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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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As in "Heathcliff"
Out of curiosity, was Duck Hunt one of them? Or was he one of those "I didn't know I wanted it until it was right in front of me" characters?

Llike this poster already said for me.

Heath is one of the few people I know that have been wanting Duck Hunt for a loooooong time.

I always have been waiting to see Duck Hunt ever since I noticed that Duck trophy popped up in Super Smash Bros Melee.

Once Assist trophy got announced during Brawl so I totally expect that they probably would use Duck Hunt Dog for Assist Trophy but I was surprised that they didn't. However there are no Duck Hunt trophy in Brawl but they got degraded to a sticker of duck.

Once Smash 4 got announced at E3 2011. I just kept convincing people in old threads the concept of Duck Hunt character being playable would be cool. I think I already convert some believers during old time like Naoshi and Batty. :p

Heck, I admitted that I tweeted a lot to Sakurai during his development plans to try so I can trying to fill out his head with Duck Hunt Dog. Who know if my scheme did work or not. :p Also once in awhile I did still toss a tweets to Sakurai about Duck Hunt. I know it was pretty stupid but I guess it ended up pay off for me.
The lack of Paper Mario in stuff is depressing. I really think he should have been in smash, so many possibilities.
My #1 choice for a newcomer, but I can see why he wasn't added. I can still hope that he'll come in a Mario Kart game, eventually.
I always have been waiting to see Duck Hunt ever since I noticed that Duck trophy popped up in Super Smash Bros Melee.

Once Assist trophy got announced during Brawl so I totally expect that they probably would use Duck Hunt Dog for Assist Trophy but I was surprised that they didn't. However there are no Duck Hunt trophy in Brawl but they got degraded to a sticker of duck.

Once Smash 4 got announced at E3 2011. I just kept convincing people in old threads the concept of Duck Hunt character being playable would be cool. I think I already convert some believers during old time like Naoshi and Batty. :p

Heck, I admitted that I tweeted a lot to Sakurai during his development plans to try so I can trying to fill out his head with Duck Hunt Dog. Who know if my scheme did work or not. :p Also once in awhile I did still toss a tweets to Sakurai about Duck Hunt. I know it was pretty stupid but I guess it ended up pay off for me.
That's some intense history. Now that he's in, is his playstyle what you wanted?
Or do you mean 6? :p

I don't use PGP. I stick with Regular and baby peach since heavies aren't my thing lol.
I can see Peach, Baby Peach, Pink Gold Peach, and Cat Peach, but I can't see where the other two are coming from.


Maturity, bitches.
Poor Etika. No matter how big of a stretch that was, he's not getting a break anytime soon. I mean, he cried when he saw a GAF-spawned fake of Ridley on a Challenger Approaching screen.
Wait, the one I made? Nice to know something I made brought suffering to others.
Sunshine Boos are just weird, man

Isle Delfino is a weird place, and it does weird things to people... and ethereal beings from the afterlife.

Anyone else notice how corrupt the justice system in Isle Delfino is? Mario gets arrested, tried, found guilty, and sentenced, all in a matter of days. He gets no lawyer, and any defense he may have provided was completely ignored. Even when the real perpetrator of the crimes was discovered, Mario is still forced to carry out the rest of his sentence.

Not to mention that the area is so hot that it can literally kill you.

Isle Delfino is not a place you want to go to.


As in "Heathcliff"
That's some intense history. Now that he's in, is his playstyle what you wanted?

I would imagine it to be mostly zoning play style because his game would be based on Shooting Gallery (Claymore and Duck Hunt) Reason why I would imagine it to be zoning because it would be based on shooting game.

But nothing like real deal other, other than predicting claymore being a part of moveset and Duck and Dog working together. Yeah, the movesets are completely different from what I'm imaging but I'm pleased with the result. :)

Also I didn't expect that they would add zapper games references in the moveset like Hogan's Alley, etc.
I would imagine it to be mostly zoning play style because his game would be based on Shooting Gallery (Claymore and Duck Hunt)

But nothing like real deal other, other than predicting claymore being a part of moveset and Duck and Dog working together. Yeah, the movesets are completely different from what I'm imaging but I'm pleased with the result. :)
Don't be such a camper ;)
I didn't intend that at all, sorry. I was just pointing out that you were using your favorite character as an avatar, and that render came from a game you've wanted him in for a long time. That's pretty neat.

