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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Smash with a GC controller and adapter is easily worth 100 to me.
Those Amiibos on the other hand. Nintendo is going to have to try to get me to buy more than just my main.


oh pic isn't up yet
wonder if it will give us any new info? probably not

Ridley is coming.



PLEASE Sakurai, give us a Wii U picture on this beautiful morning! We need to get something good to survive the weeked.. the last weekend before Smash 3DS!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm buying the Wii U version digitally anyways, and am going to use Wavebirds...so the smart move would be to just order the GCN adapter, right?

Nope, Box too sexy, spend 100 dollars when 20 would do!


Wasn't there an updated box art with Shulk and some others? Looks like the bundle (or at least this picture of it) isn't using it.


I would agree with that! Ganondorf makes Ridley look like one of the hardest bosses of all time. :p

But wait, when did I pick fights with anyone? I was only weighing in on the Ridley discussion, and in one of my replies I specifically said I agreed with them minus actively not wanting Ridley to be in. If Ridley did ever make it, I'd be happy for his fans (though they do make it difficult to feel that way sometimes). I haven't gone anywhere! :p
It's all good. :) What I was referring to is more the act of pointing out how "obnoxious" some groups are, whether it's Ridley fans, competitive players, or this, that, or the other thing. I understand how various groups can be grating -- they can get on my nerves, too, even when I identify with their cause. But I think it's best to just tune out the negativity of others, rather than letting it rub off on yourself and acting negative in response. That's all I meant. Not a criticism or anything. I've always liked you, so I don't want to see you get bogged down in the Smash world's quicksand pit of bad feelings. I think it's best to let others air their grievances, no matter how often they air them, and just carry on. :)
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