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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT2| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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Relix said:
So I am probably gonna need at least 8 Players to give ranking and points.

I am thinking Greg, Joseph, Akuma... Threi sucks...Gutabo, lolzme?... and I am surely missing some high profile gaffers.

If 8 of you are interested let me know by PM or posting here so I can assign points and then accept other people. Could be a weekly event that runs for one month on weekends. So, if interested to form the Top 8 Rankings let me know.
Count me in! Better if it's next weekend so I can get some more online practice.

Dang, I got home late and missed some great matches... hopefully tomorow I can get some games against you guys. Must fix my mic!


vissione said:
Grats to Edgeward... rooting for you because you're repping dat ass. :D


Thanks, man. :lol I'll try hard to hold it down.
Threi said:
better deejay players than me link their specials from jabs alone, i can't process it fast enough to hold a charge and release it that quickly (and anything more than two jabs pushes the opponent out of range for MGU = big fat punish.

You sure about that? I crunch fools with the short short medium into heavy. Maybe you jsut find it hard because you have to hit that one frame link? If you are close enough that you can hit the c mp im pretty sure the heavy MGU is a cinch, could be wrong.

his best damage dealer is his walk/dash U2 but that's hard as hell to pull off. It's both character and spacing dependent (you have to pretty much land MGU right in their face, the tip won't work), and if you mash the input by accident it won't work at all (you don't recover fast enough to ultra)

I can't do it. Its impossible. I did manage the EX MGU into Ultra, that was swell.


Rentahamster said:
Whoa what happened to that endless room Dart invited me to right after I joined? My XBL crapped out big time.

It kept going for a little while. I'm done now though. I'm pretty sure AZ Greg's Vega is borderline impossible to beat with Makoto. Period. That's a stupid tough matchup.


Unlimited Capacity
_dementia said:
damn nice quality

do you guys only stream SFIV?

I'm late with this, but nah we stream all kinds of stuff. We have SSF4 on Tuesdays, BlazBlue on Thursdays and Tekken 6/ Soul Calibur 4 on Sundays. Other days we stream various things but we are trying to lock down a Starcraft 2 night as well when I buy my new capture box.
Killa Sasa said:
Dee Jay doesn't have damage options without cr lp, cr mp. It seems like he's just "ok" in every department (other than anti-air when he has charge, lk or ex sobat is amazing :lol).

And it really annoys me that Cody has a better slide than Dee Jay. Hell, everyone does. When the hell did that happen?

i hate how guy's slide doesn't knockdown on the last few active frames....how come Dictator, Claw, and Blanka get that shit.

Nose Master

Timedog is QQin and wants some ranbats, someone play him: TimedogGAF :lol

EDIT: xbl obviously

Double EDIT: just gonna start a random gaf room, msg Licorice King if you want in :*


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Video doesn't work


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Juri ring-girl :lol :lol

AZ Greg

GGs Axis, Dartastic, and Saty (If you read GAF :lol).

And maybe someone can top me, but the most discouraging thing that can happen in a round has to be losing to a Honda when the only damage you take is chip, trade, and guess headbutts that landed.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wow @ that last stun on Makoto, Seth overdriiiiiiiiive baby!


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
god damn, I've been away from this for weeks...

how I make hadouken?
AZ Greg said:
GGs Axis, Dartastic, and Saty (If you read GAF :lol).

And maybe someone can top me, but the most discouraging thing that can happen in a round has to be losing to a Honda when the only damage you take is chip, trade, and guess headbutts that landed.
At the tourney I went to, I went against an amazing Gief player (he read my moves in our first round, which was scary). At mid-screen, he got a knock down, so I backdashed away from it. And I think he screwed up an EX Green hand input and got an EX running bear grab. And I just kept jumping back, away from it until I got in the corner and got hit by it. He then proceeded to perfect me. :lol
AZ Greg said:
GGs Axis, Dartastic, and Saty (If you read GAF :lol).

And maybe someone can top me, but the most discouraging thing that can happen in a round has to be losing to a Honda when the only damage you take is chip, trade, and guess headbutts that landed.

I have no idea if vega's pokes can stop an incoming non ex headbutt or if they'd trade but you have a better chance than Bison does looking at hitboxes. Beyond that yeah think of honda's lp headbutt the same way as Bison's lk scissors....except with more priority.

Also you have an air throw, honda does not. Might be worth trying to use that more in that matchup.


Mrs. Harvey
Scrub tourney people are no joke. :lol Getting things done. Halfway through the brackets.

Some of these guys, if they invested more time into the game and did research on things, they would be very very good.

Scrub tourney winnings will be,

A PS3 copy of Blazblue Continuum shift.
$20 PSN card, should be enough for the costume pack.
A copy of the world warrior encyclopedia.
Various goodies.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Corky said:
god damn, I've been away from this for weeks...

how I make hadouken?
:lol Where ya been bro?

