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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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what are you doing

#1 selling Wii U game this year is Mario Kart 8 anyway

Making a sarcastic post about another crap eShop title.

Maybe they're setting us up for a huge surprise Direct that reveals everything!

... Or maybe they just don't have enough coming down the pipeline. There's always that possibility, too...
"Guess what guys! The Wii U version of Smash will have just as shit of a stage selection as the 3DS version! Have fun!"
hmm when was the last time they had one anyway?
Non-specific Direct was E3. Last one in general was Bayonetta 2.


hmm when was the last time they had one anyway?

Not including the Australian one, Bayonetta 2 was the most recent.

Last general Direct was in February.

that's probably not going to happen

Like they did with the Mario Kart 8 DLC?

My tweest is ruined!

I think Duck Hunt Dog getting a CG trailer would generate buzz. Also we have not seen many Wii U exclusive stages yet. I can see the POTD still going strong if they focus on just Wii U content.



I meant a general worldwide direct, damn that was a long time ago.
I know it wasn't worldwide, but that new 3DS one should have been. Had a new Smash character and new hardware. No idea why it wasn't in each language, but in my mind that was the most recent general Direct.
Last time I did a Bingo was E3. I did win, with my combo below.
“ZeldU” Reveal - “My body is ready” - Palutena for Smash - Gen III-make Trailers with Actual Gameplay - NFC details
Other things I got right:
New 2D Mario Game Reveal (with level creator)
“SMT x FE” Confirmed to Not be Dead
Mii for Smash
"S.T.E.A.M." Official Reveal
“Please understand…”
“Yarn Yoshi” Confirmed to Not be Dead

Twelve total, I got exactly half right. I would've gotten more, but I swapped out "New Star Fox" for "Revival of Series with 10+ Years Since Last Game."


The "secret" is already taken away by releasing the game 3 weeks later over here. :p But I get what you mean.

Ideally we'll be able to unlock newcomer trailers in the Wii U version. If so, I imagine it would be done by fulfilling some requirements with the characters in each trailer.


The only characters I could see getting trailers would indeed be DLC. Though that might not be the norm. Throwing a DLC CG trailer during a Nintendo direct would be a pretty big deal.
The only characters I could see getting trailers would indeed be DLC. Though that might not be the norm. Throwing a DLC CG trailer during a Nintendo direct would be a pretty big deal.

Personally, I wish that they didn't have the slash/fire/heartbeat thing at the beginning of the trailers. That's what kept the Rosalina trailer so interesting. But in Little Mac's trailer, we knew right away who it was.
If they did some kind of video with the Ice Climbers doing something and then seeing them have the splash screen as they prepare to fight a newcomer, that would be the shit, especially if it was a surprise that it was for Smash.


A mid-October Nintendo Direct feels like a given.
- Smash Bros Wii U release date
- Amiibos
- Captain Toad NA release date
- Mario Kart 1st DLC pack info/release date
- Yoshi Woolly World info?
- Whatever 3DS

My Bingo board is set. Any thoughts?
What better way to get people excited, than to leave things out of the game before release.
I would rather they launch a game and put some of the stuff they didn't have time for in the game for free, than not have it at all.

"Hey guys, we delayed either Smash Bros. or Zelda. Have fun wondering."

If something gets delayed, I'm putting my money on Captain Toad. Already delayed in Europe, not something I expect to be a big system seller.


I would rather they launch a game and put some of the stuff they didn't have time for in the game for free, than not have it at all.
That's fair. Spoken like a normal, reasonable, practical person. I definitely disagree though. :p

If something gets delayed, I'm putting my money on Captain Toad. Already delayed in Europe, not something I expect to be a big system seller.
Yeah, that is more likely. In particular I don't think they'd let Smash slip; it's their big holiday game plus launching Amiibo line. I just took the word 'anticipated' and thought of it as more of an extreme. I'm sure that probably wasn't the intent though.
That's fair. Spoken like a normal, reasonable, practical person. I definitely disagree though. :p
I don't love DLC, but I don't hate it. My view for paid DLC is that if it's fanservice-y stuff (*cough*Fire Emblem: Awakening*cough) that doesn't impact the rest of the game, and it was clearly made after the game was finished, then it's okay. Paid launch DLC is awful, though.
I would not be okay with paid DLC for Smash that added characters, items, or stages. Free DLC would be great though.
I need dem Ice Climbers.

