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Surfer girl nonsense, resistance and killzone fans go away please


theBishop said:
Double budget if you believe SG (and i generally do). After 30mil, if the game isn't already shaping up to be awesome, I would be canning the high-level people and bringing in some heavy-hitters to save it. Somebody like Dylan Jobe or Evan Wells to get the thing back on track before sinking another 30 mil into it.

Another thing i would do is give Insomniac a lot more money, and delay Killzone until next year.

Maybe they believe in the game. Maybe they thought that it was going to do less harm to stick another 30 in it, than wasting 30 and come out here with nothing decent to show.

It's complicated, it's not like it's the same thing as saying "I already wasted 30 bucks to make this thing, and i'm not ready to waste another 30, to hell with those 30 bucks lost".

It's alot of money involved. Now if the number is correct, and this is like over 60 million right now, we better see some crazy ass production values, and i mean crazy ass production values.


erlim said:
Sony should do to guerilla what EA did to EA Chicago, and then give what they had of Killzone and dump it on Insomniac and say FIX IT FIX IT. In my humble opinion.

Not Insomniac. They're doing the Lord's work right now.

Unless Incog is harboring some magical secret project, they are the ideal team to save it. Proven shooter chops, and a good track record for quality.

Sony Bend is another good candidate since they've got the cover-mechanics down.
I'll have to see what happens with KZ2, but I would not honestly be surprised if it doesn't live up to the hype. The last KZ2 trailer was fucking fine looking, but I didn't think the gameplay they showed was all that.

Also, Retro doing a Zelda spin-off doesn't sound all that right. I'd down a bottle of Ambien if it were true though.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Father_Brain said:
Well, that doesn't say much for her credibility; she's previously said that Retro's new Wii game was a new IP. Unless this is for DS.

Yeah, that kind of hurts SG's credibility there.


theBishop said:
Unless Incog is harboring some magical secret project, they are the ideal team to save it. Proven shooter chops, and a good track record for quality.
Uhhh, you sure about that? Warhawk wasn't exactly a benchmark of efficient development. And I don't see why someone that claimed Blacksite to be a quality title is a be-all end-all source on the quality of a shooter. Guerilla could be making a lame game, but I think it's too early to start calling their and Killzone's demise.


Madman said:
Uhhh, you sure about that? Warhawk wasn't exactly a benchmark of efficient development. And I don't see why someone that claimed Blacksite to be a quality title is a be-all end-all source on the quality of a shooter. Guerilla could be making a lame game, but I think it's too early to start calling their and Killzone's demise.

They haven't even released a playable demo yet and people are already calling for Guerilla's head based on a rumor. LOL.
Kittonwy said:
They haven't even released a playable demo yet and people are already calling for Guerilla's head based on a rumor. LOL.
a rumor from a source that has been proven wrong before and relies on dumb luck from baseless guesses.


Dancing Queen likes KZ2.

Are these all the same damn person? Surf, Skate, now Queen? WTF

EDIT: Whoa. KZ2 multi in a persistent world says Queen. Has that been done in a shooter before? How would that work? GG might be getting overambitious here.
f.shie's the lowest level on the totem poll as far as freelance videogame journalism is concerned. He's like the sleazy tabloid paparazzi with a few low-level industry contacts (at Sega obviously). He brandishes them around and then makes completely ludicrous claims like the new sega rally released a couple of months ago being both superior graphically and in terms of gameplay when compared to Motorstorm, which obviously turned out to be completely assanine opinion.

He is a washed-up, incessantly-bitter sega fanboy from another age.


Ciel said:
Dancing Queen likes KZ2.

Are these all the same damn person? Surf, Skate, now Queen? WTF

EDIT: Whoa. KZ2 multi in a persistent world says Queen. Has that been done in a shooter before? How would that work? GG might be getting overambitious here.
Who the hell is Dancing Queen? Link?


Night_Trekker said:
Someone who make a blog in response to SurferGirl's KZ2 blog entry.

Umm... Dancing Queen... persistent MP what?

So mysterious.


Kittonwy said:
They haven't even released a playable demo yet and people are already calling for Guerilla's head based on a rumor. LOL.

no-other-game-in-developement, do the math. Sony is sitting on the fence as far as Guerilla is concerned. After Killzone is done a lot of folks could see their steady 1-year contract evaporate.....


i read this rumor and i think back to when guerilla was under so much pressure to deliver on the target trailer, so much doubt and hatred

then e3 came and everyone was blown the fuck away

EDIT: that and if this rumor was true then it'd be pretty hard to keep a lid on it

how the hell would sony computer entertainment be able to cover it up? or explain to the honchos @ sony proper?