Tone is a bit hard to convey through text, I'll try working on that.

Fair enough, I guess I just misinterpreted what you said then. I'll admit that it's much harder for me to tell when you're being genuine and when you're trolling someone than it is with pretty much anyone else in SmashGAF. :p

And I guess TECHNICALLY X is my favorite character of all time, but Mega Man is right behind him and is far more deserving of being in Smash than X (or Zero, or any other Mega Man character that isn't the original Mega Man).

felt exactly same with the characters that I finally got in Smash 4. :)

Exactly! It's a big friggin' deal, at least as far as gaming goes. :)


Duck Hunt and Excitebiker were my most wanted retro characters, but I didn’t think either of them were even remotely plausible. I jumped on the Takamaru bandwagon because I figured he had a better chance.

I even included Duck Hunt (with that name!) in one of my several roster predictions.

All in all, I’m incredibly happy with the newcomer selection. Villager, Little Mac, Duck Hunt, Mega Man, and Pac-Man are all characters I was pulling for; and Wii Fit Trainer, Rosalina & Luma, Bowser Jr., and others are all excellent “I didn’t know I wanted them” additions. Lucina and Dark Pit are the only weak spots, but they’re low priority clones so they don’t really bother me. They’re better than nothing.
Fair enough, I guess I just misinterpreted what you said then. I'll admit that it's much harder for me to tell when you're being genuine and when you're trolling someone than it is with pretty much anyone else in SmashGAF. :p
I'm sorry about that. For the most part, I try to avoid non-hyperbolic sarcasm when online specifically to avoid situations like this.
The more over the top crap like the IllumiRidli post is not serious.
And I guess TECHNICALLY X is my favorite character of all time, but Mega Man is right behind him and is far more deserving of being in Smash than X (or Zero, or any other Mega Man character that isn't the original Mega Man).
And I guess that TECHNICALLY X already is in Smash, in what is probably the coolest (and most fan service-y) Final Smash to date.

Duck Hunt and Excitebiker were my most wanted retro characters, but I didn’t think either of them were even remotely plausible. I jumped on the Takamaru bandwagon because I figured he had a better chance.

I even included Duck Hunt (with that name!) in one of my several roster predictions.

All in all, I’m incredibly happy with the newcomer selection. Villager, Little Mac, Duck Hunt, Mega Man, and Pac-Man are all characters I was pulling for; and Wii Fit Trainer, Rosalina & Luma, Bowser Jr., and others are all excellent “I didn’t know I wanted them” additions. Lucina and Dark Pit are the only weak spots, but they’re low priority clones so they don’t really bother me. They’re better than nothing.

I'm interested as to why you included six Pokemon reps but only five Mario reps.


I'm interested as to why you included six Pokemon reps but only five Mario reps.
Brawl had six Pokémon and only four Mario characters, so it's not like there's a rule regarding series representation. I did include Bowser Jr. in some of my other rosters, though.
I posted this in the Smash 3DS thread already, but figured it'd be safe to post here as well since 3DS and Wii U share the same mechanics.
There's one thing I've been wondering, and I haven't seen anyone try it before. Is there anyway for me and a friend to play together in team battles against other random players? All I know is that there is a team battle mode in For Glory mode. But you get paired up with random people for your partners.
Have you found anyway to unlock custom moveset quickly?
And what's your best control layout?

Sadly no, it doesn't appear that there is a way for you to play in online team battles with a friend. I'll keep looking into it, though, and let you know if I find otherwise.

Nope, custom specials just take forever to unlock because what you get is mostly random and you can (and often do) get repeats. The best way right now seems to be to use the roulette-rigging trick in Classic Mode to make sure you always get custom parts each round.

For the controls, I simply switched L and R so that L is dodge/shield and R is grab/throw items/grab items in midair and I was good to go. It's still not as ideal as using a GameCube controller, obviously, but it's the most comfortable I've been able to make the 3DS version's controls for myself.

