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Supergirl: First Look (~6 minutes of clips from the upcoming Fall CBS show)

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Pa Superman


Is that Dean Cain!?

That's some John Wesley Shipp style casting!


I've had zero interest in most comic book shows on the air (I have a fleeting interest in maybe watching The Flash and Agent Carter one day, but absolutely zero interest in SHIELD, Constantine, Arrow, and especially Gotham), but that was a fucking great trailer.

It got the humor down perfectly, the lead is charming and engaging... I was really dubious, but I am in.



Hope it doesn't turn as shitty as Smallville did (that 10 years was a LONG 10 years) but I am totally on board.

It was funny, and they are getting rid of the whole "Hey only my family can know I am a superhero"

The Lead is cute and completely into the character.
I like the suit too, More than than I though I would.
Solid trailer. Decent effects, good character interaction.

As to the Arrowverse connection... I'm thinking it'll be tenuous, at best. Network president didn't want it to tie in fully, but it's possible we'll get some Multiversal shenanigans somewhere down the line.
This is sort of amusing. Do guys complain there is too much "You go man!" kind of tone in the male-led show trailers?

I know I sound like an idiot but you get what I mean right?
It seems way too perky.. I have never liked the sugary form of female empowerment
I prefer the Sarah Connor/Ellen Ripley style confident bad-ass which may not suit Kara

Consider the Flash trailer... it's all about Barry's wonderment at his powers... becoming the impossible

Supergirl is more... tee hee! I'm a girl but I'm a superhero too... tee hee!
Masculine equivalent would be some dudebro shit about shootin hoops and dating the prom queen

Let me put it another way. The show is Supergirl and not Superwoman hence the protagonist lacks a certain degree of wisdom and maturity


I'm intrigued. We'll see how it goes.

*goes into a coma with instructions not to wake until the first teamup/crossover ep*
This looks half good half bad. I'll probably watch an episode or 2 before I decide.

My name is Oliver Queen...

My name is Barry Allen...

My name is Kara Zor-El...

I wish they'd just fucking ditch that and give us a proper opening. I dont even mind if the opening is just the title shown for a couple seconds, the "my name is" on every single episode is getting annoying.


Parts of it were cringe-worthy, but other parts seemed genuinely interesting. I'll definitely give it a chance though.
This looks half good half bad. I'll probably watch an episode or 2 before I decide.

I wish they'd just fucking ditch that and give us a proper opening. I dont even mind if the opening is just the title shown for a couple seconds, the "my name is" on every single episode is getting annoying.

See I like the "My name is...." intro because it reminds me of the little box under the title character's name in the comics that quickly describes the character and their origin. It's a nice comic nod that I thought worked well for a serialized show.
holy shit ally mcbeal?

i'm disappointed not a lot of gaffers recognize her. am i old?

I'm sure a lot of us recognize her but it's not like Alley McBeal is a recent show or that Callista has a lot of heat from a recent project or anything.

I mean the most iconic thing from the show is the dancing baby, which I think more people will associate with dial up internet than it's actual origin.


and the last thing I saw her in was ally mcbeal...man...that was a long time ago.

Remember when Ally McBeal was the first stop on Robert Downey Jnr's comeback tour after being in prison.

I didn't watch the show but I seem to remember him playing a piano playing lawyer?

Ahhh life.

You so cray-cray.
Look okay. I'll give it a shot. The special effects don't look as good as the Flash though.

But man, every hero in the Arrowverse is terrible at keeping their secret identities. It's only the pilot and already her sister, her love interest, and Jimmy Olsen know.

Not that I'm complaining, mind. The hero trying to keep their loved ones from finding out their secret identity is always one of the more annoying aspects of superhero stories. I just think it's funny is all.
Freaking. SOLD. A little annoyed they gave away basically the entire plot of the first episode, as CBS seems wont to do for the DC-verse shows, but it hooked me right in.

The fem Clark Kenting was a bit much though.
Look okay. I'll give it a shot. The special effects don't look as good as the Flash though.

But man, every hero in the Arrowverse is terrible at keeping their secret identities. It's only the pilot and already her sister, her love interest, and Jimmy Olsen know.

Not that I'm complaining, mind. The hero trying to keep their loved ones from finding out their secret identity is always one of the more annoying aspects of superhero stories. I just think it's funny is all.

I love it when all pretense is just ditched out the window. Fucking everyone in Arrow and Flash know now and the shows are better off for it. Trying to keep the identity secret is just cheap drama and makes everyone look stupid.
Some of you have weird expectations. This was perfectly fine. If anything, it's the most "marvel" thing DC has done. Which I suppose you can that all sorts of ways

Seems we've come a long way since Lois and Clark.


My fears have been addressed. The trailer was charming and fun. The action looks like it could be pretty good as well.

So glad they did away with her family not knowing. Since Man of Steel had Lois finding out who Clark was I'm glad other DC shows have made steps to not bother with that tired hide the identity from family and friends cliche. Really liking what they've done so far with Olsen. I just hope the "my cousin" thing doesn't get old.

Still not sure with putting this head to head with Gotham but it's clearly going after different audiences and hopefully it can be just as successful.
My fears have been addressed. The trailer was charming and fun. The action looks like it could be pretty good as well.

So glad they did away with her family not knowing. Since Man of Steel had Lois finding out who Clark was I'm glad other DC shows have made steps to not bother with that tired hide the identity from family and friends cliche. Really liking what they've done so far with Olsen. I just hope the "my cousin" thing doesn't get old.

Still not sure with putting this head to head with Gotham but it's clearly going after different audiences and hopefully it can be just as successful.
Nothing to fear about it going up against Gotham. </scorpion> took it to the woodshed last season. Plus it's just an all around bad show with no voice or vision. Supergirl has already shown to be more engaging.
The trailer was okay - what stood out the most was that the CGI was pretty iffy. I guess I've been spoiled by the Flash and how well they've handled the visual effects for that show. Anything with her flying looked pretty awful - hopefully they can reshoot it/touch it up for the actual show airing.

Also looks like they're going with the "everybody she knows knows she's Supergirl" motif that Arrow and Flash have done.


They kinda gave away a bit much in that clip though didn't they? feels like I know the entire first season now.
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