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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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As in "Heathcliff"
Looking at this, there definitely will be.

Assuming that this isn't a placeholder, Smash is Red, Online is orange, 3DS is light blue. I'm not sure about the rest. Challenges could be purple like in the 3DS version but the Amiibo screenshot from yesterday has a purple outline as well. I'm guessing the Smash Run of this game is the green or blue icon.


Similar between 3DS and Wii U
Red - Smash Mode
Orange - Online Mode
Dark Blue - Game & More
Light Blue - 3DS and Wii U connectivity
Green - Exclusive mode for versions (3DS - Smash Run and Wii U - unknown)

Difference between 3DS and Wii U

Dark Pink - Challenge on 3DS . We haven't seen it on Wii U Menu but it could be blocked by zoomed 3DS icon.
Lavender - Street Pass

Wii U
Pink - Amiibo. I'm pretty sure that they might patch it in 3DS main menu when they release 3DS adapter

Light Green - Unknown. Since it's there along with Connectivity and Amiibo. I presume that it might be setting for controllers (GameCube) or In-Game Shop feature. It's possible that Vault got it's own button but I had a doubt.

Only thing that I noticed that all small icons are at bottom of screen usually are for external features, StreetPass, Wii U/3DS and Amiibo. I wouldn't be surprised that small green button is for external feature, such as GameCube Adapter setting or In-Game Shop.


Similar between 3DS and Wii U
Red - Smash Mode
Orange - Online Mode
Dark Blue - Game & More
Light Blue - 3DS and Wii U connectivity
Green - Exclusive mode for versions (3DS - Smash Run and Wii U - unknown)

Difference between 3DS and Wii U

Dark Pink - Challenge on 3DS . We haven't seen it on Wii U Menu but it could be blocked by zoomed 3DS icon.
Lavender - Street Pass

Wii U
Pink - Amiibo. I'm pretty sure that they might patch it in 3DS main menu when they release 3DS adapter

Light Green - Unknown. Since it's there along with Connectivity and Amiibo. I presume that it might be setting for controllers (GameCube) or In-Game Shop feature. It's possible that Vault got it's own button but I had a doubt.

Only thing that I noticed that all small icons are at bottom of screen usually are for external features, StreetPass, Wii U/3DS and Amiibo. I wouldn't be surprised that small green button is for external feature, such as GameCube Adapter setting or In-Game Shop.

Why would there be a button for something that has controller support?
The Green icon beside the 3DS could be something Miiverse-related seeing as how it was made specifically for the Wii U and the normal 3DS can't even access it while playing.


As in "Heathcliff"
Why would there be a button for something that has controller support?

I'm throwing all ideas I had in my mind out here since we are speculating about menu. Also we are getting GameCube Adapter so I wonder if there is special setting just for the adapter since it's external.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm throwing all ideas I had in my mind out here since we are speculating about menu. Also we are getting GameCube Adapter so I wonder if there is special setting just for the adapter since it's external.

That would probably be in the settings though.

There is also that black circle to the top left of "Smash" on the Wii U one that isn't there on the 3DS one. Kind of odd.


Similar between 3DS and Wii U
Red - Smash Mode
Orange - Online Mode
Dark Blue - Game & More
Light Blue - 3DS and Wii U connectivity
Green - Exclusive mode for versions (3DS - Smash Run and Wii U - unknown)

Difference between 3DS and Wii U

Dark Pink - Challenge on 3DS . We haven't seen it on Wii U Menu but it could be blocked by zoomed 3DS icon.
Lavender - Street Pass

Wii U
Pink - Amiibo. I'm pretty sure that they might patch it in 3DS main menu when they release 3DS adapter

Light Green - Unknown. Since it's there along with Connectivity and Amiibo. I presume that it might be setting for controllers (GameCube) or In-Game Shop feature. It's possible that Vault got it's own button but I had a doubt.

Only thing that I noticed that all small icons are at bottom of screen usually are for external features, StreetPass, Wii U/3DS and Amiibo. I wouldn't be surprised that small green button is for external feature, such as GameCube Adapter setting or In-Game Shop.

What about the black dot in the upper left of the Wii U screen? That seems like it's gotta be for something.


Well, it look like it's in background instead of pop out button.

I disagree, it's the same shade of black as the bars at the top. It's gotta be some sort of indicator. Maybe something to do with the controllers, the update icon that appears on the bottom of the screen on the 3DS, or possibly the hold b to go back thing.
I find it amusing that the POTD today spoils Ness is in the game, but still has his character on the spoiler section of the site. GG website personnel.


