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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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I would agree with Sakurai if this were the case. Ridley and his fans suck. No really, unless there's some kind of killer awesome reimagined Metroid game where they make Ridley a worthwhile character, I never want him in Smash as a playable character.

Other than actively not wanting him in Smash (I'm indifferent to him either way and don't ever actively hope for people to be disappointed), I agree with you. There's been no character fanbase more obnoxious than the Ridley fanbase... except for maybe Geno back in the Brawl days. I guess I'd still be happy for them if Ridley did eventually make it in, but man, let it go already. All this talk of one Ridley being a Pyrosphere boss and a different Ridley being playable... it's just reaching asinine levels at this point.

I also don't get Ridley's appeal to begin with, but that's a subjective argument. Obviously lots of people (or maybe just a few really loud people) love him to death, so...
Ridley in particular is one of the few remaining characters that haven't been in Smash but seem to have that perfect storm going for them. He's the second most important character from a relevant, active franchise that is arguably under-represented in Smash, and he's one of the most requested characters by fans.

That's a funny joke!
Ridley in particular is one of the few remaining characters that haven't been in Smash but seem to have that perfect storm going for them. He's the second most important character from a relevant, active franchise that is arguably under-represented in Smash, and he's one of the most requested characters by fans.



The reason I want Ridley so badly, aside from thinking he's a cool character, is that he'd be so hard to make work in Smash, that it'd have to be nothing less than pure genius to make him work in the game at a level Sakurai considers acceptable. I think he'd probably be one of the most unique characters in the series if he ever did get in.


Hyrule Warriors DLC was announced only a few weeks after the Japan release...and a few weeks before the US release. Maybe not technically "officially" Nintendo, but still....
DLC was announced well before launch. I remember it being advertised at the end of the relevant character trailers, very annoying. Though yeah, more got announced later.


I would agree with Sakurai if this were the case. Ridley and his fans suck. No really, unless there's some kind of killer awesome reimagined Metroid game where they make Ridley a worthwhile character, I never want him in Smash as a playable character.

There is.

It's called the Metroid Prime Trilogy.


That's a funny joke!

I know everyone jokes about Metroid being dead and all, but it really isn't necessarily dead. It skipped the N46 cycle all-together, and there have been bigger game droughts from huge Nintendo franchises before, too (LttP>OoT, for example).

I'm hesitant to call any of Nintendo's franchises dead. They bring them back all the time, and sometimes in epic proportions (Donkey Kong Country, Kid Icarus), and we love them all the more for it :) . And yes, F-Zero, too!

Anyway, I see people are giving up on DLC. This makes me sad and I guess I have no reason to come back to this thread :(
not really, but man....I will be SO disappointed if we don't get new character DLC


The reason I want Ridley so badly, aside from thinking he's a cool character, is that he'd be so hard to make work in Smash, that it'd have to be nothing less than pure genius to make him work in the game at a level Sakurai considers acceptable. I think he'd probably be one of the most unique characters in the series if he ever did get in.

Yeah, that's how I feel too. It would be an achievement of Smash Bros to get Ridley to be a decent, functional playable character.
Other than actively not wanting him in Smash (I'm indifferent to him either way and don't ever actively hope for people to be disappointed), I agree with you. There's been no character fanbase more obnoxious than the Ridley fanbase... except for maybe Geno back in the Brawl days. I guess I'd still be happy for them if Ridley did eventually make it in, but man, let it go already. All this talk of one Ridley being a Pyrosphere boss and a different Ridley being playable... it's just reaching asinine levels at this point.

I also don't get Ridley's appeal to begin with, but that's a subjective argument. Obviously lots of people (or maybe just a few really loud people) love him to death, so...

Ridley : Smash 4 :: Geno : Brawl
Other than actively not wanting him in Smash (I'm indifferent to him either way and don't ever actively hope for people to be disappointed), I agree with you. There's been no character fanbase more obnoxious than the Ridley fanbase... except for maybe Geno back in the Brawl days. I guess I'd still be happy for them if Ridley did eventually make it in, but man, let it go already. All this talk of one Ridley being a Pyrosphere boss and a different Ridley being playable... it's just reaching asinine levels at this point.

