I am actually kind of left wondering how they are going to handle all the non-action parts of the show, if they aren't going to deal with her having a double life. They cannot afford to fill the show with Avengers-esque massive CG setpieces, so there actually needs to be some kind of compelling character drama to fill out most of the runtime.
Those legs though
I already don't like her coworker who has a crush on her. Yes, the only reason she wasn't interested in dating you is because she's gay. Eye roll.
Meanwhile, one of the most popular superhero books (and to a lesser extent, movie series) ever is X-Men.
Which is nothing if not a damned soap opera.
Also, that dude driving the truck is fuckin dead.
I already don't like her coworker who has a crush on her. Yes, the only reason she wasn't interested in dating you is because she's gay. Eye roll.
looks so good
That's Winslow Schott.He's also apparently her next door neighbor.Better known as Toyman.
Does she have basically the same powers as Superman, or is it different? The only Superman comics I read were The Death of Superman, and I remember when Doomsday punched her she turned into a pile of flesh-colored goop. What was up with that?
One thing I've been thinking about regarding the similarities between Supergirl and the Black Widow skit is that SG being a low level employee at a magazine kinda fits her character and comics counterpart. Unlike Black Widow, professional spy, or Wonder Woman from that pilot a few years back, Kara has a secret human identity and a normal job to go with it.
That would be him fucking her shit up...
Anyways, yeah, she's basically as powerful as Superman (sometimes she's referred to as potentially more powerful).
So why doesn't Superman turn into goop when punched by Doomsday? He's just stronger, I guess?
Looks very happy.
This is in the same universe as Smallville?
And why is she older when she left Krypton?
Because Death of Superman is a bad comic. lol
But really, Supergirl has a super fucking weird history. They did a ton of weird shit with her, much of which didn't really make sense. At one point she had shape-shifting powers or some shit... I can't remember.
That would be him fucking her shit up...
Anyways, yeah, she's basically as powerful as Superman (sometimes she's referred to as potentially more powerful).
This is in the same universe as Smallville?
Kara was basically in cryogenic sleep in space, and didn't end up on Earth until years after she was supposed to.And why is she older when she left Krypton?
What the fuck @ that pic.
So why doesn't Superman turn into goop when punched by Doomsday? He's just stronger, I guess?
That's Matrix Supergirl, a shape-shifting alien, not Superman's cousin Kara Zor-El.
No. Smallville already had a Kara, and she was actually Supergirl awhile before Clark became Superman.
Show us the light oh superior being!I'm not seeing what makes this look so good for some of you. But enjoy, I guess.
What the.Coming right up
I think Kara has the same TV that I just got a few days ago. Hah.
Coming right up
Is it a Sony?