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Supporters, protesters clash at Berkeley Trump rally

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
Yeah, sure. I watched a livestream from most of the event and it was antifa who had knives and threw over 2 dozen M80s into crowds of people. It was antifa who were hostile to the media. There were brawls started by both sides because tensions were so high. And yes, there were a small number of actual white nationalists there but the vast majority were there for supporting free speech.

The whole thing was a shit show really. The extreme right and the extreme left made a fool of themselves as usual.

Sure Jan
I agree with MLK.


Who was then abused by our government, shot and today is forced to share his day of remembrance in some areas with that of a confederate general for the sake of "equality". Violence sure as shit solved the civil rights problem for white supremacists.
What are PoC doing manifesting alongside someone throwing the nazi salute? What the fuck do they think that is the far right endgame?
I blame a complete lack of focus on history classes in schools. Well, that goes for everyone actually. Because white people throwing that sign are just as despicable.
Receipts on this.

And name ten major social issues of the day solved entirely non-violently.
Isn't the point of progressive politics to improve society through government, not vigilante violence?

You could argue that all government action is ultimately violence like libertarians do, but I don't view it as such.



I agree with MLK.


Oh god it's MLK, everyone scatter

...I think America must see that riots do not develop out of thin air. Certain conditions continue to exist in our society which must be condemned as vigorously as we condemn riots. But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice, equality, and humanity. And so in a real sense our nation's summers of riots are caused by our nation's winters of delay. And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again. Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention.

Even MLK knew that the end result of persistent injustice will be violence, and the only way to end such violence is to fix the injustice.

Want to end this violence, fantomena? Stop letting white supremacists talking about genocide.


The white supremacist government we have refuses to keep an eye on these terrorists, what a shame they're getting away with their heinous acts.
By punching them in the face? I don't see how that will stop them.

Yes. I fear using violence will make them stronger, give them more ammo and make it easier for people to symphatize with them.
We are past that point. The silence against it has led to nazi's taking the White House.


By punching them in the face? I don't see how that will stop them.

Sometimes, yes. Violence has been INDISPUTABLY known to help end conflicts of all kinds. Are you trying to rewrite history because it's inconvenient?

You don't even have to like punching in the face to be unable to deny that fact. I don't even like punching in the face, but there are exceptions and people who advocate for the genocide of jews and blacks are one such exception. Violence does solve problems, sometimes. In some scenarios.

And we already saw the results from punching Richard Spencer. After he was first punched for example he canceled his appearance at the Women's March and spoke about how he was fearful to go out. He now has to order security and have getaway cars and makes less appearances as a result.

Did it work? YUP.
Have fun doing that while they punch you in the face.

So your solution is to punch them in the face first? How will this solve anything? I agree that things need to be done about hate speech, but I just don't see how violence will help.

If anything it just gives the white supremacists a tool they can use to help spin their own fallacious narrative


By punching them in the face? I don't see how that will stop them.

Yes. I fear using violence will make them stronger, give them more ammo and make it easier for people to symphatize with them.

Then you educate yourself. Cause all you're doing is taking the blame off of racists and placing it on the people who don't want to be ostracized by them.

If you can sympathize with racism...then you don't think it's bad. There's not much else to that. There is a part of you who think racists have a legit point to make.

Sou Da

So your solution is to punch them in the face first? How will this solve anything? I agree that things need to be done about hate speech, but I just don't see how violence will help.

If anything it just gives the white supremacists a tool they can use to help spin their own fallacious narrative

If you don't give it to them they'll false flag and make up shit anyways, what's your point here?


How aware do you think the average Trump supporter is about the experience of blacks? Is that worth changing?

How long have we tried to tell people about the black experience, hell, let's just go with the minority experience? These people give no fucks, they are envoking people who mass executed Jews for the simple fact of being a Jew.
By punching them in the face? I don't see how that will stop them.

Yes. I fear using violence will make them stronger, give them more ammo and make it easier for people to symphatize with them.

War and violence has literally been used multiple times within society to gain rights where they were denied. From the American revolution to the Civil War to WW2. Violence indeed was the only thing understood by people who sought the subjugation and even the destruction of certain peoples. Without those acts of violence, white supremacy and minority genocide would be today's normal and accepted


Are you trying to rewrite history because it's inconvenient?