I also don't get Ridley's appeal to begin with, but that's a subjective argument. Obviously lots of people (or maybe just a few really loud people) love him to death, so...

Yeah, I definitely share this sentiment. It's gotten to the point where I almost want Ridley in Smash myself just so the fanbase will stop mentioning him every second. Though I can see why Ridley has yet to make a playable appearance, and I honestly agree with the reasoning, which is why I don't mind him not being playable. But yeesh. Some Ridley fans need to chill out and realize that whining about him isn't going to get him in Smash. It's been, like, 14 years, yo.


Other than actively not wanting him in Smash (I'm indifferent to him either way and don't ever actively hope for people to be disappointed), I agree with you. There's been no character fanbase more obnoxious than the Ridley fanbase... except for maybe Geno back in the Brawl days. I guess I'd still be happy for them if Ridley did eventually make it in, but man, let it go already. All this talk of one Ridley being a Pyrosphere boss and a different Ridley being playable... it's just reaching asinine levels at this point.

I also don't get Ridley's appeal to begin with, but that's a subjective argument. Obviously lots of people (or maybe just a few really loud people) love him to death, so...
Hardcore K Rool fans are way more annoying.


I honestly don't get the argument that Metroid's dead. It doesn't get annual entries/spin offs like Zelda, Mario, or Pokemon does, but its last game was in 2010, its coming off of not only the worst game in the series but also a previous big developer in the series moving on to other projects, and it's already been announced that they're looking into new 2D and 3D Metroid titles. It's really not that large of a hiatus compared to most of the roster.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I'm worried that the next big Metroid will be a N3DS exclusive. I mean how else do they plan to carry the platform through yet another stage? The only significant thing they've revealed for the future is Codename STEAM. That can't be the whole of their plans, but I don't want to need to get a new system to play Metroid. *worried face*
He's a badass space dragon. What more do you want?

He's not really that badass, though; he's one of the easiest bosses in nearly all the games he appears in, and dragons are... all right, I guess? I dunno, I've never really had a (proverbial) hard-on for dragons.

Hardcore K Rool fans are way more annoying.

I would agree, except that there's just so many fewer hardcore K. Rool fans than there are hardcore Ridley fans. But the ones that do exist certainly are obnoxious, that's for sure...


I honestly don't get the argument that Metroid's dead. It doesn't get annual entries/spin offs like Zelda, Mario, or Pokemon does, but its last game was in 2010, its coming off of not only the worst game in the series but also a previous big developer in the series moving on to other projects, and it's already been announced that they're looking into new 2D and 3D Metroid titles. It's really not that large of a hiatus compared to most of the roster.

It's what modern AAA gaming has done to us :p YEARLY INSTALLMENTS OR DEAD


Other than actively not wanting him in Smash (I'm indifferent to him either way and don't ever actively hope for people to be disappointed), I agree with you. There's been no character fanbase more obnoxious than the Ridley fanbase... except for maybe Geno back in the Brawl days. I guess I'd still be happy for them if Ridley did eventually make it in, but man, let it go already. All this talk of one Ridley being a Pyrosphere boss and a different Ridley being playable... it's just reaching asinine levels at this point.

I also don't get Ridley's appeal to begin with, but that's a subjective argument. Obviously lots of people (or maybe just a few really loud people) love him to death, so...

I'd wager the Geno fanbase standalone is worse; most of the Ridley arguments arise when people go crazy with the "He's too big" or "He'll never get in" arguments, which in turns explodes into a conflict because the fans try to defend their case, and the people naysaying Ridley reach critical levels of "you have to be an idiot to think that"-type mentality, which has since spiraled out of control into douchebaggy "I told you so!"'s now that one of the games is out.