Killzone was released at the end of 2004. If Killzone 2 is released at the end of this year, that'll be pretty much 4 years worth of development, so I have no doubt that the budget will be high on this one, that's a no-brainer.

As for the other stuff? I can't see why it would affect Insomniac or Naughty Dog at all. For a start, Guerilla come under SCEE who probably have their own separate budget, and Sony will be wanting more than one FPS in their portfolio to compete with 360, and I'm sure Insomniac would fully understand that.

All sounds like drivel to me.
Still, they've got a lot of Half-Life 2 style corridors
Factual inaccuracies hurt my brain.

Also, how is news of a persistent overworld, which sounds like an MMOFPS thing, "reasonable" for the multiplayer aspect of Killzone 2?


Night_Trekker said:
1) Retro's next title is a Zelda spin-off, announcement could come around E3.
As much as i LOVE Retro, i don't know if i'd really want it.
Leave the Zelda franchise on hiatus for a while Ninty, c'mon.


Kittonwy said:
They haven't even released a playable demo yet and people are already calling for Guerilla's head based on a rumor. LOL.

It was YOU Sony fans that laughed at anybody who disbelieved SurferGirl.

It was YOU that took everything she said for granted.

And now that she is shitting on your PS3 exclusive title you are "lolling" her?

Give me a fucking break. You just can't be believing her only when she posts good Sony rumours and disregarding her stuff otherwise.
Borys said:
It was YOU Sony fans that laughed at anybody who disbelieved SurferGirl.

It was YOU that took everything she said for granted.

And now that she is shitting on your PS3 exclusive title you are "lolling" her?

Give me a fucking break. You just can't be believing her only when she posts good Sony rumours and disregarding her stuff otherwise.

When it seems the rumor comes from f.ishie, it's not exactly hard to not believe it.


SolidSnakex said:
When it seems the rumor comes from f.ishie, it's not exactly hard to not believe it.

Funny how I was saying she was fu]ll of shit from the beginning and all of you were "shut-up stupid Borys"[/i and now you are joining me ONLY AFTER some not-so-pink Killzone 2 rumour.

That's disgusting fanboism in my book, sorry.
Borys said:
Funny how I was saying she was fu]ll of shit from the beginning and all of you were "shut-up stupid Borys"[/i and now you are joining me ONLY AFTER some not-so-pink Killzone 2 rumour.

That's disgusting fanboism in my book, sorry.

Uhh no, I still think she gets a lot right, even some insiders here have confirmed that she's been right about thing. But like I said, if this rumor is from f.ishie it has nothing to do with fanboyism. If you know anything about him when it comes to Sony you know not to believe anything he says about them.
1) Retro's next title is a Zelda spin-off, announcement could come around E3.

Bored of Zelda so I don't really care. If anyone can freshen it up, it's them.
SolidSnakex said:
When it seems the rumor comes from f.ishie, it's not exactly hard to not believe it.

How would f.ishie know where surfergirl is getting her info from? He always says told you so whenever there is any news or rumour that roughly fits in with things he has said


Maxwell House said:
She didn't get the info from ******. This is just damage control from Hans. :lol

From f.ishie:

Sheesh, first Shane mentions as rumour about Killzone something I said here months ago now Surfer Girl does the same with something I mentioned here a year ago.


Visualante said:
1) Retro's next title is a Zelda spin-off, announcement could come around E3.

Bored of Zelda so I don't really care. If anyone can freshen it up, it's them.
No it's Nintendo Tokyo IMHO.

And @ taker: i highly doubt Retro's next project is a Wiiware game... But even if it is, or maybe even MORE if it is just a little downloadable game, please STOP the Zelda milking... They're making us sick of the franchise and they completely lost the magic it once had, with Crossbow Training (i'm NOT judging the whole game here, just its nature as a Zelda themed product...) being the paradigm of this sad situation.


For all we know if Retro are working on a spin-off Zelda title it may just be set in the same universe, without even using either Link or Zelda.

Who knows? She said new IP a while back, but in some ways it COULD be classed as a new IP.

We'll have to see.


Draft said:
I think Surfer Girl is pretty spot on in terms of news, but I don't put too much stock in her opinions about games, so freak outs are probably premature.

