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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT2| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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Ledsen said:
np, thanks guys, so that's 2100 local time... I'll be eating sushi and watching Mad Men at that time so I'll have to catch the youtubes later.

No, it will be 15.00 for us Swedes.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
nilbog21 said:
I bought a Kineda shirt like a month ago, and few days ago they send me email saying "Your order just shipped!" and today I got an email from some dude saying "Hey sorry our printer was short on a few shirts, including yours. Sorry". I don't even know what to say.

does anyone know if they will reprint more in the future?

That truly sucks. Which shirt did you order? As far as I know, Kineda has only done one reprint for each shirt design. Boxer and Dictator shirts were reprints last month, but the Ibuki / Dan / Akumas were 1st print editions. So if you ordered one of those, he'll probably do a reprint in a few months and you can get it then.

That's awful though. I would email Kineda and be fairly aggressive about it (but be polite!). Assuming you got your preorder in on time, there's no reason why you shouldn't get a shirt. That's the whole reason he does preorders, to get a shirt count to send to the printers.


Unconfirmed Member
Rocky_Balboa said:
Good games BGenius and Quicksilva.

Nice to play with some GAFfers once in awhile. Especially social ones. Though I'm too shy to talk in English, but I was listening. Btw. sorry about the lag in the beginning, I forgot to shut down my computer.

@BGenius, I haven't seen that many Makotos, who actually know something. ;) Good games, I learned a few things for example, not to jump in when you have your U1.

@Quicksilva, your Sim is good, but I think you need to get your zoning right. Sometimes Rog might be harder to keep out, but Dee Jay should be much easier.
Ah, you are Rokitty! Yes that was a good session indeed. I was worried we were being a bit too chatty, but glad you enjoy the social aspect :) It's definitely one of the plusses of playing GAFfers over randoms. Don't be shy next time!

I would sing praises about your Rog, but every word I speak some part of me falls off from the pain and terror. Happy I managed to take a couple though! Your DeeJay had a groovy x-up game too; difficult to deal with online sometimes.

Quicksilva, I like your Sim! You could definitely tell when you did get your zoning right. You've put some good work into him man, I'll be interested to know who you pick up next.

Ahh, can I just say: tonight was a great high note to end on before I go on holiday for a week. I hope to come back refreshed and ready to battle. Thanks again fellas.


I feel like I can't play Cammy well anymore after a month away from Super. I can do all of her combos easily but in an actual match I am constantly getting nailed by things I shouldn't be and have piss poor reaction time. It's weird because I can do just fine with Guy and I think I'm even doing better with Juri who I never play :lol

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Man, I retire from the Makoto forum on SRK. Too much negativity. And I think the mods only step in there once a week for like 5 minutes.

Edit: actually, I retire from SRK as a whole. You hear that, SRK? I'm totally de-bookmarking you.


I get tons of hatemail for using random in ranked, is it like unwritten rule or something not to use random select, a cardinal sin of SF? :lol


Lost Fragment said:
Edit: actually, I retire from SRK as a whole. You hear that, SRK? I'm totally de-bookmarking you.
tech talk doesn't deserve it :(

everywhere else on the forum can suck it though i agree


Lost Fragment said:
Man, I retire from the Makoto forum on SRK. Too much negativity. And I think the mods only step in there once a week for like 5 minutes.

Edit: actually, I retire from SRK as a whole. You hear that, SRK? I'm totally de-bookmarking you.

srk for the most part is filled with whiney little bitches now...i don't know when the influx of complaining assholes happened there...but it's way too overbearing. just read the evo stream thread...they all have this sense of entitlement that they DESERVE a better stream for evo...which they didn't pay for.

tl;dr: fuck srk

AZ Greg

Lost Fragment said:
Man, I retire from the Makoto forum on SRK. Too much negativity. And I think the mods only step in there once a week for like 5 minutes.

Reminds me of the Vega forums after vanilla launched. So much negativity. Might still be that way, quit going there about a year ago. It sucks when all the people are focused on making "Why does Vega suck so bad?" threads rather than trying to figure stuff out to improve his game. It's even worse when these people post a video of themselves playing and they aren't even getting 10% of the potential out of the character.


God's Beard said:
I thought SRK was just a place to learn new character-specific punishes.

there's still good shit on there, don't get me wrong..but having to wade through 90 posts of bullshit makes it not even worth it...only threads i'll ever visit are the character discussion stickied topics for whatever character i need =/
I stopped viewing the Guy forum weeks ago.

