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Taiko Drum Master playable in Yakuza 5


This new engine is pretty damn amazing.

I don't think so. Aside from the IQ (which I'm not sure will be like that in the game) it looks pretty much identical to the other games. Very flat geometry with photorealistic textures. I mean I still like how it looks and maybe they've improved the lightning a bit, but there really hasn't been a big leap from the other games.
Seeing Kamurocho again kinda pisses me off, though. lol
PSP versions are awesome. I liked them a whole lot more than the console drum versions.

Yup, been playing the game this gen without the drums on PSP, Wii, DS and now 3DS (although the stylus' that come with the DS/3DS versions are fun to use on the touch screen drum) and it's taken nothing away from my enjoyment of them.


I never played this series but Ive always been interested... is there a good spot to jump in at?

Depends on how deep you want go in. The stories are heavy and reference each other often (especially with side-quests), but are rarely essential.

3 or 4 are probably the best starting points if you don't have an urge to play more than one or two games. 3 is a harder game (though not really a hard game), but 4 has more variety.


3 has (long-ass) recap videos for 1 and 2.

But 1 and 2 are getting an HD rerelease that may or may not come out in North America.
I never played this series but Ive always been interested... is there a good spot to jump in at?

If you can, play them all. If you can't/don't want to, then it doesn't really matter. Each sequel has thorough recaps of the previous games' stories.

What does matter, however, is ignoring absolutely everything that a user named Totobeni says. His perception of reality is seriously warped.


PSP versions are awesome. I liked them a whole lot more than the console drum versions.
I completely disagree. I bought a Tatacon when I was in Hong Kong because I completely fell in love with the game when I played it in the arcades. Since there are no arcades where I live it's the closest thing to what makes Taiko actually fun IMO. I have absolutely no problems with the handheld versions considering that I own them, but they're nowhere near as fun as the actual thing.
If this doesn't get localised then I'll be nothing short of devastated. I love the Yakuza games, but this... this looks like a huge step-up from past installments and then some.
So I'm not that up-to-speed with the Yakuza series (no real interest in playing them, honestly)... is Taiko Drum Master the first time you could play arcade games in the game, or did it go all Shenmue on us and have classic Sega arcade titles as well?
Given Sega even brought over Of the End... I don't see why they wouldn't.

I think people are only worried because Sega has since shifted toward just releasing major titles like Sonic and their Total War games through retail. Anarchy Reigns may be one of the only exceptions and it was announced way before they made that decision. But even if they don't release it through retail they could still do a digital release. Same for the HD Collection.


I never played this series but Ive always been interested... is there a good spot to jump in at?

I started with 3 but it's kind of a meh game. Not terrible but it's not really that fleshed out either. The orphanage parts are awful IMO, but I hate kids.

I just started 4 the other day and I already like it a lot more. There's a feature on the main menu where it will play clips of each Yakuza game that sums up the main stories. My save file reads 6 1/2 hours and I haven't even done any main story stuff yet outside of the little bit they force you to do early on. Once the city opened up I just spent hours doing the insane amount of side stuff there is. I think I'm actually addicted to the golfing game, I just wish it had a full 18 holes instead of 9.


I don't think so. Aside from the IQ (which I'm not sure will be like that in the game) it looks pretty much identical to the other games. Very flat geometry with photorealistic textures. I mean I still like how it looks and maybe they've improved the lightning a bit, but there really hasn't been a big leap from the other games.
Seeing Kamurocho again kinda pisses me off, though. lol
There's definitely an improvement, I've just been playing Yakuza 4 and Dead souls, especially in lighting and textures.

Also I don't think we should judge until we see it in motion, that can make a big difference. (how quick it loads when a fight comes up, new gameplay, how graphics look while animated etc)

like dis if u cry every time u realize Yak5 wont com out in the west

Every time I read a comment like this it annoys me, I don't know why people are assuming the worst. Unless they say so it's still coming here. Why are people always so negative on gaming forums? (actually all over the internet lol)


Never played any of the Yakuza games. I bought a PS3 last Summer, and planned on playing some of the games in the series. Which ones should I check out?
I think it's worth mentioning that according to andriasang this game is retailing at 8,800yen (the price you pay at stores with point cards, "discounted" everywhere else except import shops). That's 111 Canadian dollars for the regular edition of a game (plus shipping and possibly customs). A bit more and for game companies, 1 Japanese sale= 2 NA sales. Game prices have steadily climbed from 5000-6000yen to this now during the ps3 era. Yen was also weaker than the dollar around the beginning of the ps3 days so importers are paying a lot more for games than they used to.

(I think ff13 retailed for over 9000 yen but the price dropped like a brick within a few months. bought mine for like 2000).
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