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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT2| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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mikespit1200 said:
I used to be really into fighting games in the late 90s when everyone was playing SF2 and such and I've gotten a hankering to play again, but GAF, please help I absolutely suck at them and want to improve. So far, I've bought myself a relatively cheap SF4 SE fight stick (will possibly mod later if I stick with it) and bought SSF2THD and MvC2, and just nabbed SSF4 off of amazon. I've been reviewing movelists and playing arcade/training modes but any time I jump online to play other humans I get thoroughly thrashed. My question is which game should I be starting with, what characters should I be using, what resources should I be looking at?

I'll just throw this out since I only recently heavily got into fighting games cause of SF4. I would say play SSF4 since it has the largest pool of people playing and numerous noobies still playing the game. Go to Shoryuken.com forums and look at the character threads, lots of data there and good info with beginner guides and match-ups. And honestly, you're just gonna have to go and take the beatings to get better, but you have to first know what to improve and take away from matches.

Usually means not mashing, panicing, learning to block, defending cross-ups and playing footsies. Those basic fundamentals are much more important than learning combos and advanced techinques IMO. Although learning to FADC to make moves safe is an important thing to learn. I can't get Cammy's Bnb or tcks pressure game down in real fights, but I get by cause I learn match-ups and try very hard to have solid fundamentals
Not usually the case unforuntately but I do try
which works out a good number of times.

I would not suggest a character, go try them and see what you like. Find one that suits you and not is the best or "easiest".

But hey, that's just me and someone better than me can really tell you what to do. That's just my two cents.


Dhalsim's Max CPM Emporium
eissan said:
is adon one of those characters getting a nerf?

supposedly the answer to this is yes he is getting a nerf. still no idea if itll be in final release though.
i forgot to mention - about adon vs abel. abel tornado thow has 5f startup so what i said about grapplers doesnt apply to abel in the adon abel matchup. outside of super deep LK jk abel cannot reversal tornado throw.


art do you know what changes there are to deejay?

all i've heard is st.hk is an overhead and ex air slasher is faster. anything else?
_Xenon_ said:
JT isn't a problem by all means. On reaction cr.HP or N.jump beats it.
I would use s.mk here instead of c.hp. weird angle will fuck it up whereas no matter what angle s.mk is aimed right at the jaguar tooth
I'm fairly certain s.mp / s.mk TRADES JK and it's a bad trade.
Depends its one of those timing things. i've beaten jk on it's startup with s.mp/s.mk because it pushes her forward about a half step giving her more range on both attacks more than a bad adon realizes and she can tag him before his foot comes down.
cr.HP beats his jump-in but whiffs on air JK. That's the problem I have been talking about. Airborne moves (even Dan kick) can really fuck up AA normals.

And how do you deal with Adon once he gets in? Counter teleport isn't that helpful since JK breaks armor.
If he does netural jump normal to JK-air you can dash under the jk. if he does cali-jk you can risk s.mking it or focus because its still air. you have to listen to know if its ground or air. random grunt = air.

once he is in throw the motherfucker store a fireball and begin the pressure game. be wary of TK but it isnt nearly as good as a normal DP so...not much to fret there.
mikespit1200 said:
I used to be really into fighting games in the late 90s when everyone was playing SF2 and such and I've gotten a hankering to play again, but GAF, please help I absolutely suck at them and want to improve. So far, I've bought myself a relatively cheap SF4 SE fight stick (will possibly mod later if I stick with it) and bought SSF2THD and MvC2, and just nabbed SSF4 off of amazon. I've been reviewing movelists and playing arcade/training modes but any time I jump online to play other humans I get thoroughly thrashed. My question is which game should I be starting with, what characters should I be using, what resources should I be looking at?

I'd recommend SSFIV without a doubt as the game to be trying. It has the current biggest player base in the US by a long shot (I don't have numbers, but I feel pretty confident about this). The big player base also means the most amount of beginning players to play against, so your best chance at really winning would come in that game versus HDR or MvC2.

