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Survivor: Heroes vs Villains - Thursdays at 8:00pm ET/PT (beginning Feb. 4th)!

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Grandma's Chippy
When Russ said "If you're against me, you're gone" I just about lost it....the guy takes confidence to a new level and players try to ride it.

Always an awesome show. Future seasons will suck a little without him :D
Not sure if anyone else checks this, but EW did an interview with Tyson:

Here's an interesting tidbit:
That you were trying to buy a little good will with Russell so that down the line you could keep him as a possible back pocket option for an alliance.
That’s exactly what it was. I wanted him as a plan B. But I knew that we would be too strong if he had other allies in the game. So I wanted Parvati gone. That way Russell would have nowhere to go but to me. And I knew he had the idol, which I wanted for my own evil bidding. The difference between Russell’s game-plan and what I would do is that I would stab somebody in the back, but I would do it so gently that they actually liked me for it, while Russell would come in with a sickle. And once he was done chopping the person in the back, he would cut them into little pieces. And then I don’t know what he would do with them, but he would make it super painful. And that, I think, is a very faulty way to play the game in that you’re not gonna win anybody’s vote. I was kind of hoping that Russell would stick around, but out of nowhere else to go, he would have to come to me.
I think Russell really did convince him to change his vote.


It's going to be very interesting to see if Russell is changing the game for future players. One guy playing for himself from the very beginning can work, but if the whole tribe is only out for themselves, I can't see them getting very far.
Wow. Reading Probst's blog and it's really insightful. For example, the guy that created the challenge where they shoot the ball into the net on the other side of the court while people fight for the ball down below in the pit....was fired. Too many injuries and problems in the two times they ran the challenge. That surprised the hell out of me.


ScrabbleDude said:
Wow. Reading Probst's blog and it's really insightful. For example, the guy that created the challenge where they shoot the ball into the net on the other side of the court while people fight for the ball down below in the pit....was fired. Too many injuries and problems in the two times they ran the challenge. That surprised the hell out of me.

I think Probst was kidding about the firing
WOWOW what an epic throwdown. Does Rob have anything to say about Russell now, I wonder? Maybe it's not anything good, but you'd think there is some level of respect between them for their style of fighting it out.

I know Russell isn't exactly the subtlety master, but I think in the end he made the right move against Coach. Rob was playing directly against Coach's integrity; and really Russell's only two plays from there were a) be benevolent, vote out Courtney, and RvR tears apart the tribe for another episode, or b) be to the point, play up their chance for survival against a guy with a huge history of running the game.

The whole point was to confuse Coach's moral compass. It's not as sturdy always as sturdy as he wants it to be. As it turned out, Russell managed to spin his compass so bad that he voted for Courtney, and he did it without having to lie to Coach about it.

Coach is in his lash-out mode now, it looks like. He pegs Russell as a bully (which is funny considering Rob) but I think Jerri knows at the end of the day she has chosen her own path and it could be even worse to back out of team Russell now.

The idol is going to be the game-changer though. If Russell can get a head start, he can probably even forge the group into something before the merge.


I think some of you are mischaracterizing Russell's play. He's not the first person to "play the game for himself from Day 1". Many have, including people like Amanda -- who has made it to Final Tribal Council twice.

But nobody else has done so well by sticking their neck on the line and making bold moves in the light of day for everyone to see. Most people act all shy and innocent (Amanda, J.T., Sugar, etc etc) and make calculated alliance switches at the right times.

However, Russell has needed what almost every other victor -- short of pot luck (Bob from Gabon, etc) -- has needed: a core alliance from the get-go. Russell and Natalie, Russell and Parvati/Danielle, J.T. and Stephen/Taj, Todd and Courtney/Amanda, etc......


i appreciate Russel's game but he isn't exactly making friends, especially considering the final vote backlash that happened last time....then again, if hadn't made these moves....then he would have been voted out so you cant think too long term

honestly....i think Parvati is sitting pretty, i thought she was a goner but she has a strong chance now....obviously, all of this depends on the numbers at the merge and what happens after that. I hope the heroes close the gap a bit before the merge


Glad the heroes won immunity, hopefully they can keep winning till merge. I want to see more of the Villains side of things now anyway.

