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Surfer girl nonsense, resistance and killzone fans go away please

B-Ri said:
id ont knwo why people would want crysis on consoles, itll be the most incredibly gimpped thing, and nothing like what the developers had intended crysis to be.
how does crysis look on a pc that can run bioshock as well as the 360?

from what i saw of it, the dx9 path looks really nice.


Fourth Storm said:

Look at that! A list of rumors that any one of us who has followed the industry could easily have guessed! Let's shower this person with praise and give this blog more precious hits! More, I say!

This seems awfully hard to guess:

Virtual recreation of an existent earthquake from Eidos is called Downfall: San Francisco and takes place following the San Francisco Earthquake in 1906.


Jstevenson where iz my Resistance 2 info rawr?


I still don't get all the doubters though, it's pretty obviously she's a real deal. It would be imposible for her to have had the PoP beta stuff or gotten the Resistance stuff right, otherwise.

Because the collective hivemind thinks that evey insider blog is a filthy liar, so this must be a lie too. Also, she is a girl LOLZ what does girls have to do with gaming? (see also: every topic about Jade Raymond).


Right, lets just put these up for future reference :

Killzone 2 @ 2nd of September ( master due on 29 july ) September release due to *resistance 2 in november*

Resistance 2 = strength in numbers, lots and lots of enemies allthough graphically not that much better ( obviously ). 64 player multi.

Killzone 2 includes a desert level.

Killzone 2 = 30fps, no vsync though
Ikael said:
Because the collective hivemind thinks that evey insider blog is a filthy liar, so this must be a lie too. Also, she is a girl LOLZ what does girls have to do with gaming? (see also: every topic about Jade Raymond).

I dont have any problem with her outside of the high-and-mighty, arent-I-awesome tone of her writing. I dont consider her any better or worse than any other rumor source/monger on the internet.


Nah, I wasn't refearing to you dsgunstar, but it amazes me the kind of vitrol that some have putted here, as if her mere existance offended them or something, more than the usual. Incomprensible, specially since Surfer Girl has got lots of things right, and lots of them weren't educated guesses or safe predictions but rather scorn-worthy things like the comeback of Duke Nukem.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
If SurferGirl posts on NeoGAF that means that SurferGirl really is a dude unless it is Dragona or one of the posters that pretend to be women.


There he goes again. One second he's there. The next, he's gone. Oh, jstevenson. Why must you deprive us of our Resistance 2? What am I to do now? I need my big reveal.

Oh yeah, I'm not Surfer Girl so you can move that magnifying glass elsewhere. :D You know, I always thought Surfer Girl was just some personae developers and publishers use to tease fans to establish hype outside of the norms. I don't think you guys will find any paticular person.


Basch said:
There he goes again. One second he's there. The next, he's gone. Oh, jstevenson. Why must you deprive us of our Resistance 2? What am I to do now? I need my big reveal.

Oh yeah, I'm not Surfer Girl so you can move that magnifying glass elsewhere. :D You know, I always thought Surfer Girl was just some personae developers and publishers use to tease fans to establish hype outside of the norms. I don't think you guys will find any paticular person.

I think it is jstevenson. Hence all the Resistance 2 + other Sony info. He also uses his Full Moon Show connections to talk to outside developers (with a $500 Child's Play bribe per episode).


What we do know is it's someone that's a Wii60 gamer, hates Ubi, loves EA, and liked Blacksite. Liking Blacksite should narrow it down quite a bit just by itself.


Basch said:
There he goes again. One second he's there. The next, he's gone. Oh, jstevenson. Why must you deprive us of our Resistance 2? What am I to do now? I need my big reveal.
What if jstevenson was surfer girl. With all the Resistance stuff (and the fact that egm confirmed cars and tanks in multi), it would fit.

Edit: beaten :(


Basch said:
There he goes again. One second he's there. The next, he's gone. Oh, jstevenson. Why must you deprive us of our Resistance 2? What am I to do now? I need my big reveal.

