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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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The Rumble Falls / 75m combo being summoned from the deep is the worst possible scenario, but I think it's more than possible that the one new DK stage we receive isn't Returns-based - perhaps it'll be a Barrel Blast scrolling stage instead. Don't forget that Samus has three (!) palettes based on Retro spinoffs; giving their games any more representation would upset the natural order. It makes much more sense to focus on mainline installments like Barrel Blast and Other M.
Rumble Falls/75m combo... I feel sick...
So far, I think Diddy Kong and Frigate Orpheon are the only Western creations in Brawl (excluding trophies) - am I forgetting anything?
Amphinobi is infinitely better than Greninja. What does that even mean? Why Gre-?
"Grenouille" is French for "frog."


There's gotta be a Returns stage. I'd stake a dollar on it.

It's definitely gonna be Returns. They modeled one of the locations from the game in the first trailer.



Rumble Falls/75m combo... I feel sick...
So far, I think Diddy Kong and Frigate Orpheon are the only Western creations in Brawl (excluding trophies) - am I forgetting anything?

That's everything, unless you count bosses, ATs and music.



Though even if Nintendo owns Dr. Wright, I'm not sure which party created him...


It's definitely gonna be Returns. They modeled one of the locations from the game in the first trailer.

A Factory DK stage would be absolutely sublime. There are so many DK locations and setting tropes that are perfect Smash stage candidates yet it feels like we're always getting jungle settings for DK stages (barring 75m based on the original arcade game). I want to see them branch out with DK stages for once.

Nice! I'd personally rather see a Tropical Freeze stage, or at least Sunset Shores. It looks like we're just gonna get a boring Jungle stage, though. Maybe we'll get an ice-covered variant/factory level, too? I know Sunset Shores can't use its silhouette shenanigans to its fullest, but it could work, too, if the items and fighters were just colored in on a stark, shady background.

Just put 50$ in my eShop account, in case the payment servers go down like they did for the Midnight Pokemon X/Y launch.

I love that most games are 40 or 60 dollars, but eShop cards only seem to come in 35 and 50 dollar varieties?

Pretty sneaky, Sis.

Hey, at least it covers taxes, right?

I find it equally strange that we are missing Pandora as well.


I mean, I figured she would at least get a trophy since she's a major boss in the series. It's even more shocking that Amazon Pandora is absent, considering all of the "fan-service" these games have been delivering. Hopefully she appears as a boss in the Wii U version.

Huh. I mean, she's not a huge player in the grand scheme of Nintendo, and I don't think Amazon Pandora would be priority due to fanservice, but in retrospect, she was kind of a big deal in Uprising
(Plus the whole "creating Dark Pit" gives her some importance in Smash)
. I wonder if she's going to be in the Wii U version, too?
I find it equally strange that we are missing Pandora as well.

I mean, I figured she would at least get a trophy since she's a major boss in the series. It's even more shocking that Amazon Pandora is absent, considering all of the "fan-service" these games have been delivering. Hopefully she appears as a boss in the Wii U version.

She doesn't even have a trophy? Weird. She's one of the cooler characters in that game (at least the best female villain).

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Well, if any Pokemon James Turner designed gets in, would that count as "western"?

Or if the Wii U Chunky Kong AT exists...

She doesn't even have a trophy? Weird. She's one of the cooler characters in that game (at least the best female villain).

I haven't seen Medusa or Hades as Trophies either...
Huh. I mean, she's not a huge player in the grand scheme of Nintendo, and I don't think Amazon Pandora would be priority due to fanservice, but in retrospect, she was kind of a big deal in Uprising
(Plus the whole "creating Dark Pit" gives her some importance in Smash)
. I wonder if she's going to be in the Wii U version, too?

Twinbellows, Hewdraw, Thanatos, and Medusa all received trophies, all of the original bosses, except Pandora. It doesn't make sense that they would exclude her while adding almost every other boss introduced in Uprising.


medusa, hades, and viridi all have trophies

also arlon and pyrrhon

My man Pyrrhon! it be awesome to have him as an assist trophy in the Wii U version, and would love to see pandora as a boss as well
Just recently played and beat kid Icarus Uprising for the first time few days ago Amazing game btw


Why is Phosphora in as an AT anyway, any other character would had been better imo

I dunno. Maybe they want to do more with the character down the road? Maybe they had a better idea of how she'd be an AT? I don't think any other character would be better, but personality-wise, she's on the low end of Uprising's spectrum.

Twinbellows, Hewdraw, Thanatos, and Medusa all received trophies, all of the original bosses, except Pandora. It doesn't make sense that they would exclude her while adding almost every other boss introduced in Uprising.