The Geno fanbase was rabid without provocation, and shoehorned in their arguments about how a forgotten, 3rd Party Mario character with a small but loyal following deserved a chance now that 3rd Parties were available and a lack of Cloud or Sora meant Square-Enix apparently had nobody else (I didn't believe this to be the case, and I definitely don't believe I now). There were threads upon threads about this mere chance of Geno, and they all came from the same group. They stopped only because it became apparent that Brawl wasn't getting DLC, but interest waned because Geno never had much of a chance.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of legitimate arguments in and against Ridley's favor. However, merely saying that he has a chance causes people to freak out and and basically bark at each other, as the circus this page is providing, well, proves. Outside of Smash Boards, the anti-Ridley fanbase is far worse, acting like bullies trying to provoke Ridley fans, but either way, as soon as he's brought up, the mud is slung until ultimately, everyone looks like assholes and no one wins. Ridley Fanbase + Anti-Ridley Fanbase combined is without a doubt one of the worst fanbases in video game history, but only because one side provokes the other, and they don't ever stop. Standalone, Smash Boards is the only place where I've seen Pro-Ridley be a problem without a hoard of catalysts, but then again, I'm against any "Anti-" fanbase that exists solely because they think another group of people and what they want is "dumb."

Honestly, the reason I wanted Ridley in the first place was because he's a cool, imposing dragon character with interesting moveset potential between the Prime trilogy and his possibilities as a grappler, especially after Greninja killed Hawlucha's chances. He is also a character I want to see more of, and the second-most important Metroid character. As a Metroid fan, another Metroid character was a nice idea to me, and he's actually usually a feasible size, barring Zero Mission, Prime 3 (When he was Hulked-Out), and in Brawl itself (Not in Melee, mind you). Plus, in the comic, he had a personality of an animalistic character, and although he's been quiet in the games, fan stuff gave him a lovable-yet-genocidal underdog vibe trying to get in here against persecution, and honestly, I thought Smash could use more villains any way.

...That's why he appealed to me then. Now I just want him so everyone'll shut the fuck up. Seriously. This won't end until he's in. The people who want him finally have him, and the people who didn't want him will quietly die down as they accept he's there.


Can I see an example of one of these insane Geno fan posts? I don't think I've ever seen one on GAF. Maybe in the Brawl era? I'm sure they exist on Smashboards and GameFAQs, but pretty much any kind of Smash-related insanity is likely to be found there.


Can I see an example of one of these insane Geno fan posts? I don't think I've ever seen one on GAF. Maybe in the Brawl era? I'm sure they exist on Smashboards and GameFAQs, but pretty much any kind of Smash-related insanity is likely to be found there.

I'll look. They were basically all Brawl era. Honestly, the only Geno supporter I remember for 4 was on GameFAQs, and people were too busy with the one-man "Daisy in her Sports Outfit" army to even care.


As in "Heathcliff"
It's hilarious how people are saying that they are tired of hearing Ridley but yet having a discussion about Ridley. How irony. :)

I'm indifferent with him being in the game or not. I support him to be in the game only for my friends. If Ridley didn't get in then you wouldn't see me shed my tear or throwing a fit about it. When I'm thinking about it, I actually don't mind to see Ridley getting in. It's just to see how Smash fans would discuss and speculate during Smash 5 (6) Speculation without begging, discussing and asking for Ridley.

I have a feeling they probably ended up replacing Ridley with someone else.
He's not really that badass, though; he's one of the easiest bosses in nearly all the games he appears in, and dragons are... all right, I guess? I dunno, I've never really had a (proverbial) hard-on for dragons.

I would agree, except that there's just so many fewer hardcore K. Rool fans than there are hardcore Ridley fans. But the ones that do exist certainly are obnoxious, that's for sure...

Wait what? He's the hardest boss in Super Metroid and one of the hardest in Metroid Prime. I've never seen him easy in any game. He's also the best boss in the best game ever (Super Metroid) so that's why I'd like him in the game as a playable character. I won't pretend that it would be easy to make him playable, but if Duck Hunt Dog and Pac-Man can work, surely a character with a multitude of different attacks over the years could work if shrunk down to a manageable size.

Is he able to fire lasers from his eyes? If not, then he is automatically labeled to be a lame badass space dragon.
Mecha-ridley can.


I would agree with Sakurai if this were the case. Ridley and his fans suck. No really, unless there's some kind of killer awesome reimagined Metroid game where they make Ridley a worthwhile character, I never want him in Smash as a playable character.

Yeah. I mean, I'd much rather have awesome, interesting and worthwhile characters like Mr Game and Watch, Duck Hunt Dog and ROB. Not to mention literal clones like Dark Pit.