My only source of learning is from watching Kiryu videos on the Replay channel, or getting my ass kicked by better more proficient Guy players :)


BotoxAgent said:
I stopped viewing the Guy forum weeks ago.

My only source of learning is from watching Kiryu videos on the Replay channel.

you mind helping me with the guy matchup for chun and dudley sometime?


Makoto and Vanilla Vega are just extremely hard characters to win with, not because they were purposely designed that way(aka Viper, where theres a huge payoff for mastering the character), but because of poor balance choices. They can still win, but they require more luck, much more skill, and rely a lot on your opponent not knowing the match up(which is common with low tier characters). The frustration is understandable, especially from the 3S Makoto group. Talk about butchering the heart and soul out of a character.


my srk character subforum beef comes from the fact that i was one of like 2 or 3 people contributing to video threads trying to post matches or stuff and then you have people bitching (while not posting anything of themselves) how all the videos are of horrible players and the thread is useless until there are high-level japanese deejay play. That kinda pissed me off tbh, getting bitched at for trying to contribute to a dead thread/subforum.


BotoxAgent said:
sure, hit me up anytime....I need help with that matchup too (or any matchup with guy for that matter T_T)

well just let me know whatever chars beforehand since i know you don't have a mic...and i'll try to play them as well as i can to help ya out :)

Ploid 3.0

Threi said:
my srk character subforum beef comes from the fact that i was one of like 2 or 3 people contributing to video threads trying to post matches or stuff and then you have people bitching (while not posting anything of themselves) how all the videos are of horrible players and the thread is useless until there are high-level japanese deejay play. That kinda pissed me off tbh, getting bitched at for trying to contribute to a dead thread/subforum.

Thing about forums like that is the most vocal are the ones that are like you described. I appreciate the dj vids man. Heck you might have a leg up (no pun intended) on what the JP players know of DJ.


Threi said:
my srk character subforum beef comes from the fact that i was one of like 2 or 3 people contributing to video threads trying to post matches or stuff and then you have people bitching (while not posting anything of themselves) how all the videos are of horrible players and the thread is useless until there are high-level japanese deejay play. That kinda pissed me off tbh, getting bitched at for trying to contribute to a dead thread/subforum.

i don't get it tho...your deejay is actually good lol...how the fuck can they complain?(other than the afformentioned sense of entitlement)


dragonballjoseph said:
Bison sub-forums are pretty good.
vanilla bison subforums weren't though :p

*edit* I appreciate the compliments, I don't think my deejay is that good but I play him in a slightly strange way that catches people off guard. But yeah the subforums have less of "how do I approach/pressure/zone with deejay" and more "HOW DOES I EX MGU > U2 IT LOOKS SO GODLIEK LOLZ"


This probably warrants a larger post or a full thread, but I'll throw this out there:

Part of the 'problem' (if such can be said) for the US fighting game scene is exemplified by the SRK forums, with people less interested in solid fundamentals and more in easy characters and (completely useless) flashy combos.

It's unfortunate that geographically, the US is at a weird disadvantage when it comes to training. It's hard to get together with a regular group of skilled players if they're spread over 500+ miles (or 1000+, or 2000+).

That isn't to say there are no good players, or no good groups who train together, but we'd probably see a lot more serious development and impressive displays if there was a better mentality among the community to improve together as a group, rather than argue all day long about (fucking retarded) tier lists and why X or Y is over or underpowered.

The rise of some of the stream battle rooms where players are testing stuff out and actively trying to improve is a really good sign, I hope to see more of that in the future.

Really, a few hours a week with like minded players who want to improve (rather than own ur bitch azz) is massively more productive for increasing your skills than any number of hours mindlessly beating up on randoms for more BP.

AZ Greg

DR2K said:
Makoto and Vanilla Vega are just extremely hard characters to win with, not because they were purposely designed that way(aka Viper, where theres a huge payoff for mastering the character), but because of poor balance choices. They can still win, but they require more luck, much more skill, and rely a lot on your opponent not knowing the match up(which is common with low tier characters). The frustration is understandable, especially from the 3S Makoto group. Talk about butchering the heart and soul out of a character.