Not going to bother responding to the people from the previous thread who were being rather rude about my opinions of that thread, because what's the point of keeping that conversation going? Better to keep things civil and on point to avoid killing the hype, especially as we're just on the cusp of the game being released for everyone to enjoy. :) It's almost time, everyone! Can't wait to play with some of you guys.
Thanks for answering my questions! Haven't had much time to get on here.
I was thinking of switching the L and R as well. Nothing will beat a GameCube controller for Smash!
Well it looks like it's going to take a while to unlock all the custom moves then, that sucks.
Unfortunate that me and my friend can't team up together against other people. Maybe for the Wii U version!


As in "Heathcliff"
The Captain, here is my old list from many old threads. I adjusted every time we got characters confirmation.

My original top 10 before the reveal were

1. Mega Man
2. Little Mac
3. Takamaru
4. Palutena
5. Animal Crossing Representative
6. Pac Man
7. Isaac (or Golden Sun Representative)
8. Duck Hunt Dog
9. Donkey Kong Country Representative (Dixie or King Rool)
10. Ridley

My top 10 after Little Mac's reveal

1. Takamaru
2. Palutena
3. Pac Man
4. Isaac (or Golden Sun Representative)
5. Duck Hunt Dog
6. Donkey Kong Country Representative (Dixie or King Rool)
7. Skulk
8. Ridley
9. Third Kid Icarus Representative (Medusa, Hades or Dark Pit)
10. Advance Wars

My top 9 after Robin's reveal
1. Takamaru
2. Snake (Returning)
3. Isaac (or Golden Sun Representative)
4. Duck Hunt Dog
5. Donkey Kong Country Representative (Dixie or King Rool)
6. Shulk
7. Ridley (for my friends)
8. Third Kid Icarus Representative (Medusa, Hades or Dark Pit)
9. Advance Wars

After Leak - Aug 25

1. Snake (Returning)
2. Isaac (or Golden Sun Representative)
3. Donkey Kong Country Representative
4. Ridley (for my friends)

Advance Wars and Takemaru being assist trophies would be fine with me since it's better than being trophy or stickers. Ridley would become stage boss. Third Donkey Kong Country Representative is still unknown (I would prefer to see Cranky or Dixie actually)

Snake is more likely to be cut. I'm very very happy with what I got. Almost all of my wanted characters are in the game at any point. Assist trophy, playable characters, stage hazard, etc.

Additional information I'm surprised that we haven't heard anything about Isaac so I guess Isaac and Golden Sun are cut from Smash franchise for sure.

Exactly! It's a big friggin' deal, at least as far as gaming goes. :)

Yep, it's pretty strong for Smash Bros and Capcom Vs because that's only games that you would actually rooting for your characters to become playable characters from your old video game library or modern video game library.

It's a great feeling to see Duck Hunt, Little Mac, Pac Man, Mega Man being in Smash Bros. Same thing for Mike Haggar, Arthur, Phoenix Wright, Ammy, etc for Marvel Vs. Capcom.

I really hope that we would get Capcom All Stars or Capcom vs Nintendo soon so we can rooting for more fan favorite characters. :p


I teared up at Mega Man's reveal. My fiancée was right next to me, and having been with me though every Brawl Dojo disappointment of not getting Mega Man, she understood. It was one the happiest moments of my gaming life, which has been quite long at this point.

I ain't ashamed. The hype is real.

I don't think it matters what you tear up over. If you're passionate about something, you're passionate about something. Passion is a good thing, not something to be embarrassed about.

Hey, I feel you; I was stunned for like 4 hours after the Sonic reveal. I laughed excitedly before contacting almost all of my gamer friends, and I must've watched that hastily-made Sonic trailer once every 20 minutes. I didn't care if he was Pichu-tier; he was going to be one of my mains the second I saw him. So again, I understand crying about Mega Man.

The main reason Etika's reaction was extreme was because of a hastily-made fake VS. screen, rather than a trailer designed with the sole purpose of generating hype. Again, he apparently believed Lanky Kong was somewhere in the Demo via code, so he may just be gullible, and it was moments after we first learned of stores selling the game early, but he still got tears from little more than a silhouette, with any and all evidence behind it tying it to be a fake.

... Or, again, it's all an act.

I'm more annoyed with them being referred to as "minions" than their relationship to Bowser being retconned. Apprentices? Fine. Nephews/Niece? Fine. But MINIONS? That's just silly.

I know, but apparently the current story is that they're like Yakuza minions, and he still sees them as being like his kids.

