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Surfer girl nonsense, resistance and killzone fans go away please


Well it sucks to hear the Lost game is uber crap especially since I just pre-ordered my PS3 copy today.


Word is out that you're going around calling me a girl. With a surfeboard or something.
Got anything in your defense? No? Then... break yourself!


angelfly said:
Disaster: Ubisoft and the Kingdom of Delayed Product

Really sucks about Conviction as I'm really looking forward to it but doesn't look like it'll be finished until next Q2 '09.

edit: link to article

When the SONY approval process rejects it, it MUST be really, really bad.

LOLZ @ Splinter Cell Conviction. Never liked it even when I first saw it, Ubisoft trying that social stealth thing on top of a main attraction like parkour is one thing, when that's your core gameplay, it might get a little thin.



Wollan said:
Word is out that you're going around calling me a girl. With a surfeboard or something.
Got anything in your defense? No? Then... break yourself!

I hear that surfing is pretty popular in Australia.


SolidSnakex said:
If not she sure likes them quite a bit and doesn't seem to care too much for the company seen as their biggest competition (UBI).

I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it if i were you.

She doesn't know anything about Ubisoft either... the Vegas 2 being both a prequel and a sequel thing has been public knowledge for weeks and all she has done is put her own spin on it. It's all pretty laughable really.


I just hope she's wrong about the Indiana Jones title. If she's right about Ubisoft, which I some times wonder about her credibility, that really sucks.


Suckin' dicks since '66
angelfly said:
Disaster: Ubisoft and the Kingdom of Delayed Product

Kudgel informs of the latest episode of the perpetual situation comedy known as Ubisoft.

The videogame based on Lost was so terrible that when the company sent it to Sony for approval, they refused, saying "no, your game is too boring and has no gameplay, we don't want it on the Playstation 3." This videogame will beat records at being bad and will bomb really hard.

The next Splinter Cell game has been redone three times over already. Developers just can't seem to include good gameplay in it. That's part of why it got delayed. Same can be said about Rainbow Six Vegas 2. The story was abysmal and it was supposed to be a prequel to Vegas in the early stages of development. Developers then said it made no sense at all, because the first Vegas game finished with a "To Be Continued" screen. They delayed it to work on the story and add some maps.

Far Cry 2 has also been delayed because it was terrible. The game does not look like NEAR what has been shown. Even with the best PC available to the developers, the game just does not match what has been shown so far. Far Cry 2 is both bad and requires one hell of a machine (PC) to run.

Really sucks about Conviction as I'm really looking forward to it but doesn't look like it'll be finished until next Q2 '09.

edit: link to article

That that is a real bummer about Splinter Cell and Far Cry 2 no wonder it got delayed hopefully they will bust out with a good game. Btw is Splinter Cell on its even or odd cycle sequel? yah know because of the whole odds being the good ones.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Ouch, i thought that Lost game look really nice visually but yeah, i cant imagine it as a game, Uncharted without the platforming............ but shit... maybe.
Elbrain said:
That that is a real bummer about Splinter Cell and Far Cry 2 no wonder it got delayed hopefully they will bust out with a good game. Btw is Splinter Cell on its even or odd cycle sequel? yah know because of the whole odds being the good ones.




Absolute bullshit.

Don't believe Surfer Girl's post. The guy is totally lying or posting info he got from extremely bad sources. Especially about two of the big games he talked about.

What a dumb fuck.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
To ban the source or not ban the source I'm sure one mod is pondering this right now... :lol


Zen said:
Tell us how you really feel (and back it up).

Yeah right, fuck this. He mods his comments to prevent people from posting counter points anonymously on his blog. Whatever, believe what you want. At least I know first-hand he's full of shit.


Ether_Snake said:
Yeah right, fuck this. He mods his comments to prevent people from posting counter points anonymously on his blog. Whatever, believe what you want. At least I know first-hand he's full of shit.
Too much he said/she said. Not enough proof.


He's always bitching about Ubisoft and everything he says about the company is made of half truths. He probably has a friend who's tester over there and who gives him second hand info.