The problem, at least that I have, isn't with whether or not the character truly is low tier or not. It's with people cluttering things up and being negative when they should be working on their own game rather than complaining about a character they aren't even using well. I'm probably alone in this thought, but let's say you're a Honda player, don't come whining about how free Honda is for even bad players as long as they have a fireball and cross-up. If there are Hondas out there like Mike Ross or whoever else is considered a great Honda player who can easily handle the people on your level who are giving you trouble then you have your own work to do. Sure you might not have it as easy as some other characters, but I feel like you should have your character maxed out before you start throwing around the "Why does "X" suck so bad?" on places like SRK. I'm probably alone on that though.
DR2K said:
Makoto and Vanilla Vega are just extremely hard characters to win with, not because they were purposely designed that way(aka Viper, where theres a huge payoff for mastering the character), but because of poor balance choices. They can still win, but they require more luck, much more skill, and rely a lot on your opponent not knowing the match up(which is common with low tier characters). The frustration is understandable, especially from the 3S Makoto group. Talk about butchering the heart and soul out of a character.
Kuroda could do it, so quit your bitching.
Victrix said:
This probably warrants a larger post or a full thread, but I'll throw this out there:

Part of the 'problem' (if such can be said) for the US fighting game scene is exemplified by the SRK forums, with people less interested in solid fundamentals and more in easy characters and (completely useless) flashy combos.

It's unfortunate that geographically, the US is at a weird disadvantage when it comes to training. It's hard to get together with a regular group of skilled players if they're spread over 500+ miles (or 1000+, or 2000+).

That isn't to say there are no good players, or no good groups who train together, but we'd probably see a lot more serious development and impressive displays if there was a better mentality among the community to improve together as a group, rather than argue all day long about (fucking retarded) tier lists and why X or Y is over or underpowered.

The rise of some of the stream battle rooms where players are testing stuff out and actively trying to improve is a really good sign, I hope to see more of that in the future.

Really, a few hours a week with like minded players who want to improve (rather than own ur bitch azz) is massively more productive for increasing your skills than any number of hours mindlessly beating up on randoms for more BP.

In short ranked mode is the devil and should be avoided. I had come to that conclusion ages ago :p


AZ Greg said:
The problem, at least that I have, isn't with whether or not the character truly is low tier or not. It's with people cluttering things up and being negative when they should be working on their own game rather than complaining about a character they aren't even using well. I'm probably alone in this thought, but let's say you're a Honda player, don't come whining about how free Honda is for even bad players as long as they have a fireball and cross-up. If there are Hondas out there like Mike Ross or whoever else is considered a great Honda player who can easily handle the people on your level who are giving you trouble then you have your own work to do. Sure you might not have it as easy as some other characters, but I feel like you should have your character maxed out before you start throwing around the "Why does "X" suck so bad?" on places like SRK. I'm probably alone on that though.
You're not alone on that. All this matchup talk people get into is really kinda pointless. Yes, certain characters have certain advantages over other characters at all levels of play. But it's not like 90% of the people complaining could even win a major tournament. Once you've leveled up your character to the point where there's little to no room for improvement and you're getting P'd on by some other character, then voice your complaints. Otherwise, shut up and practice.


Lost Fragment said:
Man, I retire from the Makoto forum on SRK. Too much negativity. And I think the mods only step in there once a week for like 5 minutes.

Edit: actually, I retire from SRK as a whole. You hear that, SRK? I'm totally de-bookmarking you.

The only reasons I check the Mak forums nowadays is to see if any new vids have been posted and to see how some people are actually dealing with matchups. Oh, and to make sure my 5,000 meaty setups are up to date XD. But since I have yours, ninjacw's and bigdanmuls channels bookmarked I simply just dont go there anymore.

We should cross reference shenanigans via PM so we can put nowhere, USA on the map!


The other stupid thing is that those weaknesses define the game

From the discussion, you'd think people would be happier if there were two characters: Ryu, and Ryu

Watching someone get around a difficult matchup through intelligent play is one of the joys of competitive SF. Listening to people whine about difficult matchups on forums, not so much.


Axis said:
srk for the most part is filled with whiney little bitches now...i don't know when the influx of complaining assholes happened there...but it's way too overbearing. just read the evo stream thread...they all have this sense of entitlement that they DESERVE a better stream for evo...which they didn't pay for.

tl;dr: fuck srk

Aside from the tech talk forum, I hardly visit SRK anymore. But I agree that there should have been a better stream. Like I said after Evo, they were hyping this up to no end and were expecting thousands of viewers. They didn't seem to prepare properly for despite all the hype they generated and I think that's a damn shame.


