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Surfer girl nonsense, resistance and killzone fans go away please


TheJollyCorner said:
I see 4 questions and 5 answers. ?
This was the 4th question: What exactly is preventing Square Enix from releasing anything related to FF7 / 8 / X on a Nintendo system? Do Kitase or Nomura have issues with Nintendo that we don't know about?


klee123 said:
The problem is that the pre rendered backgrounds were drawn at a really low resolution. In order for it to be at least 720P compatible, they need to redraw every background from scratch.
They'd simply render the scenes again, at a higher resolution. No need to do anything from scratch.


dillenger said:
I just hope there isn't some misinformation about the ps1 remakes if it happens to be true. Where as we think Square is remaking ps1 classics for the psn,what were getting are ports of the remakes they've already released for the PSP (Valkyrie Profile Lenneth,FFT Lion War,Star Ocean 1st,2nd etc)

Wich would be awful. (since i already own a psp and those games except so)

edit: although i see the ffvii comment now so who knows.
I wouldn't mind getting some of the PSP ports. I'm interested in the new translation for FFT, but I don't want to get a PSP. Ports should be relatively cheap and painless for Square.


Ether_Snake said:
Just because a few of his rumors/sources are legit doesn't mean everything else he says is. A lot of complete bullshit has been said about Ubisoft.
OK, but could you tell us what it is? Apparently you're willing to post it publicly (you complained earlier about not being able to post it on the blog) but yet you've refused to do so here.
I can't believe someone hasn't shutdown this site yet.

I happen to have worked and know friends that currently work in a big studio she has reported 'news' from and they're all true which makes it scary in a way since it would make a lot of what she says genuine.
SketchTheArtist said:
I can't believe someone hasn't shutdown this site yet.

I happen to have worked and know friends that currently work in a big studio she has reported 'news' from and they're all true which makes it scary in a way since it would make a lot of what she says genuine.

How could they get shutdown?
maybe the SurferGirl is the Sony Prophet under a new name?


"she my lil' surfer girl..."


FoneBone said:
OK, but could you tell us what it is? Apparently you're willing to post it publicly (you complained earlier about not being able to post it on the blog) but yet you've refused to do so here.

I said he can block messages from being posted on his blog's comment section, so if someone says he wasn't right on this or that, he just doesn't post it. But no, I can't deny publicly what the guy says, not even under this nickname. Quite frankly I don't really care, but I don't like the way he characterizes the studio, because a lot of what he says is just based on misinformation that is then completely distorted and often in a very negative way.

For example; game gets delayed because the gameplay isn't good enough yet. What does he posts? "Gameplay was ridiculous, utter bore fest, whole script had to be re-written, they brought the creative director guy from Rainbow 6 to fix it all up!" That's wrong, amateurish, false, insulting, and can put some people in trouble (like, "the guy from Rainbow 6", who would be seen as promoting himself by sending anonymous info to a blogger, about how he helped fixed some other game, when in fact he had nothing to do with the false rumor to begin with).
Ether_Snake said:
Just because a few of his rumors/sources are legit doesn't mean everything else he says is. A lot of complete bullshit has been said about Ubisoft.
I said give him some credit. Not believe everything he says.
SketchTheArtist said:
I dunno. Magic?

I mean, she should be well-known through most big companies by now and if they would see some of their 'secrets' come out like that, they would investigate.

I don't really know what they could get against whoever is behind the site to shut it down. No one really seems to know who it is. People have guessed that its a girl, its a guy or that its a group of people who just use surfergirl as an alias so they can post NDA material. Whoever it is has some of the best sources around though, even if not all of them turn out to be true.


Best sources around? No. All you need is a start, then random people from random companies will send you info or rumors. Add to this exaggeration and misinformation that gets lost in the few truths and it gives it all that much more attraction.

Most of his info probably comes from former employees of different companies, who got layed off or quit out of anger because they bitched to no end about the gameplay mechanics of a game they were working on which they kept saying would tank, only to see it succeed anyway (Bioshock), or from QA staffs who get only bits of info from the production (Ubisoft), or just unprofessional people who feel like sending some info (Insomniac/Gameinformer).

Really, if you were working for a game company right now and felt like passing along some rumor or secret info, WHICH place would you send it to at this point? His way most likely.


Ether_Snake said:
For example; game gets delayed because the gameplay isn't good enough yet. What does he posts? "Gameplay was ridiculous, utter bore fest, whole script had to be re-written, they brought the creative director guy from Rainbow 6 to fix it all up!" That's wrong, amateurish, false, insulting, and can put some people in trouble (like, "the guy from Rainbow 6", who would be seen as promoting himself by sending anonymous info to a blogger, about how he helped fixed some other game, when in fact he had nothing to do with the false rumor to begin with).

So her posts about Red Steel 2 is what has you annoyed?


Milabrega said:
So her posts about Red Steel 2 is what has you annoyed?

I bet when that game comes out, every problem she talked about will still be in there. But it doesn't take an insider to know that it's going to be total trash.


Ether Snake is so unbearable in this thread, especially in light of all the rumors that have become fact very recently. Why are the Sony fanboys the uptight ones nowadays?
Zilch said:
Ether Snake is so unbearable in this thread, especially in light of all the rumors that have become fact very recently. Why are the Sony fanboys the uptight ones nowadays?

