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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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I love his expression. He's clearly mad he's not in the game. Also, are you trying to impersonate ffdgh with your avatar?

I know; I still wish he's in, but I have a Snake Mii of my own all line up. Plus one for Bayonetta. Them, Nikki, Nester, Reggie, and Speedwagon are going to be my main Miis, hopefully until Bayo and Snake get in as DLC.

I just realized that we have 2 more pictures of brawl in the family. I'm going to miss them. ;_;

I know... At least Awkward Zombie did a Smash 4 comic, though! Katie was arguably the best cartoonist for Melee, so maybe we'll get a weekly return to form for awhile? I mean, her current favorite game does get more focus than others (Just look at her Warcraft, Fallout, and Bravely Default comics), so maybe while Matt's actually getting into the game's industry, Katie'll cover for him regarding Smash 4 comics? Besides, after her comic with [NAME REDACTED], she said she wanted to do a bunch of lead-in comics with other potential newcomers, before realizing the roster has been known for awhile and the game's already out in Japan. Maybe she has other now-rejected newcomer comics lined up, too? Or maybe she got prophetic like BitF did with Roy?

Either way, though, BitF'll be missed, but it seems like the guy behind it's moving to bigger and better things. I'm gonna miss having him do 2 comics a week, but now he can move onto game design/composition, so he's living his dream now!
Not the best of stages but w/e.

In case you want to know what Gamer looks like


It's based on this Game and Wario game:
Just throwing this out there; I'm a huge fan of the Pikmin games. I've played all three to completion (several times), I have three stuffed Pikmin and a stuffed Bulborb sitting on a shelf in my home, and I even named my GAF username after the protagonist of the series, even if it isn't obvious. I know my way around Pikmin.
Wait, wait, wait....

How exactly do you think Pikmin isn't set in a post-apocalyptic earth? I didn't even know there was anyone who thought otherwise.

The game is set on earth, human life is completely extinct and the flora/fauna has evolved into familiar yet alien species, tectonic plates have massively shifted into positions that would take millions of years.

Miyamoto has come out and said that the Pikmin planet is Earth, and it's definitely (long) after humans lived there because you can find batteries and Game and Watches. This isn't up for debate.
PNF-404 is pretty obviously Earth - Pikmin 2 used the current continental layout in its cutscenes, and Pikmin 3 retconned that to the hypothetical continental layout 250 million years in the future. Humans aren't around any more, but that doesn't equate to an apocalyptic event in the past.

Most of the remnants of human civilisations are buried or underground.

How can the Pikmin series not be set on a post-apocalyptic earth?
We have ruins of ancient civilizations all over the world - does that mean we live in a post-apocalyptic Earth right now?

There's nothing to indicate any kind of cataclysmic event in the Pikmin games, there's just a whole bunch of garbage everywhere. This isn't exactly uncommon - take a look at the side of highways, and you'll see all sorts of trash lying there.
However, whether it's post-apocalyptic or just set really really far into the future (after humans died/evolved into something else/left) is I guess, but the result is the same: Earth without humans.
In a game where space travel is possible by both alien civilizations and plant-animal hybrid mother ships, I see no reason why humans couldn't have simply left the planet and migrated somewhere else. That's my thinking, and it certainly fits the atmosphere of the games.

That being said, I realize that my interpretation is also a "fan theory" and is just as valid as the "human annihilation" idea - I just don't like it when people throw around their own fan theories as facts. It's like saying Majora's Mask Link is confirmed dead because of that one fan theory that says the whole game is him dealing with his own death. I don't buy it, but it's fine if you do - just don't act as if that idea is canon.
Speaking of Smash, here is a quiz to determine which character you are: http://www.dorkly.com/post/69013/quiz-which-nintendo-character-are-you

I got Mario
You think you're the center of the universe - but judge yourself honestly: you're out of shape, you're far past your prime, and no one respects you. People think they can take things away from you with no consequences, others are challenging you constantly, and the truth is that you're about as middle-of-the-road as they come. You're nothing special, and you're the least interesting one in any group. ... pretty accurate -_-
I prefer to think Pikmin takes place in the present because finding Game & Watches and Duracells in good condition out in the wild thousand of years after the fall of man just seems implausible to me.
Speaking of Smash, here is a quiz to determine which character you are: http://www.dorkly.com/post/69013/quiz-which-nintendo-character-are-you

I got Mario
You think you're the center of the universe - but judge yourself honestly: you're out of shape, you're far past your prime, and no one respects you. People think they can take things away from you with no consequences, others are challenging you constantly, and the truth is that you're about as middle-of-the-road as they come. You're nothing special, and you're the least interesting one in any group. ... pretty accurate -_-

I'm guessing it's a joke quiz. I got the same thing.
Speaking of Smash, here is a quiz to determine which character you are: http://www.dorkly.com/post/69013/quiz-which-nintendo-character-are-you

I got Pikachu

You are a slave to others - bosses, significant others, friends, relatives, and obligations. You have never been your own person, and you will never be. The best you can hope for is the brief pleasure of sleep, when nothing is asked of you, until that inevitable moment when you're awakened - and the real nightmare begins.


