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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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I'm curious as to whether Nintendo is going to provide some sort of incentive for Smash 3DS owners to double dip on the Wii U version. The 3DS version absorbed most of the sales resulting from the new character hype.

They have to have something planned. I just can't see them casually tossing out the game to the public in 6 weeks and saying, "Oh yeah, here's the Wii U version."


I'm curious as to whether Nintendo is going to provide some sort of incentive for Smash 3DS owners to double dip on the Wii U version. The 3DS version absorbed most of the sales resulting from the new character hype.

They have to have something planned. I just can't see them casually tossing out the game to the public in 6 weeks and saying, "Oh yeah, here's the Wii U version."

We at least get the soundtrack CD they're offering for having both versions.
Guys, I can feel it in my bones. Ridley pic tonight.

Images don't work. Assuming the first one is Marth though because that one is so bad looking.
Damn it, there have been too many times where I have repeatedly previewed posts to check if everything worked only to have the images not work later. I should just reupload things on principle.
I was referring to these two:
Captain Falcon's is so good, I genuinely thought someone had 'shopped the render on top of an amiibo stand.

That's just arthritis...
You're not getting that avatar quoted, nuh uh, not happening...
Then you need to stop believing in your own bones since it lied to you many times.

"Hey kids, want to see some Ridley pics? Come into my van!"


maaaaaaaan I really want to see an Epic Yarn stage, but with the GCO stage in the works...can't complain with that. I've always wanted the main theme in; can't believe I never put two and two together, haha.

I wonder if any EY songs could fit on that stage...?
If we can't get an Epic Yarn stage then maybe a Woolly World stage instead? ;D

Although I guess that won't happen by default considering the game isn't out yet and I don't think Smash Bros has ever had stages representing (at the time) upcoming games. Too bad :(

Actually kinda curious as to what the Yoshi Stage will be. Probably not something from New Island since that game is still very recent and also handheld only... I guess you could make more stages out of Yoshi's Island locales, not like there's too much else to take inspiration from :p
My dream is for two modes. One an adventure mode a la Melee with Smash Run they've shown they can get enemies from multiple series not just Mario. Smash Run is great but I've been through it over 30 times now and it's getting old.
It reminds me how Mad World was so repetitive because they wasn't a linear progression, just an arena. I would rather grind and series of levels with a beginning and end than the Smash Run map.

My other dream mode is a 4 vs. 1 boss mode where the Gamepad play can control bosses like Master Hand. You could move past the border above the players screen so they don't know where coming from and can use the touch screen to select targets to perform moves.

Yeah the trailers should be in the Wii version considering they have 25 GB to work with. An opening and ending move should be in too.

I'm only afraid that Nintendo would want the size lower so more people could download it without buying a hard drive. The three biggest Wii U games before this, NSMBU, 3D World and Mario Kart where all under 5 GB. This is a big title with probable DLC SO they probably don't want to push people to retail. My only hope is Sakurai has enough pull to fill up the game as much as he wants.

I'd be really happy with either of those (hopefully both). I've suggested that same second idea though. It would be a great compromise to the Ridley fans who want him playable.


I'm really waiting to see the paint detail when we finally get these.
They'll be worth the price if they keep the high quality as seen on the falcon.
Disney infinity has had bad batches of their figures.


The arrangement is incredible, but it really suffers from lack of live-recording.

Still, the Epic Yarn version of that theme beats all.

The live version of the Brawl Metaknight theme on the Harmony of Heroes album that released a few days ago is pretty good.

Though it probably wouldn't be among my favourite arrangements on the album, considering it has to share billing with some impressive renditions of Luigi's Mansion, Bramble Blast, Green Greens, Zero-Two (which actually manages to make the YEHs work), Dark World and Kraid among others.
Seeing the Pikmin 2 Map theme on the Wii U CD really makes me think Distant Planet is also returning for that game as well.

That song is currently used on Distant Planet on the 3DS. They could move it to Garden of Hope, I guess, but Distant Planet seems like a pretty good pick for a retro level, and I never bought into the thought that Wii U and 3DS would have exclusive retro levels, as that leaves some series like Donkey Kong stretched thin for popular old levels to bring back.


I never bought into the thought that Wii U and 3DS would have exclusive retro levels, as that leaves some series like Donkey Kong stretched thin for popular old levels to bring back.

They brought back Mushroomy Kingdom from its cursed tomb. I don't think the developers care how popular the past stages are.


