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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT2| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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Whine Whine FADC Troll
Killa Sasa said:
I think it gets the scrub game rep because of the wide reversal window, the easy input system, and the general fact that being "better" than your opponent doesn't net you a win nearly as much as it will in other games. Shenanigans and sometimes just playing dumb can get you a win :lol It's less prevalent in Super than in Vanilla. Ironfist is probably the best example of this :lol


You could call it the opponent's fault for not adjusting, but the fact that it's so easy to get good moves like that out can dumb the game down some. It just turns it into a stupid guessing game that you have to respect.

I can see the logic behind either viewpoints, but you've gotta admit it's stupid that shit like Ironfist's thing works :lol

To me, that was Sagat being OP + other guy not reading the disrespect, not the game itself. I feel like in other fighters, such as BB, 3S- you can just overwhelm the opponent, and win without thinking , so you can self-validate even when you're not actually that good.

SF4 was ok, but SSF4 is better- at least there's great balance. I can't think of another Capcom game with better balance.

Then again, I think my VF background makes me more willing to accept having to respect things at lower levels. (VF it's very easy for a scrub to mess up an expert also if the expert doesn't recognize things and overrespects the scrub). In fact, the biggest SF4 fans I know have tended to be VFDC posters for some reason.

Sometimes being dumb can be an actual strategy though. About two or three days ago, I was playing a Gen with my Honda. I know that blocked HB= super. Won round 1, round 2 I was losing big and he had full super, so I'm like, ok, I'll see if he uses his super, so I start headbutting. I keep headbutting. I almost win the round (unfortunately: he used ultra instead). Round 3 he was expecting me to keep doing that, and I was able to get in and mess him up due to that.

I did msg him after letting him know that there was a reason I was being stupid. He was cool with it, then again playing Gen in ranked is semi-crazy anyways.

Kadey: I'd be up for HDR PSN tourney (but 90% of HDR comm is on 360)
I'm going to bring it up again. deal with it.

Kadey: Having a totalitarian rule on your tournaments isn't a good thing. We appreciate your efforts in making a good online event/giving prizes, etc...but it needs to adhere to the wishes of the community involved. You can't swing your weight here and force everyone to play how you want them to...they are not your toys. A random tournament made sense back when you first announced it, because there was the possibility of skilled players like FMF involved. But now it's an exclusive scrub tournament. And suggesting that people can get points if they can do 20 hit combos...not everyone can make the same combo GIFs as you. It would be better to let beginners stick with what they know.

kiryogi & co: If there's anything that shows that random select is a non-issue, is the fact that kiryogi went from boycott mode, to "can i join?" mode and then back into boycott mode after he didn't get in. It was all about boycotting a tournament given to him and he ignored every other post about setting up a separate tourney. What the fuck. His attitude wasn't the worst, but it certainly wasn't a good one.

Both sides are at fault for not talking this out. So can we actually talk about this, without making belligerent posts like Panda?

The only solution I can think of is to PM everyone registered in the tournament and ask them whether they prefer random select or not. Make it majority rules. Kiryogi can be the first one in line for replacement of a no show(it will probably happen). And both sides need to apologize/fight in SF.


Mrs. Harvey
DryEyeRelief said:
I'm going to bring it up again. deal with it.

Kadey: Having a totalitarian rule on your tournaments isn't a good thing. We appreciate your efforts in making a good online event/giving prizes, etc...but it needs to adhere to the wishes of the community involved. You can't swing your weight here and force everyone to play how you want them to...they are not your toys. A random tournament made sense back when you first announced it, because there was the possibility of skilled players like FMF involved. But now it's an exclusive scrub tournament. And suggesting that people can get points if they can do 20 hit combos...not everyone can make the same combo GIFs as you. It would be better to let beginners stick with what they know.

kiryogi & co: If there's anything that shows that random select is a non-issue, is the fact that kiryogi went from boycott mode, to "can i join?" mode and then back into boycott mode after he didn't get in. It was all about boycotting a tournament given to him and he ignored every other post about setting up a separate tourney. What the fuck. His attitude wasn't the worst, but it certainly wasn't a good one.