Most importantly, I'm Sooooooo glad Rob is gone! :D Having Rob and Tyson gone back to back is blissful, now there's nobody really left to annoy me. Love this season so far, and I love Russell telling Rob Courtney/Sandra they were the weakest ones when they were right in front of him. Usually I hate players like Russell, but for some reason I'm a fan.
xbhaskarx said:
Yeah good point, where are all the Russell haters from last week now...
Right here. I still stand by my opinion of him. All the moves he's making right now are damaging his standing in the long run IMO.

jey_16 said:
i appreciate Russel's game but he isn't exactly making friends, especially considering the final vote backlash that happened last time....then again, if hadn't made these moves....then he would have been voted out so you cant think too long term
It's funny though, he's getting rid of all the people who would award someone the million despite their personal feelings. A lot of the players left are emotional voters.

People loved to get caught up in the hype and laugh along with Russell as he pats himself on the back for everything that occurs.

The fact is, his team mates are making foolish mistakes and he's capitalizing on them. That's not to say you shouldn't exploit people's weakness, (obviously, you should) but the problem is how he goes about it by rubbing it in everyone's faces. Like, did he need to blatantly call out Sandra & Courtney on the beach? What purpose did that serve other than to piss people off? He was never going to go for Courtney anyway once he had the numbers, it was thoughtless.

And he didn't even really have the numbers, it's was Coach's noncommittal attitude that served up another easy win for Russ. Coach's vote was ridiculous, it doesn't ingratiate him to anyone and makes him look foolish. Did he really think everyone was just going to switch to Courtney because he didn't like to see Rob & Russell fighting?

I feel a bit like a broken record, but I'll say it again; Russell is tactless. He loves to congratulate himself and wants everyone to know it. He could go about executing his plan without all the dramatics and self serving attitude, but he doesn't. And then he wonders why people don't vote for him at the end.


suaveric said:
It's going to be very interesting to see if Russell is changing the game for future players. One guy playing for himself from the very beginning can work, but if the whole tribe is only out for themselves, I can't see them getting very far.

No way. Future players will see his game style doesnt work if you want to win the million.


G***n S**n*bi
Gunloc said:
He could go about executing his plan without all the dramatics and self serving attitude
Yeah but then... he wouldn't be the great King we all know and love. His personality is what makes the show so much fun.

It's true though, the way he plays there is very little chance that he can win. But personally, the way the voting is done in this show is fucking horse shit any way so I don't even care (boo-hoo you hurt my feelings by playing the game better than me! No millions for you! bleh). Once Russ is eliminated he will still be the G.O.A.T. as far as I'm concerned.
It's a bit unfair that the other Survivors haven't seen Russell and how he plays though. If they had the chance to see last season, I don't think he lasts this long.
Forceatowulf said:
It's true though, the way he plays there is very little chance that he can win. But personally, the way the voting is done in this show is fucking horse **** any way so I don't even care (boo-hoo you hurt my feelings by playing the game better than me! No millions for you! bleh).
I actually think that's a crucial part of the game. Outwit is even part of the show's creed. If someone can't keep their emotions in check and then manipulate (or at least manage) their competition's mental state, then they don't deserve to win. The jury is not a bunch of emotionless automatons, of course people's feeling are going to play a part, as they always have.

This is very much a game of human relations, so to think that someone can just scheme recklessly and then patronize others and still expect a check for a million is foolhardy I think. I guess we'll see though.

Shalashaska said:
It's a bit unfair that the other Survivors haven't seen Russell and how he plays though. If they had the chance to see last season, I don't think he lasts this long.
I agree. Russell has a huge advantage in that he came into the game as a complete unknown. And instead of playing close to the vest, he is being his same old self. (And at this point, he still thinks he's won the last season too, so I'm not surprised he's not changing his game play that much.)


G***n S**n*bi
The voting is indeed a crucial part of the game, but it's still very, very lame.

Your fate literally rests in the hands of a bunch of butt-hurt hypocrites, all of whom are dumber than you and wish they were sitting right where you are now. It really doesn't get any lamer than that shit right there. And it is definitely the weakest point of the entire show in my opinion.

The fan vote is the only award that really means anything...


Shalashaska said:
It's a bit unfair that the other Survivors haven't seen Russell and how he plays though. If they had the chance to see last season, I don't think he lasts this long.
There's a reason to vote out everyone. Disadvantages and advantages for everyone. This was established by Jeff in the very first tribal council, and rightly so.

You could argue that Russell has a huge target on his back for being the "unknown guy" just as much as you could argue that nobody knowing his playing style is an advantage.

But really... if they didn't know his play style before last week's episode, they did when he pulled off that ridiculously risky pwnage with the idol play and the blindside of Tyson. And yet, knowing that play style full well this week, Russell not only survived but managed to turn the whole game around to become the leader of the dominant alliance.


