"God's Beard!"
We should battle it out online in a ft10 to determine who the rightful postmaster is._dementia said:
We should battle it out online in a ft10 to determine who the rightful postmaster is._dementia said:
BotoxAgent said:just that I am trying to learn Guy and I'm slow getting good with him and requires a lot of my time and attention right now, same with Cammy. With Chun, I feel pretty comfortable with her movesets and I can always come back to her and feel right at home.
don't listen to XenoRaven, I am not a traitor![]()
Axis said:ah, understand that. i'm really happy i started using her...i think i'm slowly getting to where i wanna be with her
BotoxAgent said:I like your chun (and your cammy and mak). I am glad my first SFIV character main was Chun because I think she's a good character to learn first before jumping into other characters (she's got footsies, projectiles, charge moves, mashmoves, circle motion moves, good focus attack, etc).
BotoxAgent said:Yeah, Guy is so slow with shitty pokes...so hard to play footsies with him (makes playing Chun feel gdlk, lol)
I lost so many games (and points) with Chun from trying to do that awesome Sako combo![]()
Axis said:rofl doing that combo repetitively put me in a position to hit c.fp->mk legs almost whenever i want tho...so i'm kinda happy i went through that phase...i just wish it wasn't so fucking hard to hit the c.fp again afterwards...it feels harder than the damn sweep but i guess i'll just have to grind it out and convert that timing into muscle memory
Axis said:not-so-ninja edit: what's up with c.lk->c.lp->c.lk->c.lp->s.mp linking? i never knew this was possible before...am i just retarded or does it have to do with being pushed out so far that the last jab hits on a late active frame?
BotoxAgent said:For now I just follow c.fp->LL with cr.short-->ex legs or st.fp. Less damage and whatnot but I at least can double tap the short....idk what the hell one is supposed to do to make cr.fp. I am afraid to try the sako combo anymore because when your opponent is getting hit with LL, they are most likely mashing their ultra or dp in case you mess up or guess wrong.
I never knew you can do that. I think you are right about the last active frame (the same way you can link cr.rh after jab)
Spiderjericho said:Real talk. Last I checked, the Yanks are the world champs and beat the Phillies last year.
If you are playing someone and its like .3 sec input lag, its the same for the opponent. Input lag depend how when you and your opponent lives.Marvelous said:More questions about lag and whatnot.
Say I'm playing against a person and for me, the game is flowing pretty well, but for them, it's really laggy? Who would be at fault here?
If my connection was experiencing constipation in a match, it would cause lag on my screen, right?
(In both of these situations, I am not the host. Not sure if I need to include that.)
Sorry for all of the questions lately.
Cloudius12 said:Do you use Shortcut DP motion, its easier to do then a regular DP motion.
Cloudius12 said:If you are playing someone and its like .3 sec input lag, its the same for the opponent. Input lag depend how when you and your opponent lives.
But when lag like hiccups are they its usually one or both players at fault, whether they are downloading something or watching Youtube. Depend on your internet speed.
Wireless is downright bad for fighting games, better to go wiredMarvelous said:Hmm... okay. It's usually not too bad for me, but today was just weird. It was like the game was reduced to half speed for me in one match. The other person didn't seem to have any problems doing his/her special moves and stuff. Ah well, maybe the wireless signal strength was too low at that point.
Marvelous said:Hmm... okay. It's usually not too bad for me, but today was just weird. It was like the game was reduced to half speed for me in one match. The other person didn't seem to have any problems doing his/her special moves and stuff. Ah well, maybe the wireless signal strength was too low at that point.
I can understand getting EX tomahawk instead, but EX typhoon?N4Us said:I can't count the number of times I've tried to do EX-condor spire with Hawk and instead get EX-grab, ugh.
You can double tap df. But what I do is the actual motion. As in forward > down > df.TurtleSnatcher said:I have no clue how people buffer a dragon punch into combos
like Ryu..
cr. lp cr. lp into DP
How the fuck?
I can never get a DP out.. =[
Even Cr. MK into DP I have to mash it feels like.. :lol
Thanks i'll try that. I think I play my chun much more differently than any of the guys here. Mostly because I don't rely on her lightning legs AT ALL unless I want to combo my U2. Instead I rely on H. Hazanshu which obviously always leaves me open for any attack/combo since the hit box starts so late!Axis said:do regular MK legs off of j.fpx2->c.fpx1...you can hide the mk inputs inside of the fp's and if you can land it you're left at +7 or 9 on hit if you do full MK legs(can link another c.fp into more legs if you can piano/slide) and if it's blocked then you're relatively safe if you only do half legs...try different variations...but not using that meter could come in handy bc her super is fucking AMAZING.
just some tips, idk i'm tired
lol i just got hit with overheads...A LOT
I have played a total of one person who baited and punished. I countered by doing a quick wake up then Cr.Lp twice. If he blocked then I simply throw them. With that match up I still found my EX SBK to be quite useful.XenoRaven said:You should play people that know how to bait and punish.
Nintendo-4Life said:I have played a total of one person who baited and punished. I countered by doing a quick wake up then Cr.Lp twice. If he blocked then I simply throw them. With that match up I still found my EX SBK to be quite useful.
There's no escape!black_vegeta said:I would like to play you.
Sorry to say I don't have XBL atm. I am tethering the 3G connection from my iphone right now. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will set up a solid connection.black_vegeta said:I would like to play you.
Well, you're already a few steps above Vegeta.Nintendo-4Life said:Sorry to say I don't have XBL atm. I am tethering the 3G connection from my iphone right now. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will set up a solid connection.
For the record, i'm really mediocre so yeah, and my gamertag is fantastic tuna.
XenoRaven said:There's no escape!
dragonballjoseph said:Well, you're already a few steps above Vegeta.![]()
Haha sorry man. I almost never turn on my PS3 and I haven't picked the PS3 version yet. I have the next week and a half off of work, so I'll definitely play you soon.the_log_ride said:Dude, sent you a Friend Req. on ps3... I wanna get some Yoga sessions against dat chun
:lol Trust me I'm prolly the worst player in this thread. My friend who is a die hard fan can beat me 10 times in a row using any character from the roster. It's either because he's that good or I'm that bad.. I think it's both thoughdragonballjoseph said:Well, you're already a few steps above Vegeta.![]()
Nintendo-4Life said::lol Trust me I'm prolly the worst player in this thread. My friend who is a die hard fan can beat me 10 times in a row using any character from the roster. It's either because he's that good or I'm that bad.. I think it's both though![]()
The greatest growth is achieved during times of rest.CaptainMintMan said:I just confirmed that my Makoto is suffering from the 5000 bp curse. I finally make it to B rank and the VERY next match unleashes a chain of losses that is damn near impossible to make a comeback. This is my third time achieving B rank with her. SF-GAF, should I drop my arcade and head to Halo Reach or what?![]()
cHaotix8 said:You guys and your points.
God's Beard said:The greatest growth is achieved during times of rest.
cHaotix8 said:You guys and your points.
Kadey said:Only in training mode can you do stuff like this.
DarkoMaledictus said:Sad part is looking at the damage scaling... extremely hard to pull and no gratification...
Not so much scaling going on... also, on the GiefsterDarkoMaledictus said:Sad part is looking at the damage scaling... extremely hard to pull and no gratification...
Kadey said:If there was one thing Capcom let us choose to take out, I would definitely choose shortcuts with easy reversals being second.