Both sides are at fault for not talking this out. So can we actually talk about this, without making belligerent posts like Panda?

The only solution I can think of is to PM everyone registered in the tournament and ask them whether they prefer random select or not. Make it majority rules. Kiryogi can be the first one in line for replacement of a no show(it will probably happen). And both sides need to apologize/fight in SF.

I appreciate the concern and I like to make a correction here. The random tournament isn't until September. The scrub tournament is a completely different tournament happening real soon. :D
And those rule sets are suggestions for Live ranbats. Since it won't be happening for months. It's just that. People are making a big deal out of nothing. There isn't any totalitarian rule going on otherwise I wouldn't be speaking to people period. I'm actually pretty insulted by you saying that since people having been pming me and offering insight.
I know the scrubs aren't getting as much love as they should so I decided to make a tournament for them and on the PS3 as I can be directly involved with capturing and such.
Threi said:
happens to the best of us :lol

keep ya head up :D
The worst are the losing streaks where you just don't know when to quit.

I went from 1000 PP to 400 in like two hours before finally crawling in to a fetal position on my floor.


Mrs. Harvey
Yeah. Everybody has their bad days. But the main thing is to keep on grinding. Losing is a staple for getting better. The game is literally so random that any given day anything can happen. I looked passed it but I'd say Killa's comments on levels of play is right on.


Cool Ken .gifs kadey, too bad none of them are possible in a real game :D

MarkMan, I'm hype that you're coming to Seattle for PAX - you gonna enter the SUPER tourney?
Kadey said:
I appreciate the concern and I like to make a correction here. The random tournament isn't until September. The scrub tournament is a completely different tournament happening real soon. :D
And those rule sets are suggestions for Live ranbats. Since it won't be happening for months. It's just that. People are making a big deal out of nothing. There isn't any totalitarian rule going on otherwise I wouldn't be speaking to people period. I'm actually pretty insulted by you saying that since people having been pming me and offering insight.
I know the scrubs aren't getting as much love as they should so I decided to make a tournament for them and on the PS3 as I can be directly involved with capturing and such.

Well, I feel defeated.

My point about talking it out still applies though. You guys can't just sweep this under the rug.


Fuck. REALLY sorry for this long-ass post.

AZ Greg said:
Ok, I've seen a few people make this point and I completely disagree. Sure you might lose a ranked match to someone online, who isn't as good as you or who has put in less time, where you only see them one time and before you adjust to the bizarre way they play it's already too late to come back. But I don't ever feel like I'd lose a best of/first to sorta set to someone who is clearly worse or who has invested a significantly less amount of time in the game. And with regards to Melee, forgive me if I'm wrong as I never played it competitively, but don't you have to heavily tweak the default settings in order to make it so that the skilled player always beats the less skilled player (picking stages with no random elements/turning off items)?

I don't want this to potentially derail the thread, so I implore anyone looking to contradict the following statements regarding Melee to be confident their statements are rational.

You're not wrong, you've just been misguided by irrational perspectives on that particular issue. Yes, you do have to heavily tweak the settings; but to level judgement about the game, its competitive viability or its community; is a philosophical dead-end. On a purely rational level, this does not matter. ALL competitive games (including games such as sports) are merely a social contract among a community of individuals that agree to adhere to a standard set of rules.

Street Fighter and all its derivatives are not exempt from this. These games undergo heavy tweaking within their respective communities to reflect competitive values and the variance in rules on display highlight just how cultural/sociological this can be (i.e. Japan vs Western tournament rules). A tournament match in Super doesn't consist of two players just popping in the disc, turning on the machine, playing one match and living with the results - there are rules and a format that are wholly arbitrary that do not derive from the game's creators.

