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Supergirl: First Look (~6 minutes of clips from the upcoming Fall CBS show)

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I am actually kind of left wondering how they are going to handle all the non-action parts of the show, if they aren't going to deal with her having a double life. They cannot afford to fill the show with Avengers-esque massive CG setpieces, so there actually needs to be some kind of compelling character drama to fill out most of the runtime.

Since she's working in a newspaper you can bet that she will turn into journalist pretty quickly. Plus with her being alien and there being an agency built to fight aliens there's bound to be also a lot lore and investigations into alien activity too. Throw in action scenes and relationship bits (family, friends, boyfriend) and you got fully packed episodes.
It also looks genuinelly funny, so that will also help to fill the gaps between set pieces.
Those legs though


why? i said damn.

also, are they seriously going with the whole glasses/no glasses disguise like supes?


Aftershock LA
It looks fun, but that music is eye willingly bad. It's giving me Jem movie trailer vibes.

I like the actress playing Kara, and Flockhart looks like she's having fun with it. Jimmy is too cool to be Jimmy.

I already don't like her coworker who has a crush on her. Yes, the only reason she wasn't interested in dating you is because she's gay. Eye roll. I'm concerned about it being too tropey, but it looks fun, and I'm totally on board. It looks way better than the Wonder Woman pilot.
I already don't like her coworker who has a crush on her. Yes, the only reason she wasn't interested in dating you is because she's gay. Eye roll.

That's Winslow Schott.
Better known as Toyman.
He's also apparently her next door neighbor.

And that guy she's fighting in parts is
Meanwhile, one of the most popular superhero books (and to a lesser extent, movie series) ever is X-Men.

Which is nothing if not a damned soap opera.

Also, that dude driving the truck is fuckin dead.

The first pictures of her in costume were a bit underwhelming, but I had faith that the Arrow/Flash team knew what they were doing. After this preview, that faith is renewed. She is adorable.


One thing I've been thinking about regarding the similarities between Supergirl and the Black Widow skit is that SG being a low level employee at a magazine kinda fits her character and comics counterpart. Unlike Black Widow, professional spy, or Wonder Woman from that pilot a few years back, Kara has a secret human identity and a normal job to go with it.


Does she have basically the same powers as Superman, or is it different? The only Superman comics I read were The Death of Superman, and I remember when Doomsday punched her she turned into a pile of flesh-colored goop. What was up with that?


Aftershock LA
But it wasn't funny. It's the obvious, overplayed "joke" that if a chick isn't interested in you, it must be. Because she's gay, and not because you're a total tool. I get he's over-confident and oblivious, but that joke is sooooo fucking tired and overdone. Just because it happens in real life doesn't make it better. I feel the same way when the joke is about a guy who's not interested in a girl, and she's like, "What, are you gay?" It's stupid and not funny.

With that said, the show looks very fun. I'm really looking forward to it. I think the actress playing Kara is perfect from the but we see. I'm not a fan of the glasses secret identity, clumsy Schlick, but only because that had always been Clarks thing. I think Kara could get away with being more of herself without the classic Kent forced awkwardness. Unless she's actually awkward, in which case, go for it!


Does she have basically the same powers as Superman, or is it different? The only Superman comics I read were The Death of Superman, and I remember when Doomsday punched her she turned into a pile of flesh-colored goop. What was up with that?

That would be him fucking her shit up...

Anyways, yeah, she's basically as powerful as Superman (sometimes she's referred to as potentially more powerful).


One thing I've been thinking about regarding the similarities between Supergirl and the Black Widow skit is that SG being a low level employee at a magazine kinda fits her character and comics counterpart. Unlike Black Widow, professional spy, or Wonder Woman from that pilot a few years back, Kara has a secret human identity and a normal job to go with it.

the DCWomenkickingAss twitter was saying the same thing earlier. the black widow skit is an antithesis to the entire character of Natasha so it's funny and the point is perfectly made. whereas for Kara, romance and hijinks is natural for a "regular" sunny girl who is also a superhero.


That would be him fucking her shit up...

Anyways, yeah, she's basically as powerful as Superman (sometimes she's referred to as potentially more powerful).

