vexvegaz said:hey guys..sorry to be asking this again but my last post got buried during the daigo match and never got an answer...
Which character are you playing?
vexvegaz said:hey guys..sorry to be asking this again but my last post got buried during the daigo match and never got an answer...
vexvegaz said:hey guys..sorry to be asking this again but my last post got buried during the daigo match and never got an answer.
i think i may have hit my ceiling as far as this game goes. for the life of me i cant seem to follow the game frame by frame like many of you guys can. does anyone have any tips on slowing the game down a bit? i can perform many of the combos in trial mode 9 outta 10 but when it comes to putting it in use during match i find myself getting a bit too excited and my execution suffers severely. am i at the point where i just simply dont have the hand eye coordination to be able to be "tournament level" good? which i can accept if thats the case but if its something i can work on id be willing to put the time n effort to reach that goal.
PS. any tips on how to get better with spacing?
vexvegaz said:sorry, i main akuma
vexvegaz said:hey guys..sorry to be asking this again but my last post got buried during the daigo match and never got an answer.
i think i may have hit my ceiling as far as this game goes. for the life of me i cant seem to follow the game frame by frame like many of you guys can. does anyone have any tips on slowing the game down a bit? i can perform many of the combos in trial mode 9 outta 10 but when it comes to putting it in use during match i find myself getting a bit too excited and my execution suffers severely. am i at the point where i just simply dont have the hand eye coordination to be able to be "tournament level" good? which i can accept if thats the case but if its something i can work on id be willing to put the time n effort to reach that goal.
PS. any tips on how to get better with spacing?
Hitokage said:Ah, ok, all horizontal blanka balls are -24 on block. Juri's forward dash is 17 frames, and lk pinwheel starts in 7 frames, or 24 frames total. Buffer dash out of block, buffer pinwheel out of dash.
So there you have it, a blanka ball punish.
I'm pretty sure you can buffer both actions, just you can't hesitate when the block happens.Corky said:so does that mean that its a 1frame punish?
Hitokage said:Ah, ok, all horizontal blanka balls are -24 on block. Juri's forward dash is 17 frames, and lk pinwheel starts in 7 frames, or 24 frames total. Buffer dash out of block, buffer pinwheel out of dash.
So there you have it, a blanka ball punish.
_dementia said:Abel has things the same way if he wants to punish BB on block
online i would just rely on soulless though
Leunam said:Just a general piece of advice, but most of the trial combos aren't very viable. The ones that you do need to learn, you'll eventually be able to pull off through your muscle memory. As for advice on Akuma, I'd wait for other Akuma players to respond, I'm still a newbie Akuma player.
See, this is where you end up sounding silly, like with your earlier "-4 can be swept" remark. Learn some numbers. They might not have much use when talking footsies, but they're pretty important when talking reversals.AkumaHokoru said:I submit 2 problems
1. numbers lol
Buffering is not canceling. Buffering means the action is recorded then performed at the next available opportunity.2. you cant buffer a pinwheel out of a dash. she cant do anything off her dash till she raises her body.
vexvegaz said:thanks for the reply guys..
yea i developed some pretty bad habbits playing on rank matches and only noticed them playing endless where u run into a mix level of players. for a while i thought i was the shit when my akuma is sitting on a 1500pp / 4600bp then i ran into some really good players and got the crap kicked outta me.
i started to watch replays of my matches and quickly became envious with how my opponents can mix up and create confusion to the point where even something as simple as pokes can pretty much leave me dumbfounded n lost.
ThatCrazyGuy said:akumaHokoru:
You have to buffer the dash while you are blocking.
Input the dash after the hit but while you're still in block stun so that it comes out the moment your block stun ends.h3ro said:How do you do that?
Procarbine said:Well I haven't played as much SSF4 ranked, but as an Akuma player there are a couple things you need to build a base, just one combo for basic situations.
Hit confirm on standing target: s.hp xx lk.tatsu xx hp.srk
c.lp s.hp is a great link to have for that, but will take some practice.
Hit confirm on crouching target: c.lp (xx hado OR xx ex tatsu OR
Also handy is cross up air tatsu to sweep. Get those combos into muscle memory and you'll be able to expand no problem.
h3ro said:How do you do that?
Haha, f, hcb+lk ftw.Pandaman said:as a sak player, dash l.srk on reaction to blocked balls isn't exactly free out of training mode. >_>
same concept with juri so i can understand some of the bitterness.
