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Survivor 32: Kaôh Rng |OT| Anything that can Kaôh Rng, will.


This season is so amazing. An under-hyped season, skipped over by Second Chances, that manages to be more exciting than Second Chances in a lot of ways.

It felt like they were making an Aubry boot too obvious and straightforward, but at the same time, there was no way Aubry could just get Tai to jump ship so quickly, right? Usually that kind of thing can take a couple votes to pull off. Jason and Scot made the future Julia/Michelle scheme too obvious. Was kinda expecting Tai to want to vote Julia tonight.

Love that the current majority is Aubry/Tai/Cydney. Fun group of people to root for, right there.

(Also Joe is still there.)


Suddenly the big WTF S34 callback makes complete sense.
As I said over on Sucks, this spoiler of yours is really not a spoiler at all, IMHO. I will explain why, in spoilers, though, to be safe:
The idea they are bringing Peter back (and Caleb?) to compete against Aubry the winner (?) makes no sense in light of the fact they may be bringing Danni, Earl, Sophie, Varner, Penner, Natalie B., Marty, Andrea, Sabrina, Troyzan, Chelsea, and John Cody back, none of whom are competing against a winner from their season(s).

Anyone but Aubry winning at this point would be surprising.
Ahh, the classic post-merge misdirection at play ;-)


You have to make the leap to the theme. Once you realize that's the only possible explanation for several of the people on the list
Danni's said she'd only do All-Winners, Sandra didn't do BvW because she was told they were saving her for something bigger, Hatch on RHAP
you've got a very specific hole you need to fill.


It could be misdirection if this wasn't literally the exact same editing pattern they used with Natalie A's win in S29- close ally gets voted out, suddenly the entire season being told from Natalie's perspective. There's a reason a lot of people in this thread went "lol winner edit" when she got the epic Oregon Trail confessional.


You have to make the leap to the theme. Once you realize that's the only possible explanation for several of the people on the list
Danni's said she'd only do All-Winners, Sandra didn't do BvW because she was told they were saving her for something bigger, Hatch on RHAP
Yeah, but I disagree with the assertion that there's only one explanation. Firstly, while what you bolded may be true, plans change.
If Hatch was in, why hasn't Redmond revealed this? He would know. Conversely, he may be also concealing the winner of Kaoh Rong (e.g. Michele) because it might be seen as making HER win more obvious, rather than Aubry. With Sandra, maybe an All-Winners season was put on hiatus until Season 40 or something, or they simply used it as an excuse to let her down gently for whatever reason. With Danni, maybe she changed her mind, or was told they were planning on bringing lots of winners back (given that this is the show's first real opportunity to do so for a long time), and she felt now was as good a time as any to sneak in and try and win again.


S11 was edited as "Why Steph Lost." Danni deliberately hid much of her gameplay off-camera, which Tom did in S10 as well, as they were trying to avoid coming off "bad" on TV.

Casting finals for returnees is done primarily to run people through medical and psych in a cattle call to save time/money- and also to interview the returnees and try and figure out who to use. However, for S34, it appears likely that 10 names are set in stone. This means that having Hatch stop by the docs another day wouldn't be such a big deal.
Aubry also has been fairly visible the whole way through. The first episode of the season focused heavily on her hardships. Several votes in the game were centered around Aubry trying to figure out what the best move for her would be, even prior to Neal's medevac.

Aubry has had a pretty consistently good edit the whole way through, even if picked up more after the merge.

Michele is the other contender edit-wise, but her edit is too lacking. Michele gets a lot of confessionals, but they're almost strictly narration. She doesn't get the same amount of complex confessionals as Aubry.


It could be misdirection if this wasn't literally the exact same editing pattern they used with Natalie A's win in S29- close ally gets voted out, suddenly the entire season being told from Natalie's perspective. There's a reason a lot of people in this thread went "lol winner edit" when she got the epic Oregon Trail confessional.
It's not the same pattern. Natalie did not vote out Jeremy ;-) EDIT: Oh I see, I guess you're referring to Neal's evac. Well, let's put it this way. Natalie would never have called Jeremy a son of a bitch (at least, in the edit) twice (end confessional and recap).

