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Supergirl: First Look (~6 minutes of clips from the upcoming Fall CBS show)

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Wow, was half expecting Hoku to start playing somewhere in that preview. I don't think this is for me. It'd be great if it turns out to be a show girls are into, and gets into some empowerment aspects and all... but I just don't think I'm the demographic for this show. And that's OK. There are enough shows for me already. Hope the people that are interested enjoy it. It just looks too much like a soap opera for me, the "going about life in my secret identity" scenes are generally the worst parts of superhero shows IMO and this looks like it's going to be mostly that. I'm too old for this. But maybe it can be a show for teens like Smallville was for me in high school, I could see that. That's certainly what it looks like the preview is aiming for.



I'm super hyped.

She's pretty lucky that guy didn't wear a seatbelt.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper

Someone buy Jimmy Olsen a new shirt because it feels like he's gonna take off his shirt or it's going to tear itself and reveal himself to be Steel.

Okay, so, this does bring up the fact that Jimmy Olsen would make a perfect Steel. John Henry Irons was basically just a dude who idolized Superman and wanted to fill in for him. Who, besides Lex Luther, loves Superman more than Jimmy?

This show could totally go that way with the Steel character. I mean, the guy they got playing him is clearly going to become a superhero at some point (you don't waste prime beefcake on a nobody like comics Olsen) so why not Steel?
Watching quality shows like Game Of Thrones, True Detective, Fargo etc. really makes network stuff like this look like absolute garbage to me. It's like going back to a reheated frozen pizza after been to a Michelin star restaurant. I just can't do it.

It's not just me, right?


does she live on the same planet as Superman (and if so wouldn't she be older than Superman because she is already a child when she leaves)? Or a completely different planet that also happens to get destroyed a few years later


does she live on the same planet as Superman (and if so wouldn't she be older than Superman because she is already a child when she leaves)? Or a completely different planet that also happens to get destroyed a few years later
It was mentioned earlier in the thread that her and Superman left Krypton at around the same time, but Kara arrived MUCH later, which is why she is younger than him.


Watching quality shows like Game Of Thrones, True Detective, Fargo etc. really makes network stuff like this look like absolute garbage to me. It's like going back to a reheated frozen pizza after been to a Michelin star restaurant. I just can't do it.

It's not just me, right?

There are network shows better than any of those you've named :]

And Supergirl is for weekly fun. Nothing more. Can I assume you also never go to cinema to watch any big budgeted movie?


Watching quality shows like Game Of Thrones, True Detective, Fargo etc. really makes network stuff like this look like absolute garbage to me. It's like going back to a reheated frozen pizza after been to a Michelin star restaurant. I just can't do it.

as long as you're watching those shows with your pinkies up...


Looks cute and fun.
I was actually expecting to be disappointed, but was pleasantly surprised despite some cringey music and slice of life stuff.

It being on the same time as Gotham sucks though.. but I guess that's what shows on demand are for. I'd probably watch Gotham first, then Supergirl after.


Unconfirmed Member
Without the proper context, that being a
super powered villain
, that's a really F'ed up thing to do.


At least say you are spoiling something and not just putting random ass text in a spoiler tag.


Not bad at all...so like everyone in her entourage knows she is Supergirl or what lol...? and I think I just watched the first episode/pilot,that was a long peek. ;)
I hope not. There's already too many crossovers with Arrow and Flash we don't need another show added to the mix. Let it stand on its own.
I like connected universes, it is part of what made the DCAU great.

We already have Gotham which isn't connected, but Supergirl is by the same people behind Arrow and Flash so it makes sense to have the same universe.


Having connected universes is great for DC, and exactly what I want from their comic scene. Having connected universes always made more sense to me because it allows them to evolve the stories off the big screen, and bring the big action to the silver screen.

Can't wait, going to be awesome.

The Cowboy



Those CGI scenes will not stick for the rest of the season. No way. It's going to be 70% Miss Kent and 20% supergirl


Thanks. Now that second promo was a lot better. The CGI looks a bit iffy on a few of the new scenes though.


I hope not. There's already too many crossovers with Arrow and Flash we don't need another show added to the mix. Let it stand on its own.
The exec producer of this (and arrow/flash) got it in his contract for Supergirl that he can use her on Arrow and the Flash as well. It will crossover.


ah-mazing lol

Assistant to the head of a major media mogul... I dunno, I'd imagine that pays pretty well.

Probably this, but if not it wouldn't be the first time a tv character had a house/apt way beyond their means. Just one of those tv reality things.


The exec producer of this (and arrow/flash) got it in his contract for Supergirl that he can use her on Arrow and the Flash as well. It will crossover.

How does that make sense though? From this preview we see that Superman is part of the Supergirl world and everyone knows about him yet in the Arrowverse powered people were unknown till the Flash. Arrow spoilers:
Heck they were suprised to encounter a powered person on The Arrow who wasn't in Central City when the Particle Accelerator was turned on
The idea of Superman flying around saving the world doesn't fit with what we know about the Arrowverse


How does that make sense though? From this preview we see that Superman is part of the Supergirl world and everyone knows about him yet in the Arrowverse powered people were unknown till the Flash. Arrow spoilers:
Heck they were suprised to encounter a powered person on The Arrow who wasn't in Central City when the Particle Accelerator was turned on
The idea of Superman flying around saving the world doesn't fit with what we know about the Arrowverse

I am sure they will find a way to explain it, it's not like they would add Superman to the story and then think "Oh no we forgot about Arrow/The Flash". Greg Berlanti wouldn't get it worked out in his contract with CBS to be able to bring Supergirl to his CW shows unless he had some kind of plan in mind.

He is already doing little hints and the like on Twitter

Cool to see #Arrow and #Supergirl trending together. A first Twitter-crossover of sorts ;)


Until one of the shows blatantly contradicts the other, I'm just going to assume Supergirl is part of the Arrow/Flash-verse, and that they will connect at some point. And until then, I'll just enjoy the shows separately.


Another trailer, at first I thought it was fanmade but there's new scenes.


For those that said that it would look better with another music.
Holy fuck how do you go from that awful Trailer that reminds me of Pretty Little Liars/The Devil Wears Prada with Superpowers to this really decent trailer? Cut out the shitty music and the lame joke about her fetching the coffee, it actually looks not bad with the second trailer.
hoping this is something my daughter can enjoy and the protagonist can be strong. she was pissed when the first woman meta-human in the flash was just killed in the same episode

although she is 11 so don't know what age this is suitable for yet

Y'know, I was going to recommend Spartacus for strong female characters but then I noticed your daughter is 11....

I think iZombie might be a good show for her (although it doesn't appear to have started airing in the UK yet)? The 100 too, if you don't mind the more mature themes and violence (the themes are pretty mature...mass murder, etc). Orphan Black has very strong female leads too, but deals with some pretty mature/adult themes.

Shows with strong female leads/character for young children do seem to be somewhat lacking now I think about it.
That scene can be seen in alot of tv series that doesn't involve super powers.
It's pretty basic stuff.

This is how a well made scene looks like.

Oh, the scene where the armed guards run against their target with their hands on their guns but don't actually draw them from them holsters? Tell me more about your expertise on "what a well made scene looks like".
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