'course with juri its safer on one hit and not an srk motion sooo loljuriplayersactingliketheyhaveitbad.
one thing hito, why'd you have to go and raise a damned chun army? i was fine when it was just you and 2 other random people, but we've got a dozen now.Hitokage said:Haha, f, hcb+lk ftw.
vexvegaz said:hey guys..sorry to be asking this again but my last post got buried during the daigo match and never got an answer.
i think i may have hit my ceiling as far as this game goes. for the life of me i cant seem to follow the game frame by frame like many of you guys can. does anyone have any tips on slowing the game down a bit? i can perform many of the combos in trial mode 9 outta 10 but when it comes to putting it in use during match i find myself getting a bit too excited and my execution suffers severely. am i at the point where i just simply dont have the hand eye coordination to be able to be "tournament level" good? which i can accept if thats the case but if its something i can work on id be willing to put the time n effort to reach that goal.
PS. any tips on how to get better with spacing?
EDIT: i main akuma
Arpharmd B said:I know how good this ultra is supposed to be, but outside of Zangief, Ultra 2 for Rufus is simply not for me. Any other Rufus users come to a similar conclusion?
Hitokage said:your earlier "-4 can be swept" remark
cr.blocked lk pinwheel is -8 because the second hit always whiffs. -8 is free to sweeps.CPS2 said:Hopefully I'm not mixing this up with something else, but if someone knows the Juri matchup and tries to punish a cr.blocked LK pinwheel with a sweep, it'll probably work. If you space it properly a lot of "standard" punishers whiff, but weird things like ultras with less than 8 startup and sweeps, that you wouldn't normally think to use, do work.
This is exactly what I speak of.Pandaman said:blocked balls isn't exactly free out of training mode. >_>
This is what you dont understand -4 and -8 dont mean shit when the move is safely hittable via sweep. if they block it fine. if they decide to attack it howeverHitokage said:cr.blocked lk pinwheel is -8 because the second hit always whiffs.
Oh, I don't doubt lag will blow it up. But it's one thing to blame lag, and another to say a character can't do anything.AkumaHokoru said:This is exactly what I speak of.
doing things in training mode is one thing. doing them in combat is another. doing them online is a whole new ball game.
Then we aren't talking about the same thing, now aren't we? I never said you couldn't just go ahead and counterhit it.AkumaHokoru said:This is what you dont understand -4 and -8 dont mean shit when the move is safely hittable via sweep. if they block it fine. if they decide to attack it however
Cowie said:Re: the bolded- A lot of the discussion about frame data does a certain disservice to players unfamiliar with it. There are very few players who have everything memorized and broken down and are playing a match counting frames, or anything absurd like that. Reading discussion about frames makes it seem like we're all doing the math in our heads, seeing every single frame in a second and reacting perfectly. We're not. Think of it as more of a reference. You might run into a move and think 'Ugh, what can I do against that?' or you'll be messing with a combo and wonder 'Huh, can I do that differently?', and the frame data will help you. You consult it, find your answer, and apply it. What you learned from looking it up isn't necessarily such and such a move is -7 on block, but.. such and such a move can be punished with move x, so that's what you do.
As far as slowing the game down and execution in a match, those both come with time. If it's any consolation, I'd be willing to bet both of those things will improve together as your "comfort" with the game increases. So many things will begin to become second nature, you'll start seeing patterns and things will start becoming predictable. You'll get this faster against better players, but you won't notice it until you're fighting people worse than you. I wish my advice was something more concrete than "play more, lol" but that's what it really comes down to. Don't beat your head against a wall, and learn to accept when you're having a bad day (if you really want to keep playing on a bad day, try picking up a new character). Burning yourself probably won't help, you'll most likely end up mindlessly making the same mistakes once you reach a certain level of frustration, and that will in turn contribute to the frustration.
Hitokage said:Oh, I don't doubt lag will blow it up. But it's one thing to blame lag, and another to say a character can't do anything.
Then we aren't talking about the same thing, now aren't we? I never said you couldn't just go ahead and counterhit it.
:lol Love!Threi said:let's break this shit down:
to punish a blanka ball with juri you block it, then dash and then pinwheel really fast.
if it's online you do it even faster.
i should coach daigo
actually, online you have to start dashing before he hits you.Threi said:let's break this shit down:
to punish a blanka ball with juri you block it, then dash and then pinwheel really fast.
if it's online you do it even faster.
i should coach daigo
haunts said:got something really cool comin up soon. ^____________________^
haunts said:got something really cool comin up soon. ^____________________^
BitchTits said:I feel like Makoto could use an overhead. Often when someone is turtling, a way in that doesn't result in getting mashed by LPs would help. Chop is fine, but it's so slow, even EX doesn't stop jab-mashers.
marathonfool said:Adon A-tier.
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How do I attain Nirvana Yomi, Panda sensei?Pandaman said:actually, online you have to start dashing before he hits you.
im not joking either.