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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Baby Mario and Luigi were good additions in Mario Kart: Double Dash!! The other babies should just leave.

Bowser Jr. is Bowser's only actual child, yet stayed out because of the Koopalings. Maybe that's because they didn't want to have too many "young Koopa children" but that should've been taken into consideration when they were adding seven similar characters to the roster and pretending as if that was exciting.
Diddy Kong is also strangely absent, especially given his role in Smash Bros. and the two most recent Donkey Kong games, which have done well critically and commercially.
They probably added Baby Rosalina and Pink Gold Peach for gender equality, completely ignoring Dixie Kong or Birdo. Birdo would even be one of the few transgender characters in gaming - how's that for progressive? Her appearance in in-game advertising makes her lack of playability incredibly odd.

There are several other characters they could've added, ranging from characters in the WarioWare series, to people like E. Gadd, and yet they decided to make it possible to have a couch coop race where four people each play different versions of the same character. Wonderful.

1; How dare you reiterate Miyamoto's LIES. And 2; well, when you consider how long the Koopalings existed and the amount of times they've been shafted for Bowser Jr., it actually was a legitimately hype worthy decision to make. Tons of people have wanted to see the Koopalings in Mario Kart for a long time.

I also have pretty high hopes for Woolly World... but we'll see.
It's not long before Nintendo announces Baby Ridley as Mario Kart 8 DLC in order to appease the Ridley fans.
I'll never understand how someone can get so emotional over a character getting in a video game. The big three I wanted (Paper Mario, Prince Fluff, Chibi Robo) didn't get in, but at most I was a little bit bummed that they didn't make it.

For the record, that IllumiRidli post I made wasn't mocking Ridley fans as a whole; just all the collective hours spent of people analyzing a few seconds of footage. If you put them all together, it would probably rival the collective time GameXplain has spent analyzing video games in general.

I got a bit pissed about Ice Climbers being cut and Dark Pit getting in, but at no point was I really upset by it.

I teared up at Mega Man's reveal. My fiancée was right next to me, and having been with me though every Brawl Dojo disappointment of not getting Mega Man, she understood. It was one the happiest moments of my gaming life, which has been quite long at this point.

I ain't ashamed. The hype is real.

I don't think it matters what you tear up over. If you're passionate about something, you're passionate about something. Passion is a good thing, not something to be embarrassed about.
I teared up at Mega Man. My fiancée was right next to me, and having been with me though every Brawl Dojo disappointment of not getting Mega Man, she understood. It was one the happiest moments of my gaming life, which has been quite long at this point.

I ain't ashamed. The hype is real.


I bet you're really excited to have an official Smash Bros. render of Mega Man as your avatar.

I gon' believe what I gon' believe.

The Koopalings are Bowser's children in spirit, but not by blood. Someone explained this earlier.
The Koopalings are Bowser's children in spirit, but not by blood. Someone explained this earlier.

I'm more annoyed with them being referred to as "minions" than their relationship to Bowser being retconned. Apprentices? Fine. Nephews/Niece? Fine. But MINIONS? That's just silly.
To be fair, I don't know what my reaction to Pikmin 3 at E3 2012 would've been had I not known that it would be shown at the expo beforehand.
That game has been through a lot.

Video games are mostly a hobby for me, so I don't get as involved as other people. I guess that's why I feel a bit more like an outsider on matters like this.
I'm more annoyed with them being referred to as "minions" than their relationship to Bowser being retconned. Apprentices? Fine. Nephews/Niece? Fine. But MINIONS? That's just silly.

The Koopalings are minions, just like the common Koopa Troopas. All Koopas are equal, some Koopas are just more equal than others.
Don't hate. It's about time we got a female version of metal mario.

She's still hilariously lazy

Better solution: remove Metal Mario.
I posted this in the Smash 3DS thread already, but figured it'd be safe to post here as well since 3DS and Wii U share the same mechanics.

