Spiderjericho said:
There's some hungry wolves right now. Gamerbee is the guy with the mark on his head with his win at SB5.
But I'm sure his time in America will help improve him. It's not like he didn't win top 8 @ Evo, SB5, embarrass Alex Valle, etc. He's still good but no is unbeatable...even Daigo (or Sako, Mago or Justin Wong).
It's all cool,I love to watch his sick Adon.
That being said,Ross and Gootecks were saying that he's the best in the world (although they added arguably).Nope,he's not the best in the world.I don't see him winning a lot of FT10 against most japanese in the GG FT10.
If he were to live in Japan and level up at the arcade,than yeah possibly the best in the world.He became this good while being in a weak scene,so being exposed 24/7 to the best competition would allow him to be on par with the japanese gods (Daigo,Mago,Sako).
What I take from this also: I think that Sako won't win that socal tournament.USA ain't free,not by a long shot.Way too many hungry wolves out there and they are preparing themselves for the Cammy matchup.Got the feeling Sako will go down in a Marn/Daigo kind of match. :lol