game to place 17th in a local tournament when half the best players in the region aren't even there. If I can't cut it, I'm eventually going to have to let it go.

Edit: here is a matchup that becomes significantly more difficult with customs:

I had a couple matches with FSLink where he used that, IIRC. Yeah, it's pretty crazy. Like Zero's friend said, I didn't know what to do about it. Now I'd at least put on the fire shot custom I guess.

It's likely due to bad DI. Are you DI'ing away from Sheik or towards the stage?

In that case I have no idea what I was doing (it wasn't "in place" as I described, but that doesn't matter), but regardless of a string being a true combo, when you're being held just above the ground your only options in this game are to keep getting hit or air dodge, hit the ground and keep getting hit. Really doubt DI'ing down would have helped in that situation. Talking to that player afterwards, he was saying when it comes to Sheik's fair combos, DI'ing doesn't help. I will think about DI'ing down when I'm being combo'd in the future though... Karsticles has talked about wanting to get together certain data... what I want access to is data on which way to best DI out of each characters' generic combo strings. Everyone knows what direction to DI when Diddy throws you, it's been well publicized. Other combos and throw combos, not so much.


I just wanted to apologize for completely forgetting to check into Season 2 of Ranbats. It just randomly crossed my mind earlier and I wanted to confirm that I was way too late to do anything about it.

Maybe next time!
Are you done Snacks? GGs, your Falco got me pumped up, and Dark Pit's Electroshock Arm is real annoying to deal with! >.<;;;

Couldn't play for as long as I thought.

I tried to keep going back to Battlefield for practice, but Mario has pretty thorough control of that stage. I just started Dork Pit yesterday, so I still play his ground game too much like Falco. I think I do alright with Electroshock arm, though.

Ah, no worries. Yeah, I noticed I got most of my wins on that stage, definitely something to consider when I have to fight the Mario matchup myself. D: You could've told me if you wanted BF though, I was just picking random.

I have to wonder, what causes people to pick Dark Pit over Pit? This isn't a Mario/Doc situation, and I thought Pit had the better everything like Marth. Is it just character preference like shitty girl Marth?
Couldn't play for as long as I thought.

I tried to keep going back to Battlefield for practice, but Mario has pretty thorough control of that stage. I just started Dork Pit yesterday, so I still play his ground game too much like Falco. I think I do alright with Electroshock arm, though.
I have to wonder, what causes people to pick Dark Pit over Pit? This isn't a Mario/Doc situation, and I thought Pit had the better everything like Marth. Is it just character preference like shitty girl Marth?

Supposedly his knockback is slightly different so he has different setups and combos, but I don't know much about that. But his side B KO's noticeably earlier than Pit's, so it's a nice option instead of running around looking for pivot smash KO's as Pit tends to do.


I just wanted to apologize for completely forgetting to check into Season 2 of Ranbats. It just randomly crossed my mind earlier and I wanted to confirm that I was way too late to do anything about it.

Maybe next time!

I think you're still within the 1 week grace period for the first match, so you should be able to get your match in by this weekend at least.

Edit: Oh you mean you forgot to sign up? Nevermind then.


Alright, just a few more Boney I gots to gets my sleep
Don't even tell me about it. 2 more, you got 1 out of 3 just now lol

Stupid reflector grumble grumble

I really wanna know when the reflector doesn't work, I think it doesn't just after he does the animation summoning it but I'm really testing it out
Don't even tell me about it. 2 more, you got 1 out of 3 just now lol

Stupid reflector grumble grumble

I really wanna know when the reflector doesn't work, I think it doesn't just after he does the animation summoning it but I'm really testing it out

Great stuff Boney, as usual. Lots of fun!

With the reflector, you can definitely catch me while summoning it, it's got a pretty slow start up. I had read that it can't reflect Samus' Charge Shot, but well, we've seen it do it.

Since it's not reflected it a bunch of times, after been up for a little while and just after it started, I think maybe it's when it hits between the skulls or something? Hard to say.

In anycase, thanks for playing! Your Samus is beast mode!

And Cyberman, sorry we didn't get to play again! I'll definitely catch you next time!


Alright tipster, fun games. I really think Megaman is probably one of Samus's harder match ups and that reflector makes it even worse. I did end up doing a lot better around half of the play time and I did some really good stuff when I never let the pressure go. It's just so hard dealing with the projectiles and the air mobility Megaman has along with the air dodges and the aerials. I really need to learn to bait them out. Plus I suck so bad at edgeguarding and that should be one of samus best bets. Still fun games dude, was only gonna stay for 5 matches and we did like 30 lol.
I really love playing you despite me whining so much.

Great stuff Boney, as usual. Lots of fun!

