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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT2| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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USD said:

Super Combo
-SC cannot be done while a regular fireball is on-screen.
-Can still be done as a Super cancel (like Ryu, Hadoken xx Super)

Ultra Combo
-The invincibility frames for UC2 have been reduced.
Sorry, is it possible to clarify this translation? I've seen elsewhere say that the invul is removed. Reduced is a big difference if true.
Spiderjericho said:
Probably not. But if the tickets to travel are prohibitively expensive for the Toronto/Montreal/U.S. players to buy then perhaps they should at least call the event the Calgary Cup so people aren't mistaken about it representing the whole of Canada.

JS Master happened to have won that free trip to the event. If he didn't, Wong, Ross, Gootecks, Mago, Daigo, Air wouldn't have really had any difficult making it to top 8.

Also, Haunts, good job on that interview with Catalyst.

We have Evo to represent the US scene. East coast players travel really far for that. Why can't they do the same?


Zanken said:
Sorry, is it possible to clarify this translation? I've seen elsewhere say that the invul is removed. Reduced is a big difference if true.
For this revision, after taking overall balance into consideration, an invincibility time reduction has been done.

Bolded is the key word, which means reduction (not elimination). I don't know much about her i-frames during UC2, but they didn't flat out say that it's been eliminated.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
The only big nerf I see with Ibuki is with her jump back kunai thing. Don't play Ibuki, but it would seem the improvements on her normals might make up for nerfs to damage and such unless they nerfed damage hard.

Zanken said:
Sorry, is it possible to clarify this translation? I've seen elsewhere say that the invul is removed. Reduced is a big difference if true.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but as-is her U2 only has 1 frame of invincibility. I'm assuming they either took out her invincibility during ultra freeze or added recovery frames afterwards where she's vulnerable to meaties and such.


From how I understand it, she takes 5 frames to start it up, during which she has invul until the frame it becomes active where she can block/attack/whatever.


I don't really get the Ibuki nerfs at all. Are the buffs on the startup of her normals really making that big of a difference so that she needs that?


Fraeon said:
I don't really get the Ibuki nerfs at all. Are the buffs on the startup of her normals really making that big of a difference so that she needs that?
Pretty much everyone has been getting improved normals, it's nothing out of the ordinary.
Fraeon said:
I don't really get the Ibuki nerfs at all. Are the buffs on the startup of her normals really making that big of a difference so that she needs that?

IMO no. The only really detriments I see are losing damage and stun on neckbreaker. The kunai damage being reduced is weird, though, since it doesn't really do that much damage when it DOES hit.

He falling straight down from a jump back kunai is fine, because it gives her a bit more chance to avoid fireballs if you're trying to lame it out at the end of a match.

I really like seeing her s.lk and s.mk each coming out a frame faster. She'll have more link opportunities for that, since her poking game is rather crummy and her damage output isn't that high, either. I can already see linking to c.lp into a standing s.lk or s.mk, maybe a s.lk-mk-hk TC and follow-up.


The important points from the Q&A:

-No changes to EX Legs, but because the hitboxes of some characters have been changed, there should be more cases where it's easier to land

El Fuerte
-Tortilla has no invincibility, not hit, not projectile

-All her changes weren't listed last week, since she had such a large section, but her backdash's ground frames have been revised (assuming to be in line with the other backdash changes)

-Almost all his changes were covered in last week's blog, so otherwise, he's the same as his Super iteration. No improvements to walk speed, no reduction to special move recovery, and no improvements to the knife itself. (The three things the person specifically asked about)

_dementia said:
Gray damage for Gouken's back throw stuff?

did they shorten the tech time to make up for this?
They didn't mention anything else about his backthrow.


Mrs. Harvey
KS Seven X said:
We have Evo to represent the US scene. East coast players travel really far for that. Why can't they do the same?

Because many of them are youngbucks still in school or with obligations. Average top player age is mid to late 20s in the U.S. Not so in Canada.


