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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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As in "Heathcliff"
People found more things in text dumps.

Super Smash Bros.
Donkey Kong
Star Fox
EarthBound (Mother)
The Legend of Zelda
Super Mario Bros.
Yoshi's Island
Fire Emblem
Game & Watch
Ice Climber
Kid Icarus
Sonic the Hedgehog
Touch! Generations
Animal Crossing
Wii Fit
Xenoblade Chronicles
Duck Hunt
Mega Man
StreetPass Mii Plaza
Tomodachi Life
Wrecking Crew
Wii Sports Resort

Usually, we would get franchise if we are getting playable representatives which is stages or characters. Strange enough, we haven't seen Wrecking Crew stage, so I presume that it would be a stage in Wii U version.

Also for the news, Wii U Leak could be disproven if we are getting Wrecking Crew stage because Wii U leak's stages list don't have Wrecking Stage on the list.


People found more things in text dumps.

Usually, we would get franchise if we are getting playable representatives which is stages or characters. Strange enough, we haven't seen Wrecking Crew stage, so I presume that it would be a stage in Wii U version.

Also for the news, Wii U Leak could be disproven if we are getting Wrecking Crew stage because Wii U leak's stages list don't have Wrecking Stage on the list.

What's the category those names are in? Stage names? Icon filenames?
People found more things in text dumps.

Usually, we would get franchise if we are getting playable representatives which is stages or characters. Strange enough, we haven't seen Wrecking Crew stage, so I presume that it would be a stage in Wii U version.
Touch! Generations is also not on the 3DS version, so it may be hinting we are going to get a Brain Age/Wii Fit Wii U stage. Isaac being exclusive to Wii U as a AT would also be funny.


As in "Heathcliff"
What's the category those names are in? Stage names? Icon filenames?

Franchise list (IIRC)

Touch! Generations is also not on the 3DS version, so it may be hinting we are going to get a Brain Age/Wii Fit Wii U stage. Isaac being exclusive to Wii U as a AT would also be funny.

Well, Touch! Generation was in Brawl franchise section so it should be for Pictochat or Electroplankton


Touch! Generations is also not on the 3DS version, so it may be hinting we are going to get a Brain Age/Wii Fit Wii U stage. Isaac being exclusive to Wii U as a AT would also be funny.
The file for the DS logo (PictoChat) is named "touch," so that's probably what that's for.


You could make the argument that Touch Generations is represented by PictoChat 2.

And the Dr. Kawashima AT.

In the smash direct, assist trophies had franchise icons (or the generic smash bros icon if they didn't belong to anything, like Saki). I wonder if it's tied to the trophy for the stage or Dr Kawashima's trophy?


As in "Heathcliff"
Thank to GoddessofLamps @ Smashboards

Character Text Dump

Donkey Kong
Captain Falcon
Mr. Game & Watch
Meta Knight
Zero Suit Samus
Diddy Kong
King Dedede
Toon Link
Sonic the Hedgehog
Dr. Mario
Wii Fit Trainer
Wii Fit Trainer
Little Mac
Duck Hunt
Bowser Jr.
Dark Pit
Mega Man

If you see double Wii Fit Trainer, Robin and Villager. I'm pretty sure that it's because of female and male gender.


More tidbits:

Master Hand
Master Core
Crazy Hand
Dark Emperor
Flying Man
Yellow Devil
Engineer Link
Viridi, Goddess of Nature
Boo and Lakitu listed with stages bosses/background characters.

Ice Climbers
Red Pikmin
Blue Pikmin
Yellow Pikmin
Purple Pikmin
White Pikmin
Rock Pikmin
Winged Pikmin
More Ice Climbers data and also Rock Pikmin found in Olimar's data.

Searching for more.
I really want to hear about that Ice Climbers data.

Rock Pikmin data sounds interesting too.

More tidbits:

Master Hand
Master Core
Crazy Hand
Dark Emperor
Flying Man
Yellow Devil
Engineer Link
Viridi, Goddess of Nature

Boo and Lakitu listed with stages bosses/background characters.
I think I remember seeing some issue with the placement of the Boo and Lakitu trophies, as apparently in the 3DS version they were placed in the same category as stage assets. Maybe something in the Wii U version has these characters? Or a cut stage?

Also, who are Leilani, Leila, and Grams?
I take it that Rock Pikmin aren't part of Olimar's custom moveset then.

I'd really like to see more about the Ice Climbers. I interpreted Sakurai's statement as the Ice Climbers not having much effort put into them because they weren't relevant. Now it seems that they were cut really last-minute.