Melee is a non-traditional fighter, so it's quite reasonable that it undergoes heavy tweaking to reflect competitive values previously in place - values derived largely from traditional fighting games. Hence, the lack of items and subtraction of stages that are too peculiar to Smash. However, this does not imply Melee out of the box cannot be just an adequate measure of skill - that game would just be testing a different set of skills - skills not valued by that community.

And about the reversal window that always gets brought up. I've always been fine with it for two reasons. 1.) It makes the game more accessible. Had SF4 been another 3S, or hell even ST (in terms of reversals), then this fighting game resurgence might not have happened. My casual buddies who will do something lame like wake-up SRKs or will mash SRKs through attack strings have stuck with the game a lot longer than something like HDR where they would just get bullied on wake-up and put in throw loops cause they weren't good with the tighter reversals required to escape those situations. 2.) At high-level play the tighter reversal windows were never an issue. Those players got their reversals whenever they wanted them just like in SF4. So sure you can say, "well that's a reward for all the time they put in", but I don't want to beat my opponent with tactics that are only working because he/she isn't good at hitting the tight reversal window. It's only going to hurt you in the long term when you start playing good players and your low-level player abuse tactics don't work anymore. I don't see any problem with having to incorporate bait tactics against players lower on the totem poll.

Are those casual buddies still playing the game? Did they buy the game, even?

The problem I have with this argument, is that you're sacrificing the integrity of the game to cater to everyone. Maybe SSF4 does manage to accomplish being accessible in some fashion, but to what avail? The game's engine doesn't have to suffer to attract the LCD. In fact, I'd argue it doesn't attract the LCD. How much do you really think SF4 expanded the fighting game market? Vanilla sold 2.7 million between 2 consoles. I'd say it barely expanded the market, if at all. I'd say the game largely sold to people already in the market for fighting games.

But then again, I think fighting games that aren't Smash are anachronistic - doesn't mean I like them any less, mind you. But I feel the genre, at large, is growing irrelevant in regards to the actual needs and desires of the current market, which is why fighting games are still niche despite the fact that more people are buying them now than 10 years ago, and this Neo-Renaissance will not last.

You do bring up a good point regarding net-play, however. I think a lot of people's frustrations come from formulating opinions in the context of that flawed format, which isn't fair to the game.

arstal said:
I feel like in other fighters, such as BB, 3S- you can just overwhelm the opponent, and win without thinking , so you can self-validate even when you're not actually that good.

You keep asserting this garbage claim, as though you have anything substantial to back it up. You've even indirectly admitted to not dedicating yourself to these "other fighters". Just stop with this presumptuous dead-end.


Mrs. Harvey
DigiMish said:
Cool Ken .gifs kadey, too bad none of them are possible in a real game :D

MarkMan, I'm hype that you're coming to Seattle for PAX - you gonna enter the SUPER tourney?

Yeah they are just practice combos. The last one is possible though if I do a regular Tatsu instead of the EX.

Well, I feel defeated.

My point about talking it out still applies though. You guys can't just sweep this under the rug.

Thanks though. The issue is over with. No more. They can think what they want about me.


loves Arcade Sticks
DigiMish said:
Cool Ken .gifs kadey, too bad none of them are possible in a real game :D

MarkMan, I'm hype that you're coming to Seattle for PAX - you gonna enter the SUPER tourney?

If Kadey lets me enter! I probably won't. We'll be throwing a tourney at our booth though in addition to supporting the tournament thrown by PAX Gaming.


See you there!


Kimosabae said:
Fuck. REALLY sorry for this long-ass post.

*claps* Awesome post. Very true. How the game is ultimately played is a reflection of the values of its community. But hopefully fighting games do continue to flourish.
Kadey said:
Yeah. Post for new page. I've been using him a lot recently. It's so fun to do his combos in a real match. It might be just me but he seems to have even more links than in vanilla.




Speaking of Blanka. I ran into another bizarre Ultra incident with one. The opponent did his Ultra and I jumped over it while it rolled passed me. Somehow though, it still like backtracked or something and hit me. :lol

Ken feels like his SF:III counterpart in SSFIV. Everything don't work lall the time like 3 but he plays a whole lot better then vanilla.