Jerri is a complete idiot. I can't believe she bought into Russell's bullshit. I really wonder how she's going to vote next week. If she turns on Russell and manages to get him out, she just might be the most brilliant player ever. :lol

And voting out Rob is dumb because they're just going to tear themselves apart at tribal councils. Rob was effectively carrying them through challenge after challenge and was the main reason why they won so many of them. I really don't seem the villains winning any more challenges now that Rob is out and the Heroes core five seem to be so strong.

It's also shocking how weak Coach is at the challenges. He was useless in the reward challenge.


Eh, Jerri's been my pick to win since day 1 (spoiler free), and I think she flipped to Russell so that she did something... you know... made a move worthy of winning.

And I think it might pay off. If the Villains lose again next week, she and Coach can play both alliances and choose to either go with Sandra+Courtney, or Russell+Danielle+Parvati. It's the exact same position J.T. was in earlier in the season when he was playing both sides, alternating each time to keep his head above water.

The question is though will Russell have a keen enough sense that Jerri and Coach are in the driver's seat and react accordingly?

If they win the reward next week, I'm sure they'll get the hidden immunity clue and Russell will no doubt find it, although this wasn't really hinted to in the episode preview.
Forceatowulf said:
The voting is indeed a crucial part of the game, but it's still very, very lame.

Your fate literally rests in the hands of a bunch of butt-hurt hypocrites, all of whom are dumber than you and wish they were sitting right where you are now. It really doesn't get any lamer than that shit right there. And it is definitely the weakest point of the entire show in my opinion.

The fan vote is the only award that really means anything...

This is the part of the game that neither you nor your hero understands. You can't win this game without a certain basic level of empathy. Any computer can beat you at chess, but a master will beat you at chess and leave you satisfied.
jey_16 said:
i appreciate Russel's game but he isn't exactly making friends, especially considering the final vote backlash that happened last time....then again, if hadn't made these moves....then he would have been voted out so you cant think too long term

honestly....i think Parvati is sitting pretty, i thought she was a goner but she has a strong chance now....obviously, all of this depends on the numbers at the merge and what happens after that. I hope the heroes close the gap a bit before the merge

Like I said last week, he has no idea during this game that playing like this cost him a million dollars last time. It's like watching the same car crash in the same intersection happen again in slow motion.

And there's poor Russell, sailing through windshield, right past the giant bag of money, one more time.
Forceatowulf said:
The voting is indeed a crucial part of the game, but it's still very, very lame.

Your fate literally rests in the hands of a bunch of butt-hurt hypocrites, all of whom are dumber than you and wish they were sitting right where you are now. It really doesn't get any lamer than that shit right there. And it is definitely the weakest point of the entire show in my opinion.

The fan vote is the only award that really means anything...

At the final tribal council, there should be two votes: "Who'd you like to see crowned the winner of Survivor?" and second, "Who should win?". The producers would then ignore the first and take the results from the second. Same could apply with an audience vote. I bet the results would be somewhat different.

However, the way things are now aren't as bad as you suggest. Yes, half of it is popularity bullshit, but the other half is adding another dimension to proceedings by requiring that you stab someone in the back with a smile and try not to get caught so that you get the votes at the end. So, there's an element of sound justification there.


Mr Pockets said:
When Russ said "If you're against me, you're gone" I just about lost it....the guy takes confidence to a new level and players try to ride it.

Always an awesome show. Future seasons will suck a little without him :D

I think that comment was little arrogant of him. It's comments like that that could cost him in the end if he gets that far.
The wife doesn't understand why I love Russell and hate Rob. They are both cocky and demeaning to the other players in their private interviews. You know what, I don't even know why I feel so differently about the two. Rob just rubs me the wrong way. I don't care if he's from my hometown.
Russell is the man and makes for great TV.
I was so pissed when he didn't win last season. Couldn't even sleep. I need a life.:lol
My first post in here, sorry for the excitement. Actually after a couple of years in the gaming forum yesterday was the first day I spent significant time in Off-Topic. Good stuff over here and I'm now afraid how much time I could spend here.


I love Russell and all..but fuck Coach is an idiot. He has no fucking idea what "keeping your word" means.


Sucks at viral marketing
Last night, Rob seemed like he was in a fog. Still Russell-shocked. Take away control from him and he seemed like a baby. I hated his comment to Coach at the end, because he isn't any better and Coach couldn't have really saved him. He was beat at the last council and never adjusted his game plan.