I'm 100% all for G&W, DHD and ROB. Just using them to illustrate a point that they aren't characters and haven't been relevant (outside of smash) for decades.
Yeah. I mean, I'd much rather have awesome, interesting and worthwhile characters like Mr Game and Watch, Duck Hunt Dog and ROB. Not to mention literal clones like Dark Pit.

I'm 100% all for G&W, DHD and ROB. Just using them to illustrate a point that they aren't characters and haven't been relevant (outside of smash) for decades.

I don't care about Ridley. Never have. The only pain I have is seeing Dark Samus using the attacks I could have seen comprising her special attacks... :'(


It's hilarious how people are saying that they are tired of hearing Ridley but yet having a discussion about Ridley. How irony. :)

I'm indifferent with him being in the game or not. I support him to be in the game only for my friends. If Ridley didn't get in then you wouldn't see me shed my tear or throwing a fit about it. When I'm thinking about it, I actually don't mind to see Ridley getting in. It's just to see how Smash fans would discuss and speculate during Smash 5 (6) Speculation without begging, discussing and asking for Ridley.

I have a feeling they probably ended up replacing Ridley with someone else.

I know, but at this point, I just want it to stop, and I want people to stop attacking each other over the topic like what was happening earlier. Guh...

It'll probably be a new argument for someone else, but Ridley's really the last character whose argument holds some amount of water beyond mere hope, other than maybe Mewtwo, Dixie, or the Chorus Kids. I'd wager it's gonna be one of those 3 or one of the cuts from Brawl if none of them get in as DLC. That or K. Rool. I'm on that bandwagon, too, but even then, I'll admit it's a hopeless endeavor.

Oh yeah, that or Takamaru. But he has a shot of being a new retro representative, at least.


I don't care about Ridley. Never have. The only pain I have is seeing Dark Samus using the attacks I could have seen comprising her special attacks... :'(

Dark Samus would have actually made a good character too. She could be a clone like character in parts to save time and costs but have her AT moves and maybe be faster/floatier than Smaus (or heavier? I dunno what Samus is anymore). Could have a regular Samus colour scheme based on the SA-X.

I just think Metroid needs a villian rep. I was hoping Wolf would stay and Falco go after brawl so SF has a villian rep but noooooope. Sakurai hates bad guys. Unless they are demon spawn of a terror turtle that kidnaps princesses. Then they can join and have unique alts.


I'd love Ridley to be a newcomer. He's the arch-nemesis of Samus and has appeared in so many Metroid games, including all-time classics like Super Metroid and Metroid Prime. It's no surprise Ridley has a lot of fans.
Ridley is the best character from the Metroid franchise his boss fights are always some of the best moments in the games he appears in. Sakurai clearly has a respect for the character, he was featured not only in Melee's opening cinematic but he appeared in TWO different forms in Brawl's SSE.

I feel like Ridley has drawn heat over the years due to being tied into by far the worst scene in Other M where Samus has PTSD when he shows up (again). The battle with him is easily the best in all of Other M besides the story crap leading up to it.
Can I see an example of one of these insane Geno fan posts? I don't think I've ever seen one on GAF. Maybe in the Brawl era? I'm sure they exist on Smashboards and GameFAQs, but pretty much any kind of Smash-related insanity is likely to be found there.

There's the massive Geno megathread on Smashboards, from the Brawl days.

That's more than enough, really.


He's not really that badass, though; he's one of the easiest bosses in nearly all the games he appears in, and dragons are... all right, I guess? I dunno, I've never really had a (proverbial) hard-on for dragons.
If you're going to equate in-game difficulty with how "badass" a character is, then Ganondorf is quite the sissy, as well!

You know what people mean when they say Ridley looks "badass." No need to pick fights with people. What happened to the peaceful Ash? :-\


If you're going to equate in-game difficulty with how "badass" a character is, then Ganondorf is quite the sissy, as well!

You know what people mean when they say Ridley looks "badass." No need to pick fights with people. What happened to the peaceful Ash? :-\

I didn't want to sound rude, but yeah. This has all seemed out of character for you. :(

i can't handle someone so lacking in style as ridley in my smash brothers


Oh, you.
The reason I want Ridley so badly, aside from thinking he's a cool character, is that he'd be so hard to make work in Smash, that it'd have to be nothing less than pure genius to make him work in the game at a level Sakurai considers acceptable. I think he'd probably be one of the most unique characters in the series if he ever did get in.