How can Far Cry 2 not match what has been shown. Isn't what was shown gameplay? The video I saw was shakey cam and I didn't see a man playing but the way the video went I inferred that there was someone actually controlling the action. Were they running it on a Cray or something?


Draft said:
How can Far Cry 2 not match what has been shown. Isn't what was shown gameplay? The video I saw was shakey cam and I didn't see a man playing but the way the video went I inferred that there was someone actually controlling the action. Were they running it on a Cray or something?

He's bullshitting. Little does he know that recently the game was shown to journalist at the studio anyway. Whatever, I'm out.


I hope you're right because FC2 looks hot and I am really looking forward to the next true (read: French Canadian) Splinter Cell.
I am starting to think that Surfer Girl may have ties to EA because she certainly hates Ubisoft.

I understand that the situation may be messed up, but she is so freaking brutal towards them. She isn't like that towards other publishers, in fast she fucking loves EA. I have a feeling that this may be a PR outlet that EA has conjured up to release information about the industry while trickling in some EA propaganda every now and again.


The person in this blog works for EA right? Anyone that has played a rainbow or Splinter Cell game wouldn't be worried about gameplay. SC was most likely pushed back to give AC room to breath.


Didn't Edge do a multiple page feature on Far Cry 2 recently? I only scanned through the article but I think they were pretty impressed iirc.


Kittonwy said:
When the SONY approval process rejects it, it MUST be really, really bad.

LOLZ @ Splinter Cell Conviction. Never liked it even when I first saw it, Ubisoft trying that social stealth thing on top of a main attraction like parkour is one thing, when that's your core gameplay, it might get a little thin.


the idea was Splinter Cell Bourne which if done right could be awesome. No need for parkour.


Suckin' dicks since '66
_Alkaline_ said:


Well the odd law dictates that this one shall be good so don't worry guys! :D BTW I know this one is out of context Does anyone have the gif from the killzone 2 reveal thread 1 week before E3 2007. It's the one where a crate fall over some dude and Ken Kutugari busts out with a Hellgast helmet.


Ether_Snake said:
Yeah right, fuck this. He mods his comments to prevent people from posting counter points anonymously on his blog. Whatever, believe what you want. At least I know first-hand he's full of shit.
What did you try to post that was blocked/modded?


Has no PEINS
Kbsmoker said:
what the hell is going on in this thread. Someone sum it up in 13 words or less.
Surfer girl knows stuff but is pretty fishy butts butts butts butts butts


Far Cry 2 has also been delayed because it was terrible. The game does not look like NEAR what has been shown. Even with the best PC available to the developers, the game just does not match what has been shown so far. Far Cry 2 is both bad and requires one hell of a machine (PC) to run.

So they take all that they made this far, throw out of the fucking window and dumb down the engine, graphiscs, effects, levels etc. to fit on 360/ PS3.

"Hey, it runs wonderful on our PCs now... weird."

Seems logical.



when did Surfer Girl say that Resistance 2 is Graphically superior to Killzone 2? I don't even see that pic that looks like the first game in an earlier build.


but ever so delicious
A surprise about far cry 2 but at the same time not so much. What was shown seemed to be rather empty, look a hill, some grass, oh a tree and thats about it. The wind with fire and all of that other stuff was awesome and interesting. But the look of where you are is just really bland with no real detail, compared to say crysis.

So i wonder what they have done with it since it was shown. shrunk the area a bit? wasnt it meant to be 50 miles or something insane like that? And not a shock that you will need a fast PC, duh.


charsace said:
The person in this blog works for EA right? Anyone that has played a rainbow or Splinter Cell game wouldn't be worried about gameplay. SC was most likely pushed back to give AC room to breath.
No, it wasn't.

Of course, she exaggerates a lot but most of her info is usually true, as far as I can tell.
Yoboman said:
There's not much to like

They'd be alot better if they'd hire people to make some of their good ideas work. It sounds like SC is going through the same trouble that AC apparently went through. A nice idea that they have no idea how to properly execute.
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