AZ Greg

Kimosabae said:
You're not wrong, you've just been misguided by irrational perspectives on that particular issue. Yes, you do have to heavily tweak the settings; but to level judgement about the game, its competitive viability or its community; is a philosophical dead-end. On a purely rational level, this does not matter. ALL competitive games (including games such as sports) are merely a social contract among a community of individuals that agree to adhere to a standard set of rules.

Street Fighter and all its derivatives are not exempt from this. These games undergo heavy tweaking within their respective communities to reflect competitive values and the variance in rules on display highlight just how cultural/sociological this can be (i.e. Japan vs Western tournament rules). A tournament match in Super doesn't consist of two players just popping in the disc, turning on the machine, playing one match and living with the results - there are rules and a format that are wholly arbitrary that do not derive from the game's creators.

I see the point you're trying to make about all competitive fighting games having some rules/format used for competitive play that were/was influenced by the community as opposed to given to us directly from the developers. But SF4's Japan vs. America, Single elimination vs. double elimination rule differences are not even close to rules that actually change the gameplay ala Melee.

And I wasn't trying to level judgment about Melee or its competitive viability. You just used it as an example of a game that rewards dedication in terms of good players not losing to players significantly worse than them. I just brought up that it needed huge tweaks to get there. Hell, the SSF4 community could all decide that "randomness" and mashing out reversals during block strings is no longer allowed and there you go. We'd be fixed up Melee style. ;)

Kimosabae said:
The problem I have with this argument, is that you're sacrificing the integrity of the game to cater to everyone.

And this is where we're just going to have to agree to disagree. I don't feel the integrity was sacrificed at all. I don't find myself losing (In a set that is >1 match) to anyone I feel has spent a ton less time with the game or plays dumb. And the results of the top players who are consistently finishing high in tournaments for this game would seem to support that as well. I'm not going to name any names, but 99% of the time when I see someone complaining about it being too easy for a lower-level player to win on randomness/mashing/etc... I play that person only to find out the problem is on their end.

BTW, you never answered my question, is this game so "easy" or "random", or whatever the other complaints are about skill differences vs. results, that you could see yourself losing a first to 5 or 10 set to someone clearly worse than you in terms of execution or time spent or etc...?


DryEyeRelief said:
Well, I feel defeated.

My point about talking it out still applies though. You guys can't just sweep this under the rug.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make em drink. :lol

Can't we all just save the fighting for the videro james? We need to arrange a Super Tournament Battle/Joint Therapy Session for these people.


Mrs. Harvey
Chauncy Talon said:
Ken feels like his SF:III counterpart in SSFIV. Everything don't work lall the time like 3 but he plays a whole lot better then vanilla.

Yah. I agree. For some reason, he seems to play better in Super. Same goes for characters like Bison, Seth, Chun, etc. Even Sagat, whom got nerfed so bad 99% of the Sagat population died, is more fun to play. I'd say Capcom did a great job with balancing the game.


AZ Greg said:
I see the point you're trying to make about all competitive fighting games having some rules/format used for competitive play that were/was influenced by the community as opposed to given to us directly from the developers. But SF4's Japan vs. America, Single elimination vs. double elimination rule differences are not even close to rules that actually change the gameplay ala Melee.

That was the most recognizable example I could think of off the top. The point is, is that we observe the principle where it exists in the given context (in this case; everywhere), because the moment we start discussing degrees, the dialogue, not to mention the principle, becomes a slippery slope.

And I wasn't trying to level judgment about Melee or its competitive viability. You just used it as an example of a game that rewards dedication in terms of good players not losing to players significantly worse than them. I just brought up that it needed huge tweaks to get there. Hell, the SSF4 community could all decide that "randomness" and mashing out reversals during block strings is no longer allowed and there you go. We'd be fixed up Melee style. ;)

Lol, man. Hopefully you're just being silly, because Melee's definitely not that arbitrary.