So after playing about 50 hours of Smash 3DS, here's what my personal roster for this game (and, presumably, Smash Wii U) is shaping up like:


- Mega Man is very hard to learn but incredibly rewarding and sufficiently beastly once you do. I've been winning the vast majority of my online matches with him. The key to winning with him is constant space control and pressuring your opponent with a constant deluge of Metal Blades and Crash Bombers so that they have no choice but to leave themselves open to your many options, like Top Spin -> Flame Sword, down throw -> Flame Sword, down throw -> Air Shooter, Slide -> Mega Upper, Slide -> Flame Sword, down throw -> Mega Upper, etc. etc. Air Shooter is especially good because it can really disrupt people and KO off the top of the screen, and it's made even better by the fact that so few people pay attention to that move or even pay it any mind. I love it. Slash Claw is great for catching players at high % with a surprise KO thanks to its great launching power. I just wish his smashes had less cooldown; they're really strong and can KO at relatively low percents, but are also incredibly risky and easily punishable when you whiff them. I guess that balances out, but I'd take less cooldown in exchange for a small reduction in power.
- Kirby, my Brawl main, feels like an improved version of his Brawl incarnation (other than short hop -> Hammer not really being viable anymore), and he was already vicious there, so I'm happy.
- Palutena is just fun to play and a badass and her smashes have crazy range. I love her Urien-like reflector wall and Auto-Reticle is great for disrupting players. I just wish her default down special wasn't a counter. Still trying to improve my game with her, but it's worth it.
- Toon Link, like Kirby, feels like he did in Brawl but improved. Still super fun to use for players like myself who like Link's playstyle but don't like adult Link's weightiness and slowness. (And players who just like playing as the cooler Link in general.)
- Robin is ridiculous, straight up. Her air smashes with the Levin Sword are ridiculously strong, Elwind is a great recovery, and both Arcfire and every level of Thunder are better than any one special move should be. She really doesn't have any glaring weaknesses and she's so fun to use that I want to keep playing her even though I'm not a Fire Emblem fan.
- While I still think it's silly that Dr. Mario came back as a separate character and not just alt specials for Mario, I can't deny that he feels great to play and has everything that I liked about him in Melee. I was pretty great with him in Melee, and that seems to have carried over here.
- I've never been a Captain Falcon player in the past, but something about how he plays in this game is really clicking with me. He's just fast, strong, and overall very well-rounded without any major weaknesses. I've been playing better with him than I have any right to, and I don't know why. I'm going to keep on using him and not question it, though!
- While I'm not super great with Ness, I'm a big fan of him and EarthBound, so I have to keep playing him. I'm actually doing better with him in Smash 3DS than I ever have in the past, if my local and online matches are anything to go by. I don't know why, but I do know PK Fire is as great as it's always been and landing a fully-charged forward smash and hearing that crack of the bat is as satisfying as ever.
Ludwig - Bowser Jr. has an incredibly fun, creative moveset and Ludwig is my favorite Koopaling. There's no one else quite like Bowser Jr. in the roster, and his playstyle feels incredibly fresh and new even by Smash standards. His side B is like a more fun, less weird Wario Bike, and Mechakoopas can be INCREDIBLY disruptive and damaging if you use them right. His back air is also really, really strong.
Jigglypuff - Jiggs is back, baby! She's still not quite as good as she was in Melee, but she's far better than she was in Brawl, and using her is fun again. Chasing people in the air or off-stage with repeated forward and back airs is so damn fun. Unfortunately, Rollout seems to have been nerfed a bit from Brawl and Rest, while better than in Brawl, still isn't worth the risk like it was in Melee. Still, I'm happy she's gotten most of her former glory back.
Peach - Never been a big Peach player, but I like her in this. Her side B comes out way faster than it ever did before, and she feels slightly faster than she ever used to as well. I probably won't use her a great deal, but I have been revisiting her from time to time.
Pac-Man - He's just really fun to use and has maybe the coolest, most creative moveset in the whole roster. He feels weird and different, and I like that; he's slow, but he's got moves that can get him places quickly, and his up special is unique in that it's not initially very good, but it gets better each time you bounce on the trampoline. I suck with him right now, but I enjoy playing him.
Mario - Just like he was in Brawl, but better. F.LU.D.D. still sucks, but I'm happy to go to him when I don't feel like playing Doc but want to play a faster, lighter, (much) more combo-friendly Mario. He's still one of my better characters, just like he was in Brawl.
Lucina - Marth for people who suck with/don't like playing Marth, which is me. I'm still not good with her and I won't use her often, but she's certainly preferable to Marth for when I'm in the mood for his playstyle and want something a little different from my core mains.
Yoshi - So heavily buffed from every past game in the series it's not even funny, and I love it. Yoshi finally feels fun and viable again. I've never been good with him and that isn't likely to change with Smash 3DS, but he's more fun to play than he's ever been and he's my favorite Mario character, so yeah.
Sonic - I sucked with him in Brawl and I'm not much better with him here, but he has been buffed in general and chasing down opponents with him and generally being irritating is as fun as ever. I still wish he had better KO power, though, even if it is better than it was in Brawl. I'm a big fan of the character and series, though, so I gotta go fast... I mean, use him at least a little.

