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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT2| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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Bacon of Hope
Threi said:


heeellzzzz yeah..

My makoto is pretty decent already, I've messed around with her but the buffs she is getting, man, I am really surprised they are taking it that far. I dont think a lot of people even realize how disgusting she will be.

Also, SSF4 seems like you need at least two characters to cover your ass on all these match ups. I think a mix of Sagat and Makoto will be pretty good but we'll see. ^^b

edit: jsut to elaborate, i think id have to be insane to use makoto vs gief or rog, while sagat blows them up pretty bad.


Cheers for USD's translation.

Dan is highly competitive now (probably even on par with ken).
Zengief is becoming retardedly good. Top tier comfirmed.


DryEyeRelief said:
I'm just going to parrot ultradavid, but knockdown is better for mixups, no?
His jump-in mixup isn't that good in the first place IMO and GH is a techable knockdown. A lot of characters can just mash a fast wakeup reversal and move to a safer place. Now with GH +1 on hit he can keep pushing opponents into corner & keep playing his close guessing game.


Dudley just got buffed out the ass. Looks like st. RH xx empty duck is no longer -3, which will be huge for his mixup game. I think he and Makoto have got the biggest amount of buffs thus far.

At this point I feel really bad for Cammy players. :(

USD, I think you messed up one of the translations for Dudley. Stomach blow is forward MP, not MK.


Important points from this week's Q&A:

-Compared to Super, the rebound distance on LP, EX Rolling Attack is the same. MP and HP are the ones with less rebound. The rebound for HP on hit has not been changed, however.

-Tornado Throw is still throw invincible

-Some of Gen's Crane normals have a smaller hittable box, so they're slightly improved
-No changes to the frame (dis)advantage of Jasen (Crane Roll attack) on block
-Other than the vertical range increase to Mantis UC2, no changes to the Ultra(doesn't lock in air opponents, same range, still does white damage)

-In Super, it was possible to tech the knockdown from HP Oroshi on counterhit, this has been fixed in AE
(Long explanation of kara cancelling, and how it feels different from 3S karas)


Lost Fragment said:
Makoto's not gonna be top tier. She'll be mid tier at best because she's still gonna be super free on wakeup, + her offense is still gonna be risk-based.

The idea I'm seeing from these changes is that they're upping the reward from her offensive pressure up dramatically. Of course a lot depends on how much faster EX hayate is and how the new fukiage affects her AA/juggle game but the FADC change alone means that with meter any landed karakusa is going to lead to substantially more guaranteed damage/stun. Which itself leads to another mixup.

And if you can TK EX Tsurugi, that'll be a pretty good tactic against focus fishers.

Makoto is not going to be a defensive character without completely changing her game up (and she never was, not even in 3s.) So the solution is to make her offense even better. Whether it works or not will remain to be seen once we get past all this thoery fighter stuff but it looks promising.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
So the leaks were real - fuck yeah for Dee Jay!

Dudley used them pounds to buy himself some major improvements, wow man.

Vangief is going to tear someone people some new ones come AE, and I am going to enjoy watching it.

EDIT: I only just read about Akuma U2 hitting crouchers now, holy shit man - that's pretty big as well! And I'm loving the EX Jaguar kick flash change as well - no more telegraphing kicks!
cHaotix8 said:
At this point I feel really bad for Cammy players. :(

You may not have to, especially if the height restriction isn't bad. And if the Arcadia translations are to be believed, seems like her normals would have got significant buffs in frames. I would expect buffs in their hitbox too, seeing as some of the combos listed in Arcadia just don't work in terms of range right now.

It's all in that height restriction, and if it's just the TKCS (not the regular instant dive), then she'll be more than fine. Grappler fights get a bit worse though :p but looking at Gief now, seems like it would've anyway :S

I like being on the ground against Gief MUCH more than standing right next to him :lol


Mrs. Harvey
I've played more games today than like the last 4 months combined. Must have played close to 100 games. Lost track of time when things started getting good.
-cr.MK now has 5 active frames (up from 3)

Fuck yes!

-st.HK has less recovery; no greater advantage on hit, but is +0 on block (improved from -3)

Goddamn, RH jesus confirmed. No punishment for abusing his best move?

-j.HK knocks air opponents to the ground, is easier to use air-to-air

Bitchin' as shit. One of his best moves again gets better and more badass.