With the reflector, you can definitely catch me while summoning it, it's got a pretty slow start up. I had read that it can't reflect Samus' Charge Shot, but well, we've seen it do it.

Since it's not reflected it a bunch of times, after been up for a little while and just after it started, I think maybe it's when it hits between the skulls or something? Hard to say.

In anycase, thanks for playing! Your Samus is beast mode!

And Cyberman, sorry we didn't get to play again! I'll definitely catch you next time!
Thanks for the compliments, for a few moments I was really on point but I was really struggling against you a lot of the times and it showed. Buff samus pls

Supposedly his knockback is slightly different so he has different setups and combos, but I don't know much about that. But his side B KO's noticeably earlier than Pit's, so it's a nice option instead of running around looking for pivot smash KO's as Pit tends to do.
There's three differences between the pits. First the arrows, in which pit's have a lot more control while dark pit's do a little more damage and they're shorter ranged. Pit's arrows are much much better in my opinion because the damage difference is gonna be offset when you're gonna be landing a lot more of pit's arrows that dark pit's, plus they can gimp opponents so that's always nice.
Second, their arms. Pit's sends straight up whereas dark pit's sends in a 45 degree angle. Here's where it ends up being a matter of preference. Pit's has more consistent kills anywhere on the stage at around 120%, it's a pretty reliable kill move that you can surprise enemies with. At low percents it can also be used to shark opponents, because pit's up air is amazing and them landing back is gonna be hard. Dark pit's is gonna ko earlier when near a ledge, but other than that it's not gonna ko at all. But one might argue that getting them off stage is more beneficial because you can gimp them with fair or bair and you're not gonna be worried of not coming back. I think dark pit's also does a little more damage (13-14 vs pit's 12). Here it's a toss up on what you prefer, but having a reliable kill move is in my opinion better because pit can have trouble koing.
Third and this is the really big one, is ftilt. Pit's has stronger knockback and has a tipper effect for more damage and it can ko opponents pretty nicely at moderate percents. Dark pit's had no tipper effect and the base hit has less knock back that pit's non tipper one. This one is a clear win for pit there's no question about it. It's speculated that it's a programming error that has dark pit work like that but who knows.

So for me pit has the upper hand on all of it's differences, and most people agree about pit having the better specials. Also, the differences between the specials keep applying with customs moves.

Oh dark pit has better taunts, that is true


I learned a ton of Bowser tech from this video:
Match Commentary #18 - ZeRo (Bowser) vs Iori (Diddy Kong): http://youtu.be/Mqq_bP680vs

I'm not really following what Bowser tech was in there. He moves at higher general speed, fastfalls into bairs and fairs often and obviously isn't afraid to chase offstage, but I'm not seeing anything I would call tech... Strategies perhaps. He's being really nice in his comments about Bowser in the video, but he's only talking about that matchup of course. You saw his custom moves showcase for Bowser also, right? With dash slash he thinks Bowser is "borderline viable... kinda." It's nice to at least have a video reference of Bowser customs play, there's very little Bowser content on youtube.

Edit: searching Bowser on his channel brought up this video with the Little Mac matchup, which I wasn't aware of. Some older ones too. While Zero is perhaps the best Smash player in the U.S. right now, he's still kind of a layperson at Bowser, I don't know how valuable his older videos are... Edit 2: he definitely has his bairs down, I need to work on that.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
ZeRo is pretty good but he really shouldn't be throwing out aerial attacks as Bowser all the time honestly. Bowser wants to be on the ground. Not a single Upsmash in that vid either.
Well this ended up being a big post. There's a lot of complaining in it. Know that you invited this on yourself Karst :p
I am ready!

I suppose I'm just not finding myself all that patient lately. I'm sick of getting hit, really. Sick of many characters seemingly getting a free 0-60+ on me, then having every attack send me so far out that the rest of my stock becomes the "how am I getting off the ledge this time?" game. Nintendo should be sending me a ledge plushie given how much time I spend holding it virtually... To use the example of Iron Tager from Blazblue again, while he is definitely a character that has to be patient, he is always proactively working his way towards his opponent, using the space between their attacks and the guaranteed invincibility of certain moves to move towards that goal all the time. And when you get there, the reward is oh so sweet. With Bowser, my patience is rewarded with chip damage from any number of projectiles and fast attacks, I get one punish in (jabs, fortress, klaw, even Bowser bomb occasionally) and I'm generally back to neutral where I started. If my opponent underestimates me, maybe I get a fair, or punish their roll recovery. It's as if Tager got to his opponent, hit them a single time for maybe 1/6 of their life bar and then went all the way back to his side. Tager needs 2-3 good opportunities to win a match. Bowser needs 6+ per stock. I think I'll be less frustrated if I take a small break.
I think Bowser gets in much easier than Tager, though. Jumping against Bowser is basically a bad idea, and that says a lot in this game. You can force your opponent to play YOUR game as Bowser, whereas Tager has to play the opponent's game. Tager struggles so much more than Bowser does. Also, you should develop a sophisticated ledge guard game that gives you a high chance of follow-ups after hitting someone that first time. Even just throwing someone off the ledge should guarantee ~15% damage from Fire Breath as they recover. I've been practicing Bombing to the ledge more, and it has upped my recovery ability a lot.