USD said:
-Almost all his changes were covered in last week's blog, so otherwise, his the same as his Super iteration. No improvements to walk speed, no reduction to special move recovery, and no improvements to the knife itself. (The three things the person specifically asked about)

Poor Joe :(
USD said:
The important points from the Q&A:

-No changes to EX Legs, but because the hitboxes of some characters have been changed, there should be more cases where it's easier to land

Please tell me that means they fixed Rog's silly stunted lower hurtbox. :lol


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Whoo-hoo. Team Battle 30 lobbies made. Now I can forget that mode exists and throw matches in Endless while attempting to win 10 in a row (yeah, fat chance of that)


USD said:
The important points from the Q&A:

-No changes to EX Legs, but because the hitboxes of some characters have been changed, there should be more cases where it's easier to land

El Fuerte
-Tortilla has no invincibility, not hit, not projectile

-All her changes weren't listed last week, since she had such a large section, but her backdash's ground frames have been revised (assuming to be in line with the other backdash changes)

-Almost all his changes were covered in last week's blog, so otherwise, he's the same as his Super iteration. No improvements to walk speed, no reduction to special move recovery, and no improvements to the knife itself. (The three things the person specifically asked about)

They didn't mention anything else about his backthrow.
Wow no improvement to his walkspeed. God I swear I'm boycotting AE. Ridiculous


the_log_ride said:
I mentioned this up there, but you can link into close st.HP after cr.LP.

And I feel totally inept at this game. I can't get halfway decent with anyone except 'Sim. And even then I get torn up badly in all his tougher matchups. :\

You mentioned s.HP, which doesn't force a standing position. However, c.HP does, although it is only comboable off of a close s.LP

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Oh man, the old man might remember WHO HE IS next update

cant wait

oh and





USD said:
-All her changes weren't listed last week, since she had such a large section, but her backdash's ground frames have been revised (assuming to be in line with the other backdash changes)
Sakura's going to be broken confirmed. :D


_dementia said:
Gray damage for Gouken's back throw stuff?

did they shorten the tech time to make up for this?
There's no actual visible damage, it's essentially a shin sho nerf because it'll be scaled.
KS Seven X said:
We have Evo to represent the US scene. East coast players travel really far for that. Why can't they do the same?

Cost seems to be the big difference (and location). I priced a ticket to Vegas from NYC, and it was $400+ to fly around the dates of Evo (I chose July 8-12). The same dates going from Montreal to Calgary is like $600+.

The Cannons don't hold Evo in the location of Battle By the Bay anymore but Vegas. It makes it easier for Phoenix, SoCal, Texas, etc players to get there.

The only players who were really able to go to Canada Cup was Edmonton/Calgary. It was great to build the scene but it wasn't indicative of a Canada championship since Montreal and Toronto weren't there.

Maybe the reason Kadey cited is one of the reasons why those players didn't come. But my understanding is there has been a scene in Toronto/Montreal for awhile (and they've come to US tournaments).

Nice costumes. Want, want, want.


I have to say it: SUCK IT Honda :lol :lol

And lp palm being linkable for Gouken is pretty huge. The master of shoto finally can do something meaningful after he gets in.


_Xenon_ said:
I have to say it: SUCK IT Honda :lol :lol

And lp palm being linkable for Gouken is pretty huge. The master of shoto finally can do something meaningful after he gets in.
That's one of the thing I fixed, I made it sound like you could do the above. Bad translation on my part. You can now combo from light normals.

To be even clearer, LP xx LP Palm (for example) will now combo.
Jump back kunai is interesting. Wonder if you can combo into it after doing it instantly now since you fall down right away. Possibly instant jump back kunai > cr. Hk > s. HK tc?

Interesting. After reflecting more, the damage nerfs aren't that bad since most of characters are getting damage nerfs. Or am I wrong? Also, on the 3rd TC4 to neckbreaker, people get stunned before the neckbreaker even happens, so you would get the stun once you complete the neckbreaker.

Was hoping for a faster cr. Mp though.


Spiderjericho said:
Cost seems to be the big difference (and location). I priced a ticket to Vegas from NYC, and it was $400+ to fly around the dates of Evo (I chose July 8-12). The same dates going from Montreal to Calgary is like $600+.

The Cannons don't hold Evo in the location of Battle By the Bay anymore but Vegas. It makes it easier for Phoenix, SoCal, Texas, etc players to get there.