To be fair, I don't know what my reaction to Pikmin 3 at E3 2012 would've been had I not known that it would be shown at the expo beforehand.
That game has been through a lot.

Video games are mostly a hobby for me, so I don't get as involved as other people. I guess that's why I feel a bit more like an outsider on matters like this.

I didn't know ahead of time either, so I got pretty excited. It had been 8 long years since its announcement at that point; nobody brought it up like Duke Nukem Forever, Mother 3, or Team Fortress 2, but it's still in the same boat.

Wait, the one I made? Nice to know something I made brought suffering to others.

Maybe? I think the person had a Banjo-Kazooie avatar, rather than your old, lewd avatar or your current Kawaii Blob. How long was your avatar bet again?

Incidentally, mine's up this week, but do I really want to remove John Stamos' Hollywood Smile from my avatar?


And I guess TECHNICALLY X is my favorite character of all time, but Mega Man is right behind him and is far more deserving of being in Smash than X (or Zero, or any other Mega Man character that isn't the original Mega Man).

Hey, now that X is in, maybe he can be a clone down the road? I really feel bad for the guy Fighting Game-wise; him and the Star Force Mega Man are the only ones that haven't been in a fighting game yet. The closest X has gotten is either here as Mega Man's FS or as an alt in UMvC3, but not only is it DLC, it's still just Zero/Frank West, they're just wearing X's costume.

On that note, I think the Mega Man X Highway Music is the only song played at the Smash Bros. Invitational that's not in the 3DS version, which is a tease; as one of the hypest songs in gaming, I really want to hear what they did with it remix-wise!
The Captain, here is my old list from many old threads. I adjusted every time we got characters confirmation.
I kept a similar list as a word document, where I had images of each of the characters. I kind of ran out of ideas after I added Paper Mario, Tingle, Prince Fluff, and Little Mac.
I even added Shulk because I saw someone suggest him and thought "why not." Turned out to be right in the end - this was before Gemats2 and the voice actor tweets.

T4. Ridley (for my friends)
Do you also fight for them?

Would you rather have Dr. Mario or Paper Mario; if both were clones?

Doc, a clone Paper Mario would be a waste of potential.
Alright SmashGAF, If you had a choice of a DLC pack, what would it be?

A.) Returning DLC
- Pokemon Trainer
- Lucas
- Mewtwo
- Wolf
- Ice Climbers

B.) Villains DLC
- Hades
- Ridley (Super Metroid)
- King K. Rool
- True Ganondorf/ Demise
- Fawful

C.) Third-Partiers DLC
- Bomberman
- Simon Belmont
- Rayman
- Solid Snake
- Tails/ Shadow (Commemorating the Sonic series' second Smash appearance)

D.) Odd-Ones Out DLC
- Bandana Dee
- Charging Chuck
- Joey's Rattata
- Adeleine
- Anthony Higgs
- Paper Mario
Bass would make a nice alt costume for Mega Man, with an announcer line and all.

I hope they add some more slots in a patch or as DLC. It's like getting another character to play as without really adding a new roster slot.


Alright SmashGAF, If you had a choice of DLC, what would it be?

A.) Returning DLC
- Pokemon Trainer
- Lucas
- Mewtwo
- Wolf
- Ice Climbers

B.) Villains DLC
- Hades
- Ridley (Super Metroid)
- King K. Rool
- True Ganondorf/ Demise
- Fawful

C.) Third-Partiers DLC
- Bomberman
- Simon Belmont
- Rayman
- Solid Snake
- Tails/ Shadow (Commemorating the Sonic series' second Smash appearance)

D.) Odd-Ones Out DLC
- Bandana Dee
- Charging Chuck
- Joey's Rattata
- Adeleine
- Anthony Higgs
- Paper Mario

A.) Lucas
B.) Ridley
C.) Bomberman (Sorry, Snake!)
D.) Bandanna Dee

A would've been hard if I didn't love Lucas so much; I hate cuts. Same thing with Ridley vs Hades (Best Nintendo Villain) and K. Rool (My 4th most wanted). Higgs also was someone I'd love to take in