Mrs. Harvey
People need to stop thinking everything is a right. It's all a privilege. It's a new decade in a new millennium, get rid of that stupid mindset.

I've been trying to get more people to get into the game and it seems like it's working. :D
I swear, my connect never lasts half an hour without deciding to cut off. Was playing Sasa when it happened, and it disconnected as his Ultra finished, so it looked like a rage quit on my end.
Also find it funny how we almost beat each other's main with Sakura.


loves Arcade Sticks
Kadey said:
People need to stop thinking everything is a right. It's all a privilege. It's a new decade in a new millennium, get rid of that stupid mindset.

I've been trying to get more people to get into the game and it seems like it's working. :D

love you


Everything is moe to me
Pandas 'i am not good with street fightan' tutorial: Hakan edition.

hello friends, since the heat is keeping me from playing long sessions, i figured the best way to stay on the ball would be to go over all the specific tricks and attributes of hakans various setups and moves.


st. lp: links to itself, medium punch, both light kicks and cr.medium/st. medium on counterhit.
kind of useless in the grand scheme of things, it stuns too long to reliably tick 360p's and too short to allow for any hitstrings. its safe and you can 360p with it, but you cant confirm the block with a second jab and still 360p unless you are oiled. does not cancel into anything. as all of hakans lights are slow, anyone with a three frame light will dominate you in this area.

st. lk: same deal as above.

st. mp: like the above its slow and cannot be canceled into slide or 360p. on block you can st.lk/st.lp - st.mp - oiled 360p but only at point blank range and only when oiled, notable but useless. you may also delay the 360p for a moment in order to do the same on hit, but its equally useless as you are forced to commit to the 360p. it does have its uses as a counterpoke so it is one of hakans few somewhat useful standing normals.

st. mk: see st. mp, subtract usefulness as a counterpoke.
point blank st.lp - st.mk can lead to a 360p unoiled and oiled on hit, if you are confident on 2 normal hitconfirms feel free to attempt this one at times, however you are at disadvantage on block so dont mess up versus other grapplers.

st. hp: pretty effective forward anti air and a poke that can deal with some focus attacks all in all an excellent move, feel free to get FANCy with it.

st.hk: No.

cr.lp: see st.lp, as all jabs go it can be effective at getting people to slow down but once again it suffers unoiled and cannot cancel into anything or even chain into itself naturally. oil helps with the chaining but to no noticable benefit as you are still unable to reach any good normals to help you hitconfirm with.

cr.lk: see above.

cr.mp: see standing mp, good counterpoke and represents itself as a decent normal. not forgettable but also not a highlight.

cr.mk: your moneymaker, this is your first and only normal that will special move cancel into slide and actually combo. as in: 2 hits, 3 with a followup! with decent range and its status as a low, you'll find alot of uses for this poke as it will set up alot of your early basic punishes with the slides.

cr.hp: No. its not even safe on hit and it moves you forward beyond what pushback would have cobvered. its a 'please ultra me fellow grapplers!'

cr.hk: well. its a sweep unoiled.
so yeah. that.

you're probably pretty depressed right now, but there is light at the end of this tunnel:

Command normals:

f.lp: easy tick into 360p off of a hitconfirmed jumpin, its fast and it covers a frame of your fierce 360p on hit. it can work unoiled [with certain jumpins] and oiled with all jumpins. pairs with...

f.lk: which will be your option on a blocked jumpin, its safe and still lets you gamble your buffered 360p versus all the 3 frame pokes and throws in the world, if they're a frame late you win money, if its too risky for you, you're safe and have an easy way out! on hit it can interfere with some overzealous 360p's, so you have to choose to risk timing your stuff right.

f.mp: delicious. cancels to slide, 360p, 360k. on hit slide. on block standing, 360k, on block crouching 360p. [oiled]. its slow but it covers a deceptively large track of ground, letting you poke in on wakeups you've backed off from to catch srk characters unawares. f.mp on a standing block is imo the only reliable non meaty usage of 360k i know of, but as it is a strng cornering tool with high damage, its worth it with a command normal this good backing it up. its so good, its fadcable. :lol just in case.

f.mk: meh?

f.hp: slow but strong poke with high damage that can set up some oiled mixups. use wisely and as frequently as possible. :p

f.hk: fairly unsafe, but can cause some interesting unexpected ultra opportunities on hit unoiled and knocks down as a strong fast low sweep when oiled. you probably should use this more often than i do. >_>

