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Tales of Arise |OT| Back in Our Good Graces

Cao Cao

Playing this game right now on hard.
Beat the second Lord. I give it 6/10 for now, its OK . Battlesystem is good but Story is horrible.
And the game has XP Scaling too! :messenger_pouting:

Edit: This is not a good JRPG. I change my rating to 4/10. I beat the 4. Lord now and quitting this game now.
I never quit a JRPG before in 24 years LOL but I just can't take this game anymore.
The reviews with their 9/10 one of the Best RPGs must be new gamers who never played the good RPGs back then....
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Finished this. Just in time. It was getting old. Would have been nice to have an epilogue to see the world after beating the boss.

Overall I enjoyed it. Towards the end, I did feel under-leveled, as if I needed DLC to get through it. There are a bunch of high level enemies that are side quests, and they were around 10 levels ahead of me and I had to grind and spend a ton on items to get through them. But since I did that, the end area ended up feeling too easy and the final fights were a breeze.

The costumes are so well done. I love how many jRPGs really get into the costumes and the attention to detail. The final costumes for Alphen and Shionne were awesome and I loved Kisara's armor. The costumes were so well done, I did not feel the need to buy any DLC costumes and the story costumes were more than enough.

Characters were all well done. Dohalim and Rinwell were boring at first, but they both had interesting backstories in the end.

Combat was good for a Tales game. But it did get repetitive. I only controlled Alphen and he really only had a few good moves. Most artes were so weak and only a few did any real damage.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Just picked this up on PC and started playing it. Runs really smooth on my 2060 mobile gaming laptop, only a few spots I've found that have any sort of slowdown (all outside of battle, so far).

The story has already sucked me in within the first three hours. Can't wait to see how this all plays out.


I got this game gifted (PS5 version) for my birthday and will probably start it over the next few weeks (depends on when I finish Metroid Dread and Alan Wale Remastered).

What's the general consensus on where Arise ranks among the Tales of pantheon?


I got this game gifted (PS5 version) for my birthday and will probably start it over the next few weeks (depends on when I finish Metroid Dread and Alan Wale Remastered).

What's the general consensus on where Arise ranks among the Tales of pantheon?
Starts off very strong but ends very weak. Seems like a game troubled by covid.


°Temp. member
I'd put this as my 2021 GOTY. Hopefully the next game in the franchise doesn't take as long to come out.
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I just started the game on ps4. I'm liking it so far but I'm juggling like 2 other games while playing this. Visually it is a rather impressive tales game. The world does seem basic at times with the whole go down this path thing but they have definitely upgraded the visuals. The camera is a bit too close to the character.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Been playing for a few weeks now. 21 hours in. Just made it to the 5th main area / got the 4th master core. Game is absolutely charming, combat is tons of fun, and the characters are likable and relatable.

I hear the ending is pretty weak, but eh I'm in it for the long haul.


So I started this a few days ago, and despite the high ratings I'm a bit disappointed. The graphics are nice, the combat is ok.. but the story and characters.. uff.. random NPC dialogue is extremely weak and as a result the world building suffers a lot. The story feels rushed and drawn out at the same time. Yes, there are a lot of cutscenes.. but the writing isn't good.
I might sound very negativ here, but I'm still having fun with it. It's at least better than Zestiria.

Well, I'm only in the second climate zone. maybe it picks up.

Edit: I'm a bit further along now, characters and story have both grown on me. :messenger_smiling:
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Hit the 40 hour mark, near the end just mopping up a bunch of side quests and titles. Feels like a Tales game.


I've got a PS5 on the way, is this a good'un? I loved tales of Symphonia co-op, I've basically not loved anything since. Think i would have liked vesperia but for some reason the fight against two guards at the very start was fucking impossible for me lol
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Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
I just bought this and I am confused on a few things

1. There is an Artes meter? Where is that and how do I fill it up?
2. How do you fill CP?
3. How do you quickly change characters mid battle?

All pretty obtuse even with the basic tutorials. There haven't been enough battles to really even figure it out.


Gold Member
Finally going to jump in on this. First Tales of game I'll be tackling.

First impressions are really good. Game looks gorgeous on PS5.


After having just recently beaten the game, of the tales of games I've played, it's probably my 2nd favorite. It's definitely better than the shitfest known as zestiria. Vesperia had better characters, but gameplay and story wise I liked arise more. Berseria is still my favorite though due to its characters and story.


Gold Member
So help a newcomer to the series here:

You can't heal with the MC? I understand Alphen is based on a self destructive mechanic, but I can't equipped him with anything heal related?

There's not even a shortcut button to assign a potion or something is this series?


I started the game yesterday. I just killed the giant wolf in the snow forest. Does the game pick up? I think the combat is fun but the story is kinda meh. I have beaten Symphonia, Graces f, Xillia, Xillia 2, Vesperia DE & Berseria, and in some ways this is the best one. But in others I kinda lose interest


So help a newcomer to the series here:

You can't heal with the MC? I understand Alphen is based on a self destructive mechanic, but I can't equipped him with anything heal related?

There's not even a shortcut button to assign a potion or something is this series?
Eh, I haven't used them yet, but there's apple and orange gel items which heal


I just bought this and I am confused on a few things

1. There is an Artes meter? Where is that and how do I fill it up?
2. How do you fill CP?
3. How do you quickly change characters mid battle?

All pretty obtuse even with the basic tutorials. There haven't been enough battles to really even figure it out.
You fill CP by resting at camp and those green zones before bosses. I can't answer the other Qs


Gold Member
Just finished viscint city, which makes you unlock
3 more arts for each character.

