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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT2| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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he's Virgin Tight™
Axis said:
why is this thread in the online section? makes no sense

Read the Gaming sticky. Sucks for lurkers though, they have no way to view these threads. I don't think it was the right choice but what can you do!
Relix said:
Read the Gaming sticky. Sucks for lurkers though, they have no way to view these threads. I don't think it was the right choice but what can you do!
Do you have to be a confirmed member to view or just registered?
Relix said:
Read the Gaming sticky. Sucks for lurkers though, they have no way to view these threads. I don't think it was the right choice but what can you do!

I kinda get why they do it though. I follow this thread, so I get what's going on in it. But if I check out the Halo: Reach thread randomly I can never tell what the heck anyone is talking about...and I play Reach. Long running threads for multiplayer focused games tend to get kinda cliquish and get really clogged up with random in jokes between long running member and are not really friendly to random browsers. Thus the move to just bump them over to their own little section. At least that is my assumption for the move. Kinda stinks for me though, I like all the info I get lurking in this thread and even with subs I'll probably forget to check in on it.
marathonfool said:
Love it.

Online forum now :/ hope the thread remains active.

El Sloth

Relix said:
Sucks for lurkers though, they have no way to view these threads. I don't think it was the right choice but what can you do!
_dementia said:
Love it.
Online forum now :/ hope the thread remains active.
There is hope!

Taken from the Halo:Reach thread:
EviLore said:
No, I just hate Halo! BANISHMENT!!!!!

Yes, of course they'll be moved too when appropriate.

Also, the online forum is likely going to be made public viewing. There will just be a warning so people can remove any unwanted personal info and such. That's still being worked out.
Love the murderface. And FMF, awesome job during the tournament this past weekend.

Sorry the out of towners had to come and sort of ruin the Texas party.


As a long time Blanka mainer (though I've dabbled in various other characters), I've caught a lot of flak for my character choice. Lately, I have been messing around with... Viper. I realize this choice doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I'm having fun, damn it! The problem is that I'm getting worked over online, especially in certain match-ups. I know there are some excellent Viper players on GAF, so I thought I'd see if anybody has any advice.

1. Against Abel, what's the best way to punish wheel kick spam?

2. What the hell am I supposed to do against boxer? If I stay on the ground, I get bodied by his godlike normals. The second I'm anywhere in the air I eat headbutt and ultra if he's got it. If he packs it in holding downback and doing nothing, I can apply seismo pressure, but he can use ex-whatever with armor to absorb the hit and punish if I get too predictable.

3. Against a good Adon, seismos seem pretty worthless because he'll be off the ground applying tons of pressure with his relatively safe specials. He also has pretty good anti-air which he can FADC into ultra, or he can just use the ultra raw to keep me grounded. What's the game plan for this match?

4. Claw: Obviously you can focus wall dive stuff, but I find myself getting caught by a lot of izuna drops. What are my air-to-air options for stuffing that? Also, what is my best bet air-to-air for beating his air throw? Finally, I know I'm supposed to pressure him on his weak wake up, but I haven't really gotten that down yet. Any tips?

That's probably enough for now :lol Help me Viper-gaf, you're my only hope!


Mrs. Harvey
I feel like I'm in bizzaro land. Took a nap and I'm thinking it's morning. Threads being in the online section.

That Tokido picture is so cute. I might make that into a shirt/tank now.


jlai said:

-cr.HK does less stun, st.MP does less damage

Focus Attack
-Vulnerable hitbox is bigger

Unique Attacks
-Backflip (DF+LK) has more start-up, larger vulnerable hitbox (meaning less priority). If it connects you still can do the same follow-ups as before.
Threi said:
fuerte U2 dmg nerf confirmed
Also has a slightly longer startup. Haven't fully looked over Fuerte yet though. Sakura is probably next.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
USD said:

-cr.HK does less stun, st.MP does less damage
Focus Attack
-Vulnerable hitbox was adjusted (How, it doesn't say)
Unique Attacks
-Backflip (DF+LK) has more start-up, larger vulnerable hitbox (meaning less priority)

Also has a slightly longer startup. Haven't fully looked over Fuerte yet though. Sakura is probably next.
lol they made her FA = bfierce from 3rd strike



-cl.MP has less recovery. It can now link into cr.MP and cr.MK (now +5, at least)
-Far st.MP is now cancellable, like Ryu
-Far st.MK has a smaller vulnerable hitbox at the foot, giving it more priority

-Air Tatsu (including EX) will land more hits in mid-air (I'm guessing this mean she spins faster)
-Hadoken has less recovery, dependent on the level of charge
-Various other slight buffs (to attack range, damage, recovery, etc.)



-far st.LP startup is now 4 frames (one frame faster), more active frames
-cr.LP startup is now 4 frames (one frame faster), more active frames, is now chainable

-Guacamole (including EX) has more landing recovery
-Tortilla no longer has invincibility, making it easier to counter

-Ultra Spark (UC2) has slightly more startup, less damage (now does less than UC1, which currently does 470). The hitbox also changes with the movement of the Ultra, so it's harder to connect with.



-cr.LK is now 3 frames (1 frame faster). It doesn't have more frame advantage (+2), so the only thing you can do after is cancel into a special, but since it has good reach and hits low, it's more useful than before.

Unique Attacks
-The juggle for Crack Kick (F+HK) has been improved. Before, when doing Crack Kick > EX CU, the first hits of EX Criminal Upper wouldn't hit. Now they all will connect.
-The pick-up range for the knife is increased.

Next week is Honda, Gouken, Rose and Ibuki.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
the_log_ride said:
How do ELF players feel bout his changes?

Interesting tweaks to Sak, though
Elf did Not need all the nerfs on his specials, Tortilla's not that godly why make it easier to punish?


