Pa Superman
Is that Dean Cain!?
That's some John Wesley Shipp style casting!
Pa Superman
one of them is definitely parasite![]()
Status check on the purple badguys? Any guesses as to who these people will end up being?
This is sort of amusing. Do guys complain there is too much "You go man!" kind of tone in the male-led show trailers?
Is that Dean Cain!?
That's some John Wesley Shipp style casting!
Speed Force >>> All
The mom is Helen Slater from the Supergirl movie. She also played Clark's birth mother in Smallville,
My name is Oliver Queen...
My name is Barry Allen...
My name is Kara Zor-El...
This looks half good half bad. I'll probably watch an episode or 2 before I decide.
I wish they'd just fucking ditch that and give us a proper opening. I dont even mind if the opening is just the title shown for a couple seconds, the "my name is" on every single episode is getting annoying.
Why do they always pick the worst music for these trailers?
holy shit ally mcbeal?
i'm disappointed not a lot of gaffers recognize her. am i old?
holy shit ally mcbeal?
i'm disappointed not a lot of gaffers recognize her. am i old?
I did notice her but didn't wanna say anything.
and the last thing I saw her in was ally was a long time ago.
holy shit ally mcbeal?
i'm disappointed not a lot of gaffers recognize her. am i old?
Looks great to me.
I'm also interested in this Limitless show. Really shocked Bradley Cooper is going to have a recurring role on it. Never really watch CBS anymore but I'll watch those.
and the last thing I saw her in was ally was a long time ago.
perfect fitI noticed... and that she seems to have a face half made of plastic.
Look okay. I'll give it a shot. The special effects don't look as good as the Flash though.
But man, every hero in the Arrowverse is terrible at keeping their secret identities. It's only the pilot and already her sister, her love interest, and Jimmy Olsen know.
Not that I'm complaining, mind. The hero trying to keep their loved ones from finding out their secret identity is always one of the more annoying aspects of superhero stories. I just think it's funny is all.
perfect fit
Action Comics: Brainiac by Geoff Johns and Gary FrankLOOOL!!! Where is this from??
That's kind of great. Hope they son't carry the curse though.The mom is Helen Slater from the Supergirl movie. She also played Clark's birth mother in Smallville,
Action Comics story arc "Brainiac"LOOOL!!! Where is this from??
Nothing to fear about it going up against Gotham. </scorpion> took it to the woodshed last season. Plus it's just an all around bad show with no voice or vision. Supergirl has already shown to be more engaging.My fears have been addressed. The trailer was charming and fun. The action looks like it could be pretty good as well.
So glad they did away with her family not knowing. Since Man of Steel had Lois finding out who Clark was I'm glad other DC shows have made steps to not bother with that tired hide the identity from family and friends cliche. Really liking what they've done so far with Olsen. I just hope the "my cousin" thing doesn't get old.
Still not sure with putting this head to head with Gotham but it's clearly going after different audiences and hopefully it can be just as successful.
holy shit ally mcbeal?
i'm disappointed not a lot of gaffers recognize her. am i old?
They kinda gave away a bit much in that clip though didn't they? feels like I know the entire first season now.