Air normals:

lp: primarily an air to air, but if you can lp it, you can probably air grab it, soooo...... yeah.

lk: air to ground, but does not combo into anything of note. its primary usage is that of a fake crossup as a late knee will pull hakan down and back infront of the opponent, allowing for a f.lp or cr.mk into 360p or slide.

mp: air to air that juggles into slide and can combo on grounded opponenets. the limb extension can put you at risk when air to grounding, but dont feel shy. once again: AIR TO AIR MP WILL JUGGLE INTO SLIDE + FOLLOWUP. DO THAT. MULTIPLE TIMES. YOU OWN THE AIR.

mk: good air to ground. stuffs stuff. experiment.

hp: very strong but very slow air to air, you have to be a tad daigo with this one, but it will reset and land you before the opponent so feel free to sneak in a safe slide or some other sort of shenanigans. as an air to ground its a passable punish and is one of the jumpins that allow for f.lp - 360p unoiled fairly easily.

hk: No.

special moves
360P: free oil with jab and medium, free mixup with fierce, has strong ex unoiled range and stronger oiled normal and ex range that can setup some unique mixup opportunities. it tends to whiff on crouched opponents when unoiled and always whiffs on stunned dudley. SERIOUSLY?!

360K: a slow move for your inner daigo who just knows someone wants to wakeup jump or when you see someone block a f.mp standing up, otherwise you can meaty it on the whole cast after all of his close untechable knockdowns. [slide/sweep/air throw/oiled f.hk/F360p] some characters take different timing, so its something you will have to practice and slowly master with time.

slide+followup: this is your go to special move that will setup the hakan knockdown vortex, score as many of these as possible into free lk oils and mixup with F360p, a normal, another slide [backdashers] or jumping throw or jumping medium [jumpers], or just block on srk/ultra happy wakeups. its alot of options you have to consider, but hakan does have an answer for all of them, just take a page from deejays book and feel the rhythm of the match, you'll guess right more often than not.

slide will also punish most fireballs at large distances and all strengths can be made safe when hit meaty at maximum ranges or wakeups. ex slide seems to be completely projectile immune, but once you have your ranges down timing the normal slides will not be a problem.

coward crouch: ducks fireballs and buffers ultra.

air throw: all day every day. its free money and another close untechable knockdown with decent damage. hakans jump arc makes air throws almost guaranteed on anyone jumping and thinking crossup.

oil up: do it off of throws [medium oil], jab or medium 360p's [light oil/medium oil], slide + followup [light oil] or silly fireballs [ex oil]. dont obsess over oil to the point of taking damage or wasting opportunities, but get it when you can.

Why oil at all?
new mixups.
safe fullscreen options.

oil gives all of your command normals a range bonus, allows you to actively move while charging a focus attack, limits all attacks to base 90%. [5 hit combo is now [(X)0.9]1 + [(x)0.9]1 + [(X)0.9]0.8 + etc. this adds up surprisingly and ontop of all this it adds a damage bonus to all of your moves.

you can use safe lk oils to buffer 360s and 720s after slide followups and collect bonus ultra damage to boot. if you fancy a simple F360p, that oil opens up a whole new mixup game with f.hp wherein you can oiled F360P, walk in, F.HP, oiled F360P. sometimes you catch two oiled F360p's, sometimes you catch a jumper, sometimes you catch all three for massive damage. sometimes you meaty oiled 360k, the options you get from what otherwise would have been the end of your close mixup game are enormous and you get them all literally for free as the initial lk oil after slide reset is 100% safe [when done quickly]

near the end of the game and nobody can risk anything silly and the opponent is wise to your safe distances on your slides? normally you'd be forced to fierce slide into FADC on the [infuriating] hope that you lost two meters and some damage to a hit, but knowing that all other offensive actions are limited, what else could you do but take the risky but still safer than normal slide fadc? well if you oil before that slide fadc, suddenly you can focus attack normal cancel and get FANCy with a f.lk tick setup that will oftentimes throw off an opponents punish [sometimes crippling to charge characters who commit to forward throw or a charge punish when athe surprise FANCy blockstring comes out and sets up 360ps or a 360k or another slide or who knows what else. the point is, you're inclose and at an advantage off a fadc slide thanks solely to an oil technique.

so remember to oil up if its not to much of a bother. but also, dont expect to have oil, learn your hakan dry, never hope that you'll have something that you might not!

video will be delayed, but incoming.
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