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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U |OT2| Only Game Where You Can Beat Up The Duck Hunt Dog

A doubles tournament is in the future!

OK guys, I've created a form for the doubles tournament. While I'm still making some final plans, everything's in place for a tournament launch in April if all goes well. :) I can't believe this could be a reality!

Please quote this post for a link to the questionnaire that will not only confirm you're signing up, but will give me some valuable feedback for the final ruleset. Team up and remember to have fun!

Link to questionnaire (quote to see!)

Masked Man

I said wow
A doubles tournament is in the future!

OK guys, I've created a form for the doubles tournament. While I'm still making some final plans, everything's in place for a tournament launch in April if all goes well. :) I can't believe this could be a reality!

Please quote this post for a link to the questionnaire that will not only confirm you're signing up, but will give me some valuable feedback for the final ruleset. Team up and remember to have fun!

Link to questionnaire (quote to see!)

Done! Anyone want to partner up with a Palu/Mac/DH/Ness guy like me? :D
A doubles tournament is in the future!

OK guys, I've created a form for the doubles tournament. While I'm still making some final plans, everything's in place for a tournament launch in April if all goes well. :) I can't believe this could be a reality!

Please quote this post for a link to the questionnaire that will not only confirm you're signing up, but will give me some valuable feedback for the final ruleset. Team up and remember to have fun!

Link to questionnaire (quote to see!)

Thanks for putting it together, sorry I kind of pushed it at you!


First of all, I'm feeling better today. I was obviously feeling a bit cynical/defeated when I wrote my last post. I don't think anything I wrote is necessarily untrue, but I feel a little better about my own abilities after a few hours of for glory matches today, including one against an alright Sheik that finally got me some consistent matchup experience against the character. I've been pulling off some pretty good bairs today, inspired by the Zero videos. I'm making some adjustments and actually I watched Zero's for glory with Bowser video and while it's nothing new, I appreciated that he called out what he was doing at various times, specifically saying "the opponent did this when they recovered, so next time I'll catch them there" kind of stuff. I talked about making terrible reads before, partially because I don't feel like my reaction time is good enough react when something's already happening. So I throw out a move hoping that I predicted right, but I'm usually making a prediction that only covers one out of 3 or more possibilities. Poor odds. I had a series of matches a few days ago where I kept thinking my opponent would jump onstage from the ledge, so I did a short hop fair. It never worked, they never recovered that way, but I kept doing it, and I don't know why. It's true that sometimes one needs to be reminded of basic things. I hate being predictable like that, but in the moment I didn't have any "that didn't work, I'll do this next time" note being taken internally, so I didn't change anything. Anyway I basically called these things out internally like Zero did in his video, and it definitely helped.

I still want my ledge plushie.

I am ready!

I think Bowser gets in much easier than Tager, though. Jumping against Bowser is basically a bad idea, and that says a lot in this game. You can force your opponent to play YOUR game as Bowser, whereas Tager has to play the opponent's game. Tager struggles so much more than Bowser does. Also, you should develop a sophisticated ledge guard game that gives you a high chance of follow-ups after hitting someone that first time. Even just throwing someone off the ledge should guarantee ~15% damage from Fire Breath as they recover. I've been practicing Bombing to the ledge more, and it has upped my recovery ability a lot.

I would say the difference between Tager and Bowser is this:
Tager: struggles to get up close, but rocks it when he gets in there. Weak defense, has to block a lot and work toward a clean opening.

Bowser: easy for him to get up close, but has to make a good read when he gets in. Amazing defense, and doesn't have to block a lot, since he destroys all offense that pushes itself too far.

I bomb to the ledge a lot, and get some kills off it too. Sometimes I still get screwed by momentum carrying me too far, but I'm probably about 75% consistent which is pretty good for me in this game.

I would say you're speaking optimistically here. While getting into comparisons with another character from a different style of fighting game is probably counterproductive at a certain point, I would say that Tager has the better defense given that he can use moves that go through projectiles without taking damage. He also has the biggest life bar in the game. He has to play the other player's game until their magnetized, but his whole design is built to withstand that so it works. With Bowser I don't often feel like I'm forcing my opponent into much besides in the offstage game. If you gave Bowser super armor like Little Mac has on his smashes, he would be approaching Tager's level, maybe.