The only players who were really able to go to Canada Cup was Edmonton/Calgary. It was great to build the scene but it wasn't indicative of a Canada championship since Montreal and Toronto weren't there.

Maybe the reason Kadey cited is one of the reasons why those players didn't come. But my understanding is there has been a scene in Toronto/Montreal for awhile (and they've come to US tournaments).

Nice costumes. Want, want, want.
If all you want was to see was East Coast Canada play, Montreal has that Nemesis 2 tournament in January. Sp00ky played the teaser for that a few times on the stream.



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Gonna have fun watching The Gootecks play as Rose with her new costume :D

Had a good 20+ wins in a row online today! Sometimes you're just on a roll!


There's going to be a really fine line between fixing her karakusa (either range or priority) and making it OP. As it stands now I feel there's so much potential when you're able to land one. Most of the matches I play I tend to dominate fast, or get dominated fast, many of those dependent on how reliable I can karakusa or play mind games around it.


jlai said:
There's going to be a really fine line between fixing her karakusa (either range or priority) and making it OP. As it stands now I feel there's so much potential when you're able to land one. Most of the matches I play I tend to dominate fast, or get dominated fast, many of those dependent on how reliable I can karakusa or play mind games around it.
The recovery is a bit much, and if that was decreased a bit I'd be cool with everything else being the same. It's too easily punishable with it's current properties. But it still should not be beaten by normal throws. :p

Also, let EX Dash punch thingie break focus. PLEASE.
eissan said:

we do have the best cammy player in canada(killa sasa) and probably top 3 akuma player as well(shinakuma204, dude is OG and hella good!).

We have the best Gen apparently, too :lol.

Until I kill a bunch more Sentinels in the Danger Room, my Cammy would get blown up by some above-average Rog or Fei :( Learning Fei matchup a bit more though, and will redownload the Rog matchup. My files got corrupted while trolling with Sakura and Ken for a bit. Will see how much I remember in December, going straight Black Ops until then. Need a soft reset.

I haven't seen an Akuma better than Shin's in the country so far. He just has to download a couple more matchups - I still take him over anyone except Air or a surprising FeiLong lol.

If they hosted it here, there wouldn't be anything to do after the tourney and in between days, Winnipeg's fun scene aint the funnest IMO. Maybe it's just "grass is greener" but I'm pretty sure it's not.

As for where it's held, as long as it's not some Ice Hell, it'd be just as awesome. Would be cool to get more East representation but hey, life goes on. Tourney was great with just a handful, and I think as every regional scene levels up, it will only get better.

And although JS is the best, Canada does have other great players. Lots in the East, some out West and in the Prairies too, all of whom I think can go (and have gone in other games) toe to toe with the US's best.

Re: Changes - altogether, I think matches are going to take even longer in AE. Everything sounds like less damage/stun :p Maybe they think that'll open up the offense? Just makes me think people will block more since it'll be an even better option.

Glad they gave Gouken something.


Killa Sasa said:
Re: Changes - altogether, I think matches are going to take even longer in AE. Everything sounds like less damage/stun :p Maybe they think that'll open up the offense? Just makes me think people will block more since it'll be an even better option.
Maybe it's because I play a 900 health/stun character, but I don't see the problem with this. As it is now in Super I see rounds ended with the timer still at 85 or above all the freaking time, and not just scrubs getting mashed out but good players who just made one or two mistakes. I seriously doubt we are going to see that many more time out rounds because of a few nerfs to damage and stun.
skitzophrenicdontpanic said:
I'm in south texas, where are you? gt: rbrogue

edit: 40 mins late :lol I'm up to play if you're still around in any case.

Or are you on PSN? :(

PSN :/ I'm in dallas tho for what it's worth.


Setec Astronomer
jlai said:
There's going to be a really fine line between fixing her karakusa (either range or priority) and making it OP. As it stands now I feel there's so much potential when you're able to land one. Most of the matches I play I tend to dominate fast, or get dominated fast, many of those dependent on how reliable I can karakusa or play mind games around it.
What if they gave back her post-hayate mixups.
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