And this is where we're just going to have to agree to disagree. I don't feel the integrity was sacrificed at all. I don't find myself losing (In a set that is >1 match) to anyone I feel has spent a ton less time with the game or plays dumb. And the results of the top players who are consistently finishing high in tournaments for this game would seem to support that as well. I'm not going to name any names, but 99% of the time when I see someone complaining about it being too easy for a lower-level player to win on randomness/mashing/etc... I play that person only to find out the problem is on their end.

BTW, you never answered my question, is this game so "easy" or "random", or whatever the other complaints are about skill differences vs. results, that you could see yourself losing a first to 5 or 10 set to someone clearly worse than you in terms of execution or time spent or etc...?

Dude, I wasn't one of those people. I don't think SSF4 (in proper Western tournament format) is "random". In fact, I went on to praise Daigo and Justin for being able to exhibit the largest personality trait this game rewards with wins consistently - patience.

My problem with the SF4 series is simply that it doesn't reward offense enough - if you're playing aggressive you're essentially playing to lose. The tools simply aren't there to cater to that playstyle/personality trait. In my eyes, that hurts the game's potential complexity because it places limits on how you can approach it. Yes, aggressiveness works as a way to switch things up between rounds every now and again - but the general winning approach is passivity.

That's just not my personality type. Unless I'm in the mood to tolerate a slow pace, I often find SSF4 frustrating and boring.

Also, you didn't answer my questions. Did your casual friends buy SF4/SSF4? Do they still play? Do you feel these gameplay elements helped expand the fighting game market?


MarkMan said:
If Kadey lets me enter! I probably won't. We'll be throwing a tourney at our booth though in addition to supporting the tournament thrown by PAX Gaming.


See you there!

Also, bring us the Daigo!:D


Whine Whine FADC Troll
AZ Greg said:
And this is where we're just going to have to agree to disagree. I don't feel the integrity was sacrificed at all. I don't find myself losing (In a set that is >1 match) to anyone I feel has spent a ton less time with the game or plays dumb. And the results of the top players who are consistently finishing high in tournaments for this game would seem to support that as well. I'm not going to name any names, but 99% of the time when I see someone complaining about it being too easy for a lower-level player to win on randomness/mashing/etc... I play that person only to find out the problem is on their end.

Truth right there. Oftentimes the people complaining about the randomness are the people who just aren't seeing the pattern the other guy is doing, or over/underestimate their opponents.

If I got to improve SSF4- most of my effort would be spent with controls, not gameplay- though I would buff up the bottom tier like Makoto.
Kadey said:
Yah. I agree. For some reason, he seems to play better in Super. Same goes for characters like Bison, Seth, Chun, etc. Even Sagat, whom got nerfed so bad 99% of the Sagat population died, is more fun to play. I'd say Capcom did a great job with balancing the game.

I'm a Sagat player and stay with him. For the players like myself, who play as Sagat only use his TU when you need it. It's hilarious that so many people gave him up. Most of them did not even Step forward low kick > Kara> Tiger Uppercut or HK > Kara> low Tiger Shot. Sagat has so many weapons but so many people gave him up. I picked up Blanka because he like myself... DIRTY!!!
Himuro said:
I'm getting sick and fucking tired of fighting shotos in ranked matches and losing to SCRUBS because I play fucking Cammy. God fucking dammit.

Seriously. I know everybody complain, but how can you lose to Scrubs if they beat you? I thought SCRUBS were the only ones that loses. Just because they cannot FADC -> Ultra does not make them SCRUBS. if you are following for DPs during your combo shorting the combos.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Related: Played some Seth player with a ton of pointz like 3 or 4 times in a row in ranked a week or so ago. Beat him every time except the final match, and afterward he sends me a message to the effect of "mashing stuff between my block strings makes you look soooo bad" or something.