Bowser's heaviness unfortunately leads to that frustratingly easy 0 to 60+, and while he's being held in the air by a quick opponent he has no aerials that come out fast enough to compete. If they overextend their combo to far, they'll catch a fair at the end of it, but that's all. For all the talk of DI, in the end one has to simply suck it up and say if you're fighting a good enough player and are grabbed, you're going to take at least 50% damage at low percents. That's also what makes it so dangerous when Bowser is a stock down.

I think this is a case where playing your opponent's character will help you. Explosive Flame has slow startup and recovery. If you see it starting, you can literally run right through the start and punish her. The move is only really safe predictively or as a ledge guard. Palutena's jab clanks with almost everything - it's one of the best jabs in the game. However, Flame Breath beats it, and you can dash in, block a jab, and then Fortress before the next jab starts up. You should still be able to punish her smash attacks when blown away - it doesn't save her (which is lame IMO). You can also shield the windbox.

In my experience these things haven't helped. Any jab combo can generally be held as long as the player wants, so It's essentially a wall. Maybe I'm just inexperienced at the matchup. Besides way back when you used Palutena and my recent matches against direct_quote I haven't really met any Palutenas that knew what they were doing. The windbox preventing my punish is a function of my reaction time more than a statement of general truth.

I play every opponent like they're a grandmaster at the game. You are right that Bowser has no safe approach. However, opponents have no safe approach against him. That's just the kind of game he plays.

I get what you're saying, but when you fight people that never air dodge, edgeguarding someone who does is a whole different game. But it's just a matter of adapting on the fly, I'm working on that. I agree besides the ol' Sheik needle or Mega Man buzz saw to throw combos, and ones like it. Those seem pretty safe if the projectile hits. I've remembered your comment about spot dodging after getting hit with MM's buzz saw so as to prevent the grab, but I play so few Mega Mans that I haven't been able to see if that works for me.

My top 5 hardest matchups for Bowser (wholly IMO, and not in any order):
Captain Falcon

The only other characters that make me nervous are Rosalina and ZSS. Everyone else feels like a 5-5 matchup at worst, and many characters just get outright stomped by Bowser because they aren't safe enough. Ranged throws are really hard to deal with (Link, Samus) because they mess with Bowser's "stand there and make you pee your pants" strategy in the neutral. Villager's custom sprout is hard to deal with, but without customs he doesn't scare me at all. Captain Falcon is mind-blazingly fast, and he's probably the only character that can get me before I can throw out a poke, and Falcon Kick is a pain in the ass to deal with when throwing pokes out as well. Sheik's offensive game isn't actually that scary to me, but her needles and unfair (that's right, just straight-up unfair) roll make it hard to punish anything she does.

Once again I think you're being overoptimistic. There are definitely matchups that are 70:30 IMO, some of them are in your top 5. I can't think of a matchup where I walk in and think "this'll be easy." I mean, in for glory if someone uses Wii Fit Trainer, Bowser Jr or Zelda etc it probably won't be too bad, but that's more likely because most good players aren't interested in playing those characters, not because they can't kill Bowser. I wouldn't think to put Samus or Captain Falcon in my list. I mean, getting spiked by CF really sucks, so I can see that being a thing, but... I think this is a case where our top 5's are going to depend more on how good the players we played were. I've had certain people convince me pretty quickly that a character was a terrible matchup for Bowser. For example, outside of Sheik I consider R.O.B. to be one of Bowser's worst matchups. I've met a couple R.O.B.s in my time that played the flowchart style perfectly, and I just got destroyed. The top (which can be caught multiple times after a hit, and useful for edgeguarding), the laser that goes through everything, and his neutral air pretty much shut things down for Bowser. After running the guantlet, ROB's nair beats Bowser's fair and the gauntlet has to be run again. Perhaps you've played a similarly scary Samus, I can't say I have. My no-customs top 5 (no particular order) would probably be:

Sheik (has to be a good player though)
R.O.B. (flowchart style)
Yoshi (dair is ridiculous against Bowser, super armor/egg throw/down b prevent stage control, has attacks that are impossible to punish such as a well spaced fair)

IMO, what can help reaction time is playing matches where you focus on just one aspect of your gameplay. I will walk into a casual match set and think "this match, I am going to Bowser Bomb the ledge every damn time I'm trying to recover". I might lose more matches than I would normally, but I'm acquiring a new skill.