As for tactics I'm just a scrub myself. But I really do think that just jumping in online and taking your lumps is the best way to learn. To be a really top level player you need to be hitting all the fancy links and practicing in training mode. But to just survive and hold your own online I really think that initial time is better spent with learning the matchups, learning how to block well and learning one or two easy combos / practicing your ultra to punish mistakes. Also check online for the best normal pokes for your character. Having good pokes like Vega or Rose's cr. MP to just toss out there really helps while learning the ropes.

If you want to practice anything in training mode your best bet to pick Ken, record him doing a basic jump in combo and then doing a shoryuken and another shoryuken right after landing from the first shoryuken. Then just loop that for a while to practice blocking the jump in attack and then punishing the wiffed shoryuken as hard as you can without waiting too long to get hit by the second shoryuken. Just mastering that will win you about 25% of your matches on XBL at low levels.


EDIT: Dang, late again... gotta switch browser when posting from the office :(

cHaotix8 said:
I'm speaking about Dudley in particular. If you neutral or forward fierce I can cr. RH but because it starts up so slow it's really hard to react to. Strong owns him for free and all my other anti airs trade. I have to rely on properly spaced full screen mgb's and forward strong pretty much to get damage since I can't jump at you or get you off of me. Pretty much all Dudley players agree with how bad this one is.
So, Dudley has a bad matchup against Honda. Doesn't make honda broken. At least Dudley can:
- Safe jump honda(honda has slow reversals)
- Ultra 1 ALL blocked headbutts
- c.HP buttslam's falling part
- s.MP > headbutts
- frametrap honda
- punish stuff from almost full screen(like whiffed oichos) with EX mgb
Dudley DOES have a nice anti air, c.HP(and with meter EX dp). You just have to be at the right spacing for it to work, you can always adjust your spacing to not be forced to block. You're talking like all honda did was jumping at you with a devilish move that you can't react to, can't anti air, can't backdash nor meet in the air with another jumping move(or even dash forward). And THAT is whack.

cHaotix8 said:
Actually, yes it is. If you can keep him away without letting him jump in then that pretty muchs wins you the match, theoretically of course. He can't just walk up to characters with good midrange normals and specials, and if he does he gets jumped in on because he doesn't have back charge. Honda has to resort to unsafe guesses after that in order to get in. Isn't that why he has trouble with fireball characters?
Now you're mixing things up with fireballs and keeping him away. I'm not saying that having a good anti air is not important(I think it's very important) but it's not the biggest factor on having a good matchup. There are many other tools as factors. Funny that you point it that way because against most fireballers what I do is just walk in blocking their fireballs, and if they jump on me I have early s.HP or jump back j.MP/j.HP, focus/FADC or backdash(of course, online SSF4 is a more jump friendly game). I think you're missing the big picture, otherwise according to your logic sakura would shit on honda and she doesn't, and she has a godly anti air normal(c.HP) and a projectile to boot! So she should be able to keep him away, right? At least theoretically.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
gutabo said:
EDIT: Dang I thought I pressed "Submit"... this is going to be kinda late.

What? Only j.MP is noteworthy, and even that one is pretty fair hitbox-wise(green vulnerable area inside red hitting area) compared with lots of other air attacks with HUGE re hitting areas way outside their green vulnerable areas, vertically speaking(that's what makes them hard to anti air). I've been doing the vidcaps for a while(will post them once I'm done doing them all) so if you need proof lemme know.

EDIT 2: _Xenon_, Juri having a bad matchup against adon(IF that's your point, I don't agree) =/= Adon's broken.

Like many have said before, it's Gamerbee that's broken.

Ok, how does Juri have a bad matchup against Adon period.

If Juri can charge a RH fireball, Adon can't jaguar kick, tooth or jump. Juri's knockdown game also works on Adon to boot.


gutabo said:
EDIT: Dang, late again... gotta switch browser when posting from the office :(

So, Dudley has a bad matchup against Honda. Doesn't make honda broken. At least Dudley can:
- Safe jump honda(honda has slow reversals)
- Ultra 1 ALL blocked headbutts
- c.HP buttslam's falling part
- s.MP > headbutts
- frametrap honda
- punish stuff from almost full screen(like whiffed oichos) with EX mgb
Dudley DOES have a nice anti air, c.HP(and with meter EX dp). You just have to be at the right spacing for it to work, you can always adjust your spacing to not be forced to block. You're talking like all honda did was jumping at you with a devilish move that you can't react to, can't anti air, can't backdash nor meet in the air with another jumping move(or even dash forward). And THAT is whack.