When, I wasn't mashing things at all. Went back and watched the matches with inputs on just to make sure, and there weren't but a few times where I did a motion more than once. What was actually happening was he had some very predictable habits and gaps in his strings, things I knew I had options to deal with in a relatively safe way.

Anyway, I don't think the lax reversal window is either bad or good, just...different than it has been. Either way, there's not much point in getting in a big debate about which is better because there isn't a real answer.

Also, I always thought the lax reversal window had more to do with focus attacks than it did attracting "casuals" or whatever.


Himuro said:



ex-cannon drill to go through fireball


"fuck, how does ken have that small ass window?"

"I'll ex-hooligan him"




focus parry





"I'll do a spinning backfist, go through his fireball and combo 'em."


jump over


focus parry!


spinning knuckle


Most of the time it works out, but other times there's just nothing I can do.

Wow, if he's fireballing that much, you could focus a full ultra meter.
Himuro said:



ex-cannon drill to go through fireball


"fuck, how does ken have that small ass window?"

"I'll ex-hooligan him"




focus parry





"I'll do a spinning backfist, go through his fireball and combo 'em."


jump over


focus parry!


spinning knuckle


Most of the time it works out, but other times there's just nothing I can do.

Damn you should of had a full EX/ULTRA Meter. Seriously, Cammy have too many weapons. You was just hit with this...


Lost Fragment said:
Related: Played some Seth player with a ton of pointz like 3 or 4 times in a row in ranked a week or so ago. Beat him every time except the final match, and afterward he sends me a message to the effect of "mashing stuff between my block strings makes you look soooo bad" or something.

When, I wasn't mashing things at all. Went back and watched the matches with inputs on just to make sure, and there weren't but a few times where I did a motion more than once. What was actually happening was he had some very predictable habits and gaps in his strings, things I knew I had options to deal with in a relatively safe way.

Anyway, I don't think the lax reversal window is either bad or good, just...different than it has been. Either way, there's not much point in getting in a big debate about which is better because there isn't a real answer.

Also, I always thought the lax reversal window had more to do with focus attacks than it did attracting "casuals" or whatever.

To many of those, I'm dropping combos during block string that cause them to get hit. He needs to grow up. I play in Tournaments... (You guys seen me having a ball at MWC 2010), but seriously I do not play hard online but to many players drop combos or give a small enough opening during block strings to cause them to get hit. Also, Seth is Magento in SSFIV. Mad Options but no HEALTH.

Ploid 3.0

Edgeward34 and I had a marathon session. I learned some new stuff. He made me think a lot. He didn't use cammy's dive kick thing like rufus though. Could have added more pressure with that. I found a quick way to do DJ's short jump. Now I need to start using him again.

Rufus is hax, it's too easy to set up ultra 1. Ultra 2 requires lightning reflexes and a understanding on how it works. Sometimes I swear I should catch someone but they are safe when the cutscene is finish (activated when someone jump in with a attack). Maybe the startup is slow. Qistoptier makes it look so easy to pull off.
Himuro said:
Thank you ever so much for being helpful, Chauncy!

Your welcome, but to be honest, you should of rush Ken down. Cammy speed close to Ken's walking speed, but I'm sure he was jumping in the air. You could of thrown him out of the air. It's online partner. If it was me playing, I'm not that good with Cammy, I would of rush down and try to get meter up by Air Cannon Strikes (Sagat Knee version). I know a lot of fireballs are coming, but Ken fireballs should of not been a problem. Most Kens just push F+Mk and try to Kara Throw in between it. So you should of Cannon Spike when he got close to you. That is just a little of my advice.

1. Cause the Shotos to move in and Cannon Spike them.
2. Build Meter with Sagat Knee Motion aka Air Cannon Strikes
3. Focus as much as you can. Only the Tornado Kick has Armor Break. Just try to get hit with the 2nd/3rd hit of the DP.
Himuro said:
I have been thinking of dropping Cammy. Almost every match up I come across seems to be a BAD match up for Cammy.