Ha I do that sort of thing too, but usually with more of a "I should do ___ more often" mindset.

I make most of these execution errors, too. No worries. :) It happens to the best of us. Especially spot dodge OoS. :p

It sucks, and because I'm using a 3rd party controller I sometimes wonder if it's me or the controller too :/

I guess the question is: are you playing this game to be the best? I'm not playing this game to be the best. I'm playing this game to continually get better and further my skillset. When I play people that beat me, I don't think "last time I lost, this time I must win!" - I think that's a rather absurd expectation to put on yourself. My goal is "last time I didn't handle the matchup right, this time I want to make better decisions". If I can make my opponent sweat even a few times when I was stomped before, then that's my victory.

Taking a break from the game isn't a bad idea, but also, taking a break from Bowser is the best idea. Playing Ganondorf for a week straight opened my eyes to things I had to do with Ganondorf that I was neglecting with Bowser. If you only play one character, you get stuck in a rut and develop bad habits. Breaking bad habits and reformulating your thinking is the key to advancing your play. Thing that can help with this:
1) Creating arbitrary rules for yourself during matches to explore new possibilities ("I won't Fortress at all this match").
2) Watching other people play (ZeRo helped me think of some new stuff just last night).
3) Posting replays and watching/reviewing/asking for feedback.
4) Playing other characters.
5) Taking a break from the game.

I am super happy that I got second place at my tournament this last weekend, because I honestly hadn't touched Bowser for the entire week before that tournament. I did some casuals beforehand that refamiliarized myself with the matchup, but then I went into my matches with fresh eyes, and I did a lot of stuff I've never even thought about doing before. That's the power of taking a break from your character.

I've spent a lot of my time in multiplayer games being the best. I already have given up on that in Smash 4. Now I'm more interested in simply being the best Bowser. Bizzarro Flame may not win anything, but he's always fun to watch. I suppose that's what I aspire to at this point. But I'm not interested in being a punching bag either. My region is filled with good players using supposedly low tier characters, so I'm not unique in that regard. I'd like to be known for not being shit. At the moment, if anyone knows me it's as the Bowser that got wrecked by Zex or as some guy they talk to occasionally at tournaments. Sometimes I'm not sure I can do better than that... Given how much the game has been in my thoughts it does often feel that I'm banging my head against the wall rather than making progress. A little detachment may be helpful. I'll see how the tournament tomorrow (today technically) goes.

I loved the attempt at a Fire Breath gimp and how he would jump and fast fall over projectiles so cleanly. His spacing on the run-in shield was perfect, too.

Aerials for Bowser can work like Dorf's Brawl thunderstomps. They also just generally make the opponent feel intimidated without forcing you to commit. Plus, it keeps Fire Breath as a mix-up. I think empty Fairs here and there are useful from a mindgame perspective.

Tech = technique, which would include approaches to gameplay IMO.

Yeah I liked that he went for it too. But while there are good things about his Bowser play, it's only by coincidence that he doesn't get punished for all sorts of things. In the Diddy matchup video he throws out laggy attacks multiple times that go unpunished because the Diddy is more interested in getting a banana out or some other silly thing. But like I said at the top of the post, I did find parts of his videos helpful. And I'll gladly take any Bowser content being played by a player that isn't terrible.

At risk of being pedantic, tech in the context you used it usually refers to advanced techniques or technology (Bowser's short hop air dodge cancel is a "tech") or getting up quickly/avoiding stage spikes and such. I think strategy or tactics would be more applicable words for what you were saying there.