I'm not too surprised with Jerri. I'm actually more surprised that Coach was so resistant. Russell move was bold and would have earned him cred anywhere. Coach's vote was foolish, but understandable from his idealistic perspective.

The previews for next week are predicable. Not matter the outcome of the power struggle, the survivor's of the losing side were going to be butthurt. Sandra needs to be the next to go. She's nothing but poison to her tribe at this point.

Last season's result aren't fully applicable this season. Russel lost the jury vote because he had beat all of them when he never had the numbers to do it. He pulled off more than one upset. It's been the same so far this season, but right now it looks like he'll have numbers going into the merge. When he makes an alliance, they are strong alliances.
Kozak said:
I love Russell and all..but fuck Coach is an idiot. He has no fucking idea what "keeping your word" means.

Bah, forget that "keeping your word" bullshit. I think Coach was the smartest one of them all, as he tried to keep the tribe strong but neither Rob or Russell's gang would listen to him.

As a side-note, after being introduced to Russell, I'm losing favor to the type of gameplay where someone has to "give their word" and "be honorable." Right now it seems like there's two types of gameplay, "honor" and "chaos." Look at how far the honor-game got the heroes. And then look at Rob, who, in desperation, used the honor-game to try to scrounge up some votes against Russell. We just saw a battle between the old and new versions of survivor politics and you know how it turned out. Needless to say, it'll be interesting to see where it goes from here.


What did you guys think of Russell talking about voitng Sandra and Courtney?

Russell: I think we need to weed out the weak
Rob: Who do you suggest?
Russell: One of these [points at Sandra and Courtney]
Rob: One of who?
Russell: One of them.. [Sandra and Courtney look up blankly]

:lol This really shows how Russell plays the game..
As much as Russell makes for good TV, his way of playing Survivor isn't exactly new. I'd argue that Brian Heidik was pulling much of the same shenanigans with his core alliance back in Season 5 (Survivor Thailand).

He had Final 2 pacts with just about everyone, acted blatantly arrogant about his "sheep" in confessionals to the camera yet was shrewd enough to keep that side of his game under wraps when interacting with his fellow tribemates directly. That tactful approach led to him winning the million dollars.

Russell still hasn't come to terms with the fact that people won't reward his style of play in the final vote unless he brings someone completely clueless who has little to no respect of the others with him to the final vote. He can't win against Parvati. He would probably be able to win against Danielle, Courtney or perennial Final 2 loser Amanda. I can't see him winning against anyone else.


I don't think the "he burnt me" revenge voting will have as big an impact in an All-star game. All of these guys have played the game before so I think that they'll be able to be more objective about how someone played the game when it comes to the final vote and leave their bruised egos to the side. I think Russell has a pretty good chance this time around.

Aside from that, Jerri made a very smart play by going to Russell's camp. They are going to be merging very soon, possibly the very next episode. 12 people left is when they merged last game. Does anyone really think they'd be able to take on Rob when it gets down to individual immunity contests? It makes sense to get rid of him now before he becomes almost impossible to defeat.
B-Rad Lascelle said:
As much as Russell makes for good TV, his way of playing Survivor isn't exactly new. I'd argue that Brian Heidik was pulling much of the same shenanigans with his core alliance back in Season 5 (Survivor Thailand).

He had Final 2 pacts with just about everyone, acted blatantly arrogant about his "sheep" in confessionals to the camera yet was shrewd enough to keep that side of his game under wraps when interacting with his fellow tribemates directly. That tactful approach led to him winning the million dollars.

Russell still hasn't come to terms with the fact that people won't reward his style of play in the final vote unless he brings someone completely clueless who has little to no respect of the others with him to the final vote. He can't win against Parvati. He would probably be able to win against Danielle, Courtney or perennial Final 2 loser Amanda. I can't see him winning against anyone else.

Wow. Totally forgot about Brian from Thailand. In some respects, he was the total Survivor. He was far and away the strongest - mentally and physically - and played an extremely clever strategic game and kept his opinions and thoughts fluid to charm whoever he was talking to. A totally rational player out for himself and himself only. But I thought it went beyond just the game. He's a fucking sociopath. Seriously, man: Nothing behind the eyes. I couldn't believe none of them saw it. Wasn't surprised to hear he got divorced a few years later.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
suaveric said:
I don't think the "he burnt me" revenge voting will have as big an impact in an All-star game. All of these guys have played the game before so I think that they'll be able to be more objective about how someone played the game when it comes to the final vote and leave their bruised egos to the side. I think Russell has a pretty good chance this time around.