Unique Attacks
-Stomach Blow (F+MP) now has a 7-frame startup (2 frames faster), improved hitbox; can now hit some characters' low attacks

Can you say counterhit combos, children? This is some huge shit.

-Dart Shot (F+HK) has an improved hitbox, making it easier to land from a distance


-EX Ducking added. Compared to normal Ducking, it has complete upper body invincibility during movement, follow-ups can be done on the 3rd frame

I'm still not sure if this will help his combos, but there's definitely going to be some crazy shit with upper body invincibility.


I don't exactly play Dudley, but love seeing him used and have had my share of fun with him. Really glad to see such changes. Excellent.


Skilotonn said:
EDIT: I only just read about Akuma U2 hitting crouchers now, holy shit man - that's pretty big as well!

Well.. it hits crouchers from the fierce>teleport combo. It's not clear yet whether it would hit crouchers if done just from a teleport or other non-combo situations; probably not. I imagine the altered hit-box for it means that it's probably now possible to land it from a level 2 FA. Wonder if shoryuken>FADC>U2 would work now as well...?


I might be done with this game. I just moved into a new place and the internet here is awful. It's almost always laggy. It makes it even harder for Mak. =(


Setec Astronomer
Degen said:
One thing I want to know is just how effective Ultra 2 will become. I've never taken it seriously.
Ultra 2 is already great when you can catch somebody in the air in front of you. Trying to use it with autocorrect to punish crossups is when it gets lame. It'll stop Akuma from doing fullscreen flips but if you're already caught in his vortex it won't do a damn thing for you as you're forced to master blocking for 20 seconds at a time praying for an opening. :(

...but nobody ever expects it, even when they sit with you using the same TV as you select it.
Damn Dan being able to hit confirm off cr.mp is pretty buff. Sounds like he's going to be an interesting character.

Also chatoix/haunts thanks for the exposure haha! Article was originally a post on srk, wish I bothered to proofread *_* And thanks Prodystopian!


The more I think about it, the less a 1 frame Ultra Spark nerf makes sense. Even Armour Cancel Ultra is unaffected, since there's no ground move with less than four frames of recovery. It makes me think the the damage nerf is going to be really significant... :(


good credit (by proxy)
I'm switching to Makoto. I wanted to switch to her right when I first got Super, cause she's so fun to play.

Team Spooky X Iplaywinner! YES!!!

EDIT: Yo, Haunts, what is the name of the song that was used in one of the podcasts that says "The more emotion I put into it, the harder I rock".


Bacon of Hope
On some Voltron shit..

Timedog said:
I'm switching to Makoto. I wanted to switch to her right when I first got Super, cause she's so fun to play.

Team Spooky X Iplaywinner! YES!!!

EDIT: Yo, Haunts, what is the name of the song that was used in one of the podcasts that says "The more emotion I put into it, the harder I rock".

Kid Sublime - The Harder I Rock
Team Spooky and IPlayWinner teaming together?!!??! SSSSWWWEEEEETTTT

Now my #2 favorite combo!!

smash and bang is my favorite combination

Congrats hauntssss
Rank mode always wants to be odd with me.
Every once in a while, I feel like getting 5k PP. I'm usually around 4.7k from messing around with other characters in ranked. So it takes a while for me to get up. I won about 20 or so in a row in finally got to 5005. When this happens, I always tell myself to stop, but i decided to do one more, and I lose.
Lost 107 points in 3 minutes, when it took my an hour to get 250. :lol
Deciding to finally get my Bison up to A+ ranked was also a dumb idea. I got about 200 BP in about an hour. But oh well. :D


~Devil Trigger~ said:
- c.LK's damage decreased, and its start-up is 3f now
- Far version s.MK has faster start-up and less recovery
- Far version s.MP's hitbox is buffed a bit
- F+MP overhead now does 2 hits, and is even on hit
- His EX run follow-up timing is now same with his non-EX versions. Also, his EX run -> slide has projectile invincibility, while his EX run -> stop has Armor. Since EX Run can focus 2 hits to begin with, you can now focus all of Akuma's HP Shakunetsu Hadouken by timing your EX Run -> Stop (QnA translation). (<- Not sure what they meant on "EX run follow-up timing" stuff)
- Super Combo damage increased, and fixed some issues of it whiffing on some characters if done after a combo

That's a lot of buffs, but the one I was really hoping for was that his jump would stop being so floaty.


Mrs. Harvey
SephirothRK said:
There wasn't too much change to him. His lariat and max hp change i think.