So why doesn't Superman turn into goop when punched by Doomsday? He's just stronger, I guess?
But wasn't the Supergirl during the Doomsday stuff not really Supergirl but some weird clone? I haven't read it since it came out, so I am probably forgetting a bunch of stuff.


I like the feel-good vibe I get. Too many super hero shows take themselves too seriously (
), so I like this!


So why doesn't Superman turn into goop when punched by Doomsday? He's just stronger, I guess?

Because Death of Superman is a bad comic. lol

But really, Supergirl has a super fucking weird history. They did a ton of weird shit with her, much of which didn't really make sense. At one point she had shape-shifting powers or some shit... I can't remember.


Aftershock LA
I also love that the show is much more lighthearted. I am so over the super serious grim dark shit other shows are. It's one of the things I love about The Flash as well.

There's nothing wrong with letting your super hero show be light and fun and campy.


Looks very happy.

This is in the same universe as Smallville?

And why is she older when she left Krypton?

No, but it's the same universe as Flash/Arrow. Or it could be... I think that's still unclear, but it could potentially cross over.

Her rocket took some weird alternate route/wormhole to Earth or something, and so when she arrived on Earth, Clark was already an adult.


Because Death of Superman is a bad comic. lol

But really, Supergirl has a super fucking weird history. They did a ton of weird shit with her, much of which didn't really make sense. At one point she had shape-shifting powers or some shit... I can't remember.

Okay yeah, I looked it up myself and it's a different version of Supergirl with a weird and really convoluted origin story. She was a T-1000 styled shape-shifter, so it makes sense that she turns into goo when Doomsday rocks her:


In an alternate reality (a "Pocket Universe") three Kryptonian criminals (General Zod, Faora and Quex-Ul) escaped the Phantom Zone, and tried to take over that reality's Earth. There was no Superman in this reality (his younger self, Superboy, having died before the criminals' escape) but there was a Lex Luthor who had not turned evil. Using an artificial life-form called the "protoplasmic matrix", Lex created a red-headed woman, Matrix, who resembled his true love, the deceased alternate-reality Lana Lang. Matrix possessed all of Lana's memories, due to Lana's synaptic pathways being copied into Matrix. Lex had also patterned her physiology to resemble Superman's, whom he had seen by using one of his many inventions to look into the mainstream universe.

Like Superman, Matrix was superhumanly strong and fast, and could fly, but she also had the powers of shapeshifting, telekinesis, and cloaking (including invisibility). Matrix wore a version of Superman's uniform, shapeshifted into a young blonde woman, and fought the three criminals as Supergirl. However, her powers were no match for theirs. Desperate, Lex sent Matrix into the mainstream universe to recruit Superman. Her efforts were successful, and Superman did aid in stopping the Kryptonian criminals, but the alternate Earth had been ruined, and was now lifeless. Superman took the orphaned Matrix back to the mainstream DC Universe with him, where she served as the Post-Crisis world's first in-continuity Supergirl.


Not bad at all. The constant shifts in tone is interesting, from something out of The Devil Wears Prada to a superhero show to family drama to romantic comedy.

It'll be interesting to see how it balances those all out. I'll give it a shot.


I'll watch for sure, but having Supes in the background is going to get old pretty fast, unless they find a way to make that interesting.

It'd be awesome if Supes disappeared leaving Kara to defend Earth, and build a larger mythology about his disappearance or something. Him flying around in the universe but never showing him would harken back to Smallville vibes.

Can't have a Superman universe without Superman.


I'll watch first before judging. If they cut out those terrible songs, the show would be better for it.
No. Smallville already had a Kara, and she was actually Supergirl awhile before Clark became Superman.

So is it movie Superman? Or is it just the current DC TV show universe where Superman hasn't been shown yet?

Edit: read a reply above, yeah I guess it's just that DC TV universe. I wonder if they'll have a Superman show again.

Van Owen

It's really weird how the office scenes look like it could be just another episode of some CSI show the way it's shot and lit.


Feels kind of chick flick-ish without the details. But both Arrow and Flash didn't look that good in previews either. Speaking of which, glad it's taking place in that universe.


Meh....if this series comes out before Arrow/Flash, I would've been all over it.
All this cheese felt like a chore to endure now.
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