Yeah, that is more likely. In particular I don't think they'd let Smash slip; it's their big holiday game plus launching Amiibo line. I just took the word 'anticipated' and thought of it as more of an extreme. I'm sure that probably wasn't the intent though.
I'm sure some people are anticipating Captain Toad... even if I'm not really one of them.
I think Nintendo would do a lot of extreme things to get Smash Wii U out on time. Stuff like this.
Needs more pictures.


I am kinda hoping that the Project M guys make a Roy Koopa alt for Roy now. lol

There's Football alts for Mewtwo out there. Not someone like Ike, but Mewtwo. Which is weird because the first one I saw was a Steelers alt, and there actually IS a Steeler named Ike Taylor.

Point is, I think Roy with the Orbison glasses and pink hair at least is a given. I wonder what they'd do to differentiate them, on the glorious chance we get Roy back. I know I've never played him in FE, but he was my boy in Melee; curse Lucina for obsoleting him! I'd rather we had no Marth clone with Roy DLC than Lucina! ...You heard me, Lucina Army.


Point is, I think Roy with the Orbison glasses and pink hair at least is a given. I wonder what they'd do to differentiate them, on the glorious chance we get Roy back. I know I've never played him in FE, but he was my boy in Melee; curse Lucina for obsoleting him! I'd rather we had no Marth clone with Roy DLC than Lucina! ...You heard me, Lucina Army.

Seeing as Roy's only an alt and not the primary character on the CSS, it wouldn't be all too surprising if they weren't differentiated.

Though speaking of impossible inclusions, at least Isaac (Robin) and Robin (Reflet) sidestep the problem...
I really dunno why, but I'm going to make a bold claim. Not avatar betting or anything, but something is telling me that I'm on the right track with these character DLC predictions. (Well atleastthe first one...)

Character DLC Predictions:

1: Metal Face (Xenoblade)
Reason: Teased in a newcomer trailer like Dark Pit was. Everyone just assumed boss, but there was no boss in 3DS version where all shared stages so far are pretty much the same and 3DS version already has bosses like Yellow Devil and that Find Mii guy.

2 & 3: Both Snake and Simon Belmont.
Reason: Snake is a veteran who is cut as of now. The logical reason I thought he was cut was because of Konami since I wouldn't think either Sakurai or Kojima would want Snake cut and Nintendo higher ups wouldn't want to force Sakurai to remove him or anything. But Snake was made DLC due to Konami wanting more money on each DLC piece sold maybe? And maybe it'll coincide with MGSV LOL.

And Simon Belmont since for a few...out there reasons that I'm trying to sort into a pattern and will probably be wrong:
All four NES/SNES classic Castlevania titles are on 3DS/WiiU VC. Two more are coming in October with I believe a third already rated. While I'm sure not all of them star Simon he is the star of the NES era which like Mega Man, is what alot of fans wanted.

As you know, outside of a very few companies, Nintendo doesn't have all that much support when it came to VC anymore. However, once Nintendo got Mega Man in Smash I assume they pushed Capcom into porting over more Mega Man games and even some of their other games. Now all of the Mega Man games that could release are now out outside of the rest of the Battle Network games and the Zero games. The same thing happend with Pac-Man games suddenly appearing on the VC.

Now I know I'm most likely completely wrong as always, but just something to think about. All these Castlevania games appearing out've nowhere set off my Really Feeling It alarms so I just thought I'd share that.

Either way for any DLC we may get, I hope its something we never see coming. (Which is really impossible since everyone these days get requested but yeah...)
Point is, I think Roy with the Orbison glasses and pink hair at least is a given. I wonder what they'd do to differentiate them, on the glorious chance we get Roy back. I know I've never played him in FE, but he was my boy in Melee; curse Lucina for obsoleting him! I'd rather we had no Marth clone with Roy DLC than Lucina! ...You heard me, Lucina Army.

Roy (from Fire Emblem) is not a character who should ever come back. He's not relevant, he's a clone, he's considered one of the worst lords in the series, and Lucina is better.
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