"But you still haven't proved he is different; we'd only been discussing how similar to ryu are demitri and akuma"
Zangief threatens with his SPD to make people do stupid shit and capitalize on it. That doesn't quite work in DS because I can't think of anyone who has a throw range half as good as ST Zangief AND because people are in the air a lot. A lot.
"I forgot about darkstalkers, as soon as COTA and Alpha 2 were available, given that it was just a wacky SF clone.
It takes some terrible eyesight to watch those videos and not think "shotokan fight" immediatly."
In short: You never actually played the game. Yeah, we're done here.
Zangief threatens with his SPD to make people do stupid shit and capitalize on it. That doesn't quite work in DS because I can't think of anyone who has a throw range half as good as ST Zangief AND because people are in the air a lot. A lot.
"I forgot about darkstalkers, as soon as COTA and Alpha 2 were available, given that it was just a wacky SF clone.
It takes some terrible eyesight to watch those videos and not think "shotokan fight" immediatly."
In short: You never actually played the game. Yeah, we're done here.