Aruarian Reflection
Chauffeur de la gdlk

Cool stuff.
arstal said:If these changes take hold that don't seem to be too popular, I wonder if it's possible people would just declare Super the tourney standard, and not AE if people end up not liking it.
AllGamer said:
stabicron7 said:With a lot of the "balance" changes revealed so far I wouldn't be surprised if people just stuck with super if it isn't DLC.
still trying to figure out if this or the Juri Han song is worseAllGamer said:
Gyrian said:Caught this on Reddit.
Less of a mind blow by posting it in this thread specifically, but very neat all the same. Dat design work.
Jace Hall is A Ok in my book. His Jack Thompson episode was downright legendary. :lolAllGamer said:
AllGamer said:
*turns face to camera*the_log_ride said:lol at the ultra in training mode right at the end
God's Beard said:
Axis said:i may be alone on this but i really like the focus attack system...if someone wants to full screen fireball you all day...absorbing them really cuts down on their turtling tactics
black_vegeta said:They will still chuck dat plasma. Plus one mishap takes you down to low health after absorbing the fireballs.
I usually just absorb 2 fireballs, then nuetral jump most of the others...mixed in with a little taunting.
Axis said:i'll FA 2 or say and then hazanshu over the predicted 3rd one...then back up...and repeat the cycle unless they move towards me...vegeta i want that rog practice man...i just wish your connection wasn't so unstable
black_vegeta said:Yeah, our connection was ass-a-rific last time played. We'll get some matches in soon.
Kara taunt the fireballs. I did that to a local guy i don't particularly get along with.black_vegeta said:They will still chuck dat plasma. Plus one mishap on your part takes you down to low health after absorbing the fireballs.
I usually just absorb 2 fireballs, then nuetral jump most of the others...mixed in with a little taunting.
Axis said:i may be alone on this but i really like the focus attack system...if someone wants to full screen fireball you all day...absorbing them really cuts down on their turtling tactics
El Sloth said:Yeah, but the parry system did this better in my opinion.
El Sloth said:Yeah, but the parry system did this better in my opinion.
possibly, and possibly the next version will ape 3s considering how rabid the fanbase is for that game.El Sloth said:Welp, I guess opinions can be wrong. :lol
bubu daigo made it look so cool it MUST be better!Yoshichan said:Those who prefer FA over parries never managed to fully parry Chun SA2.
:lol calling me a Daigo fan? Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about. As usual, that is.Threi said:bubu daigo made it look so cool it MUST be better!
Degen said:What was wrong with MvC2 on the PS2? I heard the Xbox version was the garbage one.
I...wasn't referring to you?Yoshichan said::lol calling me a Daigo fan? Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about. As usual, that is.
Threi said:possibly, and possibly the next version will ape 3s considering how rabid the fanbase is for that game.
For the meantime though I will move on from that old-ass dead game and enjoy SSF4 for what it is.
bubu daigo made it look so cool it MUST be better!
theoretically you can win with an ultra and a perfectSpiderjericho said:I like the saving system more than parry. Parries make SF into a guessing game. The focus attack can be used defensive or offensively but not indefinitely. My only gripe is using FAs still build the same amount of revenge meter, so someone who has 75 percent of his life can theoretically have an ultra.
Threi said:frankly that applies to the whole system. Only superior thing in SF3 was ultra selection choices, and SSF4 acquired that.
_dementia said:Kara taunt the fireballs. I did that to a local guy i don't particularly get along with.
Yeah, he's an aquaintance though. Friend of a friend, but I don't like him much.the_log_ride said:Love doing that, too. Hahaha you do that shit local? gs
Spiderjericho said:My only gripe is using FAs still build the same amount of revenge meter, so someone who has 75 percent of his life can theoretically have an ultra.
Yoshichan said:My bad Threi...
_dementia said:theoretically you can win with an ultra and a perfect
I kind of hate the revenge meter. LOL at getting such a colossal reward for taking damage. You already get some super meter for getting your ass kicked for fuck's sake. Also, fuck 4's juggle system. Way lamer than 3S'. I liked how stun made juggling easier in that game instead of letting the opponent fall safely. Also, lol scaling.
DarkoMaledictus said:3s has a hardcore following that is very vocal, the game bombed when it was released back then, I doubt the fanbase is really that big. In my opinion sales will be low for the online version of sf3, really doubt we'll see anything even close to sf4 numbers...
Super Street Fighter Two Turbo High Definition Remix sold well because it was pre-SFIV-hype.ElFly said:Comparing it with SF4 retail is unfair.
The real question is if it will outsell SSF2THDRDGDFE$REBFF
I am guessing no.
Yoshichan said:Super Street Fighter Two Turbo High Definition Remix sold well because it was pre-SFIV-hype.
By the time SFHD got released, the only footage we saw from SFIV was the terrible looking 1up videos... I'm sure some people even said SFHD would beat the crap out of SFIV :lolElFly said:Really? I thought that it lost a lot of its appeal once SF4 was announced.
Yoshichan said:By the time SFHD got released, the only footage we saw from SFIV was the terrible looking 1up videos... I'm sure some people even said SFHD would beat the crap out of SFIV :lol
Threi said:possibly, and possibly the next version will ape 3s considering how rabid the fanbase is for that game.
For the meantime though I will move on from that old-ass dead game and enjoy SSF4 for what it is.
It will definitely beat SF3:3SOEDR in terms of sales but I for one will play the living shit out of it!ElFly said:Anyway, it's hard to say either way, but the point was that SSF2THDR is the game to beat for SF3:3SSDR.
No. STHD was released after SFIV was in arcades.Yoshichan said:By the time SFHD got released, the only footage we saw from SFIV was the terrible looking 1up videos... I'm sure some people even said SFHD would beat the crap out of SFIV :lol
Hmm weird. And the arcade edition back then looked as good as Vanilla SFIV right now?Teknopathetic said:Not at all. There was quite a bit of direct feed arcade footage out by then for anyone who actually bothered to pay attention to the game before the hype hit.
Or Abel, or Balrog...Spiderjericho said:Seeing Rose do her floating orbs twice in a round is ridiculous.