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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT2| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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The Hermit

AZ Greg said:
Dude, we get it, you share the same viewpoint as Sirlin and don't want execution to play much of a role, if any, in this genre. But you two act like the current state of fighting games, in terms of execution, is only the way it is because developers are trying to add depth to their games via 1 frame links, pianoing, etc... Or that developers are simply trying to appeal to a "tiny, irrelevant minority." The latter is obviously stupid from a business perspective, and other than the two of you, I don't see many other people whining for easier execution. But I don't visit Sirlin's forums and I'm sure the other 6 people who share that viewpoint post there. It should be clear by now that fighting game developers (Not just Capcom) feel that execution is as integral to the genre as footsies, match-ups, mix-ups, mind games, etc... If that isn't appealing to you then go play Chess or something.

You can 1 frame link in chess?


Dhalsim's Max CPM Emporium
USD said:
It translates to something to the effect of (my Japanese is still ass):

"Sabin the jealous obsession shit foreigner guy* should shift his focus from Umehara to Gamerbee! He's been losing to Gamerbee since Evo! Yet he's still whining "Daigo, Daigo!" Seriously disgusting! Sabin you stalking motherfucker!"

*I left this part because it's awesome. :lol

oh yeah i read that but didnt translate it lol. But yeah, why would i put Gamerbee on blast? Hes the guy that came from a little community that could(Taiwan) and clutched it out in the end to win the tourney. He gets nothing but my respect. Guy was even nice enough to pat me on the back after i dropped game winning super. lol.

but yeah, 2ch stream monsters really go in..
i remember Fubarduck was translating 2ch after Momochi lost and they basically told Momochi dont come back home you have dishonored Japan or something like that. because he lost to Taiwan. Im not sure if theres racial undertones there, but given the nature of 2ch that wouldnt surprise me. Next thing you know, theyll be saying Im racist torwards Japan now or something like that haha. International incident?

Oh, Ill definitely be at Evo Japan. The thing is about 2ch- top players and scrubs read and post on that forum, so Im kinda infamous in whatever arcade I appear in - the same thing happened last year.

Whats cool about Japan is that they can track your win/loss record in SF4 on the internet and your last 5 matches played and against who - people were getting to the point that they were giving real time updates on who I played against, and my card stats etc. I posted there a few times with my nickname puting them on blast. Great fun!



:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol At the Japanese thinking Art looks like this guy. :lol :lol :lol :lol

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
man the Japanese using google translate is going to end up with a LOT of fucked up interpretations :lol :lol


This thread the last few pages (courtesy of Art's 2ch link):

/i /{/'⌒'}  }}Y/ / ,r-、ヽ,  /
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 ヽ-、ミ‐-、、 、,r=‐'¬ー=、、,-‐'_ ヽ、    /ノ     / 『味』 ウ・  こ
 ミ/   ~          ̄ノ /\   /彡 ""  |/   だ  ソ・  の
  /   ,'    u ∪   ! ヽ  | i、゙ー''"彡     /|   ぜ   を・  味
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    ̄/""゙   ヽ ̄ ̄  \ヽ      ̄ ̄ //   ノ     る・
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   ー-、、,,__,-‐'//ノゝノ ノ  ヽ\


USD said:
Japanese commentary + Abel Breathless showdown = :lol Shoutouts to the Break. :lol

I swear that was the best shit ever. Marlin Pie even sounded like Gama no Abura it was insanely funny as hell. Ryder did his bit too... best 12 man tired ass tourney EVER. :lol


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
nycfurby said:
oh yeah i read that but didnt translate it lol. But yeah, why would i put Gamerbee on blast? Hes the guy that came from a little community that could(Taiwan) and clutched it out in the end to win the tourney. He gets nothing but my respect. Guy was even nice enough to pat me on the back after i dropped game winning super. lol.

So modest. So awesome. <3 Gamerbee.


Dhalsim's Max CPM Emporium
This is directed to the japanese stream monsters. Basically I said dont use google translate and assume things, oh and fuck you to the haters, shoutouts to team spooky supporters lol. I also said Im not putting Godsgarden on blast, I put Capcom netcode on blast and that Godsgarden is a amazing event.
I know they are reading this thread, so yeah. lol








Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
nycfurby said:






And for those of us that don't live no the Moon and read runes, this is...?