I would say the difference between Tager and Bowser is this:
Tager: struggles to get up close, but rocks it when he gets in there. Weak defense, has to block a lot and work toward a clean opening.

Bowser: easy for him to get up close, but has to make a good read when he gets in. Amazing defense, and doesn't have to block a lot, since he destroys all offense that pushes itself too far.

I was having a lot of trouble even being close to Palutena. Unblockable explosive flame at midrange, jab that clanks or outprioritizes everything Bowser has outside of flame breath, and smashes that when whiffed have a windbox to give her time to recover. The short hop dodge cancel crossup game works in her favor, as her speed makes it hard to judge which side I'll be landing on and down smash covers all options, making the only safe option a fortress. Which I should have been doing more.
I think this is a case where playing your opponent's character will help you. Explosive Flame has slow startup and recovery. If you see it starting, you can literally run right through the start and punish her. The move is only really safe predictively or as a ledge guard. Palutena's jab clanks with almost everything - it's one of the best jabs in the game. However, Flame Breath beats it, and you can dash in, block a jab, and then Fortress before the next jab starts up. You should still be able to punish her smash attacks when blown away - it doesn't save her (which is lame IMO). You can also shield the windbox.

See my frustrations earlier in this post. Regarding approaches, this is a case where playing for glory matches is a detriment, approach options like short hopped fairs work way too often there and their success in that arena leads to punishes when I fight better players. I'll see about cutting out the SH fairs, but in the end there are no safe approaches.
I play every opponent like they're a grandmaster at the game. You are right that Bowser has no safe approach. However, opponents have no safe approach against him. That's just the kind of game he plays.

Give me this top 5 list, you tease... I'd be more interested in analyzing good Bowser matches than my shitty ones. Wish there were more good Bowsers getting on streams... If the vids from the tournament you went to get posted please let me know.
My top 5 hardest matchups for Bowser (wholly IMO, and not in any order):
Captain Falcon

The only other characters that make me nervous are Rosalina and ZSS. Everyone else feels like a 5-5 matchup at worst, and many characters just get outright stomped by Bowser because they aren't safe enough. Ranged throws are really hard to deal with (Link, Samus) because they mess with Bowser's "stand there and make you pee your pants" strategy in the neutral. Villager's custom sprout is hard to deal with, but without customs he doesn't scare me at all. Captain Falcon is mind-blazingly fast, and he's probably the only character that can get me before I can throw out a poke, and Falcon Kick is a pain in the ass to deal with when throwing pokes out as well. Sheik's offensive game isn't actually that scary to me, but her needles and unfair (that's right, just straight-up unfair) roll make it hard to punish anything she does.

My reaction time is shit, unfortunately. Went here and did some testing. Depending on how well my best of 5 tries goes with that site, I fall between 33-41 percentile in reaction speed. Usually somewhere a little under 300 ms. Add internet and tv lag to that and yes, I legitimately don't raise my shield in time to block certain fast moves sometimes. direct_quote hit me with super speed from half way across the stage a number of times. Each time I think I hit the button in time, obviously the game doesn't think so. Same thing happens to me when recovering, I see the person going to gimp/hit me, time my airdodge... and get hit before it happens. I'm thinking about taking my Wii U over to a CRT tv I have to see if it's really me or my tv... I appreciate your trying to reason with me here. It's just the cumulative effect of getting hit before I react, or getting hit when I think I reacted appropriately, and the ledge game I mentioned earlier taking its toll on me at the moment. It's that feeling of helplessness that really takes the fight out of me. I've never felt so out of control in a Smash game, or any competitive game. Every game I flub inputs:
IMO, what can help reaction time is playing matches where you focus on just one aspect of your gameplay. I will walk into a casual match set and think "this match, I am going to Bowser Bomb the ledge every damn time I'm trying to recover". I might lose more matches than I would normally, but I'm acquiring a new skill.

