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Tales of Berseria |OT| The Band of the Crowe


°Temp. member
hmm, not sure why I don't have Magilou's color variant costume. I did all the Magilou's Menagerie sidequests and got the achievement for it...


hmm, not sure why I don't have Magilou's color variant costume. I did all the Magilou's Menagerie sidequests and got the achievement for it...

If I remember right, her variant outfit color is given in a one-off unrelated skit
talking with Grimoire in Meirchio. Gotta go to the church for it, but not sure when it gets triggered, I just remember it randomly popping up while doing sidequests.


Who else loved phi's
speech to velvet when she was about to give up and be eaten by innominat - such an emotional scene. Really well done!


°Temp. member
If I remember right, her variant outfit color is given in a one-off unrelated skit
talking with Grimoire in Meirchio. Gotta go to the church for it, but not sure when it gets triggered, I just remember it randomly popping up while doing sidequests.

Meh, I remember doing all the sidequests that I saw in
but I must have somehow missed it on my last playthrough. Thanks for the info.


Who else loved phi's
speech to velvet when she was about to give up and be eaten by innominat - such an emotional scene. Really well done!

I think the way I view this game, Phi is the main character. We get to see him change and grow into what he is by end game. I really like the game's story and every supporting character. Velvet was interesting but she kinda remained stale until the last several hours of the game.

Guess Who

I've never played a Tales game before, and on a whim decided to try this purely because of word of mouth
and because Velvet
. Based on the things I like so far about Berseria (aka, the story and characters, and definitely not the gameplay), I'm still not sure I'd be all that interested in the rest of the series. Still, this game is something special.

I just got through (major spoilers)
the grand Innominat reveal during the Titania raid, the earthpulse after, and fighting Melchior
, and holy shit. It's 2:50 AM and I just played this for hours straight because I couldn't stop, so I don't think I could possibly articulate what I'm feeling about this game right now, but, god damn. This game is hitting me real fucking hard in a lot of ways, some because it's just well done, some for very personal reasons. I'm honestly just making this post because I am kind of emotionally overwhelmed by it and need to vent.

This is the most invested I've been in a game's story in a long time.
I'm back to playing long sessions of this game, and I am feeling myself after this victory against a Dire Foe:


Deleted member 57681

Unconfirmed Member
Finished it yesterday (80h, did all the non-postgame sidequests), and after sleeping on it, this may be my favourite Tales of. The characters just grew on me Persona 4 style, outdoing even those from Abyss. If the dungeons and locations were better, and the OST had some more stand out moments, this would be Top 5 JRPG material of the decade to me. I really was almost done with the series after the last few disappointing entries (with Zesty just straight up sucking, but holy shit they even retroactively made that better somehow, that's how good Berseria is).
Now to clean up a bit.
Who else loved phi's
speech to velvet when she was about to give up and be eaten by innominat - such an emotional scene. Really well done!

I actually saw that and it made me well up a little. I mean, I was tired which probably contributed to it lol, but I was surprised how touching it was.

The whole thing about
you gave me a name when I was just a number
really got me, because I realised she had done that and I didn't even think about it.


Beat the game last night, maybe I'll go and tackle the EX dungeon.

I usually don't go for all this extra stuff after I beat a game, but I really like the combat in this one, despite the final dungeon's layout being shit.
From the endgand islands until I quit playing last night (after an escape from the next major point), just holy shit. THESE ARE MAJOR SPOILERS

Theresa you damn fool. You couldve walked away, it was done. I can't believe how much I cared about what ended up going down. Watching velvet break here, feeling like she became Arthur when she killed Oscar. Watching the preceding scenes with Theresa slowly humanizing herself with Laphicet only to throw it all away. Geez, those two became some of the best minor villains ever right there.

But then after that

Oh hey Titania is getting attacked. I figured something big would happen here, but I underestimated it all. Innominat appears, already awakened and its velvet's brother. Then after escaping and Velvet losing her fucking mind, all the shit that happens. Her brother volunteering to be Arthur's sacrifice, Confirmation that Seres was Celica before reincarnating as a Malak, Laphicet(Malak) is the reincarnation of Celica and Arthur's child. Explanation on why Arthur became Artorius. Just goddamn so much happening. Then we have the culmination of that scene with Velvet giving up and letting Innominat consume her, but then Eizen spurring on Laphicet's speech. The entire back and forth between velvet and Laphicet here is the most powerful moment in Tales Of history for me. Top it off with some revelations about Magilou and her history with Melchior, and just watching her endure basically torture to keep the path open for Velvet and co to get out of the earthpulse.

Goddamn, just the most epic of all epic climaxes.

As a side note, I was expecting Kamoana to be super annoying based on here, but she just had a crackly voice...she was fine.


Platinum finally gotten. Love this game. Plz let the next one be of comparable quality.