So who are you giving Cammy up for?

Acid08 said:
Everyone is so mad in this thread, goddamn.

I just notices that. Beside me... Chauncy "TRU" Talon aka MR.CHIPS-AHOY himself is never angry. You seen me running like a damn idiot during the MWC 2010. That how I'm like all day everyday.


Ploid 3.0 said:
Edgeward34 and I had a marathon session. I learned some new stuff. He made me think a lot. He didn't use cammy's dive kick thing like rufus though. Could have added more pressure with that. I found a quick way to do DJ's short jump. Now I need to start using him again.

Rufus is hax, it's too easy to set up ultra 1. Ultra 2 requires lightning reflexes and a understanding on how it works. Sometimes I swear I should catch someone but they are safe when the cutscene is finish (activated when someone jump in with a attack). Maybe the startup is slow. Qistoptier makes it look so easy to pull off.

It's because I'm seriously fucking afraid of ex messiahs and snake strikes on wake-up which have beaten my c strikes, especially since how consistently you juggle me and hit the ultra 90% of the time. And i can't instant cs yet outside of training mode not comfortable enough to use it since I will somehow do a spike instead sometimes.

Those ex messiahs are gona give me nightmares tonight. ;_;

ntropy said:
GodsGarden 2.5 Finals @4 am PST/7 am EST (??) SAKO vs YHC-MOCHI

Oh goddamit, that's so early. >_<

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
-mp hooligan goes over fireballs if you time it right. Use dive kicks to jump over fireballs and close the space.
-whiff jump dive kicks in front of him to bait dps
-once you get on top of him don't let him breathe


Everything is moe to me
kiryogi said:
Yeah I don't think a compromise is happening :lol
hmm, well its over, thats the important thing.

@ploid: do you do ultra 2 in reaction to the jump or them pushing a button in the air?
Himuro said:
That's the thing. I've used Cammy in about every game she has appeared in. So I'm most comfortable with her. I don't like anyone in the game nearly as much as Cammy.

I know what you are saying. I played Sagat since C.E. I know how he gets, even if he is horrible in HDR. Everybody in Michigan knows that I still play as Sagat at all tournaments, at least once.

AZ Greg

Kimosabae said:
Lol, man. Hopefully you're just being silly, because Melee's definitely not that arbitrary.

Yeah, I wasn't being serious, but doing that to SSF4 is closer to what the Melee community did than simply choosing how many loses in a tournament before someone is eliminated ala America vs. Japan SF4 tournament rules.

Dude, I wasn't one of those people. I don't think SSF4 (in proper Western tournament format) is "random". In fact, I went on to praise Daigo and Justin for being able to exhibit the largest personality trait this game rewards with wins consistently - patience.

My problem with the SF4 series is simply that it doesn't reward offense enough - if you're playing aggressive you're essentially playing to lose. The tools simply aren't there to cater to that playstyle/personality trait. In my eyes, that hurts the game's potential complexity because it places limits on how you can approach it. Yes, aggressiveness works as a way to switch things up between rounds every now and again - but the general winning approach is passivity.

That's just not my personality type. Unless I'm in the mood to tolerate a slow pace, I often find SSF4 frustrating and boring.

Also, you didn't answer my questions. Did your casual friends buy SF4/SSF4? Do they still play? Do you feel these gameplay elements helped expand the fighting game market?

My bad. It just gets confusing following different posters point of view and trying to distinguish who truly has a legitimate problem with the game from a design standpoint and who has a problem with the game from a personal (lack of skill) standpoint. Every time I read a post with something like "scrubby ass turtling Dhalsim" or Gouken being a character who gets owned by randomness (with no explanation) or the post above about getting owned by shoto scrubs, I just shake my head.