Nose Master

What a horrible night. Picked a random endless lobby, had Mike Ross in it. And, well, I think we knew how that went. :lol Then, just got shut out by AZ 10-0 :(. Vega can punish anything I do that's remotely unsafe from god damn everywhere :lol


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Yoshichan said:
:lol Where ya been bro?

meh the rain in karlstad ( did you read the news? We who are supposed to have the most sunhours in sweden are 2nd to last....only better than kiruna ffs ) made me gloomy and semi-vegetable.

But now I'm back, I guess... you better be sporting a 360 edition of super ? Or else...


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Corky said:
meh the rain in karlstad ( did you read the news? We who are supposed to have the most sunhours in sweden are 2nd to last....only better than kiruna ffs ) made me gloomy and semi-vegetable.
Oh man, yeah the rain's been awful. Haven't had sun in 5 straight days now :(
Corky said:
But now I'm back, I guess... you better be sporting a 360 edition of super ? Or else...
Oh sh... man, I'm so about to get it soon :( I swear.


Mrs. Harvey
We'll take your rain. It's been 90° or close to with high humidity for nearly a month. I wouldn't mind a full week of just raining.

AZ Greg

Rain? What's that?

Anyone have tips for learning a kara throw? I think I'm gonna finally try to get down/implement Vega's HK kara throw. I understand how it's done, but my consistency getting it out is terrible and it isn't worth the risk of whiffing a normal throw and eating a big punish. Or are there really no tips/shortcuts and I just need to cram the muscle memory into my head?
I feel like I've asked this question before but I can't remember if I did or if I just think I did cause I'm half asleep.


AZ Greg said:
Rain? What's that?

Anyone have tips for learning a kara throw? I think I'm gonna finally try to get down/implement Vega's HK kara throw. I understand how it's done, but my consistency getting it out is terrible and it isn't worth the risk of whiffing a normal throw and eating a big punish. Or are there really no tips/shortcuts and I just need to cram the muscle memory into my head?
I feel like I've asked this question before but I can't remember if I did or if I just think I did cause I'm half asleep.
You answered your own question really. Better hop on training mode and just cram it until it becomes second nature.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Kadey said:
We'll take your rain. It's been 90° or close to with high humidity for nearly a month. I wouldn't mind a full week of just raining.

god damn it....

We got what, two maybe three months tops of non-winter here in sweden and I gotta spend it getting pissed on by clouds :(

Sigh...yoshi, did the winter rape you guys down to -25ish C aswell? I dreaded going out just to get the mail. I'd get frostbite in 2 seconds.



I'm telling you man, dont make me do it. Someday you'll wake up like that scene in the godfather (?) with a horses head in your bed, but instead of a horses head its my head with super clenched between my teeth.

AZ Greg said:
Rain? What's that?

Anyone have tips for learning a kara throw? I think I'm gonna finally try to get down/implement Vega's HK kara throw. I understand how it's done, but my consistency getting it out is terrible and it isn't worth the risk of whiffing a normal throw and eating a big punish. Or are there really no tips/shortcuts and I just need to cram the muscle memory into my head?
I feel like I've asked this question before but I can't remember if I did or if I just think I did cause I'm half asleep.

yay! More vega tools to further wreck us fellow GAFers with :p

Nose Master - don't feel too bad. Greg kicks everyone's asses here. I had a really shitty night myself.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Corky said:
Sigh...yoshi, did the winter rape you guys down to -25ish C aswell? I dreaded going out just to get the mail. I'd get frostbite in 2 seconds.
Winter completely ruined my car, my washing machine and my fridge (wtf?) costing me over 14k bucks to repair/get a new one so yeah FML too :(


Corky said:
I'm telling you man, dont make me do it. Someday you'll wake up like that scene in the godfather (?) with a horses head in your bed, but instead of a horses head its my head with super clenched between my teeth.

Oh God :lol I promise, I promise! Give me a week, max.


Kadey said:
We'll take your rain. It's been 90° or close to with high humidity for nearly a month. I wouldn't mind a full week of just raining.
90! I can't even remember what under 100 feels like anymore, hahaha ... ;_;

Had one of my worst nights playing ever last night. I love SF4 but damn can it be frustrating as hell sometimes. Maybe I was tired but I was getting smacked around by the simplest tactics and scrub mashers left and right. Half of it was my fault by getting impatient and overly aggressive chasing a couple of people around as opposed to just playing more patiently, one of my biggest flaws. I went a pathetic like 5 - 15 or so in the matches I played. Had to call it a night before I threw something.


Question for the backseat game designers on GAF. Most critics of SF4 claim it's way too defensive by design and simply doesn't reward offense enough, and I think in general I agree with this. So I was kicking around ideas to change that. Most of these would probably break the game one way or the other but I'm just curious if you guys could potentially change or add to the gameplay system of SSF4 what would you do?