Awesome, and agreed, really looking forward to the next game if this is their trajectory. Once I finish Zelda I'm going to finish my platinum here (well, going to start another new game+ so I can get closer to it haha). It's been a couple weeks now since I finished Berseria and I still feel the same really positive reaction, curious if it'll be topped for me this year with all the strong titles releasing one after another.

Also I remember wondering that about Kamoana, too. I just figured she had built-in clothes
similar to how Velvet's arm looks, except Kamoana's is a more full body change
. Hard to tell lol.


Just got the
Snake Chick and took her to the secret base.
How much longer do you think I have left? At 57 hours already.


im at 42 and Im at the start of the final dungeon...so I dont think any estimate I give you would be accurate to your playtime/style
Guess I'm looking for percentages and whatnot, like halfway done or 3/4th done rather than a time estimate. Figured I was going slower than usual with all the weapon/grade farming and side material I'm doing. Probably going to rush to the ending before March 17th.


Finished the game last night.


A few cliches here and there, but overall i really enjoyed this game. Just about every character was well done, the voice acting (even Kamoana) was on point, and i dont feel the story really slogged all that much. And i love the ties to Zestiria (a game i feel gets way too much hate, it wasnt THAT bad)

Finished the game at level 60, played on Moderate difficulty.
Arturious and Innomiat
kicked the crap out of me a bit but
Armatized Artorious
wasnt bad at all.

Onward to Nier.
Guess I'm looking for percentages and whatnot, like halfway done or 3/4th done rather than a time estimate. Figured I was going slower than usual with all the weapon/grade farming and side material I'm doing. Probably going to rush to the ending before March 17th.
I'm hoping to get zelda or horizon in before march 17th...whatever I dont finish is on the backburner that day, then again on 4/4.

But hmm, from where you're at you have 1 minor part, then 1 larger part thats minor in story, then some rapidfire story part that is really lengthy and in like 6 parts. Then one more part after that to catch up to me. Without knowing how long the final dungeon is, I'd put you at 70% of the main story
double post cuz I finished the game. The ending was a bit too "exactly what I expected" for me, but it was powerfully done that I dont mind too much.

Laphicet is Maotelus...shouldve seen it coming whenever he wouldnt give up his true name earlier. Still the ending to Velvet's quest rings way too similar to zestiria and xillia. Tales Of writing gotta let go of this "Sacrifice themselves to eternally lock something" ending, its getting stale.

The climax definitely remains the best part of the story, so much shit happening in those sections with amazing pacing

more major spoilers
The entire main cast is incredible. Laphicet (Malak)'s story is completely unexpected in how incredibly well done it is. Velvet is by far my favorite tales of character ever, and somehow Magilou ends up at number two as well. She ends up funny, interesting, and altogether awesome. Her motivations are always apparent despite how she denies it, and the twists with her origins and her facing up against melchior was awesome. Rokurou and Eizen end up the least valuable to the main plot, but despite that both add a ton of character to the story, that alone makes them valuable to the cast. Knowing Eizen's fate makes everything about his story have an air of depression to it. Eleanor then was the character that surprised me the most. Her gradual turn to agreeing with velvet's quest is exceptionally well done, and as her disposition within the group changes she ends up with some of the best scenes with velvet.

The game also does a great job at having relevant side characters. Kamoana ends up being the first showing of cracks in Artorius's righteousness, and Dyle, Medissa, and Kurogane all add fun scenes and interesting ties back to the cast

Villains are where I was most impressed, Artorius is a fantastic main villain, and the twins are the perfect sad fools. Only Shirogane falls a bit flat.

I also like a lot of the little side things that the game does well like recurring jokes
suchas the act like a dove coming up repeatedly, or random guys getting the hots for eleanor.

As well as the game treating minor twists well without unneeded surprise suchas
when they head back to velvet's old prison cell and she just tells everyone shes a therion under innominat. By this point in the game the player figured it out easy, and it makes perfect sense for velvet to have figured it out. So the twist isnt laid on with surprise or anything, the cast just airs it out like theyve all been thinking about. Much better writing than im used to seeing.

Besides all the story stuff, I greatly enjoyed the combat combared to previous entries. The break soul comboing is extremely satisfying. Has issues with too many moves taking too much control away, and too many layered systems to enjoy keeping track of, but still a huge improvement for the series. A few dungeons couldve used their length toned down as well, and a bit more creativity in others designs.

overall though, damn good game, I'll be thinking about it for a while. Itd probably take some pretty forced writing at this point, but Id still love
another story with velvet, though I guess without Magilou, Eleanor, and Eizen would it really be worth it.


Just finished the game at
hours. Need to think about the ending more before i can make a real opinion, but over all i really enjoyed the game. I'm really surprised how much i grew to like all the characters.


°Temp. member
I wish it didn't ask me whether I want english or japanese every time I start up the game... maybe they can patch it to save the setting and allow you to change it later in the options like everything else?


I don't think I've posted here after beating it, but yeah. Finally finished it last sunday, what a great game, topped Vesperia for me. Sure, it has its problems, like the generic looking dungeons and some bland environments, but the story and characters make it worth enduring.