As in "Heathcliff"
I disagree, it's the same shade of black as the bars at the top. It's gotta be some sort of indicator. Maybe something to do with the controllers, the update icon that appears on the bottom of the screen on the 3DS, or possibly the hold b to go back thing.

Good thinking. Update icon should pop up on black circle for notification so it would be easy for us to notice it on black circle, rather than white background.
I'm going to state my guess that there's an exclusive Wii U multiplayer mode that uses the Gamepad in addition to the equivalent adventure mode. Smash Run combined both multi-player and single-player and I see this split up in Wii U.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus


I rather get one of the monsters than one of the hunters.

In any case, Capcom already wanted a Monster Hunter character in Marvel Vs Capcom 3 and the producer of that series declined. It won't happen.

Was there a particular reason why the producer (I'm assuming Ryozo Tsujimoto) didn't want the Monster Hunter series to be represented in Marvel VS. Capcom 3?

Er, yeah, I do hope those are red feathers on its head and not a red receding hairline. Wrestling bird people is far more amusing.

Also, I need to finish Earthbound; made it to the Deep Darkness, at least?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Was there a particular reason why the producer (I'm assuming Ryozo Tsujimoto) didn't want the Monster Hunter series to be represented in Marvel VS. Capcom 3?
Certainly they were on the list and we actually made a proposal to the Monster Hunter team and producer. The answer I believe came back was no. You don’t just have to have the idea to have the character. You also have to get permission from the producer of that series to include the character and however they are implemented. They thought it wasn’t a good fit for the game and maybe they’re right. The hunter is sort of a malleable personality, rather than a super strong character in Monster Hunter since he’s so customizable.
Of course, we have characters like Robin and Villager in Smash that circumvent the problem of customisation, so it all depends on the feelings behind the MH team.

But Rathalos, dawg.


He already is pretty easy to deal with on every stage that's not Final Destination, a version of Final Destination, or Battlefield. I don't see why that would change with the Wii U version.
Wait, he's not easy to deal with on Battlefield? I haven't played one there yet, but I thought the platforms would give you plenty of room to work around him. I think he's manageable on FD anyway though. Not super easy, but not super hard to take on either.

Hopefully we do have a bigger variety of tame stages in the Wii U game, at least.
Wait, he's not easy to deal with on Battlefield? I haven't played one there yet, but I thought the platforms would give you plenty of room to work around him. I think he's manageable on FD anyway though. Not super easy, but not super hard to take on either.

Hopefully we do have a bigger variety of tame stages in the Wii U game, at least.
Nah he probably is easy on Battlefield, if you really need to just camp the top platform like Westballz vs Armada game 1 just last week.


I ended up pre-ordering the controller bundle and every amiibo that will be available day 1. I would have also pre-ordered the wave 2 amiibos, but they didn't have them in their system yet.

I think I might have made a huge mistake.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Here's Entry #2 in my series of how I feel Smash "5" is looking and where the franchise is headed, character-wise...

Previous Posts
Mario + Yoshi Series

In general, I have a suspicion the wait for Smash 5 will be shorter than the wait between Melee and Brawl/Brawl and 4. In fact, I'm gonna predict we'll have it in about five years.

Today I'll be covering Pokemon!

So, out of all the series in Smash, Pokemon is perhaps the most dynamic...every game has added at least one newcomer, yet also, since Melee, we've also had two cuts as well. Smash 4 Pokemon slowed down a bit, with only one newcomer (technically...), and for once Mario is beating it in terms of character count. I've always wondered if Sakurai likes to keep Pokemon under six slots, to be in-line with the series. Either way, personally I like how Pokemon has a dynamic roster...it's one series that really works for, since it's so big and changes frequently.

Between Brawl and 4, we saw two Generations released, adding upward of 200+ New Pokemon to pull from. And since GameFreak seems to be churning out titles faster than ever, I suspect we'll have Generation VII and Generation VIII by Smash 5, with perhaps Generation IX on its way. Of course, XY suggests New Pokemon might be sparser in future games, but even 69 New Pokemon is still a lot of potential to pull from.

First, let's talk about the veterans...

Pikachu and Jigglypuff are the only "locks" in my mind, and even the latter I think may be cut one day...but I'll need to see another 64 Veteran Cut first before I think that'll happen.

Charizard seems the next likely veteran to remain, since, well, he's Charizard! He survived the Pokemon Trainer Cut, although having a new Mega Evolution may have helped. I think he'll stay for Smash 5, but might not make it next time around...but that's so far off, so I won't think too hard about that.

