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Supergirl S2 |OT| The Sky's the Limit - Mondays 8/7c on The CW

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She changed? Is it a requirement to be in uniform even when just dropping by for a quick chat?

Edit: I love The Thing. And most things inspired by it.


Ummmm...can we have this heart-to-heart later? Y'know...when we'vve dealt with the killer martian has been dealt with and the building set to blow up has been defused...?


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Now that Ms. Martian is gone, I think I'll join in on how poorly the character was implemented. Of course, like everyone with strong opinions on Ms. Martian, I'm a fan of her Young Justice version and would have preferred something closer to that than what we got.

They could have saved this arc if they didn't call her Megan. Then you could have had our current female white Martian send down her niece for season 3 and done the whole Supergirl showing her the ropes thing.

Just kind of disappointing. I was looking forward to the character, but now I'm kind of glad they poochied her.
Now that Ms. Martian is gone, I think I'll join in on how poorly the character was implemented. Of course, like everyone with strong opinions on Ms. Martian, I'm a fan of her Young Justice version and would have preferred something closer to that than what we got.

They could have saved this arc if they didn't call her Megan. Then you could have had our current female white Martian send down her niece for season 3 and done the whole Supergirl showing her the ropes thing.

Just kind of disappointing. I was looking forward to the character, but now I'm kind of glad they poochied her.

M'Gann M'orzz Jr, her daughter that she found when she returned to Mars.

The CW has doubled back and rebooted Jimmy Olsen (Smallville) and Black Canary (Arrow), they can do it here.
I'd be mad as hell if I were J'onn. We went through all that shit just for you to leave anyway?
Also it would be cool to see Supergirl use her super speed sometimes and not just in Flash crossovers.


For an organization tasked with dealing with aliens, the DEO was pretty incompetent when dealing with a few white Martians.
I feel like they were better in season 1.
I'd be mad as hell if I were J'onn. We went through all that shit just for you to leave anyway?
Seriously! But then again, it's not like anyone would feel safe with this version of MM as their protector.

In the end, though, it was a good episode and easily the strongest of the White Martian arc. Glad it's over, though. It seems like the show keeps failing to really bring this character's story home for both M'gann and J'onn.


For an organization tasked with dealing with aliens, the DEO was pretty incompetent when dealing with a few white Martians.

Organizations like this can only be competent when dealing with the good aliens. Alternative story interpretation: so many speciests left the DEO after it was revealed who Hank was, that they are weakened.


It was an okay episode. Really did some like a combo of last year's White Martian episode with the trapped in the DEO episode. Would've been a lot better if they hadn't flubbed Miss Martian. Also no way it could top the amazing Jane the Virgin that followed.

Also I'm guessing this episode was light on Mon El because
Chris Wood is showing up on Vampire Diaries very shortly?

Not a joke: Winn's skill set in the universe makes him far more useful paired with Supergirl. Guardian and Mon El are objectively inferior to Kara.
Miss Martian straight up:

I laughed out loud.
For a second I thought J'onn and M'gann were going to kiss and I was like please don't

But then they just went with martian telepathy affection


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Cold takes on Episode 11
- Kara pulling the classic "It's not you...it's you" line. Oh Kara.
- This episode is weird. Has a lot of people just randomly showing up and expositing.
- The acting and dialogue in this one are incredibly flat
- Alex and Maggie are fans of Barenaked Ladies...I see you, Supergirl writers. I see you. 'Odds Are' is a good karaoke song FYI
- M'gann literally pulling a Poochie and going back to her home planet LMAO

This episode felt like it was written to be as cheap as humanly possible. Multiple scenes of characters popping in on each other, severe shortage of extras, "lockdown" so new sets don't have to be used, etc.

Not a fan of this episode or the recent direction of the show. They had one of the best winter finales of the DC cape shows but since then it has been aimless. It's like they're afraid to fully commit to these arcs and ultimately nothing matters. Like why not make the Kara & Mon-el going to another planet a two parter? And I can't tell if they're milking the Kara & Mon-el pairing or if it's another abandoned romantic arc for her. It doesn't feel like there is anything to look forward to. I guess those bounty hunters? But why not tease that a little in this episode so we remember? They obviously had plenty of time to fill.
Yeah, IDK why they thought "hey, let's give J'onn a love interest and let's make it a character that's traditionally been viewed and characterized as his teenage 'niece'." Like, WTF? I gave it a chance and kept an open mind but they completely dropped the ball with the character. I guess at least the bright side is that she wasn't a focal point like how they completely failed the Hawks (especially Hawkgirl) and Vandal Savage over on LoT. I'd be willing to wager had they gong the "Hello, Megan" route and adapted the Young Justice version of the character it would've not only worked a lot better but the character would've been actually popular. They could've altered it by making M'Gann/Megan the teen star with a highly popular TV show as opposed to her adopting the persona like with YJ and gone places from there, they could've even built up to it a bit by having the show airing a few times in the background and promoted in world on those seemingly rare occasions they still go outside during the day before we actually meet her. Could've been a lot more interesting and entertaining than this lame love interest travesty.

