How is the season so far as a whole? Noticeable improvement over 1? Worse?
It started out better than 1 but has gradually fallen back into its familiar writing problems and complete inability to treat any of its themes with subtlety. I'd say the two seasons are about on par with each other.
Still garbage tier villains?
Yup. They're all monster of the week at the moment. The show doesn't currently have any recurring villains. It's a bit aimless.
Excuse me? There's her legendary rival Livewire and Momma Luthor and um.
Excuse me? There's her legendary rival Livewire and Momma Luthor and um.
I can understand their problem. I mean, The Flash wasn't very good outside of the personality of Barry and co until Reverse Flash shows up. These shows need that focus for the season with an actual compelling villain. Slade in Arrow is a good example as well.
Excuse me? There's her legendary rival Livewire and Momma Luthor and um.
I can understand their problem. I mean, The Flash wasn't very good outside of the personality of Barry and co until Reverse Flash shows up. These shows need that focus for the season with an actual compelling villain. Slade in Arrow is a good example as well.
Ha! See?It's so weird that I actually miss the days Maxwell Lord was hamming it up.
Cold takes on Episode 11
- Kara pulling the classic "It's not's you" line. Oh Kara.
- This episode is weird. Has a lot of people just randomly showing up and expositing.
- The acting and dialogue in this one are incredibly flat
- Alex and Maggie are fans of Barenaked Ladies...I see you, Supergirl writers. I see you. 'Odds Are' is a good karaoke song FYI
- M'gann literally pulling a Poochie and going back to her home planet LMAO
This episode felt like it was written to be as cheap as humanly possible. Multiple scenes of characters popping in on each other, severe shortage of extras, "lockdown" so new sets don't have to be used, etc.
You know we will never let anyone forget him.oh god we've repeated his name so many times and I still forgot
Looks like Metallo will be recurring too, the opening two episodes were good but he sucked.
I was actually wondering why there were so few people in the DEO at the time.
Back on the M'Gann thing, had they used a teen version of the character and made her a TV star they could've made her show one of those attractive yet non-threatening, racially diverse shows on the CW. ¯_(ツ_/¯
Oh, I hadn't noticed, Agent Vasquez was back for the first time this season!
She's been in the background a lot, though, hasn't she?
But yeah, she's finally done something major this season.
It's the weakest of the 3, but it's a fun watch. It's pretty lighthearted throughout. Get pass the subtle-as-an-anvil writing in the first quarter and you'll be good.So I've recently binged Flash Season 1- current and Arrow season 1 to current.
Is Supergirl as good as those? Wondering if its worth my time to watch Season 1.
She hasn't been credited for any Season 2 episode, she was busy infiltrating SHIELD.
So I've recently binged Flash Season 1- current and Arrow season 1 to current.
Is Supergirl as good as those? Wondering if its worth my time to watch Season 1.
So I've recently binged Flash Season 1- current and Arrow season 1 to current.
Is Supergirl as good as those? Wondering if its worth my time to watch Season 1.
A better use of your time would be getting current on Legends of Tomorrow, if you aren't already.
How is the season so far as a whole? Noticeable improvement over 1? Worse?
She hasn't been credited for any Season 2 episode, she was busy infiltrating SHIELD.
They did this in the season 1 finale. "There's only 3 minutes left before everyone on the planet Earth dies from their head exploding.... better talk to my sister about how much I treasure her for like a whole minute!"- Having heart to heart talks while the building's about to explode
They really need to get their main plot going.
No lie detected. I sincerely don't even know what the plot is this season.
Arrow is Stop Prometheus and train the new troops
Legends is survive The Legion of Doom
The Flash is Save the Love Interest, Save the World
Supergirl is...nameless bad guys are after Mon-el, I think? Umm Cadmus existed for a little bit? A cybernetic man who bears no resemblance to Superman is on the loose?
This could actually work in Supergirl's favor. If they have something that they're waiting to spring on the audience, they could make a strong mad dash to the season finale without the plot wearing thin. EDIT: I highly doubt that's the case though. This feels like a show that is searching for a formula that works in real time. Plots are added and then abruptly dropped. It's probably trying to lean more into the superhero stuff now that they're on The CW but in a way that it can differentiate itself from The Flash.
To be fair, we only got two of those plots in the last two episodes. And Flash has since flitted about doing nothing for one of those episodes.
Nailed it.They need to reveal Mon-el as the big bad this season, only thing that will redeem the horribly toxic entitlement his story has been, Kara has been reduced to his girlfriend to win through guilt and persistence. Disgusting.
Give Kara her show back please.
A better use of your time would be getting current on Legends of Tomorrow, if you aren't already.
Give it a shot. The pilot gives you a pretty good idea of what the rest of the show is like (more or less).
It's the weakest of the 3, but it's a fun watch. It's pretty lighthearted throughout. Get pass the subtle-as-an-anvil writing in the first quarter and you'll be good.
But just know, nothing (for the CW superheroes) is as good as Flash Season 1. NUTHING.
I've watched 4-5 episodes of season 1, but idk i think too many characters for me or its just statring slow.
I don't watch LoT but I definitely prefer Flash over Supergirl as it currently stands. Arrow is definitely having the best season of the three.
When the season began, it was:
Now it's:
Legends has been improved by the addition of the Legion of Doom.
Currently for me:
Arrow is just great in almost every way, even if Canary stuff or divisive. Legends is pure swag and comedy. Flash has been improving after Flashpoint stumbles. Supergirl has tailspun since Superman and Cat left with no signs of pulling up like the others.
Flash was pure filler. Done well but still about as formulaic as it gets. Legends was better even if a step down from the last few.