USD said:

-cr.LK is now 3 frames (1 frame faster). It doesn't have more frame advantage and isn't special-cancellable, but since it has good reach and hits low, it's more useful than before.

Unique Attacks
-The follow-up restriction to Crack Kick (F+HK) has been updated. Before, when doing Crack Kick > EX CU, the first hits of EX Criminal Upper wouldn't hit. Now they all will connect.
-The pick-up range for the knife is increased.

Next week is Honda, Gouken, Rose and Ibuki.

Good stuff USD. Thanks alot!


What was the invincibility on tortilla before? only on startup right? Sucks about the ex guac though, fuerte players just have to never ever get knocked down now.


And everything in one post. Don't take my translation as law, I'm sure I fucked up something somewhere.


-cr.HK does less stun, st.MP does less damage

Focus Attack
-Vulnerable hitbox is bigger

Unique Attacks
-Backflip (DF+LK) has more start-up, larger vulnerable hitbox (meaning less priority). If it connects you still can do the same follow-ups as before.


-far st.LP startup is now 4 frames (one frame faster), more active frames
-cr.LP startup is now 4 frames (one frame faster), more active frames, is now chainable

-Guacamole (including EX) has more landing recovery
-Tortilla no longer has invincibility, making it easier to counter

-Ultra Spark (UC2) has slightly more startup, less damage (now does less than UC1, which currently does 470). The hitbox also changes with the movement of the Ultra, so it's harder to connect with.


-cl.MP has less recovery. It can now link into cr.MP and cr.MK (now +5, at least)
-Far st.MP is now cancellable, like Ryu
-Far st.MK has a smaller vulnerable hitbox at the foot, giving it more priority

-Air Tatsu (including EX) will land more hits in mid-air (I'm guessing this mean she spins faster)
-Hadoken has less recovery, dependent on the level of charge
-Various other slight buffs (to attack range, damage, recovery, etc.)


-cr.LK is now 3 frames (1 frame faster). It doesn't have more frame advantage (+2), so the only thing you can do after is cancel into a special, but since it has good reach and hits low, it's more useful than before.

Unique Attacks
-The juggle for Crack Kick (F+HK) has been improved. Before, when doing Crack Kick > EX CU, the first hits of EX Criminal Upper wouldn't hit. Now they all will connect.
-The pick-up range for the knife is increased.

Next week is Honda, Gouken, Rose and Ibuki.
AkumaHokoru said:
very little matchmaking is done here...dont understand the move.

Plus we got the specific matchmaking threads up already.

Yeah, figured the ELF tweaks were gonna raise some red flags. For Cody, doesn't cr.LK cancel into specials?
Yeah, I can sort of understand it but not quite.

We discuss the new game, SSFIVAE, DLC updates, tournament results, watch streams together, ask advice, etc.

There's absolutely no matchmaking (okay, a little).

Nerdjosh was right.

So, what, we going to have two threads now?


I'm sure I'll get the "b-bu- look at the Fuerte changes! :(" response, but I'm going to say it anyway.

Those Chun changes seem like enough people complained about her so they just made random nerfs. I don't get the st. MP nerf. It's not like that move does a ton of damage, and you can't combo out of it except for Super which requires a charge that takes longer than what st. MP is active for. It also seems like they nerfed df LK back to Vanilla levels of uselessness. Again, not sure why. She had it for a reason. Sweep stun nerf? Don't care. Does 200 stun, has good range, untechable knockdown, as is. I can live with it doing less stun.

I actually agree with the Fuerte nerfs. I do not agree with no significant buffs to compensate. That guy is going to be completely useless in AE if he isn't already.


This feels too weird and new to me. I'm scared. =< Someone hold me, it's getting so cold.

These AE changes feel so random, and it only increases with every new info.


What the hell? I kept clicking on 'next page' wondering where the thread was, by page 3 I knew something was wrong - don't think it ever got that far back.

If not for the subscription I don't think I would have found it!

Sakura sounds pretty damn buff with the her changes.


Sakura changes seem a bit too much. Already is a strong enough character in Super, and despite my hate for Fuerte, his changes aside from Ultra 2 tweaks, weren't required.


Setec Astronomer
XenoRaven said:
It also seems like they nerfed df LK back to Vanilla levels of uselessness. Again, not sure why. She had it for a reason.
Part of what made df LK useless in vanilla is that it had the right hitbox to stuff certain air attacks but had zero stopping power. The other person would be pushed back a yard and they'd land on their feet.


Hitokage said:
Part of what made df LK useless in vanilla is that it had the right hitbox to stuff certain air attacks but had zero stopping power. The other person would be pushed back a yard and they'd land on their feet.
I didn't put in the line, but they did mention that you can still do the same follow-ups as before (when used as an anti-air). It's purely a speed and priority nerf.


dragonballjoseph said:
So.... any explanation as to why the thread was moved to the online section?
Stickied in the gaming section:


EviLore said:
Some official threads, like Halo: Reach and Starcraft 2, remain on page 1 of the Gaming Forum perpetually. Yet these threads are at this point entirely discussions that fit the profile of the Online Forum: online matchmaking and multiplayer community talk. So we're going to be moving these OTs to the Online Forum after a period of time to clear up space for more relevant threads.

Remember, you can just use NeoGAF's subscription function to keep track of those among these threads you care about without constantly checking the Online Forum itself. If you aren't using subscriptions already, go to:

User CP --> Messaging & Notification --> Default Thread Subscription Mode ---> No email notification

and you'll automatically subscribe to any thread you post in, with a custom "page 1" of your subscribed threads displaying when you click Subscriptions on the navigation bar.


i've been subscribed to this since day 1.. with no notifications it's convenient as hell. i can't imagine that many of you were finding this on page 1 every post
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