And then they pulled a Poochie with her though she probably didn't die on the way back to Mars.

I haven't heard about Barenaked Ladies since the 90s

I think 2003 was the last year of mainstream relevancy outside of their writing/recording the Big Bang Theory theme. It's like they just aged up Alex at least five years.


It's extremely obvious that nobody writing the Arrowverse shows has seen Young Justice. I mean we're looking at staff mostly aged 30+ so it's to be expected but still a shame. Artemis too.

God knows what they'll do to Bart when he shows up. His portrayal in YJ is about the only acceptable thing next to Mark Waid himself writing him.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
It's extremely obvious that nobody writing the Arrowverse shows has seen Young Justice. I mean we're looking at staff mostly aged 30+ so it's to be expected but still a shame. Artemis too.

God knows what they'll do to Bart when he shows up. His portrayal in YJ is about the only acceptable thing next to Mark Waid himself writing him.

I'm totally okay with them wanting to do their own thing but what miffs me sometimes is when their own thing is just a watered down nothing. Something that bugged me here is M'gann's ex husband being the one to cause drama. Honestly, what does that add? It's a quick attempt at fleshing her out but it's just ridiculous and a little too soapy, even for a comic show.

And M'gann rejecting her White Martian form and saying "we're the monsters!" Umm, that's literally against the entire messaging of the show since Day 1. This show beats us over the head with the idea that it's okay to be who or what you are. Like Cat said in Season 1 in regards to the name Supergirl, "what's wrong with being a girl?" Whats wrong with being gay? What's wrong with being an alien? So M'gann gets this weird arc about how she's one of the "good ones" and it ends with her rejecting her actual form and jetting off back to Mars?

Right now what this show is doing is taking very tired teen soap tropes and slapping DC comic character names on them. All the CWverse show have been guilty of that, but I'm seeing the frequency a little more with Supergirl at the moment.
It's extremely obvious that nobody writing the Arrowverse shows has seen Young Justice. I mean we're looking at staff mostly aged 30+ so it's to be expected but still a shame. Artemis too.

God knows what they'll do to Bart when he shows up. His portrayal in YJ is about the only acceptable thing next to Mark Waid himself writing him.

I think that showed with the Bare Naked Ladies thing. I mean maybe there is someone out there who got into BNL while in college in 2007 or 2008, it's possible I guess but two?

Artemis is another failure but as far not on as big of a scale though her using that name doesn't make sense. Oh wait, right they introduced her as a Not Canary. Never mind, faaaaaiiiilll.

This especially especially felt like a version of this.


Good LORD, that was boring as hell. Virtually no suspense, looked cheap, filled with bad dialogue and the battles were blandly directed. I'm already sick of all the romantic subplots and marveling at how poor Mon-El has lost pretty much all his charm since he started pining after Kara.

It feels like the show has lost all direction (not that it's ever been great at long-term planning) and I'm losing the will to keep watching. I hope they pull things together soon.


While i am enjoying the episodes fine at least parts of it, the show has no real direction. I mean at least Flash which is weak at the moment has clear goal this season which is stop savitar so even if it is weak there is something to look forward and gives it direction. While Supergirl doesn't have anything except Aliens i guess. There is also the disappointing Martian plotline and the Guardian shit which annoys me and i am not even perfectly sure why it annoys me.
I'm sorry, I know I'll be in the minority. But after seeing the staggering drop off in quality of all these superhero shows, CW should focus on a lineup of diversity and have one or two really strong shows based off of comics at a time. Examples were Arrow season 1&2, Flash season 1, and Gotham season 2 are all excellent examples.

I would rather Arrow ended this season, give Flash two more sessions with a finite end date. Let them craft the story they want to end with. I would like to see shorter seasons, more continuous story as opposed to "Monster of the Week".

September to December:
- Flash season 4 10-13 episodes total
- Super girl season 3 10-13 episodes total (final season?)

January to May:
- Legend of tomorrow season 3 10 episodes (final season?)
- iZombie season 4 10 episodes (final season)

Then in fall 2018 start introducing new shows: teen titans, Suicide Squad, Dark Justice, Swamp Thing, whatever.

But having shows with a finite start and end date with a crafted story arc outline to cover over the whole lifespan of the show.
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