And his jump got worse.

Hopefully arcade edition doesn't take too long to get on consoles. It sucks having to learn new things all the time about the game but then hearing about all these changes. Doesn't affect me much but yeah. I must be the only person on here that doesn't read faqs, frame thingys, etc. I don't even use option select. I just play the game naturally. Whatever happens, happens. I don't have time to get into the more advanced stuff. Still having fun though. :D


so I guess it is save to say that we get this changes as a normal FREE patch and only those new chars are paid DLC, right?


SephirothRK said:
There wasn't too much change to him. His lariat and max hp change i think.
They did reduce his SPD damage slightly. Went from (LP/MP/HP/EX) 200/220/240/220 to 170/200/230/200. I'd guess that HP will be back at Vanilla damage, while LP will get an extra 10 damage.

LP SPD is going to be incredibly scary, the range is already huge, soon it will be even bigger. :lol


FindMyFarms said:
Biggest change was making cr. lk a 4-frame instead of 3, making his BnB a 1-framer.

If they're going to take out knockdown from gief's ex greenhand, then he definitely needed something to compensate for it. More range on jab spd is fair IMO.
Going by the way they worded the changes (and the loketests), Green Hand still knocks down on counter hit. The LP SPD range increase is understandable, but that won't make it any less scary. :lol


STG said:
:/ it's nice to have dreams

I just don't see Capcom doing it. I'd say most of us would have loved by now some sort of online patch for SSF4, but instead we keep getting dealt out DLC costume packs. Capcom pleases its fans by taking from their wallets.


FindMyFarms said:
Biggest change was making cr. lk a 4-frame instead of 3, making his BnB a 1-framer.

If they're going to take out knockdown from gief's ex greenhand, then he definitely needed something to compensate for it. More range on jab spd is fair IMO.

edit - I got meme'd lawlz

my trademark

100% truth

What what makes you think this is a bad thing? Landing EX green hand now immediately puts the opponent in a do or die situation where people have to decide whether they prefer to be kicked in the head or have their face planted firmly between Gief's legs. Siberian Blizzard only makes things worse.
Wiseblade said:
What what makes you think this is a bad thing? Landing EX green hand now immediately puts the opponent in a do or die situation where people have to decide whether they prefer to be kicked in the head or have their face planted firmly between Gief's legs. Siberian Blizzard only makes things worse.

Gief already had that, ex green hands knocks them down right next to you. Except he could also decide do go for a 4 way ambiguous jump in if he wanted (normal or short jump, splash or d. lk) or if he wanted go for a meaty setup, he had a billion things he could do off a ex greenhand knockdown. P

But yeah, block/jump away 50/50 was already there, except you could time it even better(since anything you can do at+1, you can do even better with a knockdown where you're right next to them) Taking out knockdown just eliminates his other setups/options.


FindMyFarms said:
Gief already had that, ex green hands knocks them down right next to you. Except he could also decide do go for a 4 way ambiguous jump in if he wanted (normal or short jump, splash or d. lk) or if he wanted go for a meaty setup, he had a billion things he could do off a ex greenhand knockdown. P

But yeah, block/jump away 50/50 was already there, except you could time it even better(since anything you can do at+1, you can do even better with a knockdown where you're right next to them) Taking out knockdown just eliminates his other setups/options.
Blanka EX up ball beats all of his jump-ins. A techable knockdown by Gief is kind of like a free jail card for blanka (if not in corner) and akuma (almost free teleport). With green hand +1 on hit things are way different. His matchup against other characters won't change much and now he has even better tools against bad matchups.
_Xenon_ said:
Blanka EX up ball beats all of his jump-ins. A techable knockdown by Gief is kind of like a free jail card for blanka (if not in corner) and akuma (almost free teleport). With green hand +1 on hit things are way different. His matchup against other characters won't change much and now he has even better tools against bad matchups.

So don't jump in? If gief knocks you down with ex green hand, he gets the exact same set up as a +1 on hit but better(just don't jump) since he can time the meaty and doesn't need the frame perfect timing that +1 demands. He can still do a 50/50 where he's right next to you, Except he also has a billion other options on top of that.

His matchup against every other character will change since he won't have the same mixup game that he used to.
I'm kinda sad Akuma's UC2 will become more viable meaning more people will use it now. I eventually got used to all of Spin Fighter IV's ultra animations except that one. It just looks too silly.
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