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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Like Little Mac!

The Japanese Miiverse reaction to Little Mac and the general Punch-Out!! ignorance that was displayed is worthy of heavy mockery.


Looking through more files.

So yeah. Doc Louis and ReDead were planned to be assist trophies or so. I wonder if they were planning to have ReDead as Goldeen of Assist Trophies.

Hey, back in Melee when Adventure Mode enemies could pop out of crates, Redeads were the only worthwhile ones if the person wasn't expecting it thanks to their grab. I would've liked them.

I wonder if Doc Louis was meant to be a new, arguably better, Resetti?


Junior Member
If the Japanese can get Dark Pit in of all characters (seriously, he was heavily requested over there for some reason), we sure as hell deserve Ridley.
Dark Pit was a fan request that was easy to implement, especially at the last minute (same for Lucina & Dr. Mario), Ridley isn't.


If the Japanese can get Dark Pit in of all characters (seriously, he was heavily requested over there for some reason), we sure as hell deserve Ridley.
"We" got Little Mac, Duck Hunt, and even Mega Man. Punch-Out!! and Duck Hunt are especially obscure in Japan.
After that reveal trailer people did expect Ridley along with Wolf. Forget the cheering for Metroid in general, I don't think his last statement was implying that all that screaming was for Ridley(I do see people revise history and say that a lot though). After that intro was revealed I remember a lot of discussion regarding the Purple Dragon from Metroid and Wolf being playable.

Sure, some people may have expected him, but the cheering that was there at that moment was for Samus and the Metroid series, not Ridley.

If the Japanese can get Dark Pit in of all characters (seriously, he was heavily requested over there for some reason), we sure as hell deserve Ridley.

No. No. No.
Dark Pit was an easy to implement character - he was a clone. Visually, he is identical.
Ridley on the other hand is a character that would require a shitton of time and effort to make. You can't equate Dark Pit to Ridley.
The US got Little Mac.
I don't even know if the Japanese consider Punch Out a huge series or not. Boxing is a lot bigger over here and the game is very American oriented, being set in America with a clearly American protagonist and whose most recent game was 100% made in the US.

Ridley is a running joke in the Smash community. Him being playable would just be crazy, just to see the Internet reactions.

Maybe Meta Ridley is there because "When Ridley joins the fight, Meta Ridley takes over: 'SCREEE ROAR BEEP BOOP' "

Looking through more files.
So yeah. Doc Louis and ReDead were planned to be assist trophies or so. I wonder if they were planning to have ReDead as Goldeen of Assist Trophies.

Redead has a clearly defined attack. If he looks at you, you get stunned. He wouldn't make sense as a Goldeen Assist Trophy, especially since Starfy is basically the Goldeen of Assist Trophies.


The US got Little Mac.
I don't even know if the Japanese consider Punch Out a huge series or not. Boxing is a lot bigger over here and the game is very American oriented, being set in America with a clearly American protagonist and whose most recent game was 100% made in the US.
I understand your point, but Next Level Games is in Canada. :)


i'm resisting the urge to make a very pedantic comment right now
I love all this conspiracy stuff, but I'm afraid that I'm about to put it all to an end.
Ridley will be in Smash, and I can prove it.

Ridley → Ridley Scott → Alien → Aliens → Area 51 → the government → the Illuminati → triangle → Triforce → Zelda → Nintendo → Super Smash Bros. → Sakurai

It all makes sense now. Why else would Ridley grab Pikachu?
The reason is passion. And people are passionate about Ridley because

1) They love Metroid
2) Ridley is Samus' arch-nemesis
3) Ridley is a pirate space dragon

It's not rocket science. The reasons for wanting Ridley are perfectly valid. People have wanted him since Melee, and yet despite appearing in every game (including the background of the Zebes level in Smash 64), Ridley has not yet been playable. This has only made people want him more and more.

King Dedede and Ridley have appeared in every smash game!


What is this about "race wars?" There hasn't been any race-related comments in here. Unless saying many Japanese don't care about Little Mac/Punch-Out is a form of racism??