Questions people had for me about the final US version of Smash 3DS from the previous thread:

Cosmic Dreams:
Hey Ash, is there anything online that you might've already shown regarding the mii fighter outfits? I'm curious to see all the outfits we can put on them.

I don't think we've actually done a Mii Fighter outfit compilation yet, that's a good idea. The problem is that (like the custom special moves, hats, and equipment) they unlock almost completely randomly and that makes getting them all take a long time. Neither Andre nor I are anywhere close to having them all yet, but I'll keep that in mind for when we do! I'd list the ones I do have for you, but that won't do you much good without pictures and we're not allowed to post pictures or video from the US version yet.

There's one thing I've been wondering, and I haven't seen anyone try it before. Is there anyway for me and a friend to play together in team battles against other random players? All I know is that there is a team battle mode in For Glory mode. But you get paired up with random people for your partners.
Have you found anyway to unlock custom moveset quickly?
And what's your best control layout?

Sadly no, it doesn't appear that there is a way for you to play in online team battles with a friend. I'll keep looking into it, though, and let you know if I find otherwise.

Nope, custom specials just take forever to unlock because what you get is mostly random and you can (and often do) get repeats. The best way right now seems to be to use the roulette-rigging trick in Classic Mode to make sure you always get custom parts each round.

For the controls, I simply switched L and R so that L is dodge/shield and R is grab/throw items/grab items in midair and I was good to go. It's still not as ideal as using a GameCube controller, obviously, but it's the most comfortable I've been able to make the 3DS version's controls for myself.

Not going to bother responding to the people from the previous thread who were being rather rude about my opinions of that thread, because what's the point of keeping that conversation going? Better to keep things civil and on point to avoid killing the hype, especially as we're just on the cusp of the game being released for everyone to enjoy. :) It's almost time, everyone! Can't wait to play with some of you guys.
- Toon Link, like Kirby, feels like he did in Brawl but improved. Still super fun to use for players like myself who like Link's playstyle but don't like adult Link's weightiness and slowness. (And players who just like playing as the cooler Link in general.)
Everything in this paragraph is perfect.
Nah metal mario has history and is rather cool.
By that same logic, Baby Daisy should stay because she's had a history too.
Nah metal mario has history and is rather cool.

Certainly, but he really shouldn't be his own character in any spin-off. When I pick on Mario, I should get a drop down menu where I can be METAL Mario, not be able to pick Metal Mario as an individual character. You've gotta admit, it's pretty stupid.

I just now remembered the Tanooki Mario and Cat Peach MK8 DLC. Like, come on.
I sense your usual snark present in this post, which I don't really get, but yes, I am. Mega Man in Smash is a gaming dream I've had since Sonic was added in Brawl.