... or were we supposed to pick which PACK we wanted? Oh... Hnng... I want Lucas a lot, but Ridley, Hades, and K. Rool's too ideal. Villains Pack, hands-down.
The main reason Etika's reaction was extreme was because of a hastily-made fake VS. screen, rather than a trailer designed with the sole purpose of generating hype. Again, he apparently believed Lanky Kong was somewhere in the Demo via code, so he may just be gullible, and it was moments after we first learned of stores selling the game early, but he still got tears from little more than a silhouette, with any and all evidence behind it tying it to be a fake.
Yeah, that was my thinking too. So far, I think a 'normal' POTD has always preceded a newcomer POTD. Why someone would think Ridley would just be posted without a trailer is the confusing bit.
I didn't know ahead of time either, so I got pretty excited. It had been 8 long years since its announcement at that point; nobody brought it up like Duke Nukem Forever, Mother 3, or Team Fortress 2, but it's still in the same boat.
I did know ahead of time though - Miyamoto said it would finally be shown off. I was pretty happy to hear that, but I think my reaction to seeing that E3 2012 intro would've been much better had I not expected it.
Knowing about things pre-E3 due to official confirmation kind of kills a bit of hype. Sure, it was cool to know that E3 2013 would have a new 3D Mario and a new Mario Kart (along with images of Smash), but it dulled the announcements when they actually came.
Alright SmashGAF, If you had a choice of a DLC pack, what would it be?

A.) Returning DLC
- Pokemon Trainer
- Lucas
- Mewtwo
- Wolf
- Ice Climbers

B.) Villains DLC
- Hades
- Ridley (Super Metroid)
- King K. Rool
- True Ganondorf/ Demise
- Fawful

C.) Third-Partiers DLC
- Bomberman
- Simon Belmont
- Rayman
- Solid Snake
- Tails/ Shadow (Commemorating the Sonic series' second Smash appearance)

D.) Odd-Ones Out DLC
- Bandana Dee
- Charging Chuck
- Joey's Rattata
- Adeleine
- Anthony Higgs
- Paper Mario
Hey! That's my thing!

I'd have trouble deciding between A for Ice Climbers (though I don't see how Pokemon Trainer can work any more) or D for Paper Mario.
The Mega Eggdozers have hatched.


Yeah, that was my thinking too. So far, I think a 'normal' POTD has always preceded a newcomer POTD. Why someone would think Ridley would just be posted without a trailer is the confusing bit.

Well, in that case, it happened literally within an hour of the first "Hey, I just picked up a copy from this store selling it early" Tweet. Someone had already unlocked Ness, too, so the faker even had a "CHALLENGER APPROACHING" screen to go off of.

Mario[/I] and a new Mario Kart (along with images of Smash), but it dulled the announcements when they actually came.

I'm glad I missed those 2 as well. The only ones I'd had spoiled ahead of time were Mario Maker due to a leak, and Star Fox U/Projects Guard & Giant Robot, but thankfully, the former was minor and the latter wasn't focused on, so it wasn't a hype trailer of Fox getting in an Arwing and decimating Venom's army within minutes that got ruined, it was more a "Hey yo, check out the Treehouse where Miyamoto's playing a very early build of Star Fox U!"
Alright SmashGAF, If you had a choice of a DLC pack, what would it be?

A.) Returning DLC
- Pokemon Trainer
- Lucas
- Mewtwo
- Wolf
- Ice Climbers

B.) Villains DLC
- Hades
- Ridley (Super Metroid)
- King K. Rool
- True Ganondorf/ Demise
- Fawful

C.) Third-Partiers DLC
- Bomberman
- Simon Belmont
- Rayman
- Solid Snake
- Tails/ Shadow (Commemorating the Sonic series' second Smash appearance)

D.) Odd-Ones Out DLC
- Bandana Dee
- Charging Chuck
- Joey's Rattata
- Adeleine
- Anthony Higgs
- Paper Mario

B > A > C > D
A.) Lucas
B.) Ridley
C.) Bomberman (Sorry, Snake!)
D.) Bandanna Dee

A would've been hard if I didn't love Lucas so much; I hate cuts. Same thing with Ridley vs Hades (Best Nintendo Villain) and K. Rool (My 4th most wanted). Higgs also was someone I'd love to take in

... or were we supposed to pick which PACK we wanted? Oh... Hnng... I want Lucas a lot, but Ridley, Hades, and K. Rool's too ideal. Villains Pack, hands-down.

If we're doing it that way, it's easy.
Ice Climbers - Super Ridley - Snake - Paper Mario
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