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Surface 2 and Pro 2 |OT| Lap it up


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Wow, CNET still being the shittiest tech news out there

the surface pro 2 128 and 256 GB sold out of their launch allocation... How did CNET decide to report this? The surface pro 2 128 / 256 GB models are delayed and won't ship until December 15

like... Holy shit.
What would you like to know? It's pretty much identical to Office 2013 version but misses some advanced features. For most people it's fine but you can't crack open the VB editor or run any high function on it.

Better CPU and higher res screen too.
I am looking to do vlookups on a large scale (i.e. 50k-100k items against a 1500 line item reference spreadsheet), then create pivot tables and pivot charts.

Any guidance you can give me on performance, sluggishness and/or ease of use would be appreciated.


All those that dismiss Windows RT should read the following article:

http://hal2020.com/2013/03/23/does-windows-rt-have-a-place-in-the-sun/ said:
Does Windows RT have a place in the sun?
March 23, 2013

There have been a lot of articles/posts lately questioning the future of Microsoft’s Windows RT. My biggest problem with the anti-Windows RT thinkers is that they take such a short-term focus. Windows RT, just as the Windows RunTime (WinRT) it is named for, are long-term initiatives. We are currently looking at V1 of those and people are trying to project that Windows RT (aka Windows on ARM for its most obvious origin) will die, apparently before even reaching its first birthday. While Microsoft could have a change of direction, I’d bet that the path they started on is very much intact.

Later this year we’ll have V2 of both WinRT and Windows RT. Next year we’ll likely see V3. And as we all know, it typically takes Microsoft (and most others actually) three releases to get something right (or more precisely, to cover the landscape sufficiently for most people to feel comfortable it covers their needs). I think Microsoft will give WinRT and Windows RT the full three releases before considering if they’ve gone in the wrong direction.

I’ve written about this topic a number of times over almost a year and a half. Back in December of 2011 I wrote about why Microsoft was doing ARM support and in January of this year I pointed out that Windows RT was not specifically about ARM. Windows RT is about producing a legacy-free version of Windows for the future. And in between these two I gave some history of the Windows 8 effort that further explains the origins of the WinRT and Windows RT. Numerous other posts offer additional insights.

Let me summarize all this. The Win32 application model is broken and unfixable. Microsoft has been looking to replace it for over a decade. The first version of that replacement, the Windows RunTime or WinRT, was released as part of Windows 8. To scope the effort the version in the first release focuses on what was necessary to address the tablet market, though it is not tablet specific. The name Windows 8 is used to mean versions of Windows capable of running both legacy Win32 apps and new WinRT apps. The name Windows RT is used to mean a version of Windows only capable of running WinRT apps.

In the long run WinRT expands to cover far more of the application space currently addressed by Win32, and Windows RT becomes the mainstream version of Windows. Windows RT and Windows “8″ eventually switch roles, with the non-RT version of Windows becoming the niche offering for those who need legacy Win32 capabilities. Does this happen in Windows “9″, Windows “10″, Windows “11″, or Windows “18″? Who knows But it will happen.

Critics of Windows RT, particularly those who claim it has no role in life, are too busy looking in the rear-view mirror. They are commenting on V1, not thinking about where it will be by V3. But it is the latter that really matters.

Could Microsoft change direction and run to some other alternative to WinRT and Windows RT? Sure. Will they? I doubt it, not at least without seeing the path they are on through another 2-4 years. If at that point the “re-imagination” of Windows has failed we’ll have to see a re-imagination of Microsoft as a whole, probably away from the broad client-computing realm. They don’t want to go there, and the key to avoiding that fate is in making Windows RT succeed.


Wow, CNET still being the shittiest tech news out there

the surface pro 2 128 and 256 GB sold out of their launch allocation... How did CNET decide to report this? The surface pro 2 128 / 256 GB models are delayed and won't ship until December 15

like... Holy shit.