Agreed. Her individual tips seem solid but when she starts editorialising about games the wheels do tend to come off a bit.

It seems to me that the news tips she gets are her own while the longer 'news items', such as this Kilzone2 story, seem to have been mailled in by a third party tipster. After all, remember her Ubisoft tirades and we're still waiting for, according to her, the visually inferior port of Far Cry2 for PS360.


Busty said:
Agreed. Her individual tips seem solid but when she starts editorialising about games the wheels do tend to come off a bit.

It seems to me that the news tips she gets are her own while the longer 'news items', such as this Kilzone2 story, seem to have been mailled in by a third party tipster. After all, remember her Ubisoft tirades and we're still waiting for, according to her, the visually inferior port of Far Cry2 for PS360.

The Resistance 2 story was likely leaked by someone at Game Informer or another publication that had word of the story. It's not as though the information was leaked well in advance...it was leaked a few days in advance of the story hitting.

I'm pretty sure "Surfer Girl" is a game journalist of some sort.


Visualante said:
Why? Because of Galaxy?
Surely Galaxy and maybe even more because of what they did with Jungle Beat, reinventing the 2d platform by changing completely its mechanics and the way the player interacts with them.
Something that IMHO Zelda needs pretty badly, leaving behind the whole map, compass and blablabla structure.
Mdk7 said:
Surely Galaxy and maybe even more because of what they did with Jungle Beat, reinventing the 2d platform by changing completely its mechanics and the way the player interacts with them.
Something that IMHO Zelda needs pretty badly, leaving behind the whole map, compass and blablabla structure.
I don't see them doing anything wildly different after Twilight Princesses sales and Miyamoto breathing down your neck. Outside eyes = new game.


Visualante said:
I don't see them doing anything wildly different after Twilight Princesses sales and Miyamoto breathing down your neck. Outside eyes = new game.
I'm not implying they WILL eventually do something really disruptive... i just think that they SHOULD, even if of course they won't. :D


So Guerrilla & Co submerged after having shown and let the world actually go hands on with a full level in summer of 07. Feedback was great all around. Everyone was happy after trying the various gameplay mechanics. When it goes quiet people start to speculate. This is just a culmination of all that. I'm sure Insomniac are getting all the funds they ask for. And when Killzone 2 resurfaces with a new info and a new trailer it will most likely blow some minds over again.


Snah said:
The Killzone 2 story was likely leaked by someone at Game Informer or another publication that had word of the story. It's not as though the information was leaked well in advance...it was leaked a few days in advance of the story hitting.

I'm pretty sure "Surfer Girl" is a game journalist of some sort.

? When have you ever read such a scathing piece about a game in an issue of GameInformer? So I dobut that this Killzone 'scoop' has come from an upcoming issue of some magazine, certainly not GI.

Like I said before, the measure for her larger 'sccops' (such as the Ubisoft pieces) are going to be the unveiling of FarCry2 on PS360. She claimed that they looked awful and the team were having trouble making it look like the PC version.

I assume that we'll have a better idea bout both games come GDC.

what is it about Major Nelson and Killzone2 threads?


Busty said:
? When have you ever read such a scathing piece about a game in an issue of GameInformer? So I dobut that this Killzone 'scoop' has come from an upcoming issue of some magazine, certainly not GI.

Like I said before, the measure for her larger 'sccops' (such as the Ubisoft pieces) are going to be the unveiling of FarCry2 on PS360. She claimed that they looked awful and the team were having trouble making it look like the PC version.

I assume that we'll have a better idea bout both games come GDC.

what is it about Major Nelson and Killzone2 threads?

Sorry, it was a typo. I meant Resistance 2.


Snah said:
The Resistance 2 story was likely leaked by someone at Game Informer or another publication that had word of the story. It's not as though the information was leaked well in advance...it was leaked a few days in advance of the story hitting.

I'm pretty sure "Surfer Girl" is a game journalist of some sort.

I think there are a few that are convinced she works for a written publication, which I wouldn't be surprised about.


Busty said:
It seems to me that the news tips she gets are her own while the longer 'news items', such as this Kilzone2 story, seem to have been mailled in by a third party tipster. After all, remember her Ubisoft tirades and we're still waiting for, according to her, the visually inferior port of Far Cry2 for PS360.
Again according to her, but that inferior version was cancelled in favor of a straight port. So she isn't much wrong as says things that are very hard to prove wrong.
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