Im trying to not use violence against those who do not share my values. Ive never liked violence. I think even if I was in a sitation where I got robbed, I take the robbers gun I would have problem just shooting the robber in the knee.

Even if I wanted to punch a nazi in the face very badly, I would have big problems doing it.


Isn't the point of progressive politics to improve society through government, not vigilante violence?

You could argue that all government action is ultimately violence like libertarians do, but I don't view it as such.

The point of progressive politics is to improve society through achieving equity of opportunity for minorities. There's no stipulation that violence is off the table. Racists and white moderates made that shit up to try and catch progressives in a hypocrisy to devalue their ideology while simultaneously advocating for and laying silent to the violence happening to minorities everyday.

Too bad. Y'all fucked up with this "let's give a white supremacist political administration a shot" "minorities' humanity is up for debate" bullshit. You can't cower away now.

Also, love how you ignored both of my requests and tried to deflect.


Yes. I fear using violence will make them stronger, give them more ammo and make it easier for people to symphatize with them.

"Well Margaret, I was fine with the blacks, jews and gays - but then that nazi fellah got punched in the jaw, and, well heil Hitler, I guess."

Seriously, when has anyone not already receptive to white supremacy been sympathetic to it?
By punching them in the face? I don't see how that will stop them.

Yes. I fear using violence will make them stronger, give them more ammo and make it easier for people to symphatize with them.
Well if you punch someone hard enough he will either get knocked out (and you can't speak while knocked out), or break their jaw, which limits loud speech for a prolonged amount of time.

Im trying to not use violence against those who do not share my values. Ive never liked violence. I think even if I was in a sitation where I got robbed, I take the robbers gun I would have problem just shooting the robber in the knee.

Even if I wanted to punch a nazi in the face very badly, I would have big problems doing it.
Everyone who fought against nazism and actually sacrificed their lives did it so you can live your care free life today. You are alive because good men decided to get violent.


How aware do you think the average Trump supporter is about the experience of blacks? Is that worth changing?

Why do they get a pass on being ignornant, and why must minorities educate them? The average black voter might not know about coal miners in WV, but the they know the GOP will fuck up any safety net that exists. These people will kill themselves as along as brown person has it worse than them.
Im trying to not use violence against those who do not share my values. Ive never liked violence. I think even if I was in a sitation where I got robbed, I take the robbers gun I would have problem just shooting the robber in the knee.
Now imagine that situation and the robber has a second gun and is not afraid to shoot it. Your peaceful view now got you killed.


Im trying to not use violence against those who do not share my values. Ive never liked violence. I think even if I was in a sitation where I got robbed, I take the robbers gun I would have problem just shooting the robber in the knee.
How would take the gun away without using violence?


Im trying to not use violence against those who do not share my values. Ive never liked violence. I think even if I was in a sitation where I got robbed, I take the robbers gun I would have problem just shooting the robber in the knee.

I've never liked violence either.

But the first thing I do when I see a fight between a white supremacist and someone who ain't, I'm not going to make the white supremacist the victim.
Do you even know what thread you're posing in? Smh, how do read this OP and the first thing you decide to do is chastise the people who aren't the alt-right...
Sometimes, yes. Violence has been INDISPUTABLY known to help end conflicts of all kinds. Are you trying to rewrite history because it's inconvenient?

You don't even have to like punching in the face to be unable to deny that fact. I don't even like punching in the face, but there are exceptions and people who advocate for the genocide of jews and blacks are one such exception. Violence does solve problems, sometimes. In some scenarios.

And we already saw the results from punching Richard Spencer. After he was first punched for example he canceled his appearance at the Women's March and spoke about how he was fearful to go out. He now has to order security and have getaway cars and makes less appearances as a result.

Did it work? YUP.
The effectiveness of violence to solve problems is extremely situational. Violence helped end Apartheid for instance, but I'm not sure it would've been a feasible option if blacks were a minority in South Africa at the time. And making them speak less in public is well and good, but in the modern era of the internet it's ultimately not that effective at stopping them from being able to spread a message imo


Talking to someone isn't meeting them in the middle. It is the means by which you introduce new information and criticism which they can use to reevaluate their position.
Nah I'm good. Straight duffing a mother fucker saying that shit to me or around me.
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