Professor Beef said:I suddenly remember that I hate Blanka and everything he represents.

Tell me more
Professor Beef said:I suddenly remember that I hate Blanka and everything he represents.
marathonfool said:You'll see the other guy's connection in relation to you. It could be green bars for you and yellow bars for another player in the same lobby for the same opponent. Other players will see your connection in relation to them.
1-2 second lag is very bad. There is noticeable lag, but usually under 1 second.
Kunohara said:Every game had green bars and yet it was laggy as shit. I'm gonna try again tonight, and hope it plays better.
Rice-Eater said:Are you brand new to SF? Do you understand the mechanics of the game? I'm just curious because when I started playing I mistaken things like lag and "my controller isn't working" for block stun. Maybe you were in block stun so your next move couldn't come out. Maybe you were recovering from your previous move so you can't get your next one out when you want to. If not then ignore then, but if this is the case then these are things that you have to learn to get a better understanding of this game.
Kunohara said:Oh no, believe me when I say that when I push a button, it would take awhile for the move to come out, I wasn't block stunned or anything. After playing each character in arcade mode, I knew how to do special moves fast. Online, even just trying to do a regular punch or kick took 1-2 secs for it to come out. There was a noticeable difference.
I have watched all of the tutorial videos from VesperArcade on youtube. Granted I still can't do crazy combos, but I am learning. I am new to the series yes, although I did play a shit ton of SF2 back in the day. It is nothing like SSF4 though, heh.
The Take Out Bandit said:If it's ONLY the buttons, it should be a simple unplug / plug mod.
Youtube has all sorts of how to videos.
One thing I would suggest, if you're not comfortable that the fellow in the video doesn't do is go in vertical with your pliers to remove the connections. This way you will be pull both UP and AWAY from the button and you won't risk bending / snapping the slip on connector. Not a huge deal, but the method I prefer for safety / peace of mind.
The Take Out Bandit said:Unfortunately SSF4 online is still highly jank. Just play it for fun, but don't treat it as serious business.
It's a shame developers have taken to the lame cell phone bars method of illustrating lag rather than relevant information that online gaming has used for years on the PC, meaning PING TIME. Reducing the massive ping range to a meager five bars really makes it difficult to accurately determine a players connection speed.
I've run into matches where I press buttons and nothing comes out as well. In addition to matches where I attempt to throw a crouching opponent next to me and completely miss.
The lag online is so bad, I mistook some of these accidents for actual changes to the fundamental game play.
It's a bummer that the current market leader in fighting games is also so crap at online programming.
Here's the part of the dance where people come in and say it's my connection. Which I'll freely admit isn't all that great, but it's perfectly fine for BlazBlue. The bottom line is I have to roll with DSL because the alternative (cable) did not work at all when I tried it. That's the joy of having so much of our telecommunication infrastructure in the hands of so few corporations.
Are you playing AE or Chocolate?Corky said:Okey guys, time to work as a team here. OperationHelpMakeCorkyTheBestBalrogEver initiated.
Where do we start?
HiResDes said:Are you playing AE or Chocolate?
Kunohara said:See that really is a shame because even though I lost, it was really fun to play against other people instead of the CPU. If there was no lag during play, I would be fucking addicted as shit to it. I have a 25mb down 7mb up connection, so I know it's not me.
I guess I'll just keep at it. It will make getting threepeat, tenpeat etc alot harder though.
Kunohara said:See that really is a shame because even though I lost, it was really fun to play against other people instead of the CPU. If there was no lag during play, I would be fucking addicted as shit to it. I have a 25mb down 7mb up connection, so I know it's not me.
I guess I'll just keep at it. It will make getting threepeat, tenpeat etc alot harder though.
the_log_ride said:What kind of monitor are you playing on?
there is no chocolate. Super is super, AE is AE.HiResDes said:Are you playing AE or Chocolate?
Kunohara said:I've only played 3 games, so I can't really judge yet if the online is terrible, but I have heard things about it.
And I play on my TV. Don't know if that was meant as a joke considering you guys were just talking about the monitors used at EVO
Also, I really don't like playing charge characters. I can't ever fucking pull off any moves that are like Guile's flash kick. It really annoys me. I've read up on shortcuts, but I have a lousy memory and always forget about them.
Rice-Eater said:I don't know why he hasn't shown up in any tournaments. But a short while back he had a long session with Banana Ken and it was posted on Shin Akuma's youtube page.
Happy Phantom said:there is no chocolate. Super is super, AE is AE.
no, I'm right and that's stupid. Vanilla made sense, that's it.black_vegeta said:No no sir, you are mistaken.
It's Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry...Street Fighter 4: Neapolitan Editionz
I've only seen a small handful of people use the terms strawberry or chocolate. The rest have been calling it Vanilla, Super and AE.AkumaHokoru said:no you are quite wrong. so says the rest of the sf community.
Then you havent been paying much attention.Happy Phantom said:I've only seen a small handful of people use the terms strawberry or chocolate. The rest have been calling it Vanilla, Super and AE.
the_log_ride said:Just wondering. I first played on a big hdtv, and the input lag was unbearable. Trying it online was even worse. 'Just saying.
Weird, checking my chatlogs from #capcom, all talk of chocolate and strawberry are just referencing actual food for atleast the past month or two. I'm lurking 24/7. I guess they don't talk much about street fighter in #capcom...AkumaHokoru said:Then you havent been paying much attention.
read your logs again.Happy Phantom said:It's as good of a piece of sample data as anywhere else.
found 3 mentions of chocolate referring to ssf4, one of which was someone asking what it meant. That's going back to around early Jan. Don't feel like ctrl+fing through all of this to keep reading about chocolate edamame and chocolate nipplesAkumaHokoru said:read your logs again.
wow you took that seriously...I meant capcom is not discussing sf nearly as much as they discuss random shit so it isnt exactly SF central.Happy Phantom said:found 3 mentions of chocolate referring to ssf4, one of which was someone asking what it meant. That's going back to around early Jan. Don't feel like ctrl+fing through all of this to keep reading about chocolate edamame and chocolate nipples
ah, misread. Of course it's not just SF but it's a good sample of the community and they discuss that shit pretty frequently.AkumaHokoru said:wow you took that seriously...I meant capcom is not discussing sf nearly as much as they discuss random shit so it isnt exactly SF central.
the_log_ride said:Just wondering. I first played on a big hdtv, and the input lag was unbearable. Trying it online was even worse. 'Just saying.
_dementia said:That samsung should have a "game mode" to reduce lag by a bit.
the_log_ride said:And that's why I asked. what _dem said is correct. Find the option for game mode on that sucker, and you'll be able to tell a bit of difference.
Kunohara said:Yeah actually it does. I tried it once and never noticed a difference. I thought it was for how it looked. I'll try it out tonight.
Pop On Arrival said:Calling Super Chocolate or strawberry is fucking dumb and people should stop doing it. Goodness.
overhead reset into overhead resetbiosnake20 said:
_dementia said:overhead reset into overhead reset
Square Triangle said:Does it have a deeper learning curve than MVC3?