Whoah dude, I never said Honda was broken. All I said was that he has jump ins that other characters have trouble dealing with and that he could use a slight damage nerf. The reason why I bring up Dudley is that Honda can pretty much hold down back the entire match. Standing RH rapes Dudley in footsie range, as does crouching jab xx hands. If he wants to end the match quick, he can jump in at pretty low risk (assuming I'm not at the cr. fierce sweet spot and he knows about it and I don't pick Ultra II). No good Honda that knows the matchup is gonna just throw out headbutts. Sadly, this is true for a lot of this cast, which explains why he is ranked so high on the tier lists. Facts is facts.

All of the charge characters give the new characters a hard time. The difference with them compared to Honda is none of them can hit you for 500+ off of a jab, while at the same time being able to turtle the shit out of you.

One more thing. Dudley doesn't safe jump, since he gets all of his damage off of 50/50's and OS's that don't rely on your opponent mashing reversals (It's much safer to bait out a DP on the ground then safe jumping someone that KNOWS you're safe jumping them).

God's Beard said:
I'm a Dudley player and I don't think the Honda match is as bad as it could be. I have way more issues with Zangief and Dhalsim.

Zangief Dudley is probably 5-5, slightly in Giefs favor, but even enough. However, tiers are based on both players playing their characters at the peak of their potential. Play a good Honda that knows the matchup and see how you do.


arstal said:
Ok, how does Juri have a bad matchup against Adon period.

If Juri can charge a RH fireball, Adon can't jaguar kick, tooth or jump. Juri's knockdown game also works on Adon to boot.
Hi Arstal! Hey I didn't say that was my point(it isn't), I was trying to guess Xenon's point.


mikespit1200 said:
I used to be really into fighting games in the late 90s when everyone was playing SF2 and such and I've gotten a hankering to play again, but GAF, please help I absolutely suck at them and want to improve. So far, I've bought myself a relatively cheap SF4 SE fight stick (will possibly mod later if I stick with it) and bought SSF2THD and MvC2, and just nabbed SSF4 off of amazon. I've been reviewing movelists and playing arcade/training modes but any time I jump online to play other humans I get thoroughly thrashed. My question is which game should I be starting with, what characters should I be using, what resources should I be looking at?

I feel your pain. I've been into Capcom fighters since SF2. Only thing is none of my friends never were and didn't want to learn, and I didn't frequent arcades. So I never faced much real human competition. Naturally, I'm really bad versus real people. It's frustrating considering ho long I've been playing these. I have some really bad habits from playing the CPU all these years and do lots of stupid things in matches.

Just realize it's going to take time to even be close to competitive. Just picka character you find fun, and enjoy the learning experience. Keep playing and you'll get better. Once you find one you want to learn better, I'd suggest checking out youtube video tutorials.
mikespit1200 said:
I used to be really into fighting games in the late 90s when everyone was playing SF2 and such and I've gotten a hankering to play again, but GAF, please help I absolutely suck at them and want to improve. So far, I've bought myself a relatively cheap SF4 SE fight stick (will possibly mod later if I stick with it) and bought SSF2THD and MvC2, and just nabbed SSF4 off of amazon. I've been reviewing movelists and playing arcade/training modes but any time I jump online to play other humans I get thoroughly thrashed. My question is which game should I be starting with, what characters should I be using, what resources should I be looking at?
Depending on which character you are playing as, figure out why you are taking damage. Are you not anti-airing jump ins? Throw out random special moves that can be easily punished? Not teching throws? Getting hit by crossups? Are you being impatient and recklessly pushing forward?

Once you figure out where the damage comes from, the longer the rounds will become and the better chance for you to do damage to the other player. It's really about defense and knowing how to get out of these knockdown loops. Get back in the neutral position and figure out a way to do damage. I'm no expert, these are just some things I need to work on myself.


I agree that Honda should get a damage nerf, but he should also get a better tool for getting around fireballs. Against a shoto, his design makes a lot of sense: get around fireballs all day, do big damage, get out. Against characters without a fireball or with a shitty fireball? It becomes, get in, do huge damage, turtle the rest of the fucking match because noone can do anything.