I think you're giving these people far too much credit.
Was rooting for Rob but have to admit he got outplayed big time by King Russell. He really is the man. I just hate who he is aligned with. The old Rob would have jumped ship after Tyson got the boot. He should have dropped Courtney with the quickness but he just didn't seem the same this time around.

Russell is still soft with the females so it can backfire quick. Jerri has already made up with Parvati so voting Coach out could bite him in the ass. Everyone always forgets about the number of women still left. All it takes is one of them to suggest an all women alliance and game over.


Kozak said:
I love Russell and all..but fuck Coach is an idiot. He has no fucking idea what "keeping your word" means.

I love Coach for that reason. He's so full of bs, but I find it to be delightful.


stormer said:
What did you guys think of Russell talking about voitng Sandra and Courtney?

Russell: I think we need to weed out the weak
Rob: Who do you suggest?
Russell: One of these [points at Sandra and Courtney]
Rob: One of who?
Russell: One of them.. [Sandra and Courtney look up blankly]

:lol This really shows how Russell plays the game..

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing at first but Rob essentially did the same thing the previous episode when Rob came up to Russell and told him he wanted to get rid of Parvati. So Russells just returning the favor, which goes more with his trying to play more honorably.
Forceatowulf said:
The fan vote is the only award that really means anything...
I disagree, this isn't a talent competition. We as viewers don't get to see what really is going on at all times. The producers pick "storylines' and run with them. Editing is a big part of why certain players are portrayed the way they are.

There is a reason why the fan vote almost always goes to the most over the top player, or the person who is the most "characterized". (James, Rupert, Russell, etc.)

As I said, the game is about human relations. The only people qualified to vote for the winner are the people who played the game right along side them. It's the crux of the entire concept of the game.
stormer said:
What did you guys think of Russell talking about voitng Sandra and Courtney?

Russell: I think we need to weed out the weak
Rob: Who do you suggest?
Russell: One of these [points at Sandra and Courtney]
Rob: One of who?
Russell: One of them.. [Sandra and Courtney look up blankly]

:lol This really shows how Russell plays the game..
I don't think Russell was thinking about this vote with this one. And I don't think he was trying to get Rob to think he wouldn't vote for him. I think he had every intention of voting Rob when he said this. Why? Now these two women know that they are next on the chopping block. They are going to be desperate to stay on the island and they have seen Russell get his choice voted off in the last two tribal councils. When they want to stay on the island, they are going to come to Russell and they are going to vote the way that Russell wants to vote.

I wouldn't be surprised if he stuck with Jerri and voted off Parvati next. It would be the smart decision -- Parvati is not weak. But I don't think it'll go that way.


ScrabbleDude said:
I wouldn't be surprised if he stuck with Jerri and voted off Parvati next. It would be the smart decision -- Parvati is not weak. But I don't think it'll go that way.

Voting Parvati would be genius. It would really put him in a huge alliance with everyone.
That music reminded me of Transformers


Probst is a dick

Rupert looks like some sort of swamp creature


how am I the only one posting this week?
YES!!! Courtney lives!

Coach, you only have your own indecision to blame.

Villians running themselves into the ground. :lol
Gunloc said:
Villians running themselves into the ground. :lol

dude should have locked up the vote last week...and/or kept his bitch(Jerri) under lock and key. Jerri is a fucking moron for siding with Russell in the first place. This season is just filled with a lot of bad gameplay(ahahaha...on edit...JT wants to give Russell an idol)...and now I gotta listen to another week of Russell is god from this board...ugh.
ErasureAcer said:
dude should have locked up the vote last week...and/or kept his bitch(Jerri) under lock and key. Jerri is a fucking moron for siding with Russell in the first place. This season is just filled with a lot of bad gameplay(ahahaha...on edit...JT wants to give Russell an idol)...and now I gotta listen to another week of Russell is god from this board...ugh.
Russell voted for Courtney. It was Parvati & Danielle that switched. (Probably pissed at Russ for flip flopping.)

Russell's "management" of the tribe has resulted in 5 straight loses and his own alliance just went against him. (Who knows if that will stick though.)

If JT gives Russell the idol......................... >_<
BigJonsson said:
If Russel's alliance went against him, then it really is a girl alliance :lol
No Jerri though, she wouldn't vote for Coach anyway.

It's too bad that they didn't even show Parvati & Danielle discussing a switch, just a quick VO from Parv.


I can see what Russel is doing. Making it seem like the other tribe can pull him in which is smart. I wanted to see Danielle covered in mud though. :[
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