Duck Hunt Dog and Villager work in Smash brilliantly. Sakurai could likely figure something out for Ridley.

Geno would be much easier to fit in Smash, where are all the Geno fans?


Ridley is the best character from the Metroid franchise his boss fights are always some of the best moments in the games he appears in. Sakurai clearly has a respect for the character, he was featured not only in Melee's opening cinematic but he appeared in TWO different forms in Brawl's SSE.

I feel like Ridley has drawn heat over the years due to being tied into by far the worst scene in Other M where Samus has PTSD when he shows up (again). The battle with him is easily the best in all of Other M besides the story crap leading up to it.
Oh yeah, there's no doubt Sakurai loves Ridley. Like you said, he was in Melee's opening, he had two boss fights (each with a different form) in Brawl, and he had trophies in both Melee and Brawl (although not 3DS -- likely because he's in the WiiU version as Pyrosphere's boss).

I guess Sakurai just continues to think of Ridley as being a huge character. By that, I mean in Sakurai's eyes, Ridley's size is more important to what defines him as a character than Olimar's or Kirby's.
I just think Metroid needs a villian rep. I was hoping Wolf would stay and Falco go after brawl so SF has a villian rep but noooooope. Sakurai hates bad guys. Unless they are demon spawn of a terror turtle that kidnaps princesses. Then they can join and have unique alts.
What's with the Bowser Jr. hate?
I guess Sakurai just continues to think of Ridley as being a huge character. By that, I mean in Sakurai's eyes, Ridley's size is more important to what defines him as a character than Olimar's or Kirby's.

Olimar is tiny, but he has no one to be compared to. Samus is already a large character in Smash, so Ridley being even bigger is kind of hard to see happening.


Olimar is tiny, but he has no one to be compared to. Samus is already a large character in Smash, so Ridley being even bigger is kind of hard to see happening.
Yeah, it's worth noting Ridley has been depicted a certain size in Smash before. This might have established a certain precedent as to his size in the Smash universe. Sakurai can freely change this, of course, but maybe he prefers to be consistent in this regard.

That being said, I wonder how big they could make him look if he were playable. Who's the current largest character? Bowser? Maybe Ridley could be a head taller than Bowser, and his wings even taller, but his wings wouldn't have hit-boxes, and Ridley could be hunkered over when he walks.

I like to picture Ridley as the inverse of Little Mac. While Little Mac is fast and strong on the ground, but slow and weak in the air, Ridley would be fast and strong in the air, but rather clunky and cumbersome on the ground. Kind of like how he was in Metroid Prime!


What's with the Bowser Jr. hate?

Olimar is tiny, but he has no one to be compared to. Samus is already a large character in Smash, so Ridley being even bigger is kind of hard to see happening.

Nothing. Bowser jr is a cool character and the alts are awesome. It'd be nice if the villian love extended to other franchises rather than just Mario (Bowser jr, Wario (in a way)).

They can fudge the sizes no problem. Look at Boswer, some games he's huge, some the same size, some a bit bigger (one or two, very tiny). No one will care if Ridley is a bit smaller than he "should" be (hell, look at the melee intro, not too much bigger than Samus).


Yeah, it's worth noting Ridley has been depicted a certain size in Smash before. This might have established a certain precedent as to his size in the Smash universe. Sakurai can freely change this, of course, but maybe he prefers to be consistent in this regard.

That being said, I wonder how big they could make him look if he were playable. Who's the current largest character? Bowser? Maybe Ridley could be a head taller than Bowser, and his wings even taller, but his wings wouldn't have hit-boxes, and Ridley could be hunkered over when he walks.

I like to picture Ridley as the inverse of Little Mac. While Little Mac is fast and strong on the ground, but slow and weak in the air, Ridley would be fast and strong in the air, but rather clunky and cumbersome on the ground. Kind of like how he was in Metroid Prime!

if ridley was like that complete with opening presents animation, i don't think i'd ever play as anyone else in smash ever again.
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