It takes the game to a whole new level combo wise. It's damn satisfying pulling a 100+ combo.
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Gold Member
NVM i know why......i don't have the DLC

"The DLC adds two new difficulty settings: Very Easy and Unknown. The former is exactly what it sounds like — a really easy option that greatly lessens combat difficulty so that players can just focus on the story. Meanwhile, Unknown is set up to be the game's hardest challenge."

EDIT- Worst part its free DLC and i had no idea it existed LMAO. Just downloaded it, and will try this skank again tonight lol
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Gold Member
Man, this game... Never in my life I've hit 70h + into a game and still be insanely low on characters level.

I'm only level 40, and I've been farming XP as hell and doing a bunch of side quests.

It's just insane how the difficult spikes as crazy. You defeat the 4th lord, which is almost level 40 and then the following content scales enemies into 50 / 60 out of the blue.

Boss Mog

Man, this game... Never in my life I've hit 70h + into a game and still be insanely low on characters level.

I'm only level 40, and I've been farming XP as hell and doing a bunch of side quests.

It's just insane how the difficult spikes as crazy. You defeat the 4th lord, which is almost level 40 and then the following content scales enemies into 50 / 60 out of the blue.
The only way to level up quick is to fight enemies that are way higher level, then it's super quick. I think when I was in the low 40s I hit Fogwharl Limestone Caverns and the enemies there were around 55 or so. Don't worry about getting to 100, that's super quick. Once you have access to the side quest Otherworldly Visitors you can just do the 6 parts of that quest and each part will get you 6-8 levels and you can just keep fighting the boss of the last part like 3 or 4 more times to grind out those 5 or so remaining levels.


Gold Member
Finally finished the game, or at least the narrative.

A very good action-rpg on its own. It doesn't top Final Fantasy VII Remake, which offers the top-tier action + strategy mix out there, but comes in on second place, at least when it comes to games of the genre from last gen - current gen.

I think the cast is phenomenal and flows so good together. One of the best casts I've came across in recent years. It's amazing to watch their development and interactions throw out the game, even when most sub quests are very similar in terms of objectives and gameplay (collect this, slay that).

Gameplay is really solid for an action-rpg, and once you get the hang of it and start doing greater combo hits, it feels good and addictive. The fact that each character has a clear purpose and different way to be played is really good and refreshes your gameplay a lot.

Narrative has its highs and low but overall I liked the story and the way it flown until the very end.

They got me with the 2nd season intro not gonna lie.

Was expecting the Rena Grand Spirit to have some sort of personality and ability to speak, considering the Helganquil at the starship that points you to Rena itself can speak. Glad Volhran step in at last minute for the final battle, specially being a one vs one.

Had some struggles with the level up system, which I think can drive some people off, but once you get past a certain part things go faster and smoother.

Don't think I'll close in just yet, have some extra quests unfinished and think I'm gonna tackle them.

Wished the cast could come back for a future game, but judging from the end not gonna happen. Still they've really hit well with the gameplay formula for this one. Hope Namco maintains it in future titles.
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°Temp. member
Tales of Arise is on sale for $30 (I already own it) and the SAO DLC is on sale for $12 (so slightly more than 1/3 the price of the entire game). Is it good and worth the price?
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Tales of Arise is on sale for $30 (I already own it) and the SAO DLC is on sale for $12 (so slightly more than 1/3 the price of the entire game). Is it good and worth the price?
Content wise it's definitely worth the price. But I'd wait for a deeper sale or maybe get from Ebay for a lot cheaper. I burned out midway through the game so be warned.


°Temp. member
Content wise it's definitely worth the price. But I'd wait for a deeper sale or maybe get from Ebay for a lot cheaper. I burned out midway through the game so be warned.
I’ve played through the whole game and all my characters are max level (the game is great), I’m just wondering if the sword art online dlc is worth the price


°Temp. member
Since the SAO dlc is on sale for $8 I bought it at last. People were right that it's very short but as an SAO I thought the novelty and experience was worth $8. Definitely no more than that though.


°Temp. member
I'm playing through this game again and it's still really good. Plus, going through a game on new game plus at max level with all the best gear is always fun since you can stomp everyone lol. I'm excited to see where the franchise goes from here.
Interestingly, playing this again after playing Star Ocean 6 has me thinking that this is pretty similar to a Star Ocean game in many ways if you think about it.


I'm playing through this game again and it's still really good. Plus, going through a game on new game plus at max level with all the best gear is always fun since you can stomp everyone lol. I'm excited to see where the franchise goes from here.
Interestingly, playing this again after playing Star Ocean 6 has me thinking that this is pretty similar to a Star Ocean game in many ways if you think about it.
That's because they have the same origin. Tales of Phantasia was created by Wolf Team who would later become the Tales studio. Multiple members of Wolf Team (including Yoshiharu Gotonda, the writer/programmer and Nasaki Morimoto, the primary game designer of Phantasia) left the company after a dispute with Namco and formed Tri-Ace which immediately went on to create Star Ocean. There's still a bit of the same high concept dna running through both.

If you ever played the original versions of both series (Phantasia and SO1 on SNES) it's immediately obvious.


°Temp. member
Anyone else hyped for the Beyond the Dawn expansion this week?
I'm wondering if they'll let us carry over our save progress or if it will be a completely new save...
"The new storyline is enormous"

Is anyone else tired of games being long just for the sake of being long? I mean, the base game is already too long.


I'm hyped for this, going to pre-order the DLC tonight. I had some minor complaints about the base game (spongy bosses, crappy side quests) but overall it was very good.
I had two thoughts just now:

“Hmm I should play this again”


“Oh yeah, the AI is so bad, it doesn’t even know how to jump despite one character having skills all requiring being airborne”
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