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Surfer girl nonsense, resistance and killzone fans go away please

I hope the GTA on XBLA and or PSN comes true. These games are freeware these days and are GREAT games. They could turn a profit on these and please the community at the same time.



I'm banning this fucking thread if I don't hear an announcement in the next three months.


I posted this in the Tales of Versperia thread by accident. But anyway.

Xun said:
Here's a old one from her I just read.

5) The Getaway (PS3) is scheduled for release in Q4 2008.

No it's not, ha. The SOHO team is working on a FPS. The Getaway was put on hold.


Xun said:
I posted this in the Tales of Versperia thread by accident. But anyway.
I am one of those who believe in SurferGirl, but.. why would Sony stop production of a free roaming city game for a FPS if they are already confident in what Guerilla Games are doing with Killzone. They don't need two FPS properties if Killzone can do it.


butthurt Heat fan
I like the rumored additions to the Xbox Originals lineup, and if the 2D GTA titles hit Xbox Live Arcade, I'll bite if they have achievements and multiplayer. :D
Anastacio said:
I am one of those who believe in SurferGirl, but.. why would Sony stop production of a free roaming city game for a FPS if they are already confident in what Guerilla Games are doing with Killzone. They don't need two FPS properties if Killzone can do it.

Because FPS sell like crack.


butthurt Heat fan
Anastacio said:
I am one of those who believe in SurferGirl, but.. why would Sony stop production of a free roaming city game for a FPS if they are already confident in what Guerilla Games are doing with Killzone. They don't need two FPS properties if Killzone can do it.
That didn't stop Sony from greenlighting Resistance, amirite?


SolidSnakex said:
Because FPS sell like crack.
Of course but it's not a valid excuse really.. Sony already thrust in their approach to new IP games like Afrika, Lair and Heavenly Sword. A free roaming city game can sell as well, just like the original Getaway with its good advertising.


*LOVES* Bob Marley
Anastacio said:
I am one of those who believe in SurferGirl, but.. why would Sony stop production of a free roaming city game for a FPS if they are already confident in what Guerilla Games are doing with Killzone. They don't need two FPS properties if Killzone can do it.
Dont forget about Haze and Resistance 2.


Nino said:
Dont forget about Haze and Resistance 2.
Of course, though Haze isn't from a Sony studio and I'm talking about Sony studios only because we're "discussing" the Getaway-on-hold (Sony).
Anastacio said:
Of course but it's not a valid excuse really.. Sony already thrust in their approach to new IP games like Afrika, Lair and Heavenly Sword. A free roaming city game can sell as well, just like the original Getaway with its good advertising.

Of course they can sell, that's why they have SP working on inFamous. So they aren't ignoring that genre. But FPS are the big genre of this generation, much like open world games were last gen and platformers were before that. So companies are going to put a priority on them.


Escape from Neighborhood Wolfenstein doesn't really have the same ring to it.

My dream of fighting a robot with Hitler's decapitated head in its chest is looking hazier by the minute.


*LOVES* Bob Marley
Anastacio said:
Of course, though Haze isn't from a Sony studio and I'm talking about Sony studios only because we're "discussing" the Getaway-on-hold (Sony).
IIRC, Sony took over the marketing duties for Haze now that it's 'exclusive'.


An blind dancing ho
well if it's next gen "Lifeforce Tenka" ( first FPS game from Sony and it was made by psygnosis = studio liverpool -SOHO is within studio liverpool now ) then YAY

but i can't trust Surfer Dude's rumors .
Nino said:
IIRC, Sony took over the marketing duties for Haze now that it's 'exclusive'.
I certainly hope Ubisoft is picking up the cheque for this marketing or it flies in the face of Tretton's statement that we don't buy exclusivity.


Anastacio said:
I am one of those who believe in SurferGirl, but.. why would Sony stop production of a free roaming city game for a FPS if they are already confident in what Guerilla Games are doing with Killzone. They don't need two FPS properties if Killzone can do it.

They already have assets for Getaway built, don't they? London Studio doesn't really have any experience making FPS games and market is already super crowded (Killzone 2, Resistance 2, SOCOM Confrontation, Zipper), making a multiplayer component is another major hurdle, so I doubt it's true.


Totobeni said:
well if it's next gen "Lifeforce Tenka" ( first FPS game from Sony and it was made by psygnosis = studio liverpool -SOHO is within studio liverpool now ) then YAY

but i can't trust Surfer Dude's rumors .

Soho is part of London. Liverpool is part of the group that the Motorstorm team is now under.
twinturbo2 said:
That didn't stop Sony from greenlighting Resistance, amirite?
Insomniac is independent. Sony didn't have to greenlight anything.