What does being a Sony fan have to do with anything? Ether_Snake seems to be upset over what they've said about UBI more than anything else.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Surfer Girl's new rumor said:
Surfer Girl strikes again with yet another rumor. Here is a comment a user made on one of Surfer Girls blog posts.

“ok so theres this little thing called the GDC coming up. What can we expect from the Microsoft Camp?”

Surfer girl replys:

“Something called Gears of War 2, the pack of previously-announced 08 releases and a couple of surprises.”

Is she credible?


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Domino Theory said:
Is she credible?
Gears 2 is not a secret. I would really trust in her if she was to say what any of those other surprises are (obviously she cant).
godhandiscen said:
Gears 2 is not a secret. I would really trust in her if she was to say what any of those other surprises are (obviously she cant).

Well, that's really the rub, isn't it? It's not that Surfer Girl doesn't have real information, but... how many places does she go out on a limb? "Gears of War 2, the already announced stuff, and some surprises" was precisely my prediction for Microsoft's GDC showing too. :lol

Ether_Snake is, like, flipping out about the Ubi stuff for some reason, but I think he's basically accurate in suggesting that SG just posts whatever random industry people email in (or guesses on stuff that's not too controversial.)


Ether_Snake said:
Just because a few of his rumors/sources are legit doesn't mean everything else he says is. A lot of complete bullshit has been said about Ubisoft.

you still never provided any proof that what she said was wrong apart from "she's a tranny!", and lots of things she's said about Ubi have turned out to be right, so it looks like you're the one who's bullshitting.


Yoboman said:
I'm thinking everything 3D, just not with FFXIII level of visuals. It'll probably be chibi-ish like the DS remakes :\ They'd have to recreate all backgrounds anyway, cause they won't transition to HD

The backgrounds wouldn't transition to 3D. They were static renders in the first place, they can't just press a button to make them completely 3D again.

They'd have to do everything from scratch


ElFly said:
The backgrounds wouldn't transition to 3D. They were static renders in the first place, they can't just press a button to make them completely 3D again.

They'd have to do everything from scratch
Who said they would?


She posted some new goodies.

1) Obsidian is NOT making Baldur's Gate 3.
2) Don King's Prizefighter is NOT very good, as previously said.
3) Crysis is NOT a PS3 exclusive.
4) L.A. Noire is still NOT coming to the 360.
5) A Wii Star Fox IS under development.
6) Guitar Hero DS IS one of the four Guitar Hero games that EGM mentioned and IS coming out this fall.
7) Something called Gears of War 2 IS going to be at something called GDC.
8) Black Rock Studio's first game under its new moniker IS a PS360 off-road title coming in the fall.
9) Grasshopper Manufacturer's next game, a PS360 title, IS delightfully polarizing.



I don't see how someone could know this much. I could understand being having inside from a single publisher/developer or even as wide a scope as Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo. But having knowledge of the entire industry? What position gives you that kind of information?


Zilch said:
Do you really believe this blog is run by a girl who enjoys surfing?

I believe in the possibility it could be a girl. I honestly think just referring to surfergirl as "she" is simpler than going on and on about "him" because gamers are in denial that a girl could possibly know anything about video games.
harSon said:
I don't see how someone could know this much. I could understand being having inside from a single publisher/developer or even as wide a scope as Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo. But having knowledge of the entire industry? What position gives you that kind of information?
Shun the non-believer. Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnn.


harSon said:
I don't see how someone could know this much. I could understand being having inside from a single publisher/developer or even as wide a scope as Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo. But having knowledge of the entire industry? What position gives you that kind of information?

Game agents / headhunters

Perhaps someone like Melanie Cambron for example


An blind dancing ho
Greatness Gone said:
No. Suda said he was would begin work on a 360 title after No More Heroes was done with development.

well , i don't know Suda's story but i think he shift to Wii ( before that he was working on 1 or 2 PS3 ( and 360 ? ) titles , then he announced NMH for WII ( and cancelled PS3 project ? ) , then Ka booom no sales for NMH in Japan he got mad attacked Wii and nintendo and shift 2nd time to HD systems .

but yeah , if you want money from your games PS360 is the way to go
Greatness Gone said:
No. Suda said he was would begin work on a 360 title after No More Heroes was done with development.

Right, but we were also told that Grasshopper would start work on Fatal Frame after NMH was done as well.


Grasshopper will start on Fatal Frame when work on No More Heroes, recently announced for a US release via Ubisoft, has finished. Given that No More Heroes was developed on Wii, Grasshopper seems content on Nintendo's console.

Totobeni said:
but yeah , if you want money from your games PS360 is the way to go

Didn't really help him last gen on the PS2, though.
Suda's games just aren't the big sellers people think, and NMH actually was one of his better selling ones.
harSon said:
I don't see how someone could know this much. I could understand being having inside from a single publisher/developer or even as wide a scope as Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo. But having knowledge of the entire industry? What position gives you that kind of information?

journalists sworn to ndas?
harSon said:
I don't see how someone could know this much. I could understand being having inside from a single publisher/developer or even as wide a scope as Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo. But having knowledge of the entire industry? What position gives you that kind of information?

Knowing Journalists and developers around the world. Not caring about NDAs. Some games are under NDAs for months ahead of their official unveilings to the mass media.
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