Hahaha! You can't make up shit like this.
All those that dismiss Windows RT should read the following article:

Non-legacy code is a win, regardless of whether the devices sell. I just don't think Microsoft should have called the Surface RT OS "Windows" at all.

SurfaceOS, or TileOS or...anything other than the name Windows on a tablet operating system.

RT has preemptive multitasking, runs tablet apps, has a secure ecosystem, runs the Metro interface which can be argued is the best tablet interface...and it comes with Office 13.

WinRT is a very good tablet OS.

I personally like it because it doesn't allow the installation of baggage code. It keeps the system clean.


Wow, CNET still being the shittiest tech news out there

the surface pro 2 128 and 256 GB sold out of their launch allocation... How did CNET decide to report this? The surface pro 2 128 / 256 GB models are delayed and won't ship until December 15

like... Holy shit.

Their Lumia 1020 review was even worse. They should be sued for spreading so much misinformation.


Non-legacy code is a win, regardless of whether the devices sell. I just don't think Microsoft should have called the Surface RT OS "Windows" at all.

SurfaceOS, or TileOS or...anything other than the name Windows on a tablet operating system.

RT has preemptive multitasking, runs tablet apps, has a secure ecosystem, runs the Metro interface which can be argued is the best tablet interface...and it comes with Office 13.

WinRT is a very good tablet OS.

I personally like it because it doesn't allow the installation of baggage code. It keeps the system clean.

I don't understand why people dismiss RT for not beeing able to run legacy code though. Even with a wasteland of an appstore, Widows RT is a very capable OS. It's not as open as Android, but it sure as hell can do a lot more than iOS. Speaking of iOS, people emphasize apps on it so much that the OS itself is basically an app launcher, nothing more :/


Junior Member
Thanks. That led me to another excellent Windows RT article.

And by excellent I mean it isn't one where someone is saying that they can't run legacy code on an OS that wasn't designed to run a lot of legacy code.

Tell me this then: why won't MS allow devs full access to the desktop? Why can't Firefox or whatever desktop program be ported like Office?

Because they are trying to prevent viruses? Lol.


Tell me this then: why won't MS allow devs full access to the desktop? Why can't Firefox or whatever desktop program be ported like Office?

Because they are trying to prevent viruses? Lol.

Because Microsoft doesn't want you using the desktop environment.
Then why is it there?

See, this is why RT is halfassed.

Because touch Office 13 isn't ready yet. Duh. And even though some consider it half assed, how is WinRT worse than iOS or Android? Considering it's version 1.0 on a tablet I think it's pretty well done.

Lack of apps doesn't equal half assed.

Developers have to create Metro applications for Windows RT. Bypass the desktop all together.


Because Microsoft doesn't want you using the desktop environment.

To add to this.... It's also the way ms has always done things. They go out of their way to keep the legacy stuff in there even when it is a detriment. Just look at the dos prompt still existing in windows 7. They will keep the desktop around until the metro side has matured enough that it can fully takeover.


I am looking to do vlookups on a large scale (i.e. 50k-100k items against a 1500 line item reference spreadsheet), then create pivot tables and pivot charts.

Any guidance you can give me on performance, sluggishness and/or ease of use would be appreciated.

Pivotal tables and vlookups are all possible.

In terms of performance relating to that amount of data, I'm afraid I can't answer because I use Excel RT as supplementary to the PC suite I use at work. So fairly light functions. If you're not sure, put a test file on a USB flash drive and take it to a nearby store that has demo units. Then you can ask the clerk if you can test your file using the Surface.


To add to this.... It's also the way ms has always done things. They go out of their way to keep the legacy stuff in there even when it is a detriment. Just look at the dos prompt still existing in windows 7. They will keep the desktop around until the metro side has matured enough that it can fully takeover.

Not in IT are you?


Just letting you guys know that Australian Surface 2 Pre-Orders have started shipping. A bunch of us received our shipping notifications in the mail this morning.