STG said:



Dhalsim's Max CPM Emporium
random post on 2ch

638 &#65306;&#20474;&#12424;&#12426;&#24375;&#12356;&#21517;&#28961;&#12375;&#12395;&#20250;&#12356;&#12395;&#12356;&#12367;&#65306;2010/10/20(&#27700;) 14:15:42 ID:Ub/Jy+DK0






It reads - list of people who cant be talked shit about:
tokido, acqua, tonpy

50/50 (some talk shit, some support)
ksk, nemo, uryo, momochi

their existence is very weak/thin (im not sure what this means, lost in translation). i think theyre saying they are not strong

inaba, yhcmochi

easy to talk shit about
eita, kindevu, mago, gyasu

has a lot of worshippers and haters
sako, umehara

everyone talks shit about them
sabin, gamanoabura (why him??????????)

lol this is entertaining


Mrs. Harvey
Getting blown up by Four Wude waiting to capture scrubs tourney matches. :lol Great Akuma. He was sandbagging at some point. I have to step up my game whenever I play someone of that calibur, stop trying to go for combos. :lol


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Kadey said:
Getting blown up by Four Wude waiting to capture scrubs tourney matches. :lol Great Akuma. He was sandbagging at some point. I have to step up my game whenever I play someone of that calibur, stop trying to go for combos. :lol

Kadey, are you on PSN? :(


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Kadey said:
Yeah. Now. Get at me while I'm all hyped up.

7/22 baby!

Are you in the chatroom? I'll have to switch my discs, but I can play SSF4 for an hour.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
lol @ drama. Love it or hate it, it definitely makes tournaments with international players more hype.

Prepping some new YouTube vids to upload. Doing something a bit different this time. Gonna take my last 30 matches in my replay channel and upload them with commentary on what I think I did right/wrong/etc in annotations.

This is taking longer than I thought it would.


Mrs. Harvey
TheSeks said:
Are you in the chatroom? I'll have to switch my discs, but I can play SSF4 for an hour.

I'm in a team battle, 2 against 1. Shit aint fair. :lol One of the players is very good too.
Yo, Art. Them posts are hilarious. I wouldn't pay it any mind. Obviously in addition to having small manhood, they have little courage.

And I'm looking forward to the Valle vs. Gamerbee ft10. I have a strong feeling Bee is going to crush him. The problem is...Valle will download him and use it to his advantage at SoCal and Box tourneys.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I dunno if I played Kadey when she was drunk, but she still kicked my ass. I'm horrible. :lol

RANDOM ULTRAS FTL! (I didn't even mean for some of them to come out, I keep trying to EX Criminal Upper. Damn it. :|)

However, that Knife Throw->Last Dread Dust/Ultra 2 link on Sakura took me by surprise. I'm not sure if that was a random lag spike (we played near flawless, nice), but that took me (and I'm sure Kadey) by surprise. :lol

Edit: Oh, yeah, and Kadey has to play Prototype in BB:CS now that I've played her. A promise is a promise. ;)


loves Arcade Sticks
I played on Xbox Live the other night with a friend...

From someone who NEVER plays online... God, I can't stand it x.x !

First time I ever landed cr.mk xx EX fireball fadc ultra <3 vs a human being though haha.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
MarkMan said:
From someone who NEVER plays online... God, I can't stand it x.x !

Blazblue's netcode is probably the best fighting game netcode out there right now (GGPO is debatable), so yeah... SSF4's netcode is pretty assy. I get random lag-spikes now a and then, but generally if it's a green connection I'm good.

But yeah, fighting games aren't exactly meant to be played online. Esp. 2D fighting games. I think the only decent fighter netcode from last generation was Dead or Alive 2/Ultimate's.
Spiderjericho said:
Yo, Art. Them posts are hilarious. I wouldn't pay it any mind. Obviously in addition to having small manhood, they have little courage.
Come on was this really necessary to post. In whatever context Daigo was called a bitch and this kind of reaction was definitely expected, it's a bit naive to think it wasn't. At the end of the day a top player who is idolised by many has been seen to be openly disrespected and of course people aren't going to like it and I would expect exactly the same reaction by US fans if the situation was reversed.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
I love the devolution of his name, I just put in the R some people would at least have some clue who I was talking about. :lol

I also love at 1:57, you just hear a random "YYYYYYYYYYYYYY" after the combo, so Art and Die just have to join in. :lol
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