Loved all characters, my favorite being Magilou and Elenoir, least favorite was Rokurou, but still pretty likable. Lots of plot twists that I honestly did not expect
I figured Seira was Celica, and thought that Phi was laphicet, so the actual phi did take me by surprise
, lots of great scenes, more insight on Eizen and his fate :(.

Oh and the card game, super addictive, although I did not like that face swapping minigame, the rest are ok. I still have the EX dungeon to go through.

By the way, is the Velvet Gorger achievement missable? I tried going to
Merchior after getting that skit about the quiche, I already have velvets cooking level at 25, already cooked the parfait after that, and reading guides, says i have to go to the inn in that city to trigger a scene with the dogs, but they're standing outside with Moana. I also already did Elenoirs quest, so I'm stumped

Best Tales game!
1.- Berseria
2- Vesperia
3.- Symphonia
4.- Zestiria
9999999999999999.- Abyss


Is that game worth a download?
I play it daily. It's just okay gameplay wise. Gameplay resembles a puzzle game more than it does any Tales game. Main draw is using for favorite Tales characters (if your lucky enough to get them) Warning however, you need massive amounts of your time, luck, and/or money to get far in the weekly events (it is a Gacha game after all). If you want to know more about the game, check out the Tales of Link subreddit and that Tales of Link wikia.


Did some sidequesting last night and (optional boss spoilers)
holy shit, Normin Phoenix. He was hard enough to begin with, but he would not. Stop. Resurrecting. I looked the fight up online to see if I was doing something wrong and people seemed to be saying it was just a random chance whether or not he used his resurrection Mystic Arte. Well, I must have the most terrible luck in the world if so, because he used it seven fucking times against me. The only consolation here is that each time he uses it, he comes back with 50% of the health of the previous time (100% health the first time, 50% the second, 25% the third, and so on). So the last couple times he used it, he was literally resurrecting with no visible health bar.

Even so, I had to use every single Life Bottle I had and almost every health gel in addition. Crazy hard fight. He's so small that combos can easily start whiffing on him if they have any high hits, allowing him to recover and retaliate. Did not expect such a tough fight at the end of this "collect all the Normins" quest line.

Also, the editing/QA for some of the dialogue text in the sidequests is utterly atrocious. Some of them literally look like somebody ran the lines through a spell checker with auto-correct enabled and called it a day.
Did some sidequesting last night and (optional boss spoilers)
holy shit, Normin Phoenix. He was hard enough to begin with, but he would not. Stop. Resurrecting. I looked the fight up online to see if I was doing something wrong and people seemed to be saying it was just a random chance whether or not he used his resurrection Mystic Arte. Well, I must have the most terrible luck in the world if so, because he used it seven fucking times against me. The only consolation here is that each time he uses it, he comes back with 50% of the health of the previous time (100% health the first time, 50% the second, 25% the third, and so on). So the last couple times he used it, he was literally resurrecting with no visible health bar.

Even so, I had to use every single Life Bottle I had and almost every health gel in addition. Crazy hard fight. He's so small that combos can easily start whiffing on him if they have any high hits, allowing him to recover and retaliate. Did not expect such a tough fight at the end of this "collect all the Normins" quest line.

Also, the editing/QA for some of the dialogue text in the sidequests is utterly atrocious. Some of them literally look like somebody ran the lines through a spell checker with auto-correct enabled and called it a day.

I ended up using an All-Divide against him after the first resurrection, mainly so he would stop one-shotting my party members. I ended up retrying maybe five times before I was able to finally bring him down. My normal party is usually Velvet/Eleanor, Magilou, Rokurou and Eizen--but I subbed out Rokurou for Laphicet. Laphicet is a boon in this fight, because his Void Mire spell makes it so that you can get big combos on Phoenix. I actually fought this boss before beating the game, thinking it wouldn't be the game's "super boss".
Also, the editing/QA for some of the dialogue text in the sidequests is utterly atrocious. Some of them literally look like somebody ran the lines through a spell checker with auto-correct enabled and called it a day.
theres a lot of issues even in main story skits. I just ignored the text and listened so I wouldnt be bothered by them


I ended up using an All-Divide against him after the first resurrection, mainly so he would stop one-shotting my party members. I ended up retrying maybe five times before I was able to finally bring him down. My normal party is usually Velvet/Eleanor, Magilou, Rokurou and Eizen--but I subbed out Rokurou for Laphicet. Laphicet is a boon in this fight, because his Void Mire spell makes it so that you can get big combos on Phoenix. I actually fought this boss before beating the game, thinking it wouldn't be the game's "super boss".

Ha, yup, haven't even beaten the game yet. I was just trying to clear out my active side quests!
From the mobile game Tales of Link, I believe. It has lots of artwork like these for other characters in the Tales series.

Thanks, hadn't really heard of it. It's really good artwork. It's nice to see the characters differently than the game portrays them.
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