Anyway, I'm feeling better and I'm going to try and get back on the Bowser hype train for the moment. Though despite all the positivity in the world, I think he's a mid-tier character and probably mid-low with customs, and there's going to be a certain frustration that comes with that. If I remember, tomorrow I'll ask some of the better players which way they think I should DI to get out of Mario/Luigi/Sheik etc throw combos.


I just wanna mention that whenever I'm racking damage on a bowser I never feel like I'm having a clear win. I can 0 to 40 most of the cast with a dash attack or a grab on bigger characters, racking up damage is simple as Samus, and especially so against Bowser because I can poke him a lot. But the thing is with Bowser, you're never sure of what is gonna happen next, because all the damage you've cause only gave him rage and one good read, either a smash, a good aerial or even a tilt can make you lose a stock, and all the percentage lead is gone, because that's the nature of the game and that's where the concept of high risk high reward comes from. Bowser is gonna soak a lot of damage early on but relative to other characters it's not gonna be so harmful on bowser, while at the same time bowser is gonna punish you and rack up percent with fortress, tilts, jabs and his other specials.

When I'm at 80% as Samus that is also a heavy weight, I'm scared shitless because one bad decision can mean death. And that's a good psychological advantage that any player facing bowser is gonna go up against.

Metal B

Goddammit! I just figured out, that i encountered ZeRo on Glory a few days ago, while i turned the console off. I thought, it could have only been am imposer. Would have been very interesting matches ...

Masked Man

I said wow
In some ways, Palutena and Bowser are playing the same game: poking, waiting for you to slip up so we can punish. As Boney said, though, once we're in the higher percentages, one mistake on our side means certain doom. Bowser, however, has the advantage in that he's harder to launch and enjoys super armor on his powerful Usmash.

...And, if it's any consolation, Palutena also gets juggled mercilessly by Luigi, Sheik, and the gang, so at least you're not alone, lol.
A doubles tournament is in the future!

OK guys, I've created a form for the doubles tournament. While I'm still making some final plans, everything's in place for a tournament launch in April if all goes well. :) I can't believe this could be a reality!

Please quote this post for a link to the questionnaire that will not only confirm you're signing up, but will give me some valuable feedback for the final ruleset. Team up and remember to have fun!

Link to questionnaire (quote to see!)
Filling this out with direct_quote as my partner. Hopefully he still wants to be my double date. ;-)

First of all, I'm feeling better today. I was obviously feeling a bit cynical/defeated when I wrote my last post. I don't think anything I wrote is necessarily untrue, but I feel a little better about my own abilities after a few hours of for glory matches today, including one against an alright Sheik that finally got me some consistent matchup experience against the character. I've been pulling off some pretty good bairs today, inspired by the Zero videos. I'm making some adjustments and actually I watched Zero's for glory with Bowser video and while it's nothing new, I appreciated that he called out what he was doing at various times, specifically saying "the opponent did this when they recovered, so next time I'll catch them there" kind of stuff. I talked about making terrible reads before, partially because I don't feel like my reaction time is good enough react when something's already happening. So I throw out a move hoping that I predicted right, but I'm usually making a prediction that only covers one out of 3 or more possibilities. Poor odds. I had a series of matches a few days ago where I kept thinking my opponent would jump onstage from the ledge, so I did a short hop fair. It never worked, they never recovered that way, but I kept doing it, and I don't know why. It's true that sometimes one needs to be reminded of basic things. I hate being predictable like that, but in the moment I didn't have any "that didn't work, I'll do this next time" note being taken internally, so I didn't change anything. Anyway I basically called these things out internally like Zero did in his video, and it definitely helped.

I still want my ledge plushie.
Your HTML there leads to the "what women want in women characters" blog, haha.

Glad to see you are feeling better.

I bomb to the ledge a lot, and get some kills off it too. Sometimes I still get screwed by momentum carrying me too far, but I'm probably about 75% consistent which is pretty good for me in this game.
I spent 20 minutes bombing the ledge in training mode last night. I want to be perfect at this.