Hmm...when I get around to the full game next year, this is the probably the only mini-game I'll enjoy.

It really does show the WarioWare team still has it with their humor, I just wish it was put to use in a good game. :(
I wish the individual games of Game & Wario could be bought on the eShop. I want to just buy Gamer. I'd be willing to pay like $10-$15 for it.

What about his right?
game & wario is a good game when i got it for free

i'm not sure what i'd pay for it

i seem to like it better than most, at least. i enjoyed it quite a bit.


I understand your point, but Next Level Games is in Canada. :)

Gah. Beat me to it. I would've been beaten anyway, though; I was trying to come up with a joke that involved Bear Hugger while pointing out Punch-Out!! 2010 was Canadian.

King Dedede and Ridley have appeared in every smash game!

Yup! IIRC, every stage cameo from 64 except for Necky, Goonie, and apparently Butterfree (I thought it was a Smash Run enemy, though, but apparently not) has been promoted in some way, but those 2 are the biggest (Ho-Oh's the only other unique character of the lot, though).
What is this about "race wars?" There hasn't been any race-related comments in here. Unless saying many Japanese don't care about Little Mac/Punch-Out is a form of racism??

I was wondering the same thing. Using the term "race war" is a pretty bold claim.

If anything, the whole USA (and Canada) vs. Japan thing is a culture war.
It really does show the WarioWare team still has it with their humor, I just wish it was put to use in a good game. :(
I'm really glad they went with this minigame for Wario's stage though. It still technically ties with Warioware while retaining the series' zany feel.
I also actually like Game&Wario *shrugs*

I'm curious about the music choices. 90% of Warioware music is upbeat and cheerful. This stage is straight up horror lol.
sunuvabitch! The Captain's a grammar policeman!
What did you think I was captain of?
I'm really glad they went with this minigame for Wario's stage though. It still technically ties with Warioware while retaining the series' zany feel.
I also actually like Game&Wario *shrugs*

I'm curious about the music choices. 90% of Warioware music is upbeat and cheerful. This stage is straight up horror lol.

Can't wait for Mona pizza to be interrupted by the screams of an angry 5volt. Nothing says terror like this.


I'm really glad they went with this minigame for Wario's stage though. It still technically ties with Warioware while retaining the series' zany feel.

I'm curious about the music choices. 90% of Warioware music is upbeat and cheerful. This stage is straight up horror lol.
I'm -really- curious about how they'll handle the "music" in the Gamer stage. The original, in Game & Wario, is mostly silent, save for the sounds of night (crickets chirping, etc). Then you have the violins building up suspense when something is about to happen... or not happen, as it could just be the cat opening the door, or the man with the toupee peeking through your window (which mind you, is also scary, but not nearly as scary as mom).

So the question is, will they have music in the Gamer stage, or will they handle it like Game & Wario did? Personally, I hope they handle it like the original. It's so much more suspenseful that way!
I'm -really- curious about how they'll handle the "music" in the Gamer stage. The original, in Game & Wario, is mostly silent, save for the sounds of night (crickets chirping, etc). Then you have the violins building up suspense when something is about to happen... or not happen, as it could just be the cat popping open the door, or the man with the toupee peeking through your window (which mind you, is equally scary but not nearly as scary as mom here).

So the question is, will they have music in the Gamer stage, or will they handle it like Game & Wario did? Personally, I hope they handle it like the original. It's so much more suspenseful that way!

Maybe the music could dial back a bit when the violins start playing. Or maybe the players have to be really aware of what's going on in the background.


Maybe the music could dial back a bit when the violins start playing. Or maybe the players have to be really aware of what's going on in the background.
The sound helps telegraph Mom's appearance in the original game and is a big part of what makes the game suspenseful. They could back off the music, as you say, maybe having the violins gradually overpower the music (while the music fades out), so you know to start hiding. But I do hope they have a "sounds of night" track that is just like Game & Wario, where you just hear the crickets chirping outside and the occasional creaking of people moving about.
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