Squirtle and Ivysaur seem possible DLC, but I doubt Sakurai will bring back Pokemon Trainer himself. In a perfect world, I'd be satisfied if the Pokemon all had their own Pokemon Trainer who stayed in the background *except Pikachu, Mewtwo and Lucario since they're sort of special* just for the visual effect, or at least appeared in the win screen like Doc Louis. But yeah, the three-in-one deal seemed a bit too gimmicky.

Lucario is still rather popular, AND, by Smash 5, I think that a Generation VI remake is pretty likely since GameFreak don't seem to have a cut-off point for remakes. A lot of people thought Gen III wasn't notable enough for one, and, well, we got it. With that in mind, I think that'll help keep Lucario in the spotlight. I think he's argurably earned his spot by this point of time, and no longer feels like the "that guy..." he was in Brawl.

Greninja seems the most likely cut. He was based on projected popularity and, while he is indeed popular, being a Starter sort of limits his cross-Gen appeal (unlike Charizard, he doesn't have legacy on his side), and I can see him wavering. Perhaps they'll be a Pokemon introduced that is similar enough to serve as his legacy, a bit like how Lucario sort of filled Mewtwo's niche without being a straight clone.

Mewtwo...well, I still think he's DLC. If having two new forms, appearing in a mainline title, and a new movie doesn't get him into Smash again, well, then I'll be seriously surprised. If he's DLC, I think he'll be added to the main roster by Smash 5. If not, well, if that didn't get him back, I think his chances for Smash 5 are low. Unless they hit a point where they don't add a bunch of new characters, and instead just bring back all the veterans...but that'd be a bit disappointing.

Pichu's probably not coming back. Oh. Well.

Now, let's talk Pokemon Newcomers! Of course, in reality, the Smash 5 Pokemon is probably one that doesn't even exist yet! However, for the purpose of this post, I'll hypothesize a few current Pokemon...

Okay, earlier I said we'd have a bunch of new Pokemon by Smash 5, but XY also might point towards less reliance on New Pokemon in future titles, and instead focus on changing up the ones we've got. So, hypothetically, let's say XY is the last time we have completely New Pokemon...at least till Smash 5.

Well, right now, one of the big titles is the Ruby and Sapphire Remake. Tons of people have said it before, but having a Grass Starter to complement Charizard and Greninja would just make sense. I think that, if ORAS had come out a bit earlier, we might've seen Sceptile. He's pretty popular, would complement the other two greatly, and, well, there's potential for Smash. Hell, Blaziken, even though that'd be redundant, is another popular character, and was rumored to be considered for Brawl but was too old by the time it came out. Might he get a chance in Smash 5? Or will even the rumored Plusle/Minun tag-team come to fruition once we're back to a system set that can handle duos?

XY is the other big thing, and there's not a lot of stand-out characters in it...no real Lucario parallel like Zoroark was (even though that didn't work out), and a lot of the Pokemon introduced don't really lend themselves well to being playable. Dedenne would've been cute as a new Pichu, but he's an Assist Trophy. One Pokemon I think stands above everyone else is Hawlucha. Right now, he's sort of so-so, but the anime which has a big influence it seems on Smash has begun to promote him (there's even an episode with a Dark Hawlucha coming up soon) as one of Ash's Pokemon, and there's been a lot of merchandise too I believe. I think it'll be interesting to see where he develops popularity wise in the future, if he can keep his popularity up, well, he may have a shot and seems to really be a good fit for Smash. In fact, next to Mewtwo, he's the top of my list in terms of possible DLC Pokemon in Smash 4.

To speculate some more, once again a Generation 4 Remake will likely be released around Smash 5 probably...and, well, that brings me to an unorthodox choice, my favorite Starter more or less, Torterra. He'd complete the "type trinity", and well, a giant quadruped would certainly be an interesting character. I guess he might clash with Bowser a bit being huge turtles, but is different enough in terms of powers so I don't think it'd be anymore distracting than Kirby and Jigglypuff who share somewhat similar designs.

As for probable Generation 7 and 8, well, possibly a Lucario-type Pokemon, a Pikachu Clone, or a Starter all seem to be the best bets.

It'll be interesting to see where Pokemon heads after Generation VI, certainly. Will Megas stay prominent? Will we got back to having a decent amount of new Pokemon, or will we have less and less? Will GameFreak ever make the decision to actually cut Pokemon from a generation completely? I'm sort of negative towards Pokemon due to some of the things XY did to irk me, but I'm willing to give Gamefreak a chance again. Actually, fuck that, I'm weak and I'll buy whatever they churn out. :(
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