I would say you're speaking optimistically here. While getting into comparisons with another character from a different style of fighting game is probably counterproductive at a certain point, I would say that Tager has the better defense given that he can use moves that go through projectiles without taking damage. He also has the biggest life bar in the game. He has to play the other player's game until their magnetized, but his whole design is built to withstand that so it works. With Bowser I don't often feel like I'm forcing my opponent into much besides in the offstage game. If you gave Bowser super armor like Little Mac has on his smashes, he would be approaching Tager's level, maybe.
Well, the last time I played BB, it was CS, so I may be out of date on his available moves.

Bowser's heaviness unfortunately leads to that frustratingly easy 0 to 60+, and while he's being held in the air by a quick opponent he has no aerials that come out fast enough to compete. If they overextend their combo to far, they'll catch a fair at the end of it, but that's all. For all the talk of DI, in the end one has to simply suck it up and say if you're fighting a good enough player and are grabbed, you're going to take at least 50% damage at low percents. That's also what makes it so dangerous when Bowser is a stock down.
Part of Bowser is understanding that certain things lead to more damage against you than others. For example, Ness gets a good 4 hits off of you from a dthrow at low %. When I play Ness players, I specifically watch out for grabs. I'll take an aerial if I have to, but not a grab, because the damage is so big. You can always choose what kind of punishment you have to take if you have to take punishment on the defense.

In my experience these things haven't helped. Any jab combo can generally be held as long as the player wants, so It's essentially a wall. Maybe I'm just inexperienced at the matchup. Besides way back when you used Palutena and my recent matches against direct_quote I haven't really met any Palutenas that knew what they were doing. The windbox preventing my punish is a function of my reaction time more than a statement of general truth.
Jabs do end eventually, I think. I've tried to mash A as hard as I could for as long as I can as Palutena, and it always ends at some point. Even so, you can do a lot of things if Palutena mashes the jab out:
1) Roll through it.
2) Fire Breath.
3) SHADC through it.
4) Jump on her and dair or bomb.

It's definitely not a good idea from her perspective. Also, I think I have a pretty sick setup off of a SHADC with customs. Use the Dash Slam, SHADC through someone, and when you Dash Slam, it will catch shields and back dashes. People usually don't roll through Bowser on the SHADC. I am going to try playing with Dash Slam some this next week.

I get what you're saying, but when you fight people that never air dodge, edgeguarding someone who does is a whole different game. But it's just a matter of adapting on the fly, I'm working on that. I agree besides the ol' Sheik needle or Mega Man buzz saw to throw combos, and ones like it. Those seem pretty safe if the projectile hits. I've remembered your comment about spot dodging after getting hit with MM's buzz saw so as to prevent the grab, but I play so few Mega Mans that I haven't been able to see if that works for me.
Play Tipster a lot!

Once again I think you're being overoptimistic. There are definitely matchups that are 70:30 IMO, some of them are in your top 5. I can't think of a matchup where I walk in and think "this'll be easy." I mean, in for glory if someone uses Wii Fit Trainer, Bowser Jr or Zelda etc it probably won't be too bad, but that's more likely because most good players aren't interested in playing those characters, not because they can't kill Bowser. I wouldn't think to put Samus or Captain Falcon in my list. I mean, getting spiked by CF really sucks, so I can see that being a thing, but... I think this is a case where our top 5's are going to depend more on how good the players we played were. I've had certain people convince me pretty quickly that a character was a terrible matchup for Bowser. For example, outside of Sheik I consider R.O.B. to be one of Bowser's worst matchups. I've met a couple R.O.B.s in my time that played the flowchart style perfectly, and I just got destroyed. The top (which can be caught multiple times after a hit, and useful for edgeguarding), the laser that goes through everything, and his neutral air pretty much shut things down for Bowser. After running the guantlet, ROB's nair beats Bowser's fair and the gauntlet has to be run again. Perhaps you've played a similarly scary Samus, I can't say I have. My no-customs top 5 (no particular order) would probably be:

Sheik (has to be a good player though)
R.O.B. (flowchart style)
Yoshi (dair is ridiculous against Bowser, super armor/egg throw/down b prevent stage control, has attacks that are impossible to punish such as a well spaced fair)
I've honestly never had trouble against a Yoshi. He's pretty easy to deal with in my experience. Dair is punishable. His ground throw is really weak, so you can get in his face and Fortress all you want without worry.

