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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT2| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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hitsugi said:
i've been subscribed to this since day 1.. with no notifications it's convenient as hell. i can't imagine that many of you were finding this on page 1 every post
That's pretty much how I do it. This thread is usually in the first 3 pages.


Setec Astronomer
I checked in on current mod discussion and apparently plans are being made to change the Online forum into something more general.


I knew it. Tokido's fucking black.


Hitokage said:
I checked in on current mod discussion and apparently plans are being made to change the Online forum into something more general.
That's what I figured. It sounds more like it's becoming the Multiplayer forum, if anything.


Tier Whore
MoxManiac said:
Rufus was fine aside from U2 bullshit in some matchups in super, he doesn't need any nerfs. He'd be bottom tier and useless if they did anything at all to his dive kick.

I vote for that... nerf everyone to bottom tier and let them fight it out ;p!


Some nice changes to Cody. 3 frame cr lk is nice although it was already a really buff already. Never noticed a problem with crack kick into ex CU either but hey, more damage is welcome anytime. I'm curious though, was there any mention of a faster walkspeed? That is the number one improvement I expected to see so hopefully it wasn't someone just messing around. My heart will break if they didn't adjust his walkspeed to an acceptable level.


biosnake20 said:
These blogs only show some of the changes to the characters, they leave out a good amount.
They don't list everything, but they would definitely mention walk speed changes. They did so for Juri; Cody mostly likely doesn't have any changes to his walk speed.
USD said:
They don't list everything, but they would definitely mention walk speed changes. They did so for Juri; Cody mostly likely doesn't have any changes to his walk speed.

True. And also sakura got alot of good buffs, it looks like shes gonna be really good in AE.
I don't understand the reasoning, only a small percentage of the discussions we have here concerns online play. But whatever, it's just a bit of a inconvenience for those that are constantly moving back and forth between this thread and the rest of the front page.

I wonder if any of the internationals plan to stay or come back for NCR. It's just two weeks away and should have a pretty good pot as well(although no where near as good as SCR).


USD said:

-far st.LP startup is now 4 frames (one frame faster), more active frames
-cr.LP startup is now 4 frames (one frame faster), more active frames, is now chainable

-Guacamole (including EX) has more landing recovery
-Tortilla no longer has invincibility, making it easier to counter

-Ultra Spark (UC2) has slightly more startup, less damage (now does less than UC1, which currently does 470). The hitbox also changes with the movement of the Ultra, so it's harder to connect with.

Why? This is so unnecessary. El Fuerte didn't need a nerf.


XenoRaven said:
I'm sure I'll get the "b-bu- look at the Fuerte changes! :(" response, but I'm going to say it anyway.

Those Chun changes seem like enough people complained about her so they just made random nerfs. I don't get the st. MP nerf. It's not like that move does a ton of damage, and you can't combo out of it except for Super which requires a charge that takes longer than what st. MP is active for. It also seems like they nerfed df LK back to Vanilla levels of uselessness. Again, not sure why. She had it for a reason. Sweep stun nerf? Don't care. Does 200 stun, has good range, untechable knockdown, as is. I can live with it doing less stun.

I actually agree with the Fuerte nerfs. I do not agree with no significant buffs to compensate. That guy is going to be completely useless in AE if he isn't already.
as a chun player, I'll be honest... I really don't find the nerfs to be that tragic. the st mp is kind of stupid, but really I was expecting worse


Goodbye to being able to instantly block on activation of U2 for Rose next week! Won many round because of you..