But I get where you're coming from about the pace of the game. I definitely prefer a more offensive pace. Fortunately I've managed to play an offensive Vega with pretty good success so I'm fine with the game. :D

About your question. First of all, when I said "casual" friends I wasn't talking about the kind who only play Halo/CoD, but rather gamers who have had interest in the genre at one point or another in their days as a gamer. So yes, they bought the games. And the accessibility is what kept them playing SF4 long enough to get hyped for/buy SSF4. Had it been SSF2T:HDR all over again then they would have lost interest in SF4 within a week and never did things like buy an expensive arcade stick, buy digital download fighters like MvC2, and buy other various things that contribute to the health of the fighting game industry. And while that might not necessarily expand the market, which I never said SF4 accessibility did, it excited the niche base that has been dormant. And the fighting game industry doesn't need to grow (though it would be nice) in order to have games be a success in terms of sales, just sell to a high percentage of the people who already have some interest in the genre. Managing accessibility with depth is exactly how to do that. And as of now, SF4/SSF4 is the best example of that.


Mrs. Harvey
Acid08 said:
Everyone is so mad in this thread, goddamn.

It's weird seeing you say that and then look at your avatar. :lol

Yeah. Ken is pretty free against a competent Cammy at the same level. Cammy is just so good in Super. She has the right tools to go up against any character. And a whole lot to go through fireballs. Sako makes her look godlike.

Still. Oh Ken. So fun to use.

arstal said:
There's a real question whether the fighting game revival is really that, or just a SF revival.

Well, it seems like all these new fighters are popping up now. Daigo being a huge hit on twitter. Namco and Capcom joining forces. Arcade sticks sales at an all time high. The FGC finally getting nationwide coverage, etc.

Ploid 3.0

Pandaman said:
hmm, well its over, thats the important thing.

@ploid: do you do ultra 2 in reaction to the jump or them pushing a button in the air?

Most likely when I see that they are falling towards me, and my reaction on the motion to do the ultra sucks. So I'm usually pretty late. When I try to anticipate I use the ultra before they do anything, or try to psychic it and do the ultra when it don't even look like they were about to jump or throw a fireball. Ultra 1 is too reliable for me unless I'm playing someone that is very on top of not allowing me to do anything (Floyd!).

I pulled off rufus' messiah kick fadc ultra 1 a few times. That was cool, I even did a messiah fadc ultra 2 to watch it fail. Good to be back on controller with it's precision.

AZ Greg

Lost Fragment said:
Also, I always thought the lax reversal window had more to do with focus attacks than it did attracting "casuals" or whatever.

But don't most (all?) characters have a back dash that would escape most (all?) focus attacks?

I'd think the real issue would have to deal with the way SF4/SSF4 handles stamina/attack damage. Everyone is always quick to mention how knockdowns actually meant something in the SFs with tighter reversal windows like ST. But in ST if you did hit the window and hit your opponent with a reversal SRK or something and then on the knockdown you hit him with a basic BnB like j.HK, cr.MK xx HP fireball you would have taken like 60+% of his life. In SF4/SSF4 that same situation would only take like 30% of the average character's life. So the offensive character would be less worried than in a game like ST and perhaps the game shifts to being too offensive. In order to correct that they would have to give all the characters much less stamina or increase attack damage across the board. That would then lead to some negative effects like making the ultra system worse than some people think it is now. You'd be able to hit with a couple of pokes, get your ass beat, and then hit with an ultra and win. Those stamina/damage changes would also make focus attacks crazy deadly as one crumple stun could potentially end the match at any time. The developers would then be forced to nerf ultras/FAs to the point of being useless or at the very least dealing a bizarre amount of damage like an ultra doing the same as an SRK. Or they could just remove them. Either way, you're taking away some of the significant additions the game brought to the table and basically turning it back into ST.

Seems like it would just open a giant can of worms.
ggs to all the people i play over the pass week.
Played vs some new people which was fun.
Still working on my Rose so it great to play vs different chars .


Himuro said:

Encountering the same people who beat me before and steamrolling them.



pretty much how i feel whenever i rematch someone with akuma or seth >.> bad habit for me though since it doesn't help me learn my character of choice
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