Huh. I was mainly arguing that I don't think fanservice was the only reason why Amazon Pandora didn't get a trophy, but I've been trying and failing to look at all the new trophies; I didn't know those guys got them, too. [REDACTED]'s probably a stage boss, and he didn't get a trophy, same as Metal Face. Maybe they will add an NES style Kid Icarus stage and put Pandora as a stage boss there? I mean, I hate stage bosses, but Pandora did at least twice as much as that entire lot in Uprising, barring the obvious Medusa.

medusa, hades, and viridi all have trophies

also arlon and pyrrhon

Oh, cool! The 2 best characters have trophies! Still really hoping the Wii U one has Codec calls for the Kid Icarus characters, although honestly, I'm afraid that if anyone gets it, it's gonna be Fire Emblem. Not that I'm unhappy about FE getting these Codec Calls, but I feel KI could do far more with them. But Matt Mercer did say that he voiced "story" stuff for Smash, and it was all Chrom explicitly expressing annoyance that he's not a playable character. He made enough of a deal out of it that I doubt he's just referring to "Maybe I'll get my chance... another day." That doesn't sound annoyed anyway, just defeated.

Has there seriously never been a one-off Advance Wars musical track in Smash? Is this the Secret Greatest Tragedy of the franchise?


No, and yes, respectively. Well, the greatest tragedy is the franchise's total snub, barring that one AT that rarely even shows up (Like, it's not "Manaphy" rare, but it's pretty rare. And again, Manaphy was the best Pokeball both times I've seen it happen. Why not just bring it back with a slightly higher appearance rate?)
You really should. I recommend Dual Strike!

The music (and broader sound design) of the franchise is just pure energy.

I remember playing the GBA ones via link cable and was surprised at how addictive it was. Definitely one day.

I'm sure it'll be expanded upon at some point in a future Smash, especially considering we're only just getting major representation for overdue stuff like Punch-Out, Paper Mario, and Pilotwings. It'll get its turn eventually.

they all start with p
Because she's rad.
Phosphora was a lot of fun in the chapters where she appeared. Her debut chapter is one of my favorite missions in Uprising.

And she's just a cool character design all-around.

Well yeah, but every character was a lot of fun overall or has an awesome design (which imo her isn't that great, dat hair), plus she wasn't that important story-wise. Don't get me wrong, I like her, but she just seems weird to me as an AT.


Phosphora was a lot of fun in the chapters where she appeared. Her debut chapter is one of my favorite missions in Uprising.

And she's just a cool character design all-around.


I felt she was the weakest design of KI:U out of the actual important characters.
Not counting Dark Pit of course.



Hey, it's all good. Literally. It is all good music. All of it.

Is that Yoshito Hirano? I'm looking forward to seeing what he does with S.T.E.A.M's score.

Yeah, of Thousand Year Door and Fire Emblem fame. Hearing that he's attached to S.T.E.A.M. has me way more interested.

I remember playing the GBA ones via link cable and was surprised at how addictive it was. Definitely one day.

I'm sure it'll be expanded upon at some point in a future Smash, especially considering we're only just getting major representation for overdue stuff like Punch-Out, Paper Mario, and Pilotwings. It'll get its turn eventually.

they all start with p

Ace detective work, but I'm getting a little scared that it's going to be lost in the fog of war.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I wonder if Manaphy might've caused issues on the 3DS.

Switching player control might be harder to do when you have two different systems instead of one.


I wonder if Manaphy might've caused issues on the 3DS.

Switching player control might be harder to do when you have two different systems instead of one.

That makes sense. I could see it being just as likely as no one ever using it because no one ever got it, but from a technical standpoint... Maybe it will be back for the Wii U version?


Don't try to play it off.
I was being 100 percent honest. In Internet Explorer, it was working. I just checked in Chrome and it's not. It's edited out now.

I mean, think about it: I would've saw a hotlink myself and changed it, had it appeared that way on my end. It didn't, though.


I was being 100 percent honest. In Internet Explorer, it was working. I just checked in Chrome and it's not. It's edited out now.

I mean, think about it: I would've saw a hotlink myself and changed it, had it appeared that way on my end. It didn't, though.

Yeah they're fine now.
We just thought it was funny the first time. IE has that issue though with Hotlinking.
1. Gamer

2. Super Mario Galaxy

3. Mushroom Kingdom U

4. Kalos Pokemon League

5. Orbital Gate

Love 'em.

EDIT: I wanted to be cool and have images.
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