Anyway, we should perhaps save the edit discussion for Sucks :p


Aubry also has been fairly visible the whole way through. The first episode of the season focused heavily on her hardships. Several votes in the game were centered around Aubry trying to figure out what the best move for her would be, even prior to Neal's medevac.

Aubry has had a pretty consistently good edit the whole way through, even if picked up more after the merge.

Michele is the other contender edit-wise, but her edit is too lacking. Michele gets a lot of confessionals, but they're almost strictly narration. She doesn't get the same amount of complex confessionals as Aubry.

I don't think Michele is getting nearly the edit that Tai or Aubrey are... They definitely are the two with the biggest arcs.

As a viewer I loved Tai's move today... I don't think it was strategically shrewd though... He clearly would have been better going to the F4 with Jason/Scot/Julia.


It's not the same pattern. Natalie did not vote out Jeremy ;-) EDIT: Oh I see, I guess you're referring to Neal's evac. Well, let's put it this way. Natalie would never have called Jeremy a son of a bitch (at least, in the edit) twice (end confessional and recap).

Anyway, we should perhaps save the edit discussion for Sucks :p
Sure - the similarity is that the entire narrative of the show shifted to their perspective, and their perspective alone, after having previously been much more evenhanded.


Just to be clear... with the superidol...

If Tai gave up the idol to Scot, wouldn't that potentially have sent him home?


Sure - the similarity is that the entire narrative of the show shifted to their perspective, and their perspective alone, after having previously been much more evenhanded.
Fair enough, but I disagree. While yes, the narrative of the last two episodes has focused on the drama and strategy revolving around the boys, the idols, and Cydney's and Aubry's suspicion of Julia (which would have all been shown regardless of who wins because that's simply what happened and what influenced the vote targets etc), the narrative of the show IMHO is still something altogether different that won't come into focus until a bit later... and it has to do with someone who is laying low, playing a confident social game as a strong independent woman, and waiting for the right moment to strike (we saw the seeds of this planted in the first 12 minutes of the season, and it will definitely come to fruition, I guarantee it).

Unfortunately this narrative doesn't make great TV. (Also, this certain person had to be shielded this episode, if they were the winner, as they were simply out of the loop regarding the vote, but were nonetheless given 2 confessionals and 2 Tribal Council questions to keep them in the back of our minds.)


Tai made a very good decision - I think he has saved his idol for one tribal but he will be in trouble again next week. Aubrey sees Julia as a threat, Julia is working with Jason next episode - it will be between Aubrey, Julia or Tai. The women could decide to blindside Tai since he is obviously the Joey Amazing of this season and has an idol/advantage. If Tai makes it to the final he wins and everyone is afraid of that. Julia and Aubrey power struggle or decision to work together will be interesting. Julia has surprised me she seems like the best under 20 year old to play the game. Michele has seemed like a non factor in the last couple of episodes - it's interesting that she had a more pronounced edit while getting Nicksplained.

Yeah. There would have been a revote between Tai and Aubry.

Wow I didn't even catch that - amazing episode, season has been hellagood
just rewatched it wouldn't have been a Tai if Tai hadn't voted Scot


sparkle this bitch
Tai made a very good decision - I think he has saved his idol for one tribal but he will be in trouble again next week. Aubrey sees Julia as a threat, Julia is working with Jason next episode - it will be between Aubrey, Julia or Tai. The women could decide to blindside Tai since he is obviously the Joey Amazing of this season and has an idol/advantage. If Tai makes it to the final he wins and everyone is afraid of that. Julia and Aubrey power struggle or decision to work together will be interesting. Julia has surprised me she seems like the best under 20 year old to play the game. Michele has seemed like a non factor in the last couple of episodes - it's interesting that she had a more pronounced edit while getting Nicksplained.

I don't think that is a given at all. Tai has been the odd ball cast member of this season. He fits in and he doesn't. He'll definitely be someone who shovel your votes to if you dislike another person in the final 3, he's not one that is going to win any favors either.


I don't think that is a given at all. Tai has been the odd ball cast member of this season. He fits in and he doesn't. He'll definitely be someone who shovel your votes to if you dislike another person in the final 3, he's not one that is going to win any favors either.