R.O.B. is easy to handle when you learn how to pick up items (SHAD, fair, dash attacks - great tools against Megaman as well). I don't have problems against him.

Yeah I liked that he went for it too. But while there are good things about his Bowser play, it's only by coincidence that he doesn't get punished for all sorts of things. In the Diddy matchup video he throws out laggy attacks multiple times that go unpunished because the Diddy is more interested in getting a banana out or some other silly thing. But like I said at the top of the post, I did find parts of his videos helpful. And I'll gladly take any Bowser content being played by a player that isn't terrible.

At risk of being pedantic, tech in the context you used it usually refers to advanced techniques or technology (Bowser's short hop air dodge cancel is a "tech") or getting up quickly/avoiding stage spikes and such. I think strategy or tactics would be more applicable words for what you were saying there.

Anyway, I'm feeling better and I'm going to try and get back on the Bowser hype train for the moment. Though despite all the positivity in the world, I think he's a mid-tier character and probably mid-low with customs, and there's going to be a certain frustration that comes with that. If I remember, tomorrow I'll ask some of the better players which way they think I should DI to get out of Mario/Luigi/Sheik etc throw combos.
Tech =/= advanced technique.

Tech = technical = involving technique = (Webster's Def):
"a way of doing something by using special knowledge or skill"

A Fire Breath gimp attempt qualifies here. It involves a specialized knowledge of Fire Breath's mechanics and Bowser's recovery capacity.

In some ways, Palutena and Bowser are playing the same game: poking, waiting for you to slip up so we can punish. As Boney said, though, once we're in the higher percentages, one mistake on our side means certain doom. Bowser, however, has the advantage in that he's harder to launch and enjoys super armor on his powerful Usmash.

...And, if it's any consolation, Palutena also gets juggled mercilessly by Luigi, Sheik, and the gang, so at least you're not alone, lol.
Palutena wants to keep space, though. Bowser wants to get in your face.

I think both characters are probably B tier at this point.
That method only seems more efficient if automated. You can get 2-4 wrenches in 2 and a half minutes in Trophy Rush.
That is comparable efficiency, except requires attention.

Greninja is super good.
Eh. Smashes have too small of range and moves are generally not powerful.

All these stages are saving you lol
See, this? Right here? This is why I voted against Halberd legal :p

That doubles tournament sounds like a lot of fun, but I'm thinking I may want to disable my internet. Costs too much :( Of course I'll finish the Ranbats season I've committed to, but it will probably be my last.

Masked Man

I said wow
I think more than half of my FG matches tonight were against Sheiks... Ugh.

Palutena wants to keep space, though. Bowser wants to get in your face.

I think both characters are probably B tier at this point.

Good point! I'm hoping that, if we get some sort of balance patch along with Mewtwo DLC, they add mega-windboxes to the end of Palutena's Fsmash and Dsmash--like "blow the opponent halfway across the stage" mega-windboxes. And faster tilts, lol.



Amiibos are ridiculous.

My Captain Falcon knee'd me across the stage, ran along the ground, did a short hop and Dair'd me into oblivion off the stage just before I could make my recovery. At level 38.

How did you teach Bowser to do that? That's an impressive manuever to pull off either way.


Anyone up for a few matches? Right now I'm feeling Megaman after a few FG games. Skill wise I'm most certainly now pro but I'm trying to improve myself.

Soul Lab

Anyone up for a few matches? Right now I'm feeling Megaman after a few FG games. Skill wise I'm most certainly now pro but I'm trying to improve myself.

I am. but have mercy, i did a looong Smash break

NNID is Soul-Lab

Edit: Didn't see the time gap from the last post. anyone else up for some 1v1?
A doubles tournament is in the future!

OK guys, I've created a form for the doubles tournament. While I'm still making some final plans, everything's in place for a tournament launch in April if all goes well. :) I can't believe this could be a reality!