With some luck we will get them on Friday, or Monday at the latest (they don't ship on weekends here)


Homeland Security Fail
Just letting you guys know that Australian Surface 2 Pre-Orders have started shipping. A bunch of us received our shipping notifications in the mail this morning.

With some luck we will get them on Friday, or Monday at the latest (they don't ship on weekends here)

You better post pictures when you get it.

forget double checking.


Can I use the RT version to stream movies to my ps3? Is there apps that will let me do that?

I have an Acer netbook whose sole purpose is to stream content ... Its starting to die so I've been thinking about what to replace it with.

The RT option doesn't have enough storage though ... Considering the lowest pro option but its kinda pricey ... I could get a cheap laptop or netbook to do the same but my current main tablet (iPad 1) also needs to be replaced. Thinking about an all in one option.


All those that dismiss Windows RT should read the following article:

Interesting, thanks for posting.

The only reservation I have is that applications may only be installed through the windows store, I.e.everything is available to everyone.

Moving forward there needs to be a way for users to order software directly from a third party.


Post Count: 9999
Then why is it there?

See, this is why RT is halfassed.
Because the office team and OS team don't have synchronized releases. Metro Office was simply too far on the horizon and they needed to get something out there
Interesting, thanks for posting.

The only reservation I have is that applications may only be installed through the windows store, I.e.everything is available to everyone.

Moving forward there needs to be a way for users to order software directly from a third party.

Is this possible on an iPad?


Is this possible on an iPad?

No...but if RT is the "future" of Windows as a whole, it better damn well be possible at some point.

That article sounds good and all, but it gives no comfort to current RT owners who feel bad about the lack of apps. The future doesn't matter when you own a current product that won't see that future.

Anyway. My Mom got a Surface RT at a benefit auction and I set it up for her and played with it for a while. I liked it a lot. Got her a Type Keyboard from Amazon and it is really nice with that on it. I think she'll really like it when 50/50 "snap" feature comes.
No...but if RT is the "future" of Windows as a whole, it better damn well be possible at some point.

That article sounds good and all, but it gives no comfort to current RT owners who feel bad about the lack of apps. The future doesn't matter when you own a current product that won't see that future.

Anyway. My Mom got a Surface RT at a benefit auction and I set it up for her and played with it for a while. I liked it a lot. Got her a Type Keyboard from Amazon and it is really nice with that on it. I think she'll really like it when 50/50 "snap" feature comes.

I can see that. But I don't see it being a problem for Apple and their iOS platform. They still have a successful (profitable) Macintosh business even though iOS won't run on Macintosh computers. And we all know how popular their iOS platform is, and it won't run ANY Macintosh apps.

Isn't the idea to get the Metro OS on a tablet because the Metro OS is an appealing touch interface for a tablet? I know Metro OS is way more natural to use through it's touch interface than it is with a keyboard/mouse/trackpad.

Microsoft didn't blunder with the design of Surface RT.

They blundered in the MARKETING of Windows RT. They also may the mistake of trying to keep OEMs happy by not lowering the cost of the unit by $150 initially.

Anyway when would you propose they "cut the cord" per say? Android/iOS/Kindle OS devices are going to continue to become more and more popular.


I was wondering why Amazon has these pages up for the Surface 2 and Pro 2: seems like they will be selling them if my chat with a customer service rep is any indication

Part of me hopes its just a misunderstanding on the rep's end (I clarified by noting "Ships from and sold by Amazon.com", rather than just saying on Amazon, since there are a lot of third party sellers), but if this is true it's huge since Amazon didn't directly sell the first Surfaces, but it sounds like release day delivery is out of the question.

Again, grain of salt, but if this is true you heard it here first :p

Too bad I'm going to the MS store in Costa Mesa, can't beat 10% discount.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Fuck, I have an original Pro and an original RT, but I want the 2.... I won't preorder, but if I manage to sell my RT on craigslist, I will pick up a 2 day one.


Homeland Security Fail
I think I'm going to have to settle on the 128GB model. Result of being a broke college student.
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