As for the Getaway, supposedly the first showing will be in early 2008 so we'll know soon enough.

Personally I doubt they canned it.


Master of the Google Search
Amir0x said:

I'm banning this fucking thread if I don't hear an announcement in the next three months.

*saves link to post*

I'll be back in 3 months


aka iby.h
question in the comments
some guy said:
5) Is Castlevania Wii on the works?

surfer girl said:
surfer girl said...

anonymous two: Possible, don't know, no, no, yes (probably nothing to get excited about though). Capcom is looking to do an epic re-invention of their classic IPs (Castlevania, Mega Man, Bionic Commando, Street Fighter, others) with next-gen versions, whatever they are doing on Wii would not be remotely associated to this.



Just for the record it was my "rumour" (which I know is real).

Team SOHO's next game will be an FPS.


Would it really kill them to just release GTA and GTA 2 without any additions for free? Really? Or even one of them? Or does the word "free" not work on consoles or something?


Tain said:
Would it really kill them to just release GTA and GTA 2 without any additions for free? Really? Or even one of them? Or does the word "free" not work on consoles or something?

On PSN I could see it happening but on Live I doubt it.


Xun said:
Guys, I can confirm my "rumour" is real.

Team SOHO's next game will be an FPS.
So they are working on a FPS on top of Home, The Getaway, and 8 Days? Are you sure about that? I know SOHO is a large team, but 4 major titles plus whatever else they have going on(PS Eye stuff, ect.) sounds unrealistic. Unless they canceled 8 Days which would suck, but even if they did, that would still sound like too much.


That's pretty much what I'm saying. These games are free on PC, rumored to come out to downloadable services with additional mission packs.

The whole "with additional mission packs" thing sounds like an excuse to charge for the games.


Madman said:
So they are working on a FPS on top of Home, The Getaway, and 8 Days? Are you sure about that? I know SOHO is a large team, but 4 major titles plus whatever else they have going on(PS Eye stuff, ect.) sounds unrealistic. Unless they canceled 8 Days which would suck, but even if they did, that would still sound like too much.
Eight Days isn't by Team SOHO, the same applies for Home.

All I know is The Getaway has been put on hold for an FPS, but that's all the information I have.


Xun said:
Eight Days isn't by Team SOHO, the same applies for Home.

All I know is The Getaway has been put on hold for an FPS, but that's all the information I have.

Do you know when The Getaway was put on hold? Might give us a good idea as to how far along the FPS is.


An blind dancing ho
Kittonwy said:
Soho is part of London. Liverpool is part of the group that the Motorstorm team is now under.

thank you

Kittonwy said:
They already have assets for Getaway built, don't they? London Studio doesn't really have any experience making FPS games and market is already super crowded (Killzone 2, Resistance 2, SOCOM Confrontation, Zipper), making a multiplayer component is another major hurdle, so I doubt it's true.

SOCOM Confrontation and ( i think ) Zipper next projext is not ""FPS"" ya know better than any one else .

so one more FPS is good if it will help to make more FPS lovers to buy PS3s .

Metalmurphy said:
Insomniac is independent. Sony didn't have to greenlight anything.

what ?

R:FOM is Sony's game ..it's SCEA's IP made by Sony's freaking green money with insomniac awesome talents , Insomniac can't do anything with R:FOM/R:FOM2/R&C without sony's order , in fact all 2nd/3rd party devs who works on Ps3-PS2-PSp projects can't do shit with Sony's IP without Sony permission /greenlight .
This chick seems to loooooooooooove EA. Everytime there's a remote opportunity to compare a game to an EA title she pounces on it, and tends to put the EA title is a favorable light. See Wolfenstein this time around.
Totobeni said:
what ?

R:FOM is Sony's game ..it's SCEA's IP made by Sony's freaking green money with insomniac awesome talents , Insomniac can't do anything with R:FOM/R:FOM2/R&C without sony's order , in fact all 2nd/3rd party devs who works on Ps3-PS2-PSp projects can't do shit with Sony's IP without Sony permission /greenlight .
They just published the game dude. That's like saying Bioware can't do Mass Effect without MS money.

Insomniac is independent.




Xun said:
Eight Days isn't by Team SOHO, the same applies for Home.

All I know is The Getaway has been put on hold for an FPS, but that's all the information I have.
I was thinking of Sony London as a whole.

I guess I would understand why they would do an FPS, but it seems odd they would just stop making a major title in the Getaway, especially given Sony already has 2 major FPS IPs.