-dash instead of walk
-a dsmash instead of dtilt
-a buffered dair SD instead of dtilt because an opponent's body or attack pushed/hit me off the stage.
-a spotdodge or roll instead of an OOS attack
-dash attack instead of up smash
-hit slightly off the ground before fortress comes out, go helplessly straight up
-jump off to edgeguard, SD because I realize too late I accidentally used the second jump when I jumped off stage. Because our second jump animation is nearly the exact same as the first. Most other characters do fancy flips on their second jumps, Bowser's jumps both look the same. I play without music on and I don't even notice the different sound effect or the little thing under his feet most of the time, let alone in a tournament where I can't hear anything.

Butterfingers?! Only in this game.
I make most of these execution errors, too. No worries. :) It happens to the best of us. Especially spot dodge OoS. :p

I went to a college Smash Bros. Brawl tournament once... Won the doubles tournament with my roommate, got beaten in singles. Think I was using Lucas at the time. I've always been of a competitive nature, but this is the first time that I've gone to multiple tournaments, played it seriously online, watched streams etc. I think I was just starving for a fighting game I could play online. The glory days of Melee/Brawl, Soul Calibur 2, DOA 4 and Blazblue are all behind me... I was probably only ever really good at Soul Calibur 2, of that list. Probably an average player in everything else. My friends circle is generally not very good at games, and they don't own them themselves. I've had friends try to be competitive against me and eventually give up in various games. With most of them living an hour away and barely playing games anymore, the competitive community is all I have, and it's obviously at a much higher level than I ever dealt with in my prime years.

I've been playing nothing but Smash since November. When I'm not playing, I'm watching streams or reading things about it. I'm halfway through Bayonetta 2 and I'd love to finish it, but I've been consumed with smash 4 in a way that's unusual for me. But at some point, I've have to accept that I'm not winning anything, I'm not even the best Bowser player I know. I don't play this game to place 17th in a local tournament when half the best players in the region aren't even there. If I can't cut it, I'm eventually going to have to let it go.
I guess the question is: are you playing this game to be the best? I'm not playing this game to be the best. I'm playing this game to continually get better and further my skillset. When I play people that beat me, I don't think "last time I lost, this time I must win!" - I think that's a rather absurd expectation to put on yourself. My goal is "last time I didn't handle the matchup right, this time I want to make better decisions". If I can make my opponent sweat even a few times when I was stomped before, then that's my victory.

Taking a break from the game isn't a bad idea, but also, taking a break from Bowser is the best idea. Playing Ganondorf for a week straight opened my eyes to things I had to do with Ganondorf that I was neglecting with Bowser. If you only play one character, you get stuck in a rut and develop bad habits. Breaking bad habits and reformulating your thinking is the key to advancing your play. Thing that can help with this:
1) Creating arbitrary rules for yourself during matches to explore new possibilities ("I won't Fortress at all this match").
2) Watching other people play (ZeRo helped me think of some new stuff just last night).
3) Posting replays and watching/reviewing/asking for feedback.
4) Playing other characters.
5) Taking a break from the game.

I am super happy that I got second place at my tournament this last weekend, because I honestly hadn't touched Bowser for the entire week before that tournament. I did some casuals beforehand that refamiliarized myself with the matchup, but then I went into my matches with fresh eyes, and I did a lot of stuff I've never even thought about doing before. That's the power of taking a break from your character.

I'm not really following what Bowser tech was in there. He moves at higher general speed, fastfalls into bairs and fairs often and obviously isn't afraid to chase offstage, but I'm not seeing anything I would call tech... Strategies perhaps. He's being really nice in his comments about Bowser in the video, but he's only talking about that matchup of course. You saw his custom moves showcase for Bowser also, right? With dash slash he thinks Bowser is "borderline viable... kinda." It's nice to at least have a video reference of Bowser customs play, there's very little Bowser content on youtube.

Edit: searching Bowser on his channel brought up this video with the Little Mac matchup, which I wasn't aware of. Some older ones too. While Zero is perhaps the best Smash player in the U.S. right now, he's still kind of a layperson at Bowser, I don't know how valuable his older videos are... Edit 2: he definitely has his bairs down, I need to work on that.
I loved the attempt at a Fire Breath gimp and how he would jump and fast fall over projectiles so cleanly. His spacing on the run-in shield was perfect, too.

ZeRo is pretty good but he really shouldn't be throwing out aerial attacks as Bowser all the time honestly. Bowser wants to be on the ground. Not a single Upsmash in that vid either.
Aerials for Bowser can work like Dorf's Brawl thunderstomps. They also just generally make the opponent feel intimidated without forcing you to commit. Plus, it keeps Fire Breath as a mix-up. I think empty Fairs here and there are useful from a mindgame perspective.

Tech = technique, which would include approaches to gameplay IMO.

So when are we expecting Mewtwo and tourney mode?
Totally unknown, unfortunately.
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