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System Link Co-op confirmed in Halo 2?

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just saw this pic



works for Gamestop (lol)
Man, I can't fucking believe this. Not the co-op shit but what just happened in the 'scene'

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Is that a pic of the leaked version? How in the sweet lord did this get out? Are we allowed to talk about it? (It's PAL right?)

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
jett said:
Wow, so it is actually real?

apparently. This isn't good for my sanity. knowing that somewhere, someone is up to shit I have to wait 1 more painful month for.
Microsoft is fucked. The console wars are over people!

How could they have dropped the ball THIS bad? I mean, I can understand XBox pics being leaked years ago, or their buyout of Rare being leaked...but this, THIS? OMGWTF.
*slaps forhead*

I just figured out what happened. Holy fuck that's awful. I fuckin hate people like that. I work with a little asshole who praises Halo all the time since he first played it on PC a couple months back. But does he like it enough to take the "club" off his wallet and pay for a legit copy? Fuck no! What some asswipes.....

So is GA gonna un-ban that one dude who first broke this news?


Halo 2 just went into production, probably an asshole leaked it from there.

It's pretty much sure that it happened this way.........
Uno Ill Nino said:
*slaps forhead*

I just figured out what happened. Holy fuck that's awful. I fuckin hate people like that. I work with a little asshole who praises Halo all the time since he first played it on PC a couple months back. But does he like it enough to take the "club" off his wallet and pay for a legit copy? Fuck no! What some asswipes.....

So is GA gonna un-ban that one dude who first broke this news?

Doubt it.


catfish said:
anyone know HOW this happened?

My guess is that someone jacked a copy from the pressing plant. I'm pissed. I feel bad for Bungie and it's awful for anyone hoping to play it spoiler free on Nov 9th. I'm sure some douche will register here only to post spoilers like what happened with MGS2.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
heh, they should've had real spartans guarding that shit.

PAL is interesting though.... PAL where? Down under or Euro?


This is pretty crazy.

And yea, a bit upsetting. Hell, a lot upsetting. So much for that "everyone's on the same playing field" shit come November 9th :(
m0dus said:
Rumor has it it was a French version leak--though, honestly, I can't imagine this is being ignored by MS.

Take heart in knowing these fucks won't be playing it on Xbox Live, at the very least.

MS can't do anything about this, it'll spread like wildfire.


works for Gamestop (lol)
metdroid said:
Apparently it has french audio

French audio, english subs

m0dus said:
Rumor has it it was a French version leak--though, honestly, I can't imagine this is being ignored by MS.

Take heart in knowing these fucks won't be playing it on Xbox Live, at the very least.

Yeah but they got XBC to screw around with

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
wow. Wonder if any of those dudes feel like confirming live co-op or not.... if it lets you see the options before login I spose.
Well shit. This pretty much fucks over all the magazines that have begged and pleaded to get coverage so far.

You know I really hope they nail the fucker who leaked this. Its bullshit.


wow, wow.

Magazine and website editors that had exclusive on Halo 2 won’t be too happy once pirates reveal everything about it tomorrow and the days following.


so much for everyone experiencing it on the same day. :lol

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
Bungie: "Let's not reveal any single player info and let the fans go crazy for a while until we finally.....oh shit"
catfish said:

I'm taking aleap of faith, but I've played BG SO many times that the interior area is exactly the same (should be able to go around that corner and get outside). I could be wrong though, they might have used a copy-.paste of the base for other maps, but I doubt it though.
History lesson! From the Marathon scrapbook on the Marathon Story Page:

An early beta version of Marathon leaked onto the Internet in October. Within days the newsgroups exploded with discussion of the beta. Most of the talk centered on the legal issues facing those who distributed the beta and whether or not this leak would hurt Bungie’s sales of the final game.

Bungie traced the leak to a temp at a large advertising agency which had received a beta copy in order to take screenshots for an Apple Computer ad. The sudden disappearance of this individual has never conclusively traced to anyone at Bungie.

About a month after the first beta leak, a second Marathon beta appeared on the Internet, rife with additional features - including music. Alex had taken a new beta to a software distributor’s convention, and one of the attendees was so taken with the game that he broke into a locked storage closet where Alex had secreted his machine, copied the beta and uploaded it to the net. Bungie took steps to track down the perpetrators and heads rolled once again.

While the beta leaks where unprofessional and denied Bungie the right to decide when to release their own game, in retrospect they didn’t really do any great harm (except to the two poor suckers who lost their jobs as a result.) Alex Seropian remarked that the real result was probably positive: a lot of potential customers were dying to have a look at Marathon and the betas provided that. The endless discussion of the Marathon betas finally died down on November 23, when Bungie finally released the official demo of the game. But the three short levels of the demo ended far too quickly for most, and people were left to wonder impatiently when the whole thing would be available.



Yeah, that has to be in the middle of one of the Blood Gulch bases. He is standing over one of the four weapon spawns. Plus wouldnt Blood Gulch be the first thing most Halo fans will check for?
God damn it. I have every intention of remaining blissfully uninformed about story and gameplay until I play a legally bought, English-language copy. This probably means I'll have to stop visiting a number of websites for the next month, including this forum. Fuck.


It looks like a copy of the PAL DVD 9 Multilanguage disc. Whatever european language your xbox is set to it will play in (i.e English) I guess ?

| Origin...: PAL - MULTI - Filename...: diff-hl2.part0xx.rar|
| Released.: October 14, 2004 - Format.....: Primo DVD (ISO) |
| Platform.: XBOX - DVD(s).....: 1 DVD9 |
| DVD Info.: 61 RARS x 50 MB - Ripped.....: N/A |
| Languages: uk fr ger ita spa |
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