USD said:
They don't list everything, but they would definitely mention walk speed changes. They did so for Juri; Cody mostly likely doesn't have any changes to his walk speed.
Man......i hate you Ono/Capcom and all the liars at the loke tests for telling us that codys walkspeed was increased. This seriously just ruined my day. I'm on dat AZ Greg salty status right now :(
So hype with Sakura changes, gonna go point by point. :D

-cl.MP has less recovery. It can now link into cr.MP and cr.MK (now +5, at least)
This is basically could lead to Sakura actually having a viable frame trap. I pretty much never use it now, glad it will change
-Far st.MP is now cancellable, like Ryu
This doesn't really change too much. Opens to option to st.jab>st.strong xx hadoken as a blockstring though
-cl.MK has a smaller vulnerable hitbox at the foot, giving it more priority
This is pretty huge actually. A high priority normal that can be cancelled into a tatsu is very dangerous, as it can lead to 400+ damage without using meter. :D

-Air Tatsu (including EX) will land more hits in mid-air (I'm guessing this mean she spins faster)
More damage is great, and it also helps make a set-up I use to bait reversals much more safer. Maybe U2 will connect from mid-screen from this as well
-Hadoken has less recovery, dependent on the level of charge
A slow fireball with better recover leads to safer setups basically. :D
-Various other slight buffs (to attack range, damage, recovery, etc.)
She already does a ton of damage, but an increase in it is still nice. Hopefully, her c.fierce recovers faster as well. And larger hitbox hopefully fixes the BS that happens with her ex tatsu, ex dp, and ex othosi

Sakura for god-tier. :D
Can't stand Fuerte, but fuck! That's too much Capcom, just delete the character while you at it. U2 was the only thing that needed a nerf. They should have made his "Guacamole Leg Throw" hit low during the EX version, IMO. His overhead should count as a airborne move like Rose's Cl. MK. There's no reason he should get thrown out of that overhead, he is doing a freaking front flip! Those are the changes I would've made.
KS Seven X said:
I'm surprised he chose Daigo as the strongest player in Japan. He always thought Mago was the best Vanilla player and Mago just recently thrashed Daigo.
Link? BTW great find on that Diago fan page.

EDIT-Never mind, I read that the wrong way. I thought you meant "Thrash talk"


I knew I'd fuck something else up. I knew it was Sakura's far st.MK they were talking about, but for some reason I wrote cl.MK. cl.MK is the knee, wouldn't really make since if they were making vulnerable hitbox at the foot smaller.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Online forum? I don't even play this game online...

Hitokage said:
I checked in on current mod discussion and apparently plans are being made to change the Online forum into something more general.
That makes a little bit more sense, but considering that general purpose stuff like tournament news and AE updates are posted here, it still seems odd.

God's Beard said:
I know that ClakeyD will forever be known as the guy Tokido Raging Demon'd, but this is still harsh:



Setec Astronomer
Sixfortyfive said:
Online forum? I don't even play this game online...

That makes a little bit more sense, but considering that general purpose stuff like tournament news and AE updates are posted here, it still seems odd.
Non-Aspergers Forum.
Rice-Eater said:
I wonder if any of the internationals plan to stay or come back for NCR. It's just two weeks away and should have a pretty good pot as well(although no where near as good as SCR).

I heard a rumor about Daigo and Mago going to NCR. Not sure if it's true or if people are mixing it up with the Canada cup.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I'm really pissed off at the Fuerte changes, totally unnecessary.

Back to the dog house you go again, Fuerte.

Less damage, more start-up and harder to hit with U2? So now what are you gonna connect it with? It was already a strictly reversal, sometimes anti-jump-in Ultra, I can't think of any useful setups right now without actually playing it, but reading just that sounds disheartening since there's a lot less reason to fear throwing things out against him now - you can just go to town on him.

The few times you'd use Guacamole to escape on wake up or go over fireballs are gonna get you into trouble now with more recovery on landing, nice job Capcom.

And why mess with Tortilla copter?

Big whoop about the LP's, they were fine enough as is the way they were.

Yet another character that was brought up in Super only to be brought back down in Super AE, I think I don't even want to see what happens to Honda next week - don't say you want to bring all characters closer to each other by making bad characters worse Capcom.


Skilotonn said:
I'm really pissed off at the Fuerte changes, totally unnecessary.

Back to the dog house you go again, Fuerte.

Less damage, more start-up and harder to hit with U2? So now what are you gonna connect it with? It was already a strictly reversal, sometimes anti-jump-in Ultra, I can't think of any useful setups right now without actually playing it, but reading just that sounds disheartening since there's a lot less reason to fear throwing things out against him now - you can just go to town on him.

