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Surfer girl nonsense, resistance and killzone fans go away please


Well on another forum, f.ishie. claims that the surfer girl rumor is coming from him...

His previous prediction on KZ2 before E3 was that the graphics wouldn't really impress and that there wasn't anything too special about the title, so, yeah...believe this if you want, but sounds like complete bull.


non-sanctioned troll
Snah said:
Right, but if the claims of the ridiculous budget are true, it can still sell highly and not turn a profit directly.

Which is why, at some point, Sony has to stop the free flow of funds to this project if it has ballooned. There are far more deserving games, and devs, that have proven themselves worthy of investment over guerrilla.

If this was R2 these comments were being made about, I would feel a little differently as both ,the game (the first one) and the dev, have proven themselves more than capable.
Deepblue said:
You haven't seen any of that. No one in the public has. How the hell can you presume to judge that will all turn out amazing?
Man, read the full posts next time will ya? We were talking about KZL.
Dante said:


Hot! :lol


Dante said:
It was on the 1up Liepzig special, and Game Informer played it as well.
I didn't think they did hands-on in the special (as in, a journalist, not a dev, playing the game) but I didn't know about GI.


Snah said:
Well on another forum, f.ishie. claims that the surfer girl rumor is coming from him...

His previous prediction on KZ2 before E3 was that the graphics wouldn't really impress and that there wasn't anything too special about the title, so, yeah...believe this if you want, but sounds like complete bull.

:lol KZ2 is the reason he is perma banned here, wouldn't surprise me at all if he started this rumor. :lol


Snah said:
Right, but if the claims of the ridiculous budget are true, it can still sell highly and not turn a profit directly.

It will return a profit, it just won't justify the investment.

There's a difference. Like say, superman Returns, it return a profit, but it cost so freaking much that the profit was really small.

And in order for a game to become a system seller, it has to be like a 3 or 4 or 5 million selling game, so if KZ2 does that, it will do well.

Now, depending on how much it does and how critically acclaimed it is (which affects the team, the sony producers on the game), the excessive budget may or may not become the downfall of the game.

Like Van Hellsing, the movie made a nice bit of change, but the budget was so high and the reviews so shit, that it stained the rep of the people involved and the sequel was immediately canned.

The problem here is, for a franchise like KZ, 60 million+ just sounds out of it's league. But, great things may come out of it, we'll see.
Deepblue said:
I didn't think they did hands-on in the special (as in, a journalist, not a dev, playing the game) but I didn't know about GI.

As far as I know, BBC, N'Gai and the GI dudes got to play it. Could be more, but those are the ones I remember.


WrikaWrek said:
It will return a profit, it just won't justify the investment.

There's a difference. Like say, superman Returns, it return a profit, but it cost so freaking much that the profit was really small.

And in order for a game to become a system seller, it has to be like a 3 or 4 or 5 million selling game, so if KZ2 does that, it will do well.

Now, depending on how much it does and how critically acclaimed it is (which affects the team, the sony producers on the game), the excessive budget may or may not become the downfall of the game.

Like Van Hellsing, the movie made a nice bit of change, but the budget was so high and the reviews so shit, that it stained the rep of the people involved and the sequel was immediately canned.

The problem here is, for a franchise like KZ, 60 million+ just sounds out of it's league. But, great things may come out of it, we'll see.


The point I was making is that if KZ2 doesn't turn a profit, or only manages to turn a minor profit, so long as it sells well and pushes systems it is going to be worth the investment.


Snah said:

The point I was making is that if KZ2 doesn't turn a profit, or only manages to turn a minor profit, so long as it sells well and pushes systems it is going to be worth the investment.

In order to push systems it has to become a huge seller.

Get it?


SolidSnakex said:
So if the rumor really is from f.ishe you can just go ahead and dismiss it right now.

Well here's what he said regarding this rumor:

Sheesh, first Shane mentions as rumour about Killzone something I said here months ago now Surfer Girl does the same with something I mentioned here a year ago.


non-sanctioned troll
AltogetherAndrews said:
Oh please. You want Surfergirl to be right about Killzone 2 so bad that it hurts. Your act reeks of butter and corpse.

You're right, I want KZ2 to do terrible, but I say R2 is going to be all kinds of awesome. Your attempts to try to say I'm attacking the PS3 are ridiculous. Not everyone has to be like you, so don't project your shit on me. If you choose to go around pretending you like something, just so you can trash it with less questioning, that's your prerogative.

Like I said, go back to your UBI rampage since they obviously killed your kid. Are you upset that I pointed out how it didn't take too long for you to turn when you tried to insinuate I only supported surfergirl because it was against the PS3. Get over it.


WrikaWrek said:
In order to push systems it has to become a huge seller.

Get it?

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Am I going in circles with you?


get it?


non-sanctioned troll
Why are you basically saying the same thing as me in the official KZ2 thread, then ridiculing me for echoing your statements?