Bison/Honda is doable only because he's weak to crossups and scissor kick pressure, but if I mess up once and get ex. headbutted, it basically evens up the match right there even if I was dominating it beforehand. A hit lk scissor kick does roughly the same damage as a blocked headbutt.


I wonder if they gave Honda complete fireball immunity during his U1 would he be broken. He'd still be able to turtle if he got the life lead but fireballers shouldn't have to worry about that too much.


Re-posting GODSGARDEN Online #2 information:

This week's matches (subject to change):

5 AM EDT - Mago VS Momochi
8 AM EDT - Umehara VS Uryo

6:30 AM EDT - YHC Mochi VS Momochi
9:30 AM EDT - Sako VS Momochi


Mago:	3-0
Sako:	2-1
Daigo: 	1-1
Uryo:	1-2
Mochi:	0-3

Mago VS Momochi will be a key match. If Mago takes it, he puts himself in a good position to take the whole thing. However, Momochi beat Mago 3-1 in the qualifiers, so it will be interesting how it goes down in a FT10.


Dhalsim's Max CPM Emporium
cHaotix8 said:
I wonder if they gave Honda complete fireball immunity during his U1 would he be broken. He'd still be able to turtle if he got the life lead but fireballers shouldn't have to worry about that too much.

he already has 1f fireball immunity during fp/ex headbutt and its a real pain to deal with


MarkMan said:
Canada Cup?

We in there?

The man himself!

are you comin to canada cup markman? :( damn its a 14 hour drive from my city maybe I should go too instead of the local tourney that weekend


Dhalsim's Max CPM Emporium
MarkMan said:
Canada Cup?

We in there?

The man himself!
i wont know until i go to montreal for their tournament. the winner of their high stakes tourney gets a ticket to canada cup. the organizers are only sponsoring spooky to go there, so well have to see. hope i win!


the_log_ride said:
:( @ mochi 0-3
He's had some tough matchups though. Mago absolutely destroyed him, but at least he did fairly well against Sako and Uryo. Since this tournament is round-robin, I pretty much expected him to have no chance of winning. He should do better against Daigo and Momochi though.
USD said:
He's had some tough matchups though. Mago absolutely destroyed him, but at least he did fairly well against Sako and Uryo. Since this tournament is round-robin, I pretty much expected him to have no chance of winning. He should do better against Daigo and Momochi though.

What were the final tallies vs. Sako and Uryo?

It's a bit discouraging to see the troubles 'Sim has with these matchups...


nycfurby said:
i wont know until i go to montreal for their tournament. the winner of their high stakes tourney gets a ticket to canada cup. the organizers are only sponsoring spooky to go there, so well have to see. hope i win!

Oh you're going to MTLSF Massacre?

You got a good chance of winning - I'll see you there man. I haven't gone to our local tourneys for a little while but hey.

I can't root for you once you're here, you know, but hey. Gotta support the home team :)

Chi-Rithy, who usually wins most of our local tourneys, actually beat Gamerbee in the team tourney at SB, so we got a good chance, imo.


XenoRaven said:
I didn't hear that when it happened. Why did people think that was SkiSonic? It didn't sound anything like him.
I also heard it after the fact, but it was immediately obvious that it was some random jackass and not Ski. First of all their voices are completely different, and Ski's voice was raspy and hoarse as shit while Mr. Jackass's wasn't at all. Fucking stream monsters, man. And of course like the gootecks stick throwing thing, they are repeating this dumb shit ad fucking nauseum and probably will continue into the indefinite future.