Please quote this post for a link to the questionnaire that will not only confirm you're signing up, but will give me some valuable feedback for the final ruleset. Team up and remember to have fun!

Link to questionnaire (quote to see!)
Nice, good to see we're off to something!

Filling this out with direct_quote as my partner. Hopefully he still wants to be my double date. ;-)
But of course, we need to get some practice in though especially given the possibility of a tipster/shamrock team :<
I feel like most people use Female Robin.
Fem Robin is the best Robin, I think Male Robin says his taunts pretty badly as well (no enthusiasm). "Time to tip the scales!." Also red Robin is the best Robin contrary to what Tipster may think :p

Also referencing that video I posted, I need to practice that Robin kara throw, because Robin has a terrible throw range.


I´m free! I can play some ranbats right now, anyone from Bracket 3 here?

Captain Rage Quit 69(CRQ-L-07)
Masked Man(kamennootoko)


Filled up that doubles torney form, if someone is looking for a partner PM me, smexy Link in your team is always good to have~

if I had to ask someone, I guess it would be TWILT, double Link team ftw, or ZSS & Pikachu OTP, or Link & Shulk for pretty swordies team

I´m free! I can play some ranbats right now, anyone from Bracket 3 here?

will you be available in like an hour? I am at work right now, but gonna be available after I get out of here


Filled up that doubles torney form, if someone is looking for a partner PM me, smexy Link in your team is always good to have~

if I had to ask someone, I guess it would be TWILT, double Link team ftw, or ZSS & Pikachu OTP, or Link & Shulk for pretty swordies team

will you be available in like an hour? I am at work right now, but gonna be available after I get out of here

I´ll be here! Just send me a PM if I don´t respond here =).
I´m free! I can play some ranbats right now, anyone from Bracket 3 here?

Captain Rage Quit 69(CRQ-L-07)
Masked Man(kamennootoko)
If you're still here in half an hour I'd be down for it. :)

Glad to see a positive reception to the tourney, but remember that the whole point is to partner up with GAF members so please keep that in mind! I'd rather not deal with an odd-man-out situation. :(

Also if anyone wants my services just hit me up <3


Speaking of Shamrock, I haven't seen him around in a while, wonder what's up.

In other news, going to a tourney on Saturday, yaaaay
Speaking of Shamrock, I haven't seen him around in a while, wonder what's up.

In other news, going to a tourney on Saturday, yaaaay

Maybe he's got real life issues and he can't PK Fire us anymore. :(

Will it be on stream? Go go!

Okay, so far I have only one team registered. You guys all have a minimum of two weeks to partner up and practice, so don't feel like you have to rush it! Do your best!

Oh, if anyone wants to do the ranbat matches I can do those now.


Hmm, I'll register when I get home...
Filled up that doubles torney form, if someone is looking for a partner PM me, smexy Link in your team is always good to have~

if I had to ask someone, I guess it would be TWILT, double Link team ftw, or ZSS & Pikachu OTP, or Link & Shulk for pretty swordies team
Ahhh, tempting, but I believe FSLink asked me first a while back, but I'm not sure if he still wants to do it. If he's still game, then perhaps we'll get our chance to team up another day, but if not...


Maybe he's got real life issues and he can't PK Fire us anymore. :(

Will it be on stream? Go go!

Okay, so far I have only one team registered. You guys all have a minimum of two weeks to partner up and practice, so don't feel like you have to rush it! Do your best!

Oh, if anyone wants to do the ranbat matches I can do those now.
What kind of third world country do you think I live that has streaming lol

You guys are just gonna have to believe me when I say I won
What kind of third world country do you think I live that has streaming lol

You guys are just gonna have to believe me when I say I won

lmao I forgot, sorry. Don't worry homie, I believe you!

EDIT: GGs SalvaPot, the score was 5-0 my victory. Your Yoshi was scaring me man, I had to bust out my dirtiest tricks to stay in the game. :O When you dunked me on Town and City I got really surprised because I didn't expect that to hit!
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