AltogetherAndrews said:
We've so far seen gameplay only from one rather limited level, which for sure looked nice, but it wasn't exactly the most ambitious sequence of gameplay the world has ever seen. Time will tell, but for now I think it's perfectly reasonable to suggest that it could very well be another very ambitious yet deeply flawed game.


Snah said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Am I going in circles with you?


get it?

It's all connected. The only way for KZ2 to be worth this level of investment is to sell big (and having amazing reviews would help too).

And selling big is the only way to become a big system seller.

Get it? You are saying "Yeah but if it sells enough Ps3s", i don't know what kind of math you're doing, what number is = "enough ps3s"?
WrikaWrek said:
It's all connected. The only way for KZ2 to be worth this level of investment is to sell big (and having amazing reviews would help too).

And selling big is the only way to become a big system seller.

Get it? You are saying "Yeah but if it sells enough Ps3s", i don't know what kind of math you're doing, what number is = "enough ps3s"?
No, that's not the only way. Guerilla is doing work with Edge, that's being used in many other Sony games. That's not money down the drain.

Deepblue said:
Damnit. *Note to self: read the quoted post as well*
Funny thing is, I posted "All this in an hand held game." right after one of the parts you bolded.


WrikaWrek said:
It's all connected. The only way for KZ2 to be worth this level of investment is to sell big (and having amazing reviews would help too).

And selling big is the only way to become a big system seller.

Get it? You are saying "Yeah but if it sells enough Ps3s", i don't know what kind of math you're doing, what number is = "enough ps3s"?

Here's what you said:

WrikaWrek said:
It will return a profit, it just won't justify the investment.

That's where the disagreement stems.


Snah said:
That's where the disagreement stems.

Of course. It's not about returning a profit, it's how much profit it is. I gave you examples of the movie industry.

One thing is to make a low budget game and get some profit, heck any profit is good. If you make a risky concept and it makes a profit, freaking golden.

If you take a huge budget, apply it to an existing franchise, and the profit is small, it's bad. It's a bad investment.

You may bet 10$ to win 15$, but you don't bet 60 million dollars to get 70 million dollars.
WrikaWrek said:
Oh please.
Erm... Oh please what? It's true, KZ2 is being funded by Sony, any money spent on Edge means less money spent on The Getaway, 8 days, etc...

Even if KZ2 doesn't sell very well the investment will eventually be covered by the money saved/earned on the other games.


Metalmurphy said:
Erm... Oh please what? It's true, KZ2 is being funded by Sony, any money spent on Edge means less money spent on The Getaway, 8 days, etc...

Many studious under Sony are working on EDGE. EDGE isn't a game engine, using EDGE as an excuse for this type of investment on Killzone is laughable, like saying if RARE spent 70 million dollars on the next PDZ and it bombed it wouldn't matter because RARE works on tools for XNA. Lol

Anyway, it's a rumour. We haven't seen any outcome yet.


Metalmurphy said:
Shut up.

Killzone Liberation is one of the best portable games ever :D
Oh c-mon man. There is no excuse for KZ2 sucking. The amount of time spent on it, the massive budget, the PS3 hardware can do whatever is required. I fail to see why this game should suck. I mean, if KZ2 does not make it out this year Insomniac will have released Resistance 1, R & C Future and Resistance 2 all before the idiots at GG released KZ2. I know Insomniac are good but they are being made look even better by GG's incompetence.

KZ2 before Resistance 2 and it better deliver or bust for GG, imo.
WrikaWrek said:
Many studious under Sony are working on EDGE. EDGE isn't a game engine, using EDGE as an excuse for this type of investment on Killzone is laughable.

Anyway, it's a rumour. We haven't seen any outcome yet.

How is it laughable? Whether it's enough to justify high development costs in case of a commercial flop of the actual game (that won't happen, the presentation will see to that), the tech developed and/or refined by Guerrilla is of real tangible value to Sony worldwide studios. It could potentially speed up and streamline development of other titles. Sony isn't buying these studios and integrating them into a network just because it's the cool thing to do, you know.
WrikaWrek said:
Many studious under Sony are working on EDGE. EDGE isn't a game engine, using EDGE as an excuse for this type of investment on Killzone is laughable, like saying if RARE spent 70 million dollars on the next PDZ and it bombed it wouldn't matter because RARE works on tools for XNA. Lol

Anyway, it's a rumour. We haven't seen any outcome yet.
Working WITH, not working ON. Guerilla is working ON it.

And that RARE comment didn't make any sense at all.


Metalmurphy said:
Working WITH, not working ON.

And that RARE comment didn't make any sense at all.

How did it not when it's the exact same scenario?

And again what is EDGE? Set of library and tools meant to help the programming side of games on the CELL, or Ps3 as a whole.

I thought Cambridge studios, Naughty Dog and Insomniac had some involvement on it? Anyway we are talking about 60 million + here, and EDGE isn't a game engine.

You know, the stuff that costs a ton of money like the actual artist tools, that made U3 so appealing.

This edge thing we are talking about is retarded.