I really want to hear about that Ice Climbers data.

Rock Pikmin data sounds interesting too.


I think I remember seeing some issue with the placement of the Boo and Lakitu trophies, as apparently in the 3DS version they were placed in the same category as stage assets. Maybe something in the Wii U version has these characters? Or a cut stage?

Also, who are Leilani, Leila, and Grams?

Yeah, wonder if they were cut from a luigi's mansion/mario stage? Like, what if lakitu was added to mushroomy kingdom as a hazard/boss and then cut?
Rock Pikmin makes me wonder if Alph was going to either use them instead of Purples, or if they were outright going to make him a clone and didn't get around to it. Or maybe one of Olimar's customs.

Also more proof Ice Climbers were probably cut within the last 6-8 months.



Pic of the day. Master Hand's glove rips open, and a mysterious substance we're calling the swarm, er, swarms out. The amount of this substance determines the shape of your final opponent, and you will have to launch it away in small clusters at a time. The higher your intensity, the denser the substance will be.

Oh that's a pretty interesting way to determine his final form.
Yeah, wonder if they were cut from a luigi's mansion/mario stage? Like, what if lakitu was added to mushroomy kingdom as a hazard/boss and then cut?
Seeing them together is odd, especially Lakitu (since he's already an Assist).
Boo alone I could see functioning as some kind of hazard in a Dark Moon stage.

They are Kapp'n's family in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. So, Tortimer Island.
I see now. I never really talked to them much, most of the time I walked right in, caught some bugs, and left without talking to anyone there.

Two questions:
1. What are Olimar's custom moves?
2. This information isn't some crap on 4chan right? This is from a verified SmashBoards user?


Touch! Generations is also not on the 3DS version, so it may be hinting we are going to get a Brain Age/Wii Fit Wii U stage. Isaac being exclusive to Wii U as a AT would also be funny.

I could see it, though. Still hoping he was on the chopping block and was delayed to be DLC instead, but whatever. Nice catch on Touch! Generations; forgot all about that label so I was confused for a second.
Rock Pikmin makes me wonder if Alph was going to either use them instead of Purples, or if they were outright going to make him a clone and didn't get around to it. Or maybe one of Olimar's customs.

Also more proof Ice Climbers were probably cut within the last 6-8 months.

"It seems they were running in the Wii U version, but due to the required hardware power, the team couldn’t make them work in the 3DS game. There wasn’t as high a priority given to series that are unlikely to have another installment at this time." Summary of Sakurai's statement.
I interpreted this as "Ice Climbers didn't work, so we didn't put much time into them" but now it's looking like "we spent a lot of time trying to get Ice Climbers to work, but ultimately gave up near the end."
We know at the very least that the Ice Climbers weren't cut by E3 2013.


It makes sense that each platform would receive an equal amount of new stages without playable characters:

Balloon Fight (retro)
Find Mii (pre-loaded application)
Tomodachi Life

Wrecking Crew (retro)
Miiverse (pre-loaded application)
Wii Sports Resort
Wii Sports Resort assets were probably used in the Wii U Pilot Wings stage.

I'm really curious about a potential MiiVerse stage.
It's not a list of where assets originated from, though. It's a list of franchises, presumably ones with symbols, which indicates a character or stage. The Pilotwings franchise already covers that stage.

Though it's possible that some of these franchises ended up getting cut in the process though, as is evidenced by the Ice Climber franchise being listed despite the lack of the Ice Climber symbol for their trophies. So while it strongly suggests the presence of some stages, it's not a guarantee at this point.
I just noticed that Balloon Fight isn't on that list for some reason, but it has a stage/symbol.
That is odd. Maybe they overwrote the Ice Climber symbol with the Balloon Fight one? I dunno, just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Hard to say what's up with it without further context.
There's still a lot to be found out about DLC, but I think once the Wii U version is out we can at least kill the Ridley playable rumors (since he'll be a stage boss on Pyrosphere).

I'm sort of hoping for/expecting Ice Climbers as DLC, especially if some work went into them.
There's still a lot to be found out about DLC, but I think once the Wii U version is out we can at least kill the Ridley playable rumors (since he'll be a stage boss on Pyrosphere).