The majority of the jury isn't going to be mad at Tai if he makes it to the end.
He made the move to keep his idol for himself. If he somehow navigates himself to the final with his idol and advantage he would win hands down. Doesn't matter who he stands against he is no Woo - he clearly made strategic decisions, has blood on his hands(of a person the majority of people don't like) and a wonderful lifestory to bring a few tears to the eyes of the jurors. He'd be a slightly more strategic version of Bob from Gabon. I just don't see anyone foolish enough to take him to the final - most people don't like someone "nicer" than them in the finals.

Velcro Fly

it was a 4-2-2 so if tai votes for aubry and uses the idol on scot, those three are safe and aubry goes


it was 4-3-2 last week so it can't be again


Tai's vote depends entirely on what he wants to do.

If he wants to save Scot, he votes for Aubry and plays the Super Idol on Scot.

If he wants Scot to leave, he votes for Scot and No Sirs Scot.


Wasn't the smarter move just to play the idols normally? Tai / Scot / Jason have immunity... whomever they want to go goes, assuming the rest for Tai / Scot.

Of course next week there's 7 and they only have 3 in the alliance, assuming they don't think they can count on Julia for some reason, but that was a sure thing.
Lmao, Tai declining to go the super idol route was hilarious. Bye Scot!

Aubry has had a pretty consistently good edit the whole way through, even if picked up more after the merge.

I agree that Aubry has had a consistently good edit. Michele had a terrible episode. She was specifically pointed out as weak to Julia's tricks with no rebuttal. A potential nail in Aubry's coffin was thrown aside as both she and Cyd were praised in the recap for booting their ally, who was painted as being daffy about the Julia situation.

It wouldn't surprise me if Michele is a finalist, but I don't think she's winning this.

If you assume that they're going for a tribe of winners, and it sort of looks like they are, then I feel Aubry is looking more and more like the winner of this season.

Regarding season 34:
Yep. I could easily see it being her (the winner) and Tai (a FTC loser who is also a fan favorite) who come back.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I really chose a good season to start watching again, amazing episode. I was hoping so badly Tai would fuck Scott over, but I wasn't sure he had it in him. Perfect ending after all the bullshit Jason and Scott were saying before the voting happened.

Cydney's face after Scott was voted out was hilarious, Cydney is bae.


Amazing ep. The girls either figured out or stumbled onto the only way to flush out a super idol...basically Tai had no choice but to save himself.


But him staying guaranteed a winner for somebody else. Now it's wide open. Also how is Joe still in the game? LOL

Please let him win for laughs and giggles

A lot of people are just talking themselves out of the game or being medevac'd. He's not a strategic threat at all and is staying completely loyal to his alliance.


Amazing ep. The girls either figured out or stumbled onto the only way to flush out a super idol...basically Tai had no choice but to save himself.
I'm not sure that's a way to look at it, unless you mean in a broader sense, since Tai was in on the plan and could've just not voted for Scot to avoid it too. But if you have the numbers to split like that in the future yes it's safe, but it's also reliant on having a damn lot of votes relative to your opposition, which is hard when that opposition has a super idol (since while they have it you cannot whittle them down period)
It's not the same pattern. Natalie did not vote out Jeremy ;-) EDIT: Oh I see, I guess you're referring to Neal's evac. Well, let's put it this way. Natalie would never have called Jeremy a son of a bitch (at least, in the edit) twice (end confessional and recap).

Anyway, we should perhaps save the edit discussion for Sucks :p

I don't mind the edit talk, since it's interesting to think about -- personally, I can't tell if Aubrey is getting a winner edit or a narrator edit -- but if it's being informed by implicit spoilers from S.34 casting (which some of us are trying to avoid), it gets pretty spoiler-y for this season, too.

But him staying guaranteed a winner for somebody else. Now it's wide open. Also how is Joe still in the game? LOL

Please let him win for laughs and giggles

Watch that be the reason Probst didn't talk this season up -- because Joe stumbles to the end somehow, and then wins because he's up against someone that everyone hates.