I'm curious as to whether Nintendo is going to provide some sort of incentive for Smash 3DS owners to double dip on the Wii U version. The 3DS version absorbed most of the sales resulting from the new character hype.

They have to have something planned. I just can't see them casually tossing out the game to the public in 6 weeks and saying, "Oh yeah, here's the Wii U version."

Ill second this, there HAS to be something thatll make the average non-wii u owner want the game
I'm really waiting to see the paint detail when we finally get these.
They'll be worth the price if they keep the high quality as seen on the falcon.
Disney infinity has had bad batches of their figures.

It's pretty inconsistent.

So far the best ones (in my opinion) are Samus and Captain Falcon.

They don't really show any skin or facial expressions, which I think makes them look better at a small scale. They're also pretty shiny - I don't know if that makes a difference.

Then you have the Zelda characters.

I don't know exactly what it is, but these guys just don't look good. Maybe it has to do with the faces or the clothing, but they're just not pleasant to look at. Zelda's hair is a bit weird too.

Yoshi is also sort of unnerving as you can see seem where his nose is attached to the rest of his head.

I'm nervous about the quality of the two characters I really want to get as amiibos.

Hopefully the cartoon look of both and Olimar's suit make them look better than some of the other stuff we've gotten. Time will tell.


I'm curious as to whether Nintendo is going to provide some sort of incentive for Smash 3DS owners to double dip on the Wii U version. The 3DS version absorbed most of the sales resulting from the new character hype.

They have to have something planned. I just can't see them casually tossing out the game to the public in 6 weeks and saying, "Oh yeah, here's the Wii U version."

I definitely think there will be something and no it's not the CD offer or the Amiibos.
I'm curious as to whether Nintendo is going to provide some sort of incentive for Smash 3DS owners to double dip on the Wii U version. The 3DS version absorbed most of the sales resulting from the new character hype.
It's simple. They just offer the better version.
I'm curious as to whether Nintendo is going to provide some sort of incentive for Smash 3DS owners to double dip on the Wii U version. The 3DS version absorbed most of the sales resulting from the new character hype.

They have to have something planned. I just can't see them casually tossing out the game to the public in 6 weeks and saying, "Oh yeah, here's the Wii U version."

This is Nintendo we're talking about here.

Granted, maybe there's some DLC involved, but idk if it'd be that early...?


New Pork City/Rumble Falls returning confirmed :/

I'd actually love for New Pork City to return, just so I can have the Omega version of it. The original stage was junk but the setting was lovely. I would sometimes just load the stage up to look at the recreated New Pork City in the background. Having a Final Destination version of it would probably make it my most played stage, lol.

Plus it would probably be the only Mother 3 content we get across both games aside from a Lucas trophy. Gotta take what I can get.


So far the best ones (in my opinion) are Samus and Captain Falcon.

They don't really show any skin or facial expressions, which I think makes them look better at a small scale. They're also pretty shiny - I don't know if that makes a difference.

These are both day 1 for me. Might get Zelda down the road.

That's probably it as far as the initial waves go.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Just thought I'd share my opinions on where Smash will go next, in terms of the pre-existing playable franchises. My thoughts on Mario and Yoshi Series first.

Mario has reached a point in Smash where the Roster is, quite frankly, a bit ridiculous. There are seven individual slots, plus seven additional fully-fledged alt models...it's gonna be interesting to see how it's handled next time. I feel like around Brawl *this was before Galaxy really took off*, Mario was sort of waning...Sunshine, NSMB DS, nothing really that mind-blowing..but recently I'd say he's experienced a bit of a renaissance with a lot of solid games, which is why suddenly he's got more people in 4 compared to Brawl.

Now, first of all, I think Dr. Mario is the only cut. Why? Well, I really think he was a last minute decision here, although to be fair, he has had a lot of games recently, especially on the ESHOP. Nes Remix, Dr. Mario RX, Dr. Luigi, etc. I almost consider him an "ESHOP Rep"...in fact, if the Wii U has an Eshop Stage, I bet it'll be Doc's. But I think he might get the boot next time around...I'm interested in Sakurai saying why he brought back the Doc.

Bowser Jr. and Rosalina are the next in terms of being cut, but I don't see Sakurai dumping such an imaginative and alt-filled character like Jr. (on the other hand, perhaps the level of time it takes to make such a character might mean Sakurai will cut him next time due to time constraints, etc.). Rosalina doesn't seem like she's leaving the Mario Series soon, and in fact I can only see her getting more appearances, so yeah, she's good to stay.