The few times you'd use Guacamole to escape on wake up or go over fireballs are gonna get you into trouble now with more recovery on landing, nice job Capcom.

And why mess with Tortilla copter?

Big whoop about the LP's, they were fine enough as is the way they were.

Yet another character that was brought up in Super only to be brought back down in Super AE, I think I don't even want to see what happens to Honda next week - don't say you want to bring all characters closer to each other by making bad characters worse Capcom.

Nice to see that there's somebody who understands.
Hitokage said:
I checked in on current mod discussion and apparently plans are being made to change the Online forum into something more general.
Ideally there would be 3 sub forums

Gaming: News
Gaming: Community
Off Topic

But yeah it kinda does feel like we're being relegated to the GAF ghetto. I'm sure I'll get used to it though
Looks like SSFIV might be an Amazon lightning deal today. Cool beans. Both versions are already under $25 there, so if it drops under $20 i might double dip.


_dementia said:
Looks like SSFIV might be an Amazon lightning deal today. Cool beans. Both versions are already under $25 there, so if it drops under $20 i might double dip.
I look forward to MEXICAN TYPHOON SPAMMING engaging in fair and righteous combat with whoever gets the ps3 version.


Axis said:
not to mention the only reliable AA against honda j.mp :(

Well, if the properties have changed, it might trade in honda's favor but you might still get the knockdown(and juggles).

Honda will surely get the nerf hammer, and that will hopefully make the tier whores move to other character. Leaving us vanilla honda users with less hate to deal with. Infinite sadness overcomers, unite!
Wiseblade said:
Nice to see that there's somebody who understands.

The fuerte nerfs were completely uncalled for. To be honest I don't even think they should have nerfed his ultra. Now they're nerfing his best anti-air as well? Stupid. But wait! He gets 4 frame jabs! Cuz yea, you know, fuerte likes to set up frame traps off his jabs and everything :lol
god those changes are dumb, i agree.....why fuerte? Capcom seems to reward all the lame ass characters...and punish all the fun quirky ones.


FindMyFarms said:
The fuerte nerfs were completely uncalled for. To be honest I don't even think they should have nerfed his ultra. Now they're nerfing his best anti-air as well? Stupid. But wait! He gets 4 frame jabs! Cuz yea, you know, fuerte likes to set up frame traps off his jabs and everything :lol

Yes! Ultra Spark was the best intimidation tool Fuerte had, keeping players from rushing him down relentlessly and making them hesitate on their reversals on wakeup. It's not even the damage nerf that really has me angry, but the slowed activation.

The Guac nerfs have me wanting to punch a wall too. Making what was already a ricky and very punishable escape option even worse and removing Fuerte's best way of avoiding fireballs sounds like a great idea. ¬.¬


USD said:
I knew it. Tokido's fucking black.


That's what I figured. It sounds more like it's becoming the Multiplayer forum, if anything.[/QUOTE]
No doubt about it.
How come with these updates/upgrades, Capcom hasn't tried to change move motions or add moves to characters like they did with Super/ST or TS?

It would be nice if Ryu got his kick special from III or Ken could get his crazy kicks from CVS2/ST or other characters got new specials (though there are some who have a ridiculous amont of moves like Seth, Akuma, etc).
Wiseblade said:
Yes! Ultra Spark was the best intimidation tool Fuerte had, keeping players from rushing him down relentlessly and making them hesitate on their reversals on wakeup. It's not even the damage nerf that really has me angry, but the slowed activation.

The Guac nerfs have me wanting to punch a wall too. Making what was already a ricky and very punishable escape option even worse and removing Fuerte's best way of avoiding fireballs sounds like a great idea. ¬.¬

I was gunna post this last night but figured you'd beat me to it :D The Guac nerf is mental given how it can already be easily baited out/punished and as one of his few escape options. Ultra Spark acted as a move solely to limit you opponents choices; there should be huge damage from it because it's your own fault if it hits you.

People can claim SSF4 is the most balanced game ever, however some of the nerfs to the mid/lower cast are stupid decisions beyond me comprehension (Gen :( )
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