Super Smash Bros. for Wii U |OT2| Only Game Where You Can Beat Up The Duck Hunt Dog

How am I going to get all the CDs if I can't hammer the two "Beat Classic on 8.0 or higher with x characters" challenges that have CDs attached to them :(

I keep trying, but nothing I do seems to let me beat it. I tried pumping up a huge defense crit Ganon, and that gets me all the way to the fortress really easily, but then his total lack of mobility makes the entire thing impossible.
I just hit 5000 rounds of Smash Tour. Get on my level noobs!

Would anyone be willing to actively try to teach me? I'm VERY clearly doing something horrifically wrong, that everyone on GAF knows how to do, because there's not a single person in this thread that I would have any hope of beating. I'm TRYING to figure out what I'm doing wrong, what makes me so hilariously vulnerable that I just get KO'd without the other guy even breaking a sweat.

I'm doing something wrong, and I would seriously love to try and figure out what it is. Hopefully the answer isn't "Not inputting 40 commands every frame", because if that's the only way to get better I might as well quit. But at this point I don't even know what I'm doing wrong -- I can't get better if I don't know what it is that I'm not doing better.
Save a replay and record and upload it to youtube.

Palutena has a better Hoohah than Diddy lmao
She needs hers, though. :p
We're getting some new people here today. :O

Would anyone be willing to actively try to teach me? I'm VERY clearly doing something horrifically wrong, that everyone on GAF knows how to do, because there's not a single person in this thread that I would have any hope of beating. I'm TRYING to figure out what I'm doing wrong, what makes me so hilariously vulnerable that I just get KO'd without the other guy even breaking a sweat.

I'm doing something wrong, and I would seriously love to try and figure out what it is. Hopefully the answer isn't "Not inputting 40 commands every frame", because if that's the only way to get better I might as well quit. But at this point I don't even know what I'm doing wrong -- I can't get better if I don't know what it is that I'm not doing better.
Just record a replay and we can analyze it for you! :3
I just hit 5000 rounds of Smash Tour. Get on my level noobs!

Save a replay and record and upload it to youtube.

She needs hers, though. :p

I've only got <5000, so one of us is doing something wrong here.

I think ROB has a damn good hoo ha and he doesn't really need his. Does uthrow -> uair count?

I just remembered that we have a NeoGAF chat on Anther's that you guys can go to so we can chat and stuffs, so yeah. :)
gg's man...i have to go grab dinner but i'll probably be back on later

GGs. Just some advice, but you do a lot of unsafe moves. Like random utilts with Mega Man. You should base your moveset around side b, neutral b, lemons, bair; fair, uair, sometimes dash attack, and then smashes for some kills. You also aren't moving a lot of the time.

Oh yeah, and grabs. Lots of grabs.

There may have been some input lag. It felt like all the characters were slower than they should be been.

Anyone else want to play?


GGs. Just some advice, but you do a lot of unsafe moves. Like random utilts with Mega Man. You should base your moveset around side b, neutral b, lemons, bair; fair, uair, sometimes dash attack, and then smashes for some kills. You also aren't moving a lot of the time.

Anyone else want to play?

Thanks im pretty new to smash so I need to work on all of those issues. Sorry if I bored you death. ;)


GGs. Just some advice, but you do a lot of unsafe moves. Like random utilts with Mega Man. You should base your moveset around side b, neutral b, lemons, bair; fair, uair, sometimes dash attack, and then smashes for some kills. You also aren't moving a lot of the time.

Oh yeah, and grabs. Lots of grabs.

There may have been some input lag. It felt like all the characters were slower than they should be been.

Anyone else want to play?
I'll play some. Can you host?
I want to give a HUUUUGE shout out to Snacks, who is helping me figure out my playstyle and helping me improve it. Having some direct feedback is astounding for this. I can only hope to do this frequently enough for it to start becoming muscle memory so I don't have to think about it.
Oh my fuck that level 9 luigi

He fucking killed tipster

his own partner

with sweetspot up-b

and Shamrock wanted this for a partner

I'm crying, oh god

EDIT: I'll wait for Black mage to rehost, k DQ?
Jesus if rather play alone than have that on my team.

I had to kill myself so he didn't share stock me and leave me on my last life at 160% too.

I'll leave and add Monster


GGs TWILT. Your characters are as good as always. Who is your main? I had some crazy trouble with Shulk, mostly due to Jump art.

GGs! I really like your Yoshi, and your Sheik's gotten better since the last we faced. It was quite hard to get a kill on either character sometimes haha. My main's been Shulk since day 1 3DS, though I also use Link/Pikachu (depending on matchup), and I play Kirby on the side for funsies.
GGs! I really like your Yoshi, and your Sheik's gotten better since the last we faced. It was quite hard to get a kill on either character sometimes haha. My main's been Shulk since day 1 3DS, though I also use Link/Pikachu (depending on matchup), and I play Kirby on the side for funsies.

Thanks! Yeah, I figured it had to be Shulk with how good you are with him. Most Shulks I've faced only use smash and buster, and sometimes shield, but you use them all. Does Jump art increase your range? No matter what I did, you always hit me first.

Glad I didn't have to fight Pikachu. I wouldn't be able to beat him with Yoshi.


Thanks! Yeah, I figured it had to be Shulk with how good you are with him. Most Shulks I've faced only use smash and buster, and sometimes shield, but you use them all. Does Jump art increase your range? No matter what I did, you always hit me first.

Glad I didn't have to fight Pikachu. I wouldn't be able to beat him with Yoshi.
Yeah, Shulk's best two arts are Jump and Speed IMO and I try not to go Shield against certain characters like Sheik since it's very easy for her to edgeguard me with that. The only thing Jump art boosts is well, his jumps. Shulk naturally has a lot of range.

I'll be sure to bust out the rat next time we face. :p
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