Oh yeah, I'm not Surfer Girl so you can move that magnifying glass elsewhere. :D You know, I always thought Surfer Girl was just some personae developers and publishers use to tease fans to establish hype outside of the norms. I don't think you guys will find any paticular person.

You denied it a bit too quickly... I've got my eye on you!


TTP said:
Wollan :lol

Nah. If it was him, he would have given us all one of his special paintings. :lol

AltogetherAndrews said:
Basch is notorious for posting seriously old news. If he is Surfergirl then it's a damned good disguise he's got going.

You know me best. :D


In all seriousness, many have speculated that she has some connections to EA. She often says very positive things about EA (while saying negative things about Activision and other large companies for franchise-exploiting/shovelware-making activities--even though EA also does similar activities).
numble said:
In all seriousness, many have speculated that she has some connections to EA. She often says very positive things about EA (while saying negative things about Activision and other large companies for franchise-exploiting/shovelware-making activities--even though EA also does similar activities).

:lol That'd make sense. Especially after that post she made where she described how screwed up UBI is.


SolidSnakex said:
:lol That'd make sense. Especially after that post she made where she described how screwed up UBI is.

1) What do you think of EA?
Industry leader committed to quality, innovation and originality. No other company would have let Will Wright make Spore and definitely no one else would give Will tens of millions of dollars to develop a game about evolution with complete creative freedom. No one else would spend tens of millions on marketing on said title. Et cetera.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
B-Ri said:
id ont knwo why people would want crysis on consoles, itll be the most incredibly gimpped thing, and nothing like what the developers had intended crysis to be.

1 - Not everyone has a gaming PC.
2 - Looking at the average specs of crysis players, it wont be that much different on consoles.
3 - More money for the developers.


4 - Simply to annoy PC gamers? :D


Disaster: Ubisoft and the Kingdom of Delayed Product

Kudgel informs of the latest episode of the perpetual situation comedy known as Ubisoft.

The videogame based on Lost was so terrible that when the company sent it to Sony for approval, they refused, saying "no, your game is too boring and has no gameplay, we don't want it on the Playstation 3." This videogame will beat records at being bad and will bomb really hard.

The next Splinter Cell game has been redone three times over already. Developers just can't seem to include good gameplay in it. That's part of why it got delayed. Same can be said about Rainbow Six Vegas 2. The story was abysmal and it was supposed to be a prequel to Vegas in the early stages of development. Developers then said it made no sense at all, because the first Vegas game finished with a "To Be Continued" screen. They delayed it to work on the story and add some maps.

Far Cry 2 has also been delayed because it was terrible. The game does not look like NEAR what has been shown. Even with the best PC available to the developers, the game just does not match what has been shown so far. Far Cry 2 is both bad and requires one hell of a machine (PC) to run.

Really sucks about Conviction as I'm really looking forward to it but doesn't look like it'll be finished until next Q2 '09.

edit: link to article
angelfly said:
Disaster: Ubisoft and the Kingdom of Delayed Product

Really sucks about Conviction as I'm really looking forward to it but doesn't look like it'll be finished until next Q2 '09.

:lol She loves her some UBI.


Junior Member
angelfly said:
Disaster: Ubisoft and the Kingdom of Delayed Product

Really sucks about Conviction as I'm really looking forward to it but doesn't look like it'll be finished until next Q2 '09.

The next Splinter Cell game has been redone three times over already. Developers just can't seem to include good gameplay in it. That's part of why it got delayed. Same can be said about Rainbow Six Vegas 2. The story was abysmal and it was supposed to be a prequel to Vegas in the early stages of development. Developers then said it made no sense at all, because the first Vegas game finished with a "To Be Continued" screen. They delayed it to work on the story and add some maps.

Yeah it does suck but the bolded part above is even bigger. So many people are looking forward to this game. Sam's fans will not be happy.

LOL@ Lost Game.
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