I didn't intend that at all, sorry. I was just pointing out that you were using your favorite character as an avatar, and that render came from a game you've wanted him in for a long time. That's pretty neat.

Tone is a bit hard to convey through text, I'll try working on that.
Had Mario Kart 8 simply reused all of Wii's playable characters, I would've been happier with the end result.

RIP Dry Bones, Funky Kong, Diddy Kong, and Bowser Jr. You will be missed.

That's my opinion though, and everyone else is entitled to theirs, which are just as valid as mine.
Had Mario Kart 8 simply reused all of Wii's playable characters, I would've been happier with the end result.

RIP Dry Bones, Funky Kong, Diddy Kong, and Bowser Jr. You will be missed.

That's my opinion though, and everyone else is entitled to theirs, which are just as valid as mine.

Birdo is not in your list. Why is Birdo not in your list. :(
Porting from Wii to Wii U is hard, man.

or something

I guess, but it's still disappointing to pad out the roster by just adding a character that only requires a retexture.

Characters aren't the most important thing about Mario Kart though, and 8 totally nailed the gameplay and tracks, so I'm perfectly happy using Shy Guy to go through all the awesome courses.


As in "Heathcliff"
They should erase Waluigi from the Mario Universe and let him fading away forever. :)

I teared up at Mega Man's reveal. My fiancée was right next to me, and having been with me though every Brawl Dojo disappointment of not getting Mega Man, she understood. It was one the happiest moments of my gaming life, which has been quite long at this point.

I ain't ashamed. The hype is real.

I don't think it matters what you tear up over. If you're passionate about something, you're passionate about something. Passion is a good thing, not something to be embarrassed about.

I felt exactly same with the characters that I finally got in Smash 4. :)
Honestly as long as I have Wario and DK in Mario Kart I'm fine, the rest are just bonuses. (Some are cool bonuses though, like King Boo and Iggy)
Crap. I forgot King Boo too, to be honest. I wish they'd give him is actual, spooky design and stop watering him down to a simplistic, larger Boo appearance with a Princess Peach crown. It's so lame.
Agreed. Really wish they just used his Luigi's Mansion design.

EDIT: Boo should get in as a Jigglypuff clone. ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)


Had Mario Kart 8 simply reused all of Wii's playable characters, I would've been happier with the end result.

RIP Dry Bones, Funky Kong, Diddy Kong, and Bowser Jr. You will be missed.

That's my opinion though, and everyone else is entitled to theirs, which are just as valid as mine.

Honestly wii veterans aside, the 2 characters I really want is Petey and hammer bro since we almost had them in the wii version.
Honestly as long as I have Wario and DK in Mario Kart I'm fine, the rest are just bonuses. (Some are cool bonuses though, like King Boo and Iggy)

Agreed. Really wish they just used his Luigi's Mansion design.

EDIT: Boo should get in as a Jigglypuff clone. ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)
....I wouldn't even be mad
Honestly wii veterans aside, the 2 characters I really want is Petey and hammer bro since we almost had them in the wii version.

Dixie, E. Gadd, generic Boo, and a Greenie from Dark Moon - that's my wishlist. Some WarioWare characters would be welcome too.

If I could really pick a character to be in, I'd choose Paper Mario. Imagine how funny it would be to see him driving a car, head flapping in the wind, having to twist in order to see what's behind him.

Bring back all of the Boos in Sunshine.
Gotta love that stoner design.


Dixie, E. Gadd, generic Boo, and a Greenie from Dark Moon - that's my wishlist. Some WarioWare characters would be welcome too.

If I could really pick a character to be in, I'd choose Paper Mario. Imagine how funny it would be to see him driving a car, head flapping in the wind, having to twist in order to see what's behind him.

Gotta love that stoner design.

The lack of Paper Mario in stuff is depressing. I really think he should have been in smash, so many possibilities.
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