Now, let's talk about up-and-coming characters...before Brawl, Rosalina was the next big thing in the Mario-verse. Right now, argurably there are two characters that are anywhere near her level in terms of being in the spotlight...

First, (Captain) Toad. There's a lot of suspicion I have right now to suppose he's gonna be DLC...that weird advert on that Japanese site, the random mention in the Toad Trophy. Now, while he can't "jump", this is easy to get around...introduce an element that spawns that propels him into the air, but otherwise works like a jump. But even though Captain Toad is new, he's basically Toad, a long-lived character, and thus has quite a lot to draw from. Wario Woods, for instance, for more puzzle-based moves, and his appearance in Mario 2 USA and 3D World.

The next one is...Nabbit. I mean, dude has had quite a few playable appearances already, including a mainline title. Although he wasn't popular enough to be in Mario Kart 8, although I think he has a chance as DLC. I don't think this'll happen, and Nabbit's popularity will be short lived, but a thief-archetype character would be interesting.

As for classic characters, Daisy and Waluigi are the most requested. Neither one of them have really had any breakout roles though, and unless that changes, well, I still don't think they'll make it. Sakurai not making a True Daisy Alt for Peach, literally the biggest "duh!" ever, seems to suggest he doesn't think much of her. And Waluigi is almost the poster-boy for Assist Trophies now. No other Classic Mario Character has really surged up recently...I guess Boom Boom came back, but he's not really...well, interesting. If tag-teams return, though, a Boom Boom/Pom Pom Team would be interesting I guess.

Finally, we've got Paper Mario. Certainly a well-requested character, and his chances are certainly looking bright now that Smash actually gave him a level. Hopefully Sticker Star didn't kill the series, though.

Moving on to the Yoshi "subseries", well, I'll be honest...I still think Yoshi should just be merged back with Mario, and even Sakurai seems to think so based on the character layout. Yoshi games tend to be not well regarded, Sakurai didn't give us a new Yoshi Stage, A.T., or "character", (actually, are the Shy Guy counted as a Yoshi or Mario enemy Trophy-wise?), and, well, I dunno, Yoshi feels sort of antiquated now being his own series. Maybe Wooly World will begin a Yoshi revolution, but regardless, there are three Yoshi characters who I think have a chance...and two of them are basically Mario characters now.

First, Baby Bowser. Yes, we've got Bowser Jr. now, so this would feel redundant (even Nintendo basically made their designs quite similar recently), but Baby would probably play as a straight up Bowser clone. But I think his chances are pretty much dead, we don't need another "Koopaling", even if he is the Yoshi Series' Boss.

Next, Kamek. While he's a generic enemy, he's also an individual, and I feel is the main antagonist of the Yoshi Series. There's a lot of potential, and he'd serve as a nice counterpart for Yoshi being an individual-named-after-species (in Japan they're all Kamek) and has lots of moves he's shown off. But then again, poor Kamek can't even get into Mario Kart. Atleast he was playable in the latest Golf and Baseball which was a start, and has had larger roles in the platformers and RPGs again, but now he's almost a main-line Mario character again. But I think he'd still fit well as a Yoshi Rep, bringing along his magic skills.

Finally, Shy Guy. There's never been the "Shy Guy", so it'd be a bit weird since we'd have a character that was a simple mook and not an individual, but they're the key enemy of the Yoshi Series, and a popular character in their own right. There are many species of Shy Guy to draw from in terms of a move-set, as well as their spin-off appearances. There's a lot of fun you could have, and I doubt anyone would be bothered just because they aren't an individual character. Only problem is, it'd be weird to use any stage that has a Shy Guy in the background, and that means a lot of old stages have to be changed. Or maybe not, since they could find a way to make the Shy Guy distinct.

I don't see Yoshi introducing any major new characters....it's not really a series that does that...but perhaps Yarn Yoshi could be its own character? I don't think I'd want two Yoshi, though.


So are the amiibos pointless if you have no local multiplayer friends? Since all they do is uh... I don't even know.


All I'm really asking for this time in the music department is to have some kind of mix of Manhole in whatever Game and Watch's stage is. More made up Flatzone tunes won't cut it.

Maybe some Tropical Freeze and Xenoblade mixes too.