Metalmurphy said:
But that's because they're working on a IP that does belong to Sony. Twisted Metal.

And IIRC one of the deals of the break up was a couple of games for Sony.

Here's Shu Yoshida on the process of game development at SCEA, and he specifically mentions that this works for the external developers published by SCEA as well. It gets a little muddied because he likes to say they have the "red light" power versus giving an all-encompassing "green light."


Shu Yoshida said:
Hello, my name is Shu Yoshida, I’m a Senior Vice President of Product Development here inside SCEA, and I oversee the product development group in the US for SCE’s Worldwide Studio, headed by Phil Harrison. For a little perspective on the US portion of the Worldwide Studio group, you should know we have eight studios in six US cities reaching from Redmond, Wash. down to San Diego, Calif. We also work with some very talented developer partners like Insomniac, Factor 5 and Sucker Punch. My role is a bit unique in the industry, heading up first-party development, so hopefully in time I can provide some interesting insights to readers of this blog.

To start, I wanted to give you guys a broad view of a question I often get asked — how does a game project get started?. For a lot of people, how a game idea goes from concept to final product is a bit of a mystery, but let me try and shed some light.

The truth is, each game is unique and each publisher has its own process for getting a project approved (often called “green lighted”).

Specifically though, in our case at SCEA, we do not have a “green light” process per se. Rather, we call ours a “red light” process. A project is typically initiated by a studio, whether the idea comes from an internal team or an external developer. We almost never impose a project from “the top down,” where we say something like “We need a fantasy adventure game. Go make one.” Instead, we truly believe the best ideas come from talented individuals who are passionate about their ideas and propose them to us, thus fostering further creativity. First comes the basic idea, which is then developed into an overall concept. Only then does it get to be presented to the studio director, me, Phil Harrison, product marketing, etc., to get our initial feedback. At that point not much money has been spent, and often times the studio has multiple concepts developed as candidates.

When a concept is chosen, the next step is to develop it into a prototype. For a PS3 Blu-ray project, a prototype can take over a year and can cost $2-5 million which used to be a full budget not so many years ago, during the PS1 age. Once we have a prototype, we have an opportunity to present the new project to wider cross sections of people within SCE, ranging from product development to marketing teams around the world. We actively seek feedback on several factors including, how attractive the game is to each territory’s audience, what’s the potential market, what’s the competition, etc., so we can steer the course of development before we develop the project too far. We have this same audience review our games several more times once in full production as well (which is the final process of development after the prototype) to double check that the game is on track to be an attractive title to our market and, most importantly, to make sure the game is darn good. I’ve included a few images here that show some of the conceptual drawings and art for a title you’re probably familiar with Calling All Cars. Those familiar with the title will recognize some of the vehicles and levels from these early drawings.

So, why do we call it the “red light” process? Because any time along the way, following those meetings with people from around SCE, the game can be canceled or changed. So, rather than just “green light” a project and let it run its course, we would rather reserve the right to “red light” a project if it isn’t going to live up to our high standards. Many ideas and concepts go this route and end up canceled or put on the back burner until the market has shifted to bring it to light. When those great games end up in your living room, after years of development, there is always a development, marketing or executive team, and someone like me, eagerly awaiting those press reviews and your thoughts and comments on places like this blog.
Xun said:
Eight Days isn't by Team SOHO, the same applies for Home.

All I know is The Getaway has been put on hold for an FPS, but that's all the information I have.

Pardon my ignorance. Who are you again?


An blind dancing ho
Metalmurphy said:
They just published the game dude. That's like saying Bioware can't do Mass Effect without MS money.

Insomniac is independent.

come on man i am a freaking junior ..you older than me here , you must know this shit already .

anyway ..here you go ( new infos to you YAY )

it's all about who own the IP , Insomniac is independent yes but they work on sony's IPs

Resistance: Fall of Man is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. Developed by Insomniac Games. (c) 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. "PlayStation", "PlayStation 3",and the "PS" Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc.The Sony Computer Entertainment logo is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation


Bioware did own Mass Effect IP and not MS

MASS EFFECT © 2003-2007 BioWare Corp. Mass Effect, BioWare Corp., the BioWare Corp. logo, BioWare and the BioWare logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of BioWare Corp

^ see ? this is very important crap .

the one who own the IP is the one who have the full full and complete control on it , also as IP owner you must founded the project and that what sony do with all of it's 2nd party dev project ( Folklore , LAIR , R&C series ect ) all with sony money/permission..sony can take R:FOM from Inso and let other dev to make RFOM2 , why , cuz it's sony's IP , it's the power of © .
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