I'm sort of hoping for/expecting Ice Climbers as DLC, especially if some work went into them.
Not really. Remember, even though we had an idea that Mario Kart would receive DLC, we still had no idea we would be getting what we have. There will always be those holding onto that thin rope.
If those possible Wii U stages are true (Wii Sports Resort, Wrecking Crew, Miiverse), then, unless Sakurai has completely lost the plot and Donkey Kong, Yoshi, Wario, and Game & Watch get no new stages in either version, then it's guaranteed that there are more new stages than the 3DS version--the current new stage roster + those rumored three + those four forgone ones (at least, I hope they're forgone) would equal 26, one more than the 3DS version, and I doubt we've seen the end of the Mario stages either at the very least.
It makes sense that each platform would receive an equal amount of new stages without playable characters:

Balloon Fight (retro)
Find Mii (pre-loaded application)
Tomodachi Life

Wrecking Crew (retro)
Miiverse (pre-loaded application)
Wii Sports Resort
Yeah, I can see your point. Although I will be upset if DK or Yoshi do not get a new stage in the Wii U version. I get porting the Brawl version if you have a new stage in mind though.
It does seem odd to have both the Pilotwings stage and a Wii Sports Resort stage, but reusing Wuhu Island for another stage would help in stage creation and is kind of true to Wuhu Island's spirit, I guess. The platform suspended above water where you swordfight would be a good stage location.

Though I suppose it's also possible that the Wii Sports Resort stage was originally separate from the Pilotwings stage and they were merged together later on. Who knows, I guess.


As in "Heathcliff"
It does seem odd to have both the Pilotwings stage and a Wii Sports Resort stage, but reusing Wuhu Island for another stage would help in stage creation and is kind of true to Wuhu Island's spirit, I guess. The platform suspended above water where you swordfight would be a good stage location.

Though I suppose it's also possible that the Wii Sports Resort stage was originally separate from the Pilotwings stage and they were merged together later on. Who knows, I guess.

Yeah, it was strange. I wonder if Wii Sports Resort is being there as Mii Fighter's stage, awhile Pilotwing being standby franchise to represent itself.


So it seems the leak was right but now there's more info being disseminated (though not quite as convincing)?

Does the cycle ever end?
There's still a lot to be found out about DLC, but I think once the Wii U version is out we can at least kill the Ridley playable rumors (since he'll be a stage boss on Pyrosphere).

In all seriousness, I genuinely believe Ridley & Mewtwo will be playable in some form.

They are such a heavily requested characters; their not impossible to put in like Geno, and they haven't faded into obscurity by Nintendo like King K. Rool.

IGN wants them, ScrewAttack wants them, even Mew2King wants Ridley (and obviously Mewtwo as well).

Little Mac, Sonic, King Dedede; all heavily fan-requested characters that became playable eventually.

And with the possibility of DLC, they will always have a chance.


Unconfirmed Member
In all seriousness, I genuinely believe Ridley & Mewtwo will be playable in some form.

They are such a heavily requested characters; their not impossible to put in like Geno, and they haven't faded into obscurity by Nintendo like King K. Rool.

IGN wants them, ScrewAttack wants them, even Mew2King wants Ridley (and obviously Mewtwo as well).

Little Mac, Sonic, King Dedede; all heavily fan-requested characters that became playable eventually.

And with the possibility of DLC, they will always have a chance.

Ridley in particular is one of the few remaining characters that haven't been in Smash but seem to have that perfect storm going for them. He's the second most important character from a relevant, active franchise that is arguably under-represented in Smash, and he's one of the most requested characters by fans.

There's not really any reason to think they couldn't make him work either, I mean, this is a team that got Duck Hunt Dog to work.

That said, I'm not expecting any character DLC until it's announced or an obvious leak pops up, and that hasn't happened yet. So, maybe in Smash 5.


Ridley in particular is one of the few remaining characters that haven't been in Smash but seem to have that perfect storm going for them. He's the second most important character from a relevant, active franchise that is arguably under-represented in Smash, and he's one of the most requested characters by fans.

There's not really any reason to think they couldn't make him work either, I mean, this is a team that got Duck Hunt Dog to work.

That said, I'm not expecting any character DLC until it's announced or an obvious leak pops up, and that hasn't happened yet. So, maybe in Smash 5.

Yeah. At this point, the only thing stopping Ridley is that they're saving him for Smash 5, since he's the most important character not already in the game. He's getting in someday. Maybe now because he's desired, or maybe later to have a big, announce-with-the-game newcomer ala Villager & Mega Man. But it will happen. Mark my words.
Ridley will never be in Smash because Sakurai hates Ridley and his fans.

I would agree with Sakurai if this were the case. Ridley and his fans suck. No really, unless there's some kind of killer awesome reimagined Metroid game where they make Ridley a worthwhile character, I never want him in Smash as a playable character.
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