Weak-willed, easily manipulated players like Tai annoy the shit out of me. Was fun times tho.

Aubrey is winning this, it's beyond obvious now.
Weak-willed, easily manipulated players like Tai annoy the shit out of me. Was fun times tho.

Aubrey is winning this, it's beyond obvious now.
Does she get
vote if he doesn't make it? It kinda lean to were he'll might give it to her.
I don't get why Scott and Jason become so obsessed in wanting to play a super idol instead the 2 immunity idols separately.

After all Jason was safe this vote having won the immunity challenge so then just play the 2 immunity idols individually and keep the group together that way.


I don't get why Scott and Jason become so obsessed in wanting to play a super idol instead the 2 immunity idols separately.

After all Jason was safe this vote having won the immunity challenge so then just play the 2 immunity idols individually and keep the group together that way.

It was probably so they could easily backstab Tai on their terms. Had it been Tai who had 4 votes then Scot could refuse to help and let Tai be voted out. If Tai played his separately then Scot could as well.


You think those 2 would've backstabbed Tai? I don't know about that. They seemed pretty set on the 3 guy alliance and using superveto to save whomever.

It was Tai who seemed unsure about the alliance, or at least the edit made it look that way, and he was the only one willing to do the backstab. It certainly fooled Scot and he goes home with an idol in his pocket.


I think they would have been more willing to go all the way with Julia than with Tai. I don't think they cared about having an alliance with him all the way to the end. I think after they joined back together in one tribe that Tai was with them because of the convenience
So I just watched last nights episode, and that immunity challenge seemed off.

They made it seem like fingertips only, but it seemed most people were putting their entire palm on the disc to hold it in place.

Also were the discs different sized based on the sizes of peoples hands?

You'd figure Scot would have the easiest time with the hands he has.


So I just watched last nights episode, and that immunity challenge seemed off.
They made it seem like fingertips only, but it seemed most people were putting their entire palm on the disc to hold it in place.
They would have had to measure everybody's wingspan to set the distance, but yeah, there were a couple of people who were able to palm the discs.
I think it would be more taxing on the shoulders and traps than the fingertips, but it still wasn't the best designed comp.


You think those 2 would've backstabbed Tai? I don't know about that. They seemed pretty set on the 3 guy alliance and using superveto to save whomever.

It was Tai who seemed unsure about the alliance, or at least the edit made it look that way, and he was the only one willing to do the backstab. It certainly fooled Scot and he goes home with an idol in his pocket.

You must have missed when Jason and Scott were talking to Julia about getting Tai out of there and taking Julia to FT. Tai struck first.


I didn't like Scot....glad to see him get booted but not a very smart move by Tai. His best shot at winning was sitting next to Jason and Scot in the final 3. He has no chance if he's sitting next to Aubry or Julia.


You must have missed when Jason and Scott were talking to Julia about getting Tai out of there and taking Julia to FT. Tai struck first.

I mean - anyone wants to go to the end with Tai is stupid. Especially when you have Joe, Jason in the game who I doubt anyone considers as threats in the final tribal any longer.
Now that Scott and the idol are gone I expect Jason to be taken to the end and for people to fight over who is going to take him there. Joe seems like another worthy goat, I actually hate people like Joe - what is the point of players like this in Survivor. Cowboy Rick, Joe, Keith, Woo - all these players are super annoying in their complete disregard what this game is about.

I didn't like Scot....glad to see him get booted but not a very smart move by Tai. His best shot at winning was sitting next to Jason and Scot in the final 3. He has no chance if he's sitting next to Aubry or Julia.

I'd take a Survivor with 20 Scots before I take one with 20 Joes
I mean - anyone wants to go to the end with Tai is stupid. Especially when you have Joe, Jason in the game who I doubt anyone considers as threats in the final tribal any longer.

Yep. Jason doesn't have an idol anymore but won't get voted out unless he really pisses off the girls alliance. Tai, on the other hand, will have to seriously consider using his idol next week if he's vulnerable. They may love him for voting out Scot but they won't hesitate to eliminate Tai next.*

(Except of course for the massive infighting that will undoubtedly happen)
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