Some ideas I came up with:

  • Loosen up the timing on links and shorten the window and ease for reversals
  • Give every character an overhead and make them special move cancelable so you can land some decent damage off of them
  • Instant LV 3 Focus Attack / Guard Break - Instead of FADC for two EX bars you can also fire off an instant level 3 focus attack, landing a free crumple
  • Guard Meter - Regenerating guard meter that decreases as you block attacks. If it depletes instant crumple. Think SC4 crystal (forget the name)

So, if you could change one thing in SSF4 what would it be?
Finally got my first hate mail, fuck yeah!
Beat some guy up pretty badly with my Dudley. Then he rematched me and got perfected the second round (poor cody). He didn't take too kindly to it and sent me a friendly "Hurensohn" (son of a bitch) :D


Sir Garbageman said:
Had one of my worst nights playing ever last night. I love SF4 but damn can it be frustrating as hell sometimes. Maybe I was tired but I was getting smacked around by the simplest tactics and scrub mashers left and right. Half of it was my fault by getting impatient and overly aggressive chasing a couple of people around as opposed to just playing more patiently, one of my biggest flaws. I went a pathetic like 5 - 15 or so in the matches I played. Had to call it a night before I threw something.


Question for the backseat game designers on GAF. Most critics of SF4 claim it's way too defensive by design and simply doesn't reward offense enough, and I think in general I agree with this. So I was kicking around ideas to change that. Most of these would probably break the game one way or the other but I'm just curious if you guys could potentially change or add to the gameplay system of SSF4 what would you do?

Some ideas I came up with:

  • Loosen up the timing on links and shorten the window and ease for reversals
  • Give every character an overhead and make them special move cancelable so you can land some decent damage off of them
  • Instant LV 3 Focus Attack / Guard Break - Instead of FADC for two EX bars you can also fire off an instant level 3 focus attack, landing a free crumple
  • Guard Meter - Regenerating guard meter that decreases as you block attacks. If it depletes instant crumple. Think SC4 crystal (forget the name)

So, if you could change one thing in SSF4 what would it be?

Same thing happened to me today in rank, and far worse a week ago, also in rank, which made me stop playing completely for awhile. I agree wholeheartedly with the "defensive by design and simply doesn't reward offense enough" statement.

Simply put, it rewards turtling. My biggest issue with it is mainly the reversal window, and stage length. But i speak this as i play complete rushdown, as that is my playstyle, and i love just constantly pressuring the opponent. It's unfortunate, and i think of it as a glaring problem with the games design, as it should generally be equally rewarding independent of ones play style, and to help this, I'd suggest smaller stages, and a much tighter reversal window.

But i still love the game, it just takes a few bad matches that i feel i should of won in, for me to have these thoughts :lol I much prefer the design of older SF titles however.


Hitokage said:
Gyrian: Please, no sigs.

I was sad to see the little guy go when I changed avatars, so I redesigned him to be smiley sized.
Figured it would be okay to use, similar to Kitton's signature smiley at the end of his posts.

In any case, understood.


Hrm, I really need to play with you guys some. Haven't had time and the time difference is killer. Is everyone playing on XBL or do folks regularly play on PSN?


he's Virgin Tight™
Shouta said:
Hrm, I really need to play with you guys some. Haven't had time and the time difference is killer. Is everyone playing on XBL or do folks regularly play on PSN?

Cool people are on XBL!


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Shouta said:
Hrm, I really need to play with you guys some. Haven't had time and the time difference is killer. Is everyone playing on XBL or do folks regularly play on PSN?

Both have active scenes of about equal quality.

Sir Garbageman said:
Some ideas I came up with:

  • Loosen up the timing on links and shorten the window and ease for reversals
  • Give every character an overhead and make them special move cancelable so you can land some decent damage off of them
  • Instant LV 3 Focus Attack / Guard Break - Instead of FADC for two EX bars you can also fire off an instant level 3 focus attack, landing a free crumple
  • Guard Meter - Regenerating guard meter that decreases as you block attacks. If it depletes instant crumple. Think SC4 crystal (forget the name)

1) I agree with the first part, I don't think the second part really is that bad. However, I would make it where reversals aren't FADCable to lower the reward.

2) the chars that need this the most, have it.

3) Might be too powerful

4) Would ruin a few characters (Gouken in particular). Guard breaks are rarely good design, and lead to stupid tactics almost every game they've been in.

For the people who are saying SF4 is too defensive- I think lowering the reward on reversals via eliminating ability to FADC on reversal, and easing links to make offense easier would be sufficient. I also think the return of one-button throwing and Alpha-style throw softening replacing throw teching would help also.

BTW, I've played a ton of Samsho in the day- so SF4 doesn't feel defensive compared to the good SamSho games.
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