Satyamdas said:
I also heard it after the fact, but it was immediately obvious that it was some random jackass and not Ski. First of all their voices are completely different, and Ski's voice was raspy and hoarse as shit while Mr. Jackass's wasn't at all. Fucking stream monsters, man. And of course like the gootecks stick throwing thing, they are repeating this dumb shit ad fucking nauseum and probably will continue into the indefinite future.
I heard Saty called stream monsters bitches lolololololololololololol


Ok last late reply(just got home), fuck that old PC at work :s
cHaotix8 said:
Whoah dude, I never said Honda was broken. All I said was that he has jump ins that other characters have trouble dealing with and that he could use a slight damage nerf. The reason why I bring up Dudley is that Honda can pretty much hold down back the entire match. Standing RH rapes Dudley in footsie range, as does crouching jab xx hands. If he wants to end the match quick, he can jump in at pretty low risk (assuming I'm not at the cr. fierce sweet spot and he knows about it and I don't pick Ultra II). No good Honda that knows the matchup is gonna just throw out headbutts. Sadly, this is true for a lot of this cast, which explains why he is ranked so high on the tier lists. Facts is facts.

All of the charge characters give the new characters a hard time. The difference with them compared to Honda is none of them can hit you for 500+ off of a jab, while at the same time being able to turtle the shit out of you.

One more thing. Dudley doesn't safe jump, since he gets all of his damage off of 50/50's and OS's that don't rely on your opponent mashing reversals (It's much safer to bait out a DP on the ground then safe jumping someone that KNOWS you're safe jumping them).

Zangief Dudley is probably 5-5, slightly in Giefs favor, but even enough. However, tiers are based on both players playing their characters at the peak of their potential. Play a good Honda that knows the matchup and see how you do.
Dude, let's not play theory fighter so aggresively. I use Honda and I know the dudley matchup in my end. Regarding what you said(bolded):
- He doesn't have many good jump ins, only a good one: jumping MP. And it's only really effective at some ranges. Its vertical range it's not that great so many well timed regular anti air moves beat it cleanly.

- Honda can hold down back for years if he wants, he's a charge character. It's a lame way to play but hey tell Ono that, I'm with you.

- I've been counter poked out of my s.HK cleanly with a punch(I'm guessing it's f+MP or MK) many times. I'll give you c.LP xx hands but I remember it trading with one of dudley's attacks, I don't know which one(and I couldn't see which one because of the trade).

- This is the part that irks me. You say that honda can jump "at pretty low risk". That's why I'm writing this post. This is not true. If you have enough time to react to do an ultra 2(according to your own post) why can't you jump at him with an attack? Why can't you jump backwards? Why can 't you dash backwards? Focus? It's not claw, adon or blanka, it's honda jumping forward! Oh and I forgot about dudley's other anti air, I think it's s.MK? It has a better hitbox!

- Facts is facts... yeah right, go tell Mike Ross that honda is top tier and he'll give you a speech about all the mistakes that matchup/tier list has. But it's on a web site, it must be true! Or(from other point of view) tell gamerbee that adon is mid tier and that he shouldn't be winning that much.

- Most honda combos are meter/character/position/crouching dependant, that's why you see most hondas go for hands into s.HK or hands into hands xx super. Fancy hands into c.lp xx hands besides being character/position dependant can be punished if the last hands don't fully connect, and fancy FADC oicho can be OS jumped very easily. Dudley can get to the 500 club with full meter too you know.

- I listed options that dudley can do, and you only answered to one of them saying that he does not do safe jumps. Well, there's no risk involved in safe jumping and it leaves dudley right next to the opponent, so why not consider it an option? I've been safe jump OS by a dudley while doing the godly EX headbutt just because I wasn't expecting it because he "does not do it".

I'm sorry for dragging this so long, I'm trying to but I can't understand where you're coming from. Now this:
SmokeMaxX said:
I agree that Honda should get a damage nerf, but he should also get a better tool for getting around fireballs. Against a shoto, his design makes a lot of sense: get around fireballs all day, do big damage, get out. Against characters without a fireball or with a shitty fireball? It becomes, get in, do huge damage, turtle the rest of the fucking match because noone can do anything.
this is something I can understand, and it makes sense to me, altho I don't think that having no fireball means death against honda, this is not ST.

To everyone else: I'm sorry if I'm taking this too long, if I am, please let me know and I'll stop. Maybe today is not my day and I'm trying to take it on someone or something, or maybe I'm right, who knows.


Mrs. Harvey
Art starting world war III. :lol

Notice the French don't want any of it. But when they must, they beat Japan. :lol

Germany is the most racist. (Ferdi) :lol

Shoutouts to opening my closet and having boxes fall on top of me. And Kuma breaking his toy. :lol
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