I'd actually love for New Pork City to return, just so I can have the Omega version of it. The original stage was junk but the setting was lovely. I would sometimes just load the stage up to look at the recreated New Pork City in the background. Having a Final Destination version of it would probably make it my most played stage, lol.

I kind of wouldn't mind that for the same reason - the location and and music were great, but the offensive layout poisoned everything around it. Especially now that we know Onett's returning as well, it'd be nice to have a less awful version of New Pork as an option.

Plus it would probably be the only Mother 3 content we get across both games aside from a Lucas trophy. Gotta take what I can get.


I don't know what you're talking about.
i just want a smash direct

i want to know all the cool new modes in the wii u version and i don't really see anything too exciting outside of stages being shown in a potd
Finally, we've got Paper Mario. Certainly a well-requested character, and his chances are certainly looking bright now that Smash actually gave him a level. Hopefully Sticker Star didn't kill the series, though.
Am I the only person that didn't hate Sticker Star? I actually kind of liked it - while the story and characters were lacking, the overall atmosphere was pretty good with great music and the most papery aesthetic of all the games.
If you want a really awful Paper Mario game, look no further than Super.

If Paper Mario were in Smash (and not a clone), I would rather he use his paper abilities instead of the Pixls. Turning into an airplane, rolling up into a tube, coiling up for a hammer attack - it could all work really well.

I bet tonight's gonna be the Wii U title screen.
He's saving that for the POTD on Nov. 21/Dec. 6.



I don't see Captain Toad happening as DLC. He seems like the type of character they'd introduce in the next game.

I don't think we'll be seeing Nabbit again any time soon. The fact that he isn't a part of the MK8 DLC makes me think that this game will be his last appearance outside of some background cameos and trophies in future Smash games.



I don't know what you're talking about.
I need these Miis. :O

Also, I think Sticker Star ended up becoming the best selling Paper Mario game in Japan (and sold great worldwide in general). Don't quote me on that one though, I may not be remembering things right, but yeah... makes me worried that future PM games will follow in it's footsteps which I definitely don't want. :(


I need these Miis. :O

Also, I think Sticker Star ended up becoming the best selling Paper Mario game in Japan. Don't quote me on that one though, I may not be remembering things right, but yeah...

Oh no... I really hope you're wrong about that.
I need these Miis. :O

Also, I think Sticker Star ended up becoming the best selling Paper Mario game in Japan (and sold great worldwide in general). Don't quote me on that one though, I may not be remembering things right, but yeah... makes me worried that future PM games will follow in it's footsteps which I definitely don't want. :(

well let's see...*yoink*

From JapanLTDrank so Famitsu numbers [Opening Week Sales / LTD Sales]

[N64] Paper Mario (Nintendo) {2002.03.31} - 118,322 / 425,609
[NGC] Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo) {2005.12.25} - 137,750 / 409,600
[WII] Super Paper Mario (Nintendo) {2007.04.19} - 156,055 / 506,298
[3DS] Paper Mario: Sticker Star (Nintendo) {2012.12.06} (¥4,571) - 130,009 / 561,139

fucking Japan, man

I don't think it did so worldwide though


Am I the only person that didn't hate Sticker Star? I actually kind of liked it - while the story and characters were lacking, the overall atmosphere was pretty good with great music and the most papery aesthetic of all the games.

I don't know how my name ended up in that quote but since it caught my attention, I will respond! I liked Sticker Star a lot. Great adventure game (not RPG).

edit: if you go back and check out the OT, you'll find many more misfits like us


What are the odds of them redoing the models for trophies from N64 and DS games? The 3DS version just has straight model rips and it looks really jarring to have something from KI:U next to the Lakitu trophy (The model was clearly just from Mario 64 DS).


Moving on to the Yoshi "subseries", well, I'll be honest...I still think Yoshi should just be merged back with Mario, and even Sakurai seems to think so based on the character layout.
Yoshi series will live on for eternity if I have anything to say about it! The egg icon is here to stay!

These colors don't run!

I'm still upset about Yoshi's placement.
Also, no there are no really great candidates for new Yoshi characters, but we don't really need any more.
well let's see...*yoink*

fucking Japan, man

I don't think it did so worldwide though

Wait, correct me if I'm reading this wrong, but TTYD is the worst selling Paper Mario in Japan and Sticker Star is #1?

I-I don't understand you sometimes Japan.
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