Dash Kappei said:
Surfer Girl claimed that there would be a Far Cry title on the PS3 along the lines of Far Cry Instincts(not Far Cry 2). She later admitted that was a mistake and Far Cry 2 would go to the system instead. I believe that even if that information was accurate at one time, that a Far Cry Instincts like title would come out for the PS3, in the end it was false information. That's my logic, failing or not.
I love how you can look at the comments section of that SurferGirl blog entry and tell exactly who posted the Anonymous comments.

Anonymous said...

Surfer whore. Who paid you M$, I always thought that you were a attention whore and this confirms it.

Did Phil or Kaz and told you, "Hey surfer dude, Killzone is bad". You think they would spend that much money fro a crappy game? hope this web gets hacked and disappears.

:lol :lol :lol
WrikaWrek said:
How did it not when it's the exact same scenario?

And again what is EDGE? Set of library and tools meant to help the programming side of games on the CELL, or Ps3 as a whole.

I thought Cambridge studios, Naughty Dog and Insomniac had some involvement on it? Anyway we are talking about 60 million + here, and EDGE isn't a game engine.

You know, the stuff that costs a ton of money like the actual artist tools, that made U3 so appealing.

This edge thing we are talking about is retarded.

Well... if you say so. All the devs teams, including third parties, must be really wasting time and money with that retarded too. Total waste of money the investment made on that thing...
WrikaWrek said:
How did it not when it's the exact same scenario?

And again what is EDGE? Set of library and tools meant to help the programming side of games on the CELL, or Ps3 as a whole.

I thought Cambridge studios, Naughty Dog and Insomniac had some involvement on it? Anyway we are talking about 60 million + here, and EDGE isn't a game engine.

You know, the stuff that costs a ton of money like the actual artist tools, that made U3 so appealing.

This edge thing we are talking about is retarded.

Again, there's a reason Sony has built up its stable of developers to facilitate sharing of tools and knowledge across studios. If another of Sony's studios, say for example Zipper, is working on a specific task, it could theoretically save an awful lot of time, and subsequently money, by communicating with other developers such as Guerrilla (or hey, Naughty Dog) who may have already found a solution to a problem, or a tool to deal with this specific task. There's absolutely nothing laughable about this, especially seeing as how Sony has very specifically mentioned this as one of the reasons for the worldwide format.


Metalmurphy said:
Well... if you say so. All the devs teams, including third parties, must be really wasting time and money with that retarded too. Total waste of money the investment made on that thing...
Same Edge that is avaible to thrid party devs - a lot of amazing work went into that.

anyway *buries head in pixel Junk*


So now f.ishie is stating that the only accurate part of the surfer girl rumor is the financial information and release timing.


And here's what he says about GG.

Played it, know some people on the team, been at their offices, have inside info on the title which I am not sharing, chatted with Phill twice last year, love some of their games.


Night_Trekker said:
I love how you can look at the comments section of that SurferGirl blog entry and tell exactly who posted the Anonymous comments.

Metalmurphy said:
I don't believe that Story at all.

First off, is it even Guerilla managing the budget or is it Sony? Would Sony even allow that nonsense? Isn't Guerrilla even credited in the thanks section on Insomniac games? The work that Guerilla is doing is being used in several other projects as well so how can it not be paying off? The $21 mil was a estimate not what it was costing back then. $70+ is insane and never gonna happen.

anonymous said:
You're insane. Totally calling it fake on this one.

Isn't Guerilla even credited in the Thanks section of Insomniac games? Isn't Sony managing the games budget? Isn't the work on Guerrilla being used on Edge and hence, on many other Sony games?


The stupid thing is, if you don't believe her and think she's full of shit i go there to say stuff like that?

If you don't believe then the natural reaction is to ignore.


Incredibly Naive
WrikaWrek said:

The stupid thing is, if you don't believe her and think she's full of shit i go there to say stuff like that?

If you don't believe then the natural reaction is to ignore.

it's hard to ignore when she gets credit left and right. Even I have been buying into it, but she's proved she has flaws in what she says. Sounds like she has a few credible sources and throws some shit at the walls in there every now and then.


msdstc said:
it's hard to ignore when she gets credit left and right. Even I have been buying into it, but she's proved she has flaws in what she says. Sounds like she has a few credible sources and throws some shit at the walls in there every now and then.

Look we chose to believe. I did, and many people around here, including ps3 only fans did. Now one bad rumor towards a Ps3 game and the shit hits the fan, knee jerk reactions all around?

Cmon. Chill.


Night_Trekker said:
I love how you can look at the comments section of that SurferGirl blog entry and tell exactly who posted the Anonymous comments.

:lol :lol :lol
Who? Is it; loudninja? Or maybe teh-CJ?
WrikaWrek said:
Look we chose to believe. I did, and many people around here, including ps3 only fans did. Now one bad rumor towards a Ps3 game and the shit hits the fan, knee jerk reactions all around?

Cmon. Chill.
Perhaps you missed it, but a coulpe of posts back it was shown where this false "rumour" came from. It has nothing to do with being a PS3 game either, maybe you should re-read several of the surfergirl's threads.
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