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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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My ideal Ridley plays something like Firebrand in UMvC3. Up B jumps into a flight mode. Left/right B are swoops. B is a basic fireball. Down B is Bon Voyage. Perfection!

Would a clone Ridley really be better than a playable boss mode Ridley with unique moves?
Right on time.


My ideal Ridley plays something like Firebrand in UMvC3. Up B jumps into a flight mode. Left/right B are swoops. B is a basic fireball. Down B is Bon Voyage. Perfection!

You know that sweet tail spike Ridley has in one game? That shit would be such a fun Meteor Smash.


Being stuck on one stage to only be a nuisance is less preferable than a clone, yes.

Bingo. Having Ridley in any level means, well, Ridley's finally made it. He'd be part of the cast, be less likely to be cut for a stupid reason ala the Ice Climbers because of a gimmick that I doubt other systems can handle, I can play as him on any level at any time (and on the 3DS as well), and he can travel the Smash world with me, rather than him only being an option on one stage.

As a boss, you'd always have to play the same damn level to use him. That level will have to be decided ahead of time as a result, so Ridley can't be the result of random select, especially if there're 4 of us using controllers. Besides, my friends hate most of the gimmick stages, anyway, so either we'll never pick it, or someone will really have to have a hankering to be an obnoxious boss character (Thanks to the Yellow Devil at the Best Buy demo, we already abhor the concept of stage bosses), breaking the flow of picking a level, hitting random, and fighting, and meaning the other players won't be happy having to fight one of those things.

If we get a playable Ridley, I want it to actually be, you know, fun.


Would a clone Ridley really be better than a playable boss mode Ridley with unique moves?

Oh god yes! No one wants to control their favorite character in such an unfulfilling way.

Charidley would be 20 jillion times greater than boss Ridley. I'd take Dark Pit as we know him than some stage hazard that interferes like the yellow devil on only a single stage. Controllable or not.


You know that sweet tail spike Ridley has in one game? That shit would be such a fun Meteor Smash.

I call that the pogo tail! I always theorized it would work like Greninjas bouncing move long before Greninja was even concept art. Though a spike property attached to it might make it too good. Or maybe it only spikes on the first hit with sweet spot like Link.
I wonder how far Sakurai will the 'no story mode or cutscenes because internet' thing. So far on 3DS, special presentations are pretty dry but that can be attributed to wanting to conserve space. Still, it's a bit odd to not have an opening cutscene at the least. There isn't even a Congratulation mini movie after completing Classic Mode.

What I kinda wish for in a Wii U exclusive mode is a return to Melee's arcade-y and frantic Adventure mode, with all of the nostalgia-ridden places it can pack. What would be unique this time around to be able to choose alternate paths that lead to different/harder areas and bosses. Similar to how Classic mode is now but I'm more of the line of thinking similar to Starfox's method. EDIT: Forgot to mention, I would like for unique cutscenes upon finishing them. Really go all out after the amazing CG trailers.


I hope Ridley is a Falcon clone if he ever becomes playable.

If they use the Other M design, that's actually not too implausible.

Azure J

If all forums and social media platforms threaten legal action upon unauthorised mentions of Ridley, some positive change could occur.

Watch Sakurai be like "Ridley trailer guys" after something like this is implemented for maximum hilarity. :lol


If all forums and social media platforms threaten legal action upon unauthorised mentions of Ridley, some positive change could occur.

If you silence the voice if the people by force there will eventually be an uprising. Ridley is, Ridley was and Ridley is all there will be.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
I hope Wario's new lame ass forward smash is exclusive to the 3DS version.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
I hope the recycled voice clips and victory themes are exclusive to the 3DS version.

They won't be. :(

At least the recycling lightened the workload, Sakurai creating extra work for an unnecessary downgrade on the other hand is baffling.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
What if Ridley is an assist trophy

Otters, crows, and dolphins all use tools without having the same body type that primates do. What works for them works for them.
Evolution does not have any set goal in mind. It's not like the ultimate end result of evolution is sentience, and humans are the "winners."
There's no reason to assume that other animals would all adopt the same kind of upright posture that humans have just because it works for us.

Most of the advanced tools though, at least from our perspective, use opposable thumbs and work with an upright posture. Yeah it's meant to suit us, but so far they are advanced than most of the other tools. While some species have better features, they are specialized only in that department versus versatility.

But yeah we're getting out of hand on anthropomorphic animals in space :p

One of the many reasons why I hate Mass Effect's alien designs. You're not limited by actors and rubber suits BioWare! Why did you have to be such unoriginal shits?

While I hate the asari and quarian, I like the turian and krogan. And there are other races too. They're at least a bit more... out there.
I am solely responsible for this weekends latest Ridley talk. My apologies to anyone who did not wish to revisit the topic. I had no idea my post would spark this much discussion in such a short amount of time.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Ridley is bigger than Smash.

I'm assuming this has been posted ages ago, right? In any case, I want this to be true only because of the Tower of Smash idea and character exclusive Break the Targets, with Megaman having disappearing blocks in his.
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