Fair enough...fair enough. So I guess ffdgh is copying you. What a tool.

Lol I know right? :p i do wanna make it bigger though so i can put half her body in. Anyways I really cant wait to try out the galaxy stage the wacky gravity should be cool

Edit: lol did the dorkly quiz i got dk :p
Gotta love DK's image and description.

You like throwing barrels! You like wearing a tie but otherwise you're naked! You're trying to outrun a past that haunts you every day! You like bananas! What a goof you are!
Again, though, this only happened for Mac, but a lot of Brawl's assists seemed probable for a future installment, not just Little Mac. Honestly, I only think it was Next Level's Punch-Out!! that even gave him a chance this time around now that I see how few made it in, but that's only hindsight talking. I honestly was expecting Waluigi & Isaac, and I was dreaming of sunny days with Goroh and Jill on the playable roster.
"Just because you try hard doesn't mean you'll make it into the battle."
They were. They're called Chorus Kids in the credits of both Rhythm Heaven DS and Game & Wario. (Chorus Men in Japanese)
I can't remember them being in the game at all, so I was surprised to see them in the credits. Why were they there?
I prefer to think Pikmin takes place in the present because finding Game & Watches and Duracells in good condition out in the wild thousand of years after the fall of man just seems implausible to me.
If we're going for accuracy, Pikmin is all kinds of wrong.
The continental layout of Pikmin 3 is a hypothetical layout 250 million years from now, but electric fences, circuits, and lightbulbs all function in perfect condition.
Animal life seems to have radically changed, but plants and fruits seem like they stayed the same.
It seems that almost every animal is a predator, and yet the only prey they seem to eat are Pikmin. However, in Pikmin and Pikmin 3, the Pikmin are shown to be on the verge of extinction, while Bulborbs worldwide are thriving.
In Pikmin 2's Piklopedia (while much appreciated for the effort) messes up taxonomy on a few occasions, including the Empress Bublax giving birth to an entirely different species.

I've dealt with inaccuracy before so it doesn't really bother me, and I like that they try to go for a natural world with Pikmin. Little details like Pikmin 2 giving all the creatures scientific names is really fun for a biology nut like me. I wish more games would do that.

Personally, I find it hard to get immersed in games when the world feels constructed. For example, I find Beach Bowl Galaxy very memorable, and it seems like a place that would be nice to visit. Meanwhile, World 3-3 of Super Mario 3D Land feels like something Bowser made to mess with Mario, and nothing more. I can't really remember any level from that game, and yet I really liked it when I first played it. Weird...

Son Of D

i dont want to buy a game where half of the content is locked behind a paywall.

nintendo is starting doing this shit, iam so sad about it, and i think they will never ever release a "goty"-edition with all the content on the disc.

i realized, that hyrule warriors has all the DLC already on the disc, only a key, which is 2mb big is getting downloaded when you pay 16euros... i suppose nintendo could do this scam again with smash locking all the content behind this-.-

i just want to enjoy these two games as much as possible but not this way :(
Just a heads up. Not all Hyrule Warriros DLC is on disc. The DLC they announced recently (the four packs) comes to over 1GB so there's no way that's on disc. The pre-order costumes are though, I'll give you that.



"You have no voice in the world - you never did, but are only now realizing it. Your opinions and desires mean nothing against the crushing weight of the meaningless reality you exist in. Others demand you listen to them, but no one will listen to you."

Here is an evidence that Peach is in the jail before they threw a prison suit/dress at her.

Just like her boyfriend Mario.
I think Mario and Tingle are the only major Nintendo protagonists to actually go to jail - can anyone think of other examples?

I've tried that poll a few times. I don't think they assigned the characters depending on your anwsers correctly (Mario seems to be the default option), but I do like the paragraph they give for each character.
She's already been replaced.
I feel like Mario should commit to one woman. The Peach, Pauline, Roselina triangle must stop!
Just like her boyfriend Mario.
I think Mario and Tingle are the only major Nintendo protagonists to actually go to jail - can anyone think of other examples?
Link goes to jail in OoT. He uses the hookshot to escape because they decided to put wood outside the window.


Link goes to jail in OoT. He uses the hookshot to escape because they decided to put wood outside the window.

If I'm counting Mario as being a criminal because of his brief jail time in a corrupt tropical dictatorship, I'll count Link as well.
Tingle seems to have actually deserved it.

I tried to pick the ones that would lead to Olimar. Here's the result:
You use others - you always have. You're a worthless, ineffective lump, who has only been able to accomplish anything by exploiting the values of